Lighthouse - A lightning fast search for the LBRY blockchain
Lighthouse is a lightning-fast advanced search engine API for publications on the lbrycrd with autocomplete capabilities.
The official lighthouse instance is live at
What does Lighthouse consist of?
- Elasticsearch as a backend db server.
- LBRYimport, an importer that imports the claims into the Elasticsearch database.
- Lighthouse API server, which serves the API and does all calculations about what to send to the end user.
API Documentation / Usage example
To make a simple search by string:
To get autocomplete suggestions:
To get started you should clone the git:
git clone
Make sure elasticsearch is running and run (from the lighthouse dir):
You are now up and running! You can connect to lighthouse at http://localhost:50005.
Lighthouse will continue syncing in the background. It usually takes ~15 minutes before all claims are up to date in the database.
If you get the following error that contains
To resolve this error you will want to access the dev console of Kibana and run the following query to unlock the index
FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)]
It commonly happens when you runing out of disk space and elastic search will lock the index from changes.
PUT claims/_settings
"index": {
"blocks": {
"read_only_allow_delete": "false"
Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, see
This project is MIT Licensed © LBRYio
We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is here if you need it.
The primary contact for this project is @tiger5226 (