Distributed task executor for genomics research
Getting started
Run RNNR master server. Requires MongoDB server.
rnnr master
Endpoint is http://localhost:8080/tasks
Run RNNR worker server. Requires Docker server.
rnnr worker
Add worker node.
rnnr add localhost
Run Cromwell with RNNR.
Cromwell utilizes TES backend to submit jobs.
For more information see https://cromwell.readthedocs.io/en/stable/backends/TES/.
Get latest Cromwell at https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell/releases.
java -Dconfig.file=examples/cromwell.conf -jar cromwell-49.jar run examples/hello.wdl
Generate Go code from ProtoBuffer file
protoc -I pb --go_out=plugins=grpc:pb pb/worker.proto
Build Docker image and publish to Docker Hub
docker build -t welliton/rnnr:<version> .
docker push