This is a simple meme generator with support for animated gifs.
I could not find another FLOSS meme generator which supported them, so I created a new one.
Still in super-early stages of development, probably full of very bad design choices as I cargo-culted my way around GIF manipulation.
Still, with the provided dockerfile you have a functioning meme generator you can use.
Docker is the only supported platform. Build your image by running
$ docker build . -t memeoid:latest
Please note: by running the build, you'll implicitly accept the EULA for the Microsoft core fonts, as the docker image uses Microsoft Impact by default.
By default the image is built to run memeoid as user 1000, for ease of use by me during development. You should export the UID variable if you want to change that.
First, you need a directory containing gifs you want to use as base for the memes. The directory should be accessible to the UID we chose at build time.
Then, you need to create a directory where the output memes will be saved.
Now you can run memeoid
GIFDIR=<dir-with-originals> MEMEDIR=<dir-for-memes> ./
Modifying templates without a rebuild
You can just point the TEMPLATEDIR variable to your template directory:
export TEMPLATEDIR=templates
GIFDIR=<dir-with-originals> MEMEDIR=<dir-for-memes> ./
Just remember that directory needs to be readable by the user running the application.