go-priam - Backup and restore Cassandra DB to AWS S3
go-priam provides a simple method for backing up cassandra keyspaces to Amazon AWS S3 bucket. It is written in go and uses nodetool for performing backups and sstableloader for restoring from backups.
If you have Go installed, then do:
go get github.com/alext29/go-priam
This should download, compile and install the app on your machine.
Running via command line
Before you begin there is a little bit of housekeeping to do.
- Make sure password less ssh is setup between the machine you are running and all cassandra nodes. You can run from machine that is part of the cassandra cluster as well.
- For restoring from backup, sstableloader requires access to all cassandra nodes via local subnet on port 9042. You may need to set up port-forwarding using
ssh -fNT -L
if needed.
- Make sure incremental_backups is set to true in cassandra.yaml file (restart cassandra after changing config file). If this is not set incremental backup would not do anything.
Backup operation generates timestamps based on current time. The code would barf if monotonicity of backup timestamps cannot be maintained.
Full Backup:
go-priam [OPTIONS] -keyspace <KEYSPACE> backup
Incremental Backup:
go-priam [OPTIONS] -keyspace <KEYSPACE> -incremental backup
Incremental backup uploads only the additional files needed for backup, and links to the last backup taken.
List backups:
go-priam [OPTIONS] -keyspace <KEYSPACE> history
Prints out timestamps of all existing backups, including incremental backups, in a tree form.
Restore operation will delete all existing data in given keyspace and restore to given timestamp. Any data between added to the DB between backup and restore time would be lost.
Restoring to last backup:
go-priam [OPTIONS] -keyspace <KEYSPACE> restore
Restoring to specific timestamp:
go-priam [OPTIONS] -keyspace <KEYSPACE> -timestamp <TIMESTAMP> restore
When restoring to an incremental backup, all necessary files till the last full backup are downloaded and restored from. Timestamp is assumed to be monotonically increasing else the code would barf while take backup.
Configuration parameters
go-priam help
gives a complete list of all command line parameters.
-incremental Switch to indicate incremental backup.
-aws-access-key AWS Access Key ID to access S3.
-aws-base-path Base path to copy/restore files from S3.
-aws-bucket S3 bucket name to store backups.
-aws-region Region of s3 account.
-aws-secret-key AWS Secret Access key to access S3.
-cassandra-conf Directory where cassandra conf files are placed.
-cqlsh-path Path to cqlsh.
-host IP address of any one of the cassandra nodes.
-keyspace Cassandra keyspace to backup.
-nodetool-path Path to nodetool on the cassandra host.
-private-key Path to private key used for password less ssh.
-snapshot Restore to this timestamp.
-sstableloader Path to sstableloader on cassandra hosts.
-temp-dir Temporary directory to download files to.
-user Usename for password less ssh to cassandra host.
Configuration file
Configuration parameters may be specified in a yaml file as well. The default location for the configuration file is ${HOME_DIR}/.priam.conf
or you may point it to any arbritary file by setting $PRIAM_CONF
environment variable.
A sample config file priam.conf is provided for reference.