k8s-client-list-pods-images is a simple kubernetes client written in Go that list the pods names and container images in your cluster.
usage :
./k8s-client-list-pods-images -n go-testing
go-testing go-cloud-k8s-info-595ff998d9-6hncq ghcr.io/lao-tseu-is-alive/go-cloud-k8s-info:v0.4.10
go-testing go-cloud-k8s-info-595ff998d9-twr82 ghcr.io/lao-tseu-is-alive/go-cloud-k8s-info:v0.4.10
go-testing go-cloud-k8s-shell-5d789684b6-2qlq7 ghcr.io/lao-tseu-is-alive/go-cloud-k8s-shell:v0.1.13
go-testing go-cloud-k8s-shell-5d789684b6-9tq96 ghcr.io/lao-tseu-is-alive/go-cloud-k8s-shell:v0.1.13
will list the namespaces, pod names and pod images found in namespace containing go-testing, every field separated by a tab.
with no namespaces search parameter it will list all pods, in all namespace
./k8s-client-list-pods-images -h
Usage of ./k8s-client-list-pods-images:
display the first columns header
-kubeconfig string
(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/home/cgil/.kube/config")
-n string
search pattern to select namespaces
-v be more verbose on the output
more info:
- Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
- We use the official Go client library for kubernetes.
- This code is to be used from outside the cluster with your corresponding kubeconfig