![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/labd/terraform-provider-commercetools)
The Terraform commercetools provider allows you to configure
your commercetools project with
infrastructure-as-code principles.
Commercial support
Need support implementing this terraform module in your organization? We are
able to offer support. Please contact us at opensource@labdigital.nl
Quick start
Read our documentation
and check out the examples.
The provider is distributed via the Terraform registry. To use it you need to configure the required_provider
block. For example:
terraform {
required_providers {
commercetools = {
source = "labd/commercetools"
# It's recommended to pin the version, e.g.:
# version = "~> 1.4.0"
Packages of the releases are available at
https://github.com/labd/terraform-provider-commercetools/releases See the
terraform documentation
for more information about installing third-party providers.
Building the provider
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/labd/terraform-provider-commercetools
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/labd; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/labd
$ git clone git@github.com:labd/terraform-provider-commercetools
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/labd/terraform-provider-commercetools
$ make build
To then locally test:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/labd/terraform-provider-commercetools
$ make build-local
A build is created terraform-provider-commercetools_99.0.0
in the root directory and added to plugin folder available locally:
Use version 99.0.0
in the provider to test your changes locally
terraform {
required_providers {
commercetools = {
source = "labd/commercetools"
version = "99.0.0"
Adding new resources
When commercetools releases new features which include new resources these need to be implemented
in terraform as new resources too. This provider is currently undergoing a migration path to
move from terraform-plugin-sdk to the new
terraform-plugin-framework. All new
resources therefore need to be written using the terraform-plugin-framework module. See the
component as example.
Debugging / Troubleshooting
There are two environment settings for troubleshooting:
enables debug output for Terraform.
enables debug output for the Commercetools GO SDK this provider uses.
Note this generates a lot of output!
When pushing a new tag prefixed with v
a GitHub action will automatically
use Goreleaser to build and release the build.
git tag <release> -m "Release <release>" # please use semantic version, so always vX.Y.Z
git push --follow-tags
Running the unit tests
$ make test
Running an Acceptance Test
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc
NOTE: Acceptance tests create real resources.
Prior to running the tests provider configuration details such as access keys
must be made available as environment variables.
Since we need to be able to create commercetools resources, we need the
commercetools API credentials. So in order for the acceptance tests to run
correctly please provide all of the following:
export CTP_CLIENT_ID=...
export CTP_PROJECT_KEY=...
export CTP_SCOPES=...
For convenience, place a testenv.sh
in your local
folder (which is
included in .gitignore) where you can store these environment variables.
Tests can then be started by running
$ source local/testenv.sh
$ make testacc
This project is developed by Lab Digital. We
welcome additional contributors. Please see our
GitHub repository
for more information.