nanokongo: generate input events from midi control changes
Configuration overview
The nanokongo configuration file is a YAML file. By default
nanokongo will look for ~/.config/nanokongo/config.yml, but you can
specify a path to a different file in the NANOKONGO_CONFIG
environment variable.
The configuration file has three top-level keys:
device: name of the MIDI device from which to read messages. This
may be any substring that uniquely identifies the target device; for
example, on my system, I have:
$ midicat ins
MIDI inputs
[0] Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0 14:0
[1] nanoKONTROL2:nanoKONTROL2 nanoKONTROL2 _ CTR 36:0
So I set device like this:
device: nanoKONTROL2
channel: the MIDI channel on which to listen. Defaults to 0 if
not provided.
controls: A mapping of control numbers to actions. For example, to
send F1 whenever a button with MIDI control 48 is pushed:
The values in the controls map describe the actions that will be
triggered by MIDI events. A control mapping may have the following
type: This may be either button or knob.
A button control has onRelease, onPress, and onChange triggers.
A knob control has an onChange trigger.
onPress: This describes actions that occur when a button is
onRelease: This describes actions that occur when a button is
onChange: This describes actions that occur when the value of a
MIDI control changes. The onChange trigger for buttons will only
run if the control value is 127 or 0; for knobs it runs on
every change.