
This is a simple application that interfaces with a PostgreSQL database and exposes a REST API with GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods to access and manipulate it.
The database details are fetched from the following ennvironment variables:
db_host - The database server host, e.g localhost
db_user - The database server user, e.g root
db_port - The port used to access the database server, e.g 5432
db_port - The database password, e.g 1q2w44f5g
db_name - The database name, e.g my_database
db_type - This should be set to 'postgres'
Simply run 'rest.exe'.
The program will be launched on localhost:8000/users.
Ensure you have set up the environment variables in your local environment.
Building from source
You must have a recent version of the Go compiler installed. GOROOT, GOPATH and GOBIN environment variables should be set up for convenience. Visit https://www.golang.org to learn how to set up Go.
The following third-party libraries are required to build the program from the source.
- gorilla/mux
- jinzhu/gorm
- lib/pq
- joho/godotenv
Navigate to the program folder and run the go build
You may also use go install path/to/package
to create a binary, or go run path/to/package
to compile and run.