Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type Country
- func (v Country) Alpha2() string
- func (v Country) Currency() Currency
- func (v Country) IsValid() bool
- func (v Country) LongName() string
- func (v Country) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (v Country) Name() string
- func (v Country) PhonePrefix() string
- func (v Country) PostalCodeRe() *regexp.Regexp
- func (v *Country) Scan(v1 interface{}) error
- func (v Country) String() string
- func (v *Country) UnmarshalJSON(bb []byte) error
- func (v *Country) UnmarshalText(bb []byte) error
- func (v Country) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type Currency
- func (v Currency) IsValid() bool
- func (v Currency) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *Currency) Scan(v1 interface{}) error
- func (v Currency) String() string
- func (v *Currency) UnmarshalJSON(bb []byte) error
- func (v *Currency) UnmarshalText(bb []byte) error
- func (v Currency) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type NullCountry
- type NullCurrency
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( CountryAND = CountryAD CountryARE = CountryAE CountryAFG = CountryAF CountryATG = CountryAG CountryAIA = CountryAI CountryALB = CountryAL CountryARM = CountryAM CountryAGO = CountryAO CountryATA = CountryAQ CountryARG = CountryAR CountryASM = CountryAS CountryAUT = CountryAT CountryAUS = CountryAU CountryABW = CountryAW CountryALA = CountryAX CountryAZE = CountryAZ CountryBIH = CountryBA CountryBRB = CountryBB CountryBGD = CountryBD CountryBEL = CountryBE CountryBFA = CountryBF CountryBGR = CountryBG CountryBHR = CountryBH CountryBDI = CountryBI CountryBEN = CountryBJ CountryBLM = CountryBL CountryBMU = CountryBM CountryBRN = CountryBN CountryBOL = CountryBO CountryBES = CountryBQ CountryBRA = CountryBR CountryBHS = CountryBS CountryBTN = CountryBT CountryBVT = CountryBV CountryBWA = CountryBW CountryBLR = CountryBY CountryBLZ = CountryBZ CountryCAN = CountryCA CountryCCK = CountryCC CountryCOD = CountryCD CountryCAF = CountryCF CountryCOG = CountryCG CountryCHE = CountryCH CountryCIV = CountryCI CountryCOK = CountryCK CountryCHL = CountryCL CountryCMR = CountryCM CountryCHN = CountryCN CountryCOL = CountryCO CountryCRI = CountryCR CountryCUB = CountryCU CountryCPV = CountryCV CountryCUW = CountryCW CountryCXR = CountryCX CountryCYP = CountryCY CountryCZE = CountryCZ CountryDEU = CountryDE CountryDJI = CountryDJ CountryDNK = CountryDK CountryDMA = CountryDM CountryDOM = CountryDO CountryDZA = CountryDZ CountryECU = CountryEC CountryEST = CountryEE CountryEGY = CountryEG CountryESH = CountryEH CountryERI = CountryER CountryESP = CountryES CountryETH = CountryET CountryFIN = CountryFI CountryFJI = CountryFJ CountryFLK = CountryFK CountryFSM = CountryFM CountryFRO = CountryFO CountryFRA = CountryFR CountryGAB = CountryGA CountryGBR = CountryGB CountryGRD = CountryGD CountryGEO = CountryGE CountryGUF = CountryGF CountryGGY = CountryGG CountryGHA = CountryGH CountryGIB = CountryGI CountryGRL = CountryGL CountryGMB = CountryGM CountryGIN = CountryGN CountryGLP = CountryGP CountryGNQ = CountryGQ CountryGRC = CountryGR CountrySGS = CountryGS CountryGTM = CountryGT CountryGUM = CountryGU CountryGNB = CountryGW CountryGUY = CountryGY CountryHKG = CountryHK CountryHMD = CountryHM CountryHND = CountryHN CountryHRV = CountryHR CountryHTI = CountryHT CountryHUN = CountryHU CountryIDN = CountryID CountryIRL = CountryIE CountryISR = CountryIL CountryIMN = CountryIM CountryIND = CountryIN CountryIOT = CountryIO CountryIRQ = CountryIQ CountryIRN = CountryIR CountryISL = CountryIS CountryITA = CountryIT CountryJEY = CountryJE CountryJAM = CountryJM CountryJOR = CountryJO CountryJPN = CountryJP CountryKEN = CountryKE CountryKGZ = CountryKG CountryKHM = CountryKH CountryKIR = CountryKI CountryCOM = CountryKM CountryKNA = CountryKN CountryPRK = CountryKP CountryKOR = CountryKR CountryKWT = CountryKW CountryCYM = CountryKY CountryKAZ = CountryKZ CountryLAO = CountryLA CountryLBN = CountryLB CountryLCA = CountryLC CountryLIE = CountryLI CountryLKA = CountryLK CountryLBR = CountryLR CountryLSO = CountryLS CountryLTU = CountryLT CountryLUX = CountryLU CountryLVA = CountryLV CountryLBY = CountryLY CountryMAR = CountryMA CountryMCO = CountryMC CountryMDA = CountryMD CountryMNE = CountryME CountryMAF = CountryMF CountryMDG = CountryMG CountryMHL = CountryMH CountryMKD = CountryMK CountryMLI = CountryML CountryMMR = CountryMM CountryMNG = CountryMN CountryMAC = CountryMO CountryMNP = CountryMP CountryMTQ = CountryMQ CountryMRT = CountryMR CountryMSR = CountryMS CountryMLT = CountryMT CountryMUS = CountryMU CountryMDV = CountryMV CountryMWI = CountryMW CountryMEX = CountryMX CountryMYS = CountryMY CountryMOZ = CountryMZ CountryNAM = CountryNA CountryNCL = CountryNC CountryNER = CountryNE CountryNFK = CountryNF CountryNGA = CountryNG CountryNIC = CountryNI CountryNLD = CountryNL CountryNOR = CountryNO CountryNPL = CountryNP CountryNRU = CountryNR CountryNIU = CountryNU CountryNZL = CountryNZ CountryOMN = CountryOM CountryPAN = CountryPA CountryPER = CountryPE CountryPYF = CountryPF CountryPNG = CountryPG CountryPHL = CountryPH CountryPAK = CountryPK CountryPOL = CountryPL CountrySPM = CountryPM CountryPCN = CountryPN CountryPRI = CountryPR CountryPSE = CountryPS CountryPRT = CountryPT CountryPLW = CountryPW CountryPRY = CountryPY CountryQAT = CountryQA CountryREU = CountryRE CountryROU = CountryRO CountrySRB = CountryRS CountryRUS = CountryRU CountryRWA = CountryRW CountrySAU = CountrySA CountrySLB = CountrySB CountrySYC = CountrySC CountrySDN = CountrySD CountrySWE = CountrySE CountrySGP = CountrySG CountrySHN = CountrySH CountrySVN = CountrySI CountrySJM = CountrySJ CountrySVK = CountrySK CountrySLE = CountrySL CountrySMR = CountrySM CountrySEN = CountrySN CountrySOM = CountrySO CountrySUR = CountrySR CountrySSD = CountrySS CountrySTP = CountryST CountrySLV = CountrySV CountrySXM = CountrySX CountrySYR = CountrySY CountrySWZ = CountrySZ CountryTCA = CountryTC CountryTCD = CountryTD CountryATF = CountryTF CountryTGO = CountryTG CountryTHA = CountryTH CountryTJK = CountryTJ CountryTKL = CountryTK CountryTLS = CountryTL CountryTKM = CountryTM CountryTUN = CountryTN CountryTON = CountryTO CountryTUR = CountryTR CountryTTO = CountryTT CountryTUV = CountryTV CountryTWN = CountryTW CountryTZA = CountryTZ CountryUKR = CountryUA CountryUGA = CountryUG CountryUMI = CountryUM CountryUSA = CountryUS CountryURY = CountryUY CountryUZB = CountryUZ CountryVAT = CountryVA CountryVCT = CountryVC CountryVEN = CountryVE CountryVGB = CountryVG CountryVIR = CountryVI CountryVNM = CountryVN CountryVUT = CountryVU CountryWLF = CountryWF CountryWSM = CountryWS CountryYEM = CountryYE CountryMYT = CountryYT CountryZAF = CountryZA CountryZMB = CountryZM CountryZWE = CountryZW )
Variables ¶
View Source
var ErrBadCountry = errors.New("bad country")
View Source
var ErrBadCurrency = errors.New("bad currency")
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Country ¶
type Country uint8
const ( CountryAD Country CountryAE CountryAF CountryAG CountryAI CountryAL CountryAM CountryAO CountryAQ CountryAR CountryAS CountryAT CountryAU CountryAW CountryAX CountryAZ CountryBA CountryBB CountryBD CountryBE CountryBF CountryBG CountryBH CountryBI CountryBJ CountryBL CountryBM CountryBN CountryBO CountryBQ CountryBR CountryBS CountryBT CountryBV CountryBW CountryBY CountryBZ CountryCA CountryCC CountryCD CountryCF CountryCG CountryCH CountryCI CountryCK CountryCL CountryCM CountryCN CountryCO CountryCR CountryCU CountryCV CountryCW CountryCX CountryCY CountryCZ CountryDE CountryDJ CountryDK CountryDM CountryDO CountryDZ CountryEC CountryEE CountryEG CountryEH CountryER CountryES CountryET CountryFI CountryFJ CountryFK CountryFM CountryFO CountryFR CountryGA CountryGB CountryGD CountryGE CountryGF CountryGG CountryGH CountryGI CountryGL CountryGM CountryGN CountryGP CountryGQ CountryGR CountryGS CountryGT CountryGU CountryGW CountryGY CountryHK CountryHM CountryHN CountryHR CountryHT CountryHU CountryID CountryIE CountryIL CountryIM CountryIN CountryIO CountryIQ CountryIR CountryIS CountryIT CountryJE CountryJM CountryJO CountryJP CountryKE CountryKG CountryKH CountryKI CountryKM CountryKN CountryKP CountryKR CountryKW CountryKY CountryKZ CountryLA CountryLB CountryLC CountryLI CountryLK CountryLR CountryLS CountryLT CountryLU CountryLV CountryLY CountryMA CountryMC CountryMD CountryME CountryMF CountryMG CountryMH CountryMK CountryML CountryMM CountryMN CountryMO CountryMP CountryMQ CountryMR CountryMS CountryMT CountryMU CountryMV CountryMW CountryMX CountryMY CountryMZ CountryNA CountryNC CountryNE CountryNF CountryNG CountryNI CountryNL CountryNO CountryNP CountryNR CountryNU CountryNZ CountryOM CountryPA CountryPE CountryPF CountryPG CountryPH CountryPK CountryPL CountryPM CountryPN CountryPR CountryPS CountryPT CountryPW CountryPY CountryQA CountryRE CountryRO CountryRS CountryRU CountryRW CountrySA CountrySB CountrySC CountrySD CountrySE CountrySG CountrySH CountrySI CountrySJ CountrySK CountrySL CountrySM CountrySN CountrySO CountrySR CountrySS CountryST CountrySV CountrySX CountrySY CountrySZ CountryTC CountryTD CountryTF CountryTG CountryTH CountryTJ CountryTK CountryTL CountryTM CountryTN CountryTO CountryTR CountryTT CountryTV CountryTW CountryTZ CountryUA CountryUG CountryUM CountryUS CountryUY CountryUZ CountryVA CountryVC CountryVE CountryVG CountryVI CountryVN CountryVU CountryWF CountryWS CountryYE CountryYT CountryZA CountryZM CountryZW )
func AppendCountries ¶
func CountryFromAlpha3 ¶
func CountryFromCode ¶
func (Country) MarshalText ¶
func (Country) PhonePrefix ¶
func (Country) PostalCodeRe ¶
func (*Country) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*Country) UnmarshalText ¶
type Currency ¶
type Currency uint8
const ( CurrencyEUR Currency CurrencyAED CurrencyAFN CurrencyXCD CurrencyALL CurrencyAMD CurrencyAOA CurrencyUSD CurrencyARS CurrencyAUD CurrencyAWG CurrencyAZN CurrencyBAM CurrencyBBD CurrencyBDT CurrencyXOF CurrencyBGN CurrencyBHD CurrencyBIF CurrencyBMD CurrencyBND CurrencyBOB CurrencyBRL CurrencyBSD CurrencyBTN CurrencyNOK CurrencyBWP CurrencyBYN CurrencyBZD CurrencyCAD CurrencyCDF CurrencyXAF CurrencyCHF CurrencyNZD CurrencyCLP CurrencyCNY CurrencyCOP CurrencyCRC CurrencyCUP CurrencyCVE CurrencyANG CurrencyCZK CurrencyDJF CurrencyDKK CurrencyDOP CurrencyDZD CurrencyEGP CurrencyMAD CurrencyETB CurrencyFJD CurrencyFKP CurrencyGBP CurrencyGEL CurrencyGHS CurrencyGIP CurrencyGMD CurrencyGNF CurrencyGTQ CurrencyGYD CurrencyHKD CurrencyHNL CurrencyHTG CurrencyHUF CurrencyIDR CurrencyILS CurrencyINR CurrencyIQD CurrencyIRR CurrencyISK CurrencyJMD CurrencyJOD CurrencyJPY CurrencyKES CurrencyKGS CurrencyKHR CurrencyKMF CurrencyKPW CurrencyKRW CurrencyKWD CurrencyKYD CurrencyKZT CurrencyLAK CurrencyLBP CurrencyLKR CurrencyLRD CurrencyLSL CurrencyLYD CurrencyMDL CurrencyMGA CurrencyMKD CurrencyMMK CurrencyMNT CurrencyMOP CurrencyMRU CurrencyMUR CurrencyMVR CurrencyMWK CurrencyMXN CurrencyMYR CurrencyMZN CurrencyNAD CurrencyXPF CurrencyNGN CurrencyNIO CurrencyNPR CurrencyOMR CurrencyPAB CurrencyPEN CurrencyPGK CurrencyPHP CurrencyPKR CurrencyPLN CurrencyPYG CurrencyQAR CurrencyRON CurrencyRSD CurrencyRUB CurrencyRWF CurrencySAR CurrencySBD CurrencySCR CurrencySDG CurrencySEK CurrencySGD CurrencySHP CurrencySLL CurrencySOS CurrencySRD CurrencySSP CurrencySTD CurrencySYP CurrencySZL CurrencyTHB CurrencyTJS CurrencyTMT CurrencyTND CurrencyTOP CurrencyTRY CurrencyTTD CurrencyTWD CurrencyTZS CurrencyUAH CurrencyUGX CurrencyUYU CurrencyUZS CurrencyVES CurrencyVND CurrencyVUV CurrencyWST CurrencyYER CurrencyZAR CurrencyZMW )
func AppendCurrencies ¶
func CurrencyFromCode ¶
func (Currency) MarshalText ¶
func (*Currency) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*Currency) UnmarshalText ¶
type NullCountry ¶
func (*NullCountry) Scan ¶
func (nv *NullCountry) Scan(v1 interface{}) error
func (*NullCountry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (nv *NullCountry) UnmarshalJSON(bb []byte) error
type NullCurrency ¶
func (*NullCurrency) Scan ¶
func (nv *NullCurrency) Scan(v1 interface{}) error
func (*NullCurrency) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (nv *NullCurrency) UnmarshalJSON(bb []byte) error
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