
v1.0.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 27, 2024 License: Apache-2.0





Terratest support utitities and test runners supporting Launch Common Automation Framework (LCAF) Terraform modules running automated tests in pipelines.


  1. To keep infra test code DRY and composable, reusable functions have been extracted into this dedicated repo which can be included by TF module tests
  2. Tests are configuration driven, to be reusable and aggregatable for higher level customer project specific integration testing
  3. Configuration is shared across infra deployment (terraform) and infra test (terratest) automation
  4. Automated pipeline friendly. Configuration switches are driven by OS env vars


By default test suites are pointed to <Module Repo>/examples and expect configuration variables in test.tfvars

make check

To point to customer project specific terraform code:

DSO_INFRA_TEST_CONFIG_FOLDER=/projects/abc/ make check

To override default test.tfvars


Tests and individual test stages can be skipped. Example:

<tf module repo>/

To skip a test:

DSO_INFRA_TEST_SKIP_TEST_<name of test TF folder> make check
# from layout above:
DSO_INFRA_TEST_SKIP_TEST_ecs_example make check

To disable selected stage(s) of the test:

SKIP_teardown_test_eks_example=y make check

TODO - to pickup from multi tfvars to align to any project file naming convention


We want reuse the same test implementation for a TF module development and for regression testing of a project that includes that module, probably among multi other ones.

Not every test can be reused. A low-level primitive TF module, like "DNS record", has to have an extensive test fixture. We solve it by introducing a naming convention for GoLang tests. Those safe to be composed/reused from higher level pipelines have a TestComposable prefix in their GoLang test name.


=== ECS-Application-module/tests/testimpl.go ===
func TestComposableComplete(t *testing.T, ctx types.TestContext) {
	assert.Equal(t, ctx.TestConfig.(*ThisTFModuleConfig).dockerImage, getAWSEcsAPI().FargateApp(appArn).Container().ImageName)



Launch test suite in ReadOnly mode - part of after deployment regression test

No cloud resources will be created nor teared down

tf-module-skeleton $ make go/readonly_test
Launch test suite in Regular mode
tf-module-skeleton $ make go/test
Many to many relation between tests and IaC being tested

func TestFeatureABC_1(t *testing.T, ctx types.TestContext) {
	t.Run("OnlyPrivateNetworks/TestIfAPPisUP", func(t *testing.T) {
		ctx.EnabledOnlyForTests(t, "private_network_and_no_egress","private_network_and_abc")
		//^ this test will be run only for terraform code in folders "private_network_and_no_egress" or  "private_network_and_abc"
		remoteAgent := launchAgentInsidePrivateNetwork( ctx.TestConfig.(*ThisTFModuleConfig).network)
		assertHTTP_200_OK(remoteAgent.sendHTTPRequest2Target( ctx.TestConfig.(*ThisTFModuleConfig).InternalURL).getStatusCode)

func TestFeatureABC_2(t *testing.T, ctx types.TestContext) {
	t.Run("Basic/TestIfAPPisUP", func(t *testing.T) {
		ctx.EnabledOnlyForTests(t, "public_network")
		// This test code requires infra be in public network
		assertHTTP_200_OK(sendHTTPRequest2Target( ctx.TestConfig.(*ThisTFModuleConfig).PublicURL).getStatusCode)
Enable/disable subset of tests

Leveraging GoLang test utilities inherited by this "framework"

go test -run ''        # Run all tests.
go test -run Foo       # Run top-level tests matching "Foo", such as "TestFooBar".
go test -run Foo/A=    # For top-level tests matching "Foo", run subtests matching "A=".
go test -run /A=1      # For all top-level tests, run subtests matching "A=1".
go test -fuzz FuzzFoo  # Fuzz the target matching "FuzzFoo"
// tests/post_deploy_functional/main_tests.go
func TestCommon(t *testing.T) {

	ctx := types.TestContext{
		TestConfig: &testimpl.ThisTFModuleConfig{},
	lib.RunSetupTestTeardown(t, testConfigsFolder, infraTFVarFileNameDefault, ctx,
// tests/testimpl/test_impl.go
func TestXYZ(t *testing.T, ctx types.TestContext) {
	t.Run("Basic/AzureManagedIdentityON/abc", func(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("Basic/AzureManagedIdentityOFF/abc", func(t *testing.T) {

$ cd tests/post_deploy_functional
go test -run Common # runs all tests from "Common"
go test -run /Basic/AzureManagedIdentityON # runs all subtests from Basic category that requires Azure Managed Identity be enabled
go test -run /AzureManagedIdentityON # runs all subtests any category that requires Azure Managed Identity be enabled

TestContext Builder

The TestContext is a struct which holds the configuration for the test suite. The TestContext is passed to the test functions which use the configuration to run the tests.

A context builder is implemented which makes it easier for the consumers to construct the TestContext in their go tests. The TestContext builder is implemented as a struct with a Build function which returns a pointer to the TestContext struct. There are several Set methods that are useful to construct the TestContext. Below is an example of how to use the TestContext builder.

    ctx := types.CreateTestContextBuilder().
			"complete": {
				"SKIP_TEST":                      true,

The Build() method also performs certain validations to ensure that the TestContext is constructed correctly.

The optional field TestSpecificFlags is used to set specific flags for individual tests. The flags are used to control the behavior of the tests (examples). The flags are set as a map of string to TestFlags where TestFlags is a map strings. Currently, the TestFlags supports two flags

  • IS_TERRAFORM_IDEMPOTENT_APPLY: This flag is used to control whether the terraform apply is idempotent or not. In few scenarios, the terraform apply is not idempotent (mostly because of bugs in providers) and the flag can be used to control the behavior of the test.
  • SKIP_TEST: This flag is used to skip the test (example). This is helpful in scenarios where the example is complete but the developer doesn't have the right means to test it. In that case, we could still have the example in the /examples folder but instruct our test framework to skip it

For sake of flexibility, setters and getters are also provided on the TestContext to use then when needed.

Set timeout for go test

The default timeout of go test is 20 mins which may not be enough for running some heavy tests. If timeout is reached, it may leave resources provisioned in the cloud and cost us money. Simple way is to increase the timeout during running go tests

go test main_test.go -timeout 1h


Terratest best practices

GoLang test framework



local development

To test amendments to the terratest helper before those committed to github, use GoLang "replace". Example


go 1.20

replace => /Home/user/CAF/NOT_CHECKED_IN_YET/lcaf-component-terratest

require ( v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

To use "" private repository when developing or running GoLang code:

go env -w GOPRIVATE=''
Pipeline integration

For unattended CI//CD pipelines, you must pre-authenticate to Github.

HTTPS authentication
git config --add --global url."https://oauth2:$".insteadOf ""
SSH authentication
git config --add --global url."ssh://".insteadOf ""


  • asdf used for tool version management
  • make used for automating various functions of the repo
  • repo used to pull in all components to create the full repo template
Repo Init

Run the following commands to prep repo and enable all Makefile commands to run

asdf plugin add conftest
asdf plugin add golang
asdf plugin add golangci-lint
asdf plugin add pre-commit
asdf plugin add terraform
asdf plugin add terraform-docs
asdf plugin add tflint

asdf install

Pre-Commit hooks

A .pre-commit-config.yaml file defines certain pre-commit hooks that are relevant to terraform, golang and common linting tasks. There are no custom hooks added.

commitlint hook enforces that commit messages in a certain format (see Conventional Commits). The commit message must contain the following structural elements, to communicate intent to the consumers of your commits:

  • fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
  • feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE:, or appends a ! after the type/scope, introduces a breaking API change (correlating with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning). A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of commits of any type. footers other than BREAKING CHANGE: may be provided and follow a convention similar to git trailer format.
  • build: a commit of the type build adds changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
  • chore: a commit of the type chore adds changes that don't modify src or test files
  • ci: a commit of the type ci adds changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
  • docs: a commit of the type docs adds documentation only changes
  • perf: a commit of the type perf adds code change that improves performance
  • refactor: a commit of the type refactor adds code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • revert: a commit of the type revert reverts a previous commit
  • style: a commit of the type style adds code changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test: a commit of the type test adds missing tests or correcting existing tests

Base configuration used for this project is commitlint-config-conventional (based on the Angular convention)

If you are a developer using vscode, the commitlint plugin may be helpful.

detect-secrets-hook prevents new secrets from being introduced into the baseline. [TODO: INSERT DOC LINK ABOUT HOOKS]

In order for pre-commit hooks to work properly:

  • You need to have the pre-commit package manager installed. Here are the installation instructions.
  • pre-commit would install all the hooks when commit message is added by default except for commitlint hook. commitlint hook would need to be installed manually using the command below
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

To run a local quality check

  1. For development/enhancements to this module locally, you'll need to install all of its components. This is controlled by the configure target in the project's Makefile. Before you can run configure, familiarize yourself with the variables in the Makefile and ensure they're pointing to the right places.
make configure

This adds in several files and directories that are ignored by git. They expose many new Make targets.

  1. The first target you care about is check. If the make check target is successful, the developer can commit the code to git.

make check target

  • runs terraform commands to lint, validate and plan terraform code.
  • runs conftests. conftests make sure policy checks are successful.
  • runs terratest. This is integration test suite.

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