Hysteresis is DB migration tool based on flyway internally.
Tool uses container-wrapped flyway. So there is no need to download such as JDK or flyway jar.
You only need running docker daemon to use this tool.
# Show migration information
./hyst info
# Perform migration
./hyst migrate
The tool just mounts flyway configuration file on ./conf/${profile}.conf
into flyway container.
Also mounts .sql
files on ./sql
So, structure of working directory will look like following:
|- hyst # built binary
|- conf
| |- local.conf # Connection information for local database
| `- dev.conf # Connection information for some other environment database
`- sql
|- V1__Initial_tables.sql
`- V2__Add_some_index.sql
The profile is local
by default. So if you want to perform migration on you local DB, just run:
./hyst migrate
When if you perform migration with develop
./hyst -p develop migrate
Then, Command above uses ./conf/develop.conf
file for running flyway.
make build-linux # Builds linux binary
make build-mac # Builds mac os binary
Then you can run binary named hyst