Avalanche Network Runner
This tool is under heavy development and the documentation/code snippets below may vary slightly from the actual code in the repository. Updates to the documentation may happen some time after an update to the codebase. Nonetheless, this README should provide valuable information about using this tool.
This is a tool to run and interact with a local Avalanche network. This tool may be especially useful for development and testing.
To download a binary for the latest release, run:
curl -sSfL | sh -s
The binary will be installed inside the ~/bin
To add the binary to your path, run
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
To add it to your path permanently, add an export command to your shell initialization script (ex: .bashrc).
Build from source code
This is only needed by advanced users who want to modify or test Avalanche Network Runner in specific ways.
Requires golang to be installed on the system (
git clone
From inside the cloned directory:
The binary will be installed inside the ./bin
To add the binary to your path, run
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
Run Unit Tests
Inside the directory cloned above:
go test ./...
Run E2E tests
The E2E test checks avalanche-network-runner
RPC communication and control. It starts a network against a fresh RPC
server and executes a set of query and control operations on it.
To start it, execute inside the cloned directory:
Using avalanche-network-runner
You can import this repository as a library in your Go program, but we recommend running avalanche-network-runner
as a binary. This creates an RPC server that you can send requests to in order to start a network, add nodes to the network, remove nodes from the network, restart nodes, etc.. You can make requests through the avalanche-network-runner
command or by making API calls. Requests are "translated" into gRPC and sent to the server.
Why does avalanche-network-runner
need an RPC server? avalanche-network-runner
needs to provide complex workflows such as replacing nodes, restarting nodes, injecting fail points, etc.. The RPC server exposes basic operations to enable a separation of concerns such that one team develops a test framework, and the other writes test cases and controlling logic.
Why gRPC? The RPC server leads to more modular test components, and gRPC enables greater flexibility. The protocol buffer increases flexibility as we develop more complicated test cases. And gRPC opens up a variety of different approaches for how to write test controller (e.g., Rust). See rpcpb/rpc.proto
for service definition.
Why gRPC gateway? gRPC gateway exposes gRPC API via HTTP, without us writing any code. Which can be useful if a test controller writer does not want to deal with gRPC.
RPC server: examples
To start the server:
avalanche-network-runner server \
--log-level debug \
--port=":8080" \
# set "--disable-grpc-gateway" to disable gRPC gateway
Note that the above command will run until you stop it with CTRL + C
. You should run further commands in a separate terminal.
To ping the server:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/ping -d ''
# or
avalanche-network-runner ping \
--log-level debug \
To start a new Avalanche network with five nodes (a cluster):
# replace execPath with the path to AvalancheGo on your machine
# e.g., ${HOME}/go/src/
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--number-of-nodes=5 \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}
Additional optional parameters which can be passed to the start command:
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "subnetevm", "genesis": "/tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json"}]'
--global-node-config '{"index-enabled":false, "api-admin-enabled":true,"network-peer-list-gossip-frequency":"300ms"}'
--custom-node-configs" '{"node1":{"log-level":"debug","api-admin-enabled":false},"node2":{...},...}'
For example, to set avalanchego --http-host
flag for all nodes:
# to expose local RPC server to all traffic
# (e.g., run network runner within cloud instance)
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","globalNodeConfig":"{\"http-host\":\"\"}"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--global-node-config '{"http-host":""}'
and --blockchain-specs
are parameters relevant to subnet operation.
See the subnet section for details about how to run subnets.
The network-runner supports avalanchego node configuration at different levels.
If neither
is supplied, all nodes get a standard set of config options. Currently this set contains:{ "network-peer-list-gossip-frequency":"250ms", "network-max-reconnect-delay":"1s", "public-ip":"", "health-check-frequency":"2s", "api-admin-enabled":true, "api-ipcs-enabled":true, "index-enabled":true }
is a JSON string representing a single avalanchego config, which will be applied to all nodes. This makes it easy to define common properties to all nodes. Whatever is set here will be combined with the standard set above. -
is a map of JSON strings representing the complete network with individual configs. This allows to configure each node independently. If set,--number-of-nodes
will be ignored to avoid conflicts. -
The configs can be combined and will be merged, i.e. one could set global
entries applied to each node, and also set--custom-node-configs
for additional entries. -
entries override--global-node-config
entries which override the standard set.
Example usage of --custom-node-configs
to get deterministic API port numbers:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d\
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--custom-node-configs \
NAMING CONVENTION: Currently, node names should be called node
+ a number, i.e. node1,node2,node3,...node 101
To wait for all the nodes in the cluster to become healthy:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/health -d ''
# or
avalanche-network-runner control health \
--log-level debug \
To get the API endpoints of all nodes in the cluster:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/uris -d ''
# or
avalanche-network-runner control uris \
--log-level debug \
To query the cluster status from the server:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/status -d ''
# or
avalanche-network-runner control status \
--log-level debug \
To stream cluster status:
avalanche-network-runner control \
--request-timeout=3m \
stream-status \
--push-interval=5s \
--log-level debug \
To save the network to a snapshot:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/savesnapshot -d '{"snapshot_name":"node5"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control save-snapshot snapshotName
To load a network from a snapshot:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/loadsnapshot -d '{"snapshot_name":"node5"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control load-snapshot snapshotName
An avalanchego binary path and/or plugin dir can be specified when loading the snapshot. This is optional. If not specified, will use the paths saved with the snapshot:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/loadsnapshot -d '{"snapshot_name":"node5","execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control load-snapshot snapshotName --avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} --plugin-dir ${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}
To get the list of snapshots:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/getsnapshotnames
# or
avalanche-network-runner control get-snapshot-names
To remove a snapshot:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/removesnapshot -d '{"snapshot_name":"node5"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control remove-snapshot snapshotName
To create N validated subnets (requires network restart):
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/createsubnets -d '{"num_subnets":5}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control create-subnets 5
To create a blockchain without a subnet id (requires network restart):
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/createblockchains -d '{"pluginDir":"'$PLUGIN_DIR'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control create-blockchains '[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'"}]' --plugin-dir $PLUGIN_DIR
To create a blockchain with a subnet id (does not require restart):
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/createblockchains -d '{"pluginDir":"'$PLUGIN_DIR'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'", "subnet_id": "'$SUBNET_ID'"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control create-blockchains '[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'", "subnet_id": "'$SUBNET_ID'"}]' --plugin-dir $PLUGIN_DIR
To create a blockchain with a subnet id, and chain config, network upgrade and subnet config file paths (requires network restart):
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/createblockchains -d '{"pluginDir":"'$PLUGIN_DIR'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'", "subnet_id": "'$SUBNET_ID'", "chain_config": "'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'", "network_upgrade": "'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'", "subnet_config": "'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control create-blockchains '[{"vm_name":"'$VM_NAME'","genesis":"'$GENESIS_PATH'", "subnet_id": "'$SUBNET_ID'", "chain_config": "'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'", "network_upgrade": "'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'", "subnet_config": "'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]' --plugin-dir $PLUGIN_DIR
To remove (stop) a node:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/removenode -d '{"name":"node5"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control remove-node \
--request-timeout=3m \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--node-name node5
To restart a node (in this case, the one named node1
# e.g., ${HOME}/go/src/
# Note that you can restart the node with a different binary by providing
# a different execPath
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/restartnode -d '{"name":"node1","execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","logLevel":"INFO"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control restart-node \
--request-timeout=3m \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--node-name node1 \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}
To add a node (in this case, a new node named node99
# e.g., ${HOME}/go/src/
# Note that you can add the new node with a different binary by providing
# a different execPath
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/addnode -d '{"name":"node99","execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","logLevel":"INFO"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control add-node \
--request-timeout=3m \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--node-name node99 \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}
You can also provide additional flags that specify the node's config:
--node-config '{"index-enabled":false, "api-admin-enabled":true,"network-peer-list-gossip-frequency":"300ms"}'
allows to specify specific avalanchego config parameters to the new node. See here for the reference of supported flags.
Note: The following parameters will be ignored if set in --node-config
, because the network runner needs to set its own in order to function properly:
AvalancheGo exposes a "test peer", which you can attach to a node. (See here for more information.) You can send messages through the test peer to the node it is attached to.
To attach a test peer to a node (in this case, node1
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/attachpeer -d '{"nodeName":"node1"}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control attach-peer \
--request-timeout=3m \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--node-name node1
To send a chit message to the node through the test peer:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/sendoutboundmessage -d '{"nodeName":"node1","peerId":"7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg","op":16,"bytes":"EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKgAAAAPpAqmoZkC/2xzQ42wMyYK4Pldl+tX2u+ar3M57WufXx0oXcgXfXCmSnQbbnZQfg9XqmF3jAgFemSUtFkaaZhDbX6Ke1DVpA9rCNkcTxg9X2EcsfdpKXgjYioitjqca7WA="}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control send-outbound-message \
--request-timeout=3m \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--node-name node1 \
--peer-id "7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg" \
--message-op=16 \
To terminate the cluster:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/stop -d ''
# or
avalanche-network-runner control stop \
--log-level debug \
RPC server: subnet-evm
To start the server:
avalanche-network-runner server \
--log-level debug \
--port=":8080" \
# make sure network-runner server is up
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/ping -d ''
To start the cluster with custom chains:
# or download from
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go install -v .
subnet-cli create VMID subnetevm
# srEXiWaHuhNyGwPUi444Tu47ZEDwxTWrbQiuD7FmgSAQ6X7Dy
# download from
# or build
rm -rf ${HOME}/go/src/
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
# ref.
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go build -v \
-o ${HOME}/go/src/ \
# make sure binaries are built
find ${HOME}/go/src/
# for example
# .../build
# .../build/plugins
# .../build/plugins/srEXiWaHuhNyGwPUi444Tu47ZEDwxTWrbQiuD7FmgSAQ6X7Dy
# .../build/plugins/evm
# .../build/avalanchego
# generate the genesis for the custom chain
export CHAIN_ID=99999
export GENESIS_ADDRESS="0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"
cat <<EOF > /tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json
"config": {
"chainId": $CHAIN_ID,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"byzantiumBlock": 0,
"constantinopleBlock": 0,
"petersburgBlock": 0,
"istanbulBlock": 0,
"muirGlacierBlock": 0,
"subnetEVMTimestamp": 0,
"feeConfig": {
"gasLimit": 20000000,
"minBaseFee": 1000000000,
"targetGas": 100000000,
"baseFeeChangeDenominator": 48,
"minBlockGasCost": 0,
"maxBlockGasCost": 10000000,
"targetBlockRate": 2,
"blockGasCostStep": 500000
"alloc": {
"balance": "0x52B7D2DCC80CD2E4000000"
"nonce": "0x0",
"timestamp": "0x0",
"extraData": "0x00",
"gasLimit": "0x1312D00",
"difficulty": "0x0",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"number": "0x0",
"gasUsed": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
cat /tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json
# replace execPath with the path to AvalancheGo on your machine
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"subnetevm","genesis":"/tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "subnetevm", "genesis": "/tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json"}]'
# to get cluster information including blockchain ID
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/status -d ''
Blockchain config file, network upgrade file, and subnet config file paths can be optionally specified at network start, eg:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"subnetevm","genesis":"/tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json","chain_config":"'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'","network_upgrade":"'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'","subnet_config":"'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "subnetevm", "genesis": "/tmp/subnet-evm.genesis.json", "chain_config": "'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'", "network_upgrade": "'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'", "subnet_config": "'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]'
RPC server: blobvm
To start the server:
avalanche-network-runner server \
--log-level debug \
--port=":8080" \
# make sure network-runner server is up
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/ping -d ''
To start the cluster with custom chains:
# or download from
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go install -v .
subnet-cli create VMID blobvm
# kM6h4LYe3AcEU1MB2UNg6ubzAiDAALZzpVrbX8zn3hXF6Avd8
# download from
# or build
rm -rf ${HOME}/go/src/
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go build -v \
-o ${HOME}/go/src/ \
# make sure binaries are built
find ${HOME}/go/src/
# for example
# .../build
# .../build/plugins
# .../build/plugins/kM6h4LYe3AcEU1MB2UNg6ubzAiDAALZzpVrbX8zn3hXF6Avd8
# .../build/plugins/evm
# .../build/avalanchego
# generate the genesis for the custom chain
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go install -v ./cmd/blob-cli
echo "[]" > /tmp/alloc.json
blob-cli genesis 1 /tmp/alloc.json --genesis-file /tmp/blobvm.genesis.json
cat /tmp/blobvm.genesis.json
# replace execPath with the path to AvalancheGo on your machine
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"blobvm","genesis":"/tmp/blobvm.genesis.json"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "blobvm", "genesis": "/tmp/blobvm.genesis.json"}]'
# to get cluster information including blockchain ID
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/status -d ''
Blockchain config file and network upgrade file paths can be optionally specified at network start, eg:
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vm_name":"blobvm","genesis":"/tmp/blobvm.json","chain_config":"'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'","network_upgrade":"'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'","subnet_config":"'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "blobvm", "genesis": "/tmp/blobvm.genesis.json", "chain_config": "'$CHAIN_CONFIG_PATH'", "network_upgrade": "'$NETWORK_UPGRADE_PATH'", "subnet_config": "'$SUBNET_CONFIG_PATH'"}]'
RPC server: timestampvm
To start the server:
avalanche-network-runner server \
--log-level debug \
--port=":8080" \
# make sure network-runner server is up
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/ping -d ''
To start the cluster with custom chains:
# or download from
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go install -v .
subnet-cli create VMID timestampvm
# tGas3T58KzdjcJ2iKSyiYsWiqYctRXaPTqBCA11BqEkNg8kPc
# download from
# or build
rm -rf ${HOME}/go/src/
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
# or download from
# cd ${HOME}/go/src/
# ./scripts/
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
go build -v \
-o ${HOME}/go/src/ \
# make sure binaries are built
find ${HOME}/go/src/
# for example
# .../build
# .../build/plugins
# .../build/plugins/tGas3T58KzdjcJ2iKSyiYsWiqYctRXaPTqBCA11BqEkNg8kPc
# .../build/plugins/evm
# .../build/avalanchego
# generate the genesis for the custom chain
# NOTE: timestampvm takes arbitrary data for its genesis
echo hello > /tmp/timestampvm.genesis.json
# replace execPath with the path to AvalancheGo on your machine
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/start -d '{"execPath":"'${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH}'","numNodes":5,"logLevel":"INFO","pluginDir":"'${AVALANCHEGO_PLUGIN_PATH}'","blockchainSpecs":[{"vmName":"timestampvm","genesis":"/tmp/timestampvm.genesis.json","blockchain_alias":"timestamp"}]}'
# or
avalanche-network-runner control start \
--log-level debug \
--endpoint="" \
--avalanchego-path ${AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH} \
--blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name":"timestampvm","genesis":"/tmp/timestampvm.genesis.json","blockchain_alias":"timestamp"}]'
# to get cluster information including blockchain ID
curl -X POST -k http://localhost:8081/v1/control/status -d ''
To call timestampvm
# in this example,
# "tGas3T58KzdjcJ2iKSyiYsWiqYctRXaPTqBCA11BqEkNg8kPc" is the Vm Id for the static service
curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "timestampvm.encode",
"params" : {
"data": "mynewblock",
"length": 32
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
# in this example,
# "E8isHenre76NMxbJ3munSQatV8GoQ4XKWQg9vD34xMBqEFJGf" is the blockchain Id
# "timestamp" is the blockchain alias
# You can use or
curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "timestampvm.proposeBlock",
"id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "timestampvm.getBlock",
"id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
When the user creates a network, they specify the configurations of the nodes that are in the network upon creation.
A node config is defined by this struct:
type Config struct {
// A node's name must be unique from all other nodes
// in a network. If Name is the empty string, a
// unique name is assigned on node creation.
Name string `json:"name"`
// True if other nodes should use this node
// as a bootstrap beacon.
IsBeacon bool `json:"isBeacon"`
// Must not be nil.
StakingKey string `json:"stakingKey"`
// Must not be nil.
StakingCert string `json:"stakingCert"`
// Must not be nil.
StakingSigningKey string `json:"stakingSigningKey"`
// May be nil.
ConfigFile string `json:"configFile"`
// May be nil.
ChainConfigFiles map[string]string `json:"chainConfigFiles"`
// May be nil.
UpgradeConfigFiles map[string]string `json:"upgradeConfigFiles"`
// May be nil.
SubnetConfigFiles map[string]string `json:"subnetConfigFiles"`
// Flags can hold additional flags for the node.
// It can be empty.
// The precedence of flags handling is:
// 1. Flags defined in node.Config (this struct) override
// 2. Flags defined in network.Config override
// 3. Flags defined in the json config file
Flags map[string]interface{} `json:"flags"`
// What type of node this is
BinaryPath string `json:"binaryPath"`
// If non-nil, direct this node's Stdout to os.Stdout
RedirectStdout bool `json:"redirectStdout"`
// If non-nil, direct this node's Stderr to os.Stderr
RedirectStderr bool `json:"redirectStderr"`
As you can see, some fields of the config must be set, while others will be auto-generated if not provided. Bootstrap IPs/ IDs will be overwritten even if provided.
Genesis Generation
You can create a custom AvalancheGo genesis with function network.NewAvalancheGoGenesis
// Return a genesis JSON where:
// The nodes in [genesisVdrs] are validators.
// The C-Chain and X-Chain balances are given by
// [cChainBalances] and [xChainBalances].
// Note that many of the genesis fields (i.e. reward addresses)
// are randomly generated or hard-coded.
func NewAvalancheGoGenesis(
log logging.Logger,
networkID uint32,
xChainBalances []AddrAndBalance,
cChainBalances []AddrAndBalance,
genesisVdrs []ids.ShortID,
) ([]byte, error)
Later on the genesis contents can be used in network creation.
Network Creation
Th function NewNetwork
returns a new network, parameterized on network.Config
type Config struct {
// Must not be empty
Genesis string `json:"genesis"`
// May have length 0
// (i.e. network may have no nodes on creation.)
NodeConfigs []node.Config `json:"nodeConfigs"`
// Flags that will be passed to each node in this network.
// It can be empty.
// Config flags may also be passed in a node's config struct
// or config file.
// The precedence of flags handling is, from highest to lowest:
// 1. Flags defined in a node's node.Config
// 2. Flags defined in a network's network.Config
// 3. Flags defined in a node's config file
// For example, if a network.Config has flag W set to X,
// and a node within that network has flag W set to Y,
// and the node's config file has flag W set to Z,
// then the node will be started with flag W set to Y.
Flags map[string]interface{} `json:"flags"`
The function that returns a new network may have additional configuration fields.
Default Network Creation
The helper function NewDefaultNetwork
returns a network using a pre-defined configuration. This allows users to create a new network without needing to define any configurations.
// NewDefaultNetwork returns a new network using a pre-defined
// network configuration.
// The following addresses are pre-funded:
// X-Chain Address 1: X-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p
// X-Chain Address 1 Key: PrivateKey-ewoqjP7PxY4yr3iLTpLisriqt94hdyDFNgchSxGGztUrTXtNN
// X-Chain Address 2: X-custom16045mxr3s2cjycqe2xfluk304xv3ezhkhsvkpr
// X-Chain Address 2 Key: PrivateKey-2fzYBh3bbWemKxQmMfX6DSuL2BFmDSLQWTvma57xwjQjtf8gFq
// P-Chain Address 1: P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p
// P-Chain Address 1 Key: PrivateKey-ewoqjP7PxY4yr3iLTpLisriqt94hdyDFNgchSxGGztUrTXtNN
// P-Chain Address 2: P-custom16045mxr3s2cjycqe2xfluk304xv3ezhkhsvkpr
// P-Chain Address 2 Key: PrivateKey-2fzYBh3bbWemKxQmMfX6DSuL2BFmDSLQWTvma57xwjQjtf8gFq
// C-Chain Address: 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
// C-Chain Address Key: 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
// The following nodes are validators:
// * NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg
// * NodeID-MFrZFVCXPv5iCn6M9K6XduxGTYp891xXZ
// * NodeID-NFBbbJ4qCmNaCzeW7sxErhvWqvEQMnYcN
// * NodeID-GWPcbFJZFfZreETSoWjPimr846mXEKCtu
func NewDefaultNetwork(
log logging.Logger,
binaryPath string,
) (network.Network, error)
The associated pre-defined configuration is also available to users by calling NewDefaultConfig
Network Snapshots
A given network state, including the node ports and the full blockchain state, can be saved to a named snapshot. The network can then be restarted from such a snapshot any time later.
// Save network snapshot
// Network is stopped in order to do a safe persistence
// Returns the full local path to the snapshot dir
SaveSnapshot(context.Context, string) (string, error)
// Remove network snapshot
RemoveSnapshot(string) error
// Get names of all available snapshots
GetSnapshotNames() ([]string, error)
To create a new network from a snapshot, the function NewNetworkFromSnapshot
is provided.
Network Interaction
The network runner allows users to interact with an AvalancheGo network using the network.Network
// Network is an abstraction of an Avalanche network
type Network interface {
// Returns nil if all the nodes in the network are healthy.
// A stopped network is considered unhealthy.
// Timeout is given by the context parameter.
Healthy(context.Context) error
// Stop all the nodes.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
Stop(context.Context) error
// Start a new node with the given config.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
AddNode(node.Config) (node.Node, error)
// Stop the node with this name.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
RemoveNode(name string) error
// Return the node with this name.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
GetNode(name string) (node.Node, error)
// Return all the nodes in this network.
// Node name --> Node.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
GetAllNodes() (map[string]node.Node, error)
// Returns the names of all nodes in this network.
// Returns ErrStopped if Stop() was previously called.
GetNodeNames() ([]string, error)
// Save network snapshot
// Network is stopped in order to do a safe preservation
// Returns the full local path to the snapshot dir
SaveSnapshot(context.Context, string) (string, error)
// Remove network snapshot
RemoveSnapshot(string) error
// Get name of available snapshots
GetSnapshotNames() ([]string, error)
and allows users to interact with a node using the node.Node
// Node represents an AvalancheGo node
type Node interface {
// Return this node's name, which is unique
// across all the nodes in its network.
GetName() string
// Return this node's Avalanche node ID.
GetNodeID() ids.ShortID
// Return a client that can be used to make API calls.
GetAPIClient() api.Client
// Return this node's IP (e.g.
GetURL() string
// Return this node's P2P (staking) port.
GetP2PPort() uint16
// Return this node's HTTP API port.
GetAPIPort() uint16
// Starts a new test peer, connects it to the given node, and returns the peer.
// [handler] defines how the test peer handles messages it receives.
// The test peer can be used to send messages to the node it's attached to.
// It's left to the caller to maintain a reference to the returned peer.
// The caller should call StartClose() on the peer when they're done with it.
AttachPeer(ctx context.Context, handler router.InboundHandler) (peer.Peer, error)
// Return this node's avalanchego binary path
GetBinaryPath() string
// Return this node's db dir
GetDbDir() string
// Return this node's logs dir
GetLogsDir() string
// Return this node's config file contents
GetConfigFile() string
Overview ¶
Copyright (C) 2022, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
Path | Synopsis |
Package client implements client.
Package client implements client. |
Package rpcpb is a reverse proxy.
Package rpcpb is a reverse proxy. |
Package server implements server.
Package server implements server. |