
v0.0.0-...-bec4b8c Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 3, 2024 License: Apache-2.0





This module uses a public module to deploy Application Gateway.


  1. claranet/app-gateway/azurerm public module - version 7.7.2 does not provide ability support Basic sku for Application Gateway. It just supports Standard SKU. This means, that public IP address associated with the Application Gateway needs to be with Standard SKU as well. For azurerm_public_ip resource, Availability Zones are only supported with a Standard SKU and in select regions at this time(as of 04/09/2024). Standard SKU Public IP Addresses that do not specify a zone are not zone-redundant by default. Hence creating Application Gateway is not possible in West US region at this time(as of 04/09/2024). The suppored regions can be found here Reference documentation:

  2. During deployment of Application Gateway, there was error below:

    Original Error: Code="ApplicationGatewaySubnetInboundTrafficBlockedByNetworkSecurityGroup" Message="Network security group xxx blocks incoming internet traffic on ports 65200 - 65535 to subnet xxx

    In order to fix this error, the network security group rule is added to the nsg for the subnet where Application Gateway is deployed.

         name                       = "AllowVnetInBound"
         priority                   = 100
         direction                  = "Inbound"
         access                     = "Allow"
         protocol                   = "*"
         source_port_range          = "*"
         destination_port_ranges    = ["65200-65535"]
         source_address_prefix      = "*"
         destination_address_prefix = "*"

Reference documentation:

  1. Can we deploy Application Gateway with private IP address only, without giving it a public IP address? Yes. There are additional features available along with just providing the private IP address only. The features are mentioned here. However since these features are in private/public preview, they will not be available on Azure government cloud(as of 04/16/2024).

  2. Why is there need of having public IP address along with private IP address for Application Gateway deployment?

Application Gateway v2 currently supports the following combinations:

  • Private IP address and public IP address
  • Public IP address only
  • Private IP address only (preview)

It is discussed in question above as to why Private IP address only (preview) can not be considered yet. For Private IP address and public IP address combination there are certain restrictions:

  1. All Application Gateways v2 deployments must contain public facing frontend IP configuration to enable communication to the Gateway Manager service tag.
  2. Network Security Group associations require rules to allow inbound access from GatewayManager and Outbound access to Internet.
  3. When introducing a default route ( to forward traffic anywhere other than the Internet, metrics, monitoring, and updates of the gateway result in a failed status.

Point number 1 answers the question. For references check these documenation links:



  3. When creating Application Gateway, what is the need of adding specifc rules on network security group attached to the subnet in which Application Gateway resides?

Point number 2 and 3 in answer of the above question, help answering this question. More documentation references can be found [here](
  1. We can user private links + private endpoints to make Application Gateway privately accessible. What is the difference in the two mechanisms(using a private IP vs using private links)? Private Link allows you to extend private connectivity to Application Gateway via a Private Endpoint in the following scenarios:
- VNet in the same or different region from Application Gateway
- VNet in the same or different subscription from Application Gateway
- VNet in the same or different subscription and the same or different Microsoft Entra tenant from Application Gateway

If any of the features below are applicable/needed we should be using `private links + private endpoints`. `private IP` deployment will not be useful for these scenarios.

References can be found here:

Pre-Commit hooks

.pre-commit-config.yaml file defines certain pre-commit hooks that are relevant to terraform, golang and common linting tasks. There are no custom hooks added.

commitlint hook enforces commit message in certain format. The commit contains the following structural elements, to communicate intent to the consumers of your commit messages:

  • fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
  • feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE:, or appends a ! after the type/scope, introduces a breaking API change (correlating with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning). A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of commits of any type. footers other than BREAKING CHANGE: may be provided and follow a convention similar to git trailer format.
  • build: a commit of the type build adds changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
  • chore: a commit of the type chore adds changes that don't modify src or test files
  • ci: a commit of the type ci adds changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
  • docs: a commit of the type docs adds documentation only changes
  • perf: a commit of the type perf adds code change that improves performance
  • refactor: a commit of the type refactor adds code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • revert: a commit of the type revert reverts a previous commit
  • style: a commit of the type style adds code changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test: a commit of the type test adds missing tests or correcting existing tests

Base configuration used for this project is commitlint-config-conventional (based on the Angular convention)

If you are a developer using vscode, this plugin may be helpful.

detect-secrets-hook prevents new secrets from being introduced into the baseline. TODO: INSERT DOC LINK ABOUT HOOKS

In order for pre-commit hooks to work properly

  • You need to have the pre-commit package manager installed. Here are the installation instructions.
  • pre-commit would install all the hooks when commit message is added by default except for commitlint hook. commitlint hook would need to be installed manually using the command below
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

To test the resource group module locally

  1. For development/enhancements to this module locally, you'll need to install all of its components. This is controlled by the configure target in the project's Makefile. Before you can run configure, familiarize yourself with the variables in the Makefile and ensure they're pointing to the right places.
make configure

This adds in several files and directories that are ignored by git. They expose many new Make targets.

  1. THIS STEP APPLIES ONLY TO MICROSOFT AZURE. IF YOU ARE USING A DIFFERENT PLATFORM PLEASE SKIP THIS STEP. The first target you care about is env. This is the common interface for setting up environment variables. The values of the environment variables will be used to authenticate with cloud provider from local development workstation.

make configure command will bring down file on local workstation. Devloper would need to modify this file, replace the environment variable values with relevant values.

These environment variables are used by terratest integration suit.

Service principle used for authentication(value of ARM_CLIENT_ID) should have below privileges on resource group within the subscription.


Then run this make target to set the environment variables on developer workstation.

make env
  1. The first target you care about is check.

Pre-requisites Before running this target it is important to ensure that, developer has created files mentioned below on local workstation under root directory of git repository that contains code for primitives/segments. Note that these files are azure specific. If primitive/segment under development uses any other cloud provider than azure, this section may not be relevant.

  • A file named with contents below
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  • A file named terraform.tfvars which contains key value pair of variables used.

Note that since these files are added in gitignore they would not be checked in into primitive/segment's git repo.

After creating these files, for running tests associated with the primitive/segment, run

make check

If make check target is successful, developer is good to commit the code to primitive/segment's git repo.

make check target

  • runs terraform commands to lint,validate and plan terraform code.
  • runs conftests. conftests make sure policy checks are successful.
  • runs terratest. This is integration test suit.
  • runs opa tests


Name Version
terraform <= 1.5.5
azurerm ~> 3.77
random ~> 3.6


No providers.


Name Source Version
app_gateway claranet/app-gateway/azurerm 7.7.2


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
app_gateways Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
appgw_backend_http_settings = list(object({
name = string
port = optional(number, 443)
protocol = optional(string, "Https")
path = optional(string)
probe_name = optional(string)
cookie_based_affinity = optional(string, "Disabled")
affinity_cookie_name = optional(string, "ApplicationGatewayAffinity")
request_timeout = optional(number, 20)
host_name = optional(string)
pick_host_name_from_backend_address = optional(bool, true)
trusted_root_certificate_names = optional(list(string), [])
authentication_certificate = optional(string)
connection_draining_timeout_sec = optional(number)
appgw_backend_pools = list(object({
name = string
fqdns = optional(list(string))
ip_addresses = optional(list(string))
appgw_http_listeners = list(object({
name = string
frontend_ip_configuration_name = optional(string)
frontend_port_name = optional(string)
host_name = optional(string)
host_names = optional(list(string))
protocol = optional(string, "Https")
require_sni = optional(bool, false)
ssl_certificate_name = optional(string)
ssl_profile_name = optional(string)
firewall_policy_id = optional(string)
custom_error_configuration = optional(list(object({
status_code = string
custom_error_page_url = string
})), [])
appgw_routings = list(object({ name = string
rule_type = optional(string, "Basic")
http_listener_name = optional(string)
backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
url_path_map_name = optional(string)
redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
priority = optional(number)
appgw_url_path_map = optional(list(object({
name = string
default_backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
default_redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
default_backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
default_rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
path_rules = list(object({
name = string
backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
paths = optional(list(string), [])
})), []),
client_name = string,
environment = string,
location = string,
location_short = optional(string, ""),
logs_destinations_ids = list(string),
resource_group_name = string,
stack = string,
subnet_cidr = string,
virtual_network_name = string,
app_gateway_tags = optional(map(string), {}),
custom_appgw_name = optional(string, ""),
create_subnet = bool,
subnet_id = optional(string),
subnet_resource_group_name = optional(string),
appgw_rewrite_rule_set = optional(list(object({
name = string
rewrite_rules = list(object({
name = string
rule_sequence = string
conditions = optional(list(object({
variable = string
pattern = string
ignore_case = optional(bool, false)
negate = optional(bool, false)
response_header_configurations = optional(list(object({
header_name = string
header_value = string })),
request_header_configurations = optional(list(object({
header_name = string
header_value = string })),
url_reroute = optional(object({
path = optional(string)
query_string = optional(string)
components = optional(string)
reroute = optional(bool)
})), []),
appgw_probes = optional(list(object({
name = string
host = optional(string)
port = optional(number, null)
interval = optional(number, 30)
path = optional(string, "/")
protocol = optional(string, "Https")
timeout = optional(number, 30)
unhealthy_threshold = optional(number, 3)
pick_host_name_from_backend_http_settings = optional(bool, false)
minimum_servers = optional(number, 0)
match = optional(object(
body = optional(string, "")
status_code = optional(list(string), ["200-399"])
}), {})
})), []),
frontend_port_settings = list(object({
name = string
port = number
custom_ip_name = optional(string, "")
custom_ip_label = optional(string, "")
custom_frontend_ip_configuration_name = optional(string, "")
appgw_private = optional(bool, false)
appgw_private_ip = optional(string, "")
custom_frontend_priv_ip_configuration_name = optional(string, "")
ip_allocation_method = optional(string, "Static")
ip_sku = optional(string, "Standard")
ip_tags = optional(map(string), {})
ip_ddos_protection_mode = optional(string, "Disabled")
ip_ddos_protection_plan_id = optional(string, null)
create_nsg = optional(bool, false)
create_nsg_healthprobe_rule = optional(bool, false)
create_nsg_https_rule = optional(bool, false)
custom_nsg_name = optional(string, "")
custom_nsr_healthcheck_name = optional(string, "")
custom_nsr_https_name = optional(string, "")
custom_subnet_name = optional(string, "")
enable_http2 = optional(bool, false)
firewall_policy_id = optional(string, null)
force_firewall_policy_association = optional(bool, false)
nsr_https_source_address_prefix = optional(string, "")
n/a yes


Name Description
appgw_backend_address_pool_ids List of backend address pool Ids.
appgw_backend_http_settings_ids List of backend HTTP settings Ids.
appgw_backend_http_settings_probe_ids List of probe Ids from backend HTTP settings.
appgw_custom_error_configuration_ids List of custom error configuration Ids.
appgw_frontend_ip_configuration_ids List of frontend IP configuration Ids.
appgw_frontend_port_ids List of frontend port Ids.
appgw_gateway_ip_configuration_ids List of IP configuration Ids.
appgw_http_listener_frontend_ip_configuration_ids List of frontend IP configuration Ids from HTTP listeners.
appgw_http_listener_frontend_port_ids List of frontend port Ids from HTTP listeners.
appgw_http_listener_ids List of HTTP listener Ids.
appgw_id The ID of the Application Gateway.
appgw_name The name of the Application Gateway.
appgw_nsg_id The ID of the network security group from the subnet where the Application Gateway is attached.
appgw_nsg_name The name of the network security group from the subnet where the Application Gateway is attached.
appgw_public_ip_address The public IP address of Application Gateway.
appgw_public_ip_domain_name Domain Name part from FQDN of the A DNS record associated with the public IP.
appgw_public_ip_fqdn Fully qualified domain name of the A DNS record associated with the public IP.
appgw_redirect_configuration_ids List of redirect configuration Ids.
appgw_request_routing_rule_backend_address_pool_ids List of backend address pool Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_request_routing_rule_backend_http_settings_ids List of HTTP settings Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_request_routing_rule_http_listener_ids List of HTTP listener Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_request_routing_rule_ids List of request routing rules Ids.
appgw_request_routing_rule_redirect_configuration_ids List of redirect configuration Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_request_routing_rule_rewrite_rule_set_ids List of rewrite rule set Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_request_routing_rule_url_path_map_ids List of URL path map Ids attached to request routing rules.
appgw_ssl_certificate_ids List of SSL certificate Ids.
appgw_subnet_id The ID of the subnet where the Application Gateway is attached.
appgw_subnet_name The name of the subnet where the Application Gateway is attached.
appgw_url_path_map_default_backend_address_pool_ids List of default backend address pool Ids attached to URL path maps.
appgw_url_path_map_default_backend_http_settings_ids List of default backend HTTP settings Ids attached to URL path maps.
appgw_url_path_map_default_redirect_configuration_ids List of default redirect configuration Ids attached to URL path maps.
appgw_url_path_map_ids List of URL path map Ids.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL