
v0.0.0-...-5ad4fe9 Latest Latest

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Published: May 26, 2022 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Activities

type Activities struct {
	Default     EmptyStruct            `json:"DEFAULT"`
	MissionOnly map[string]EmptyStruct `json:"MISSION_ONLY"`
	CheckinOnly map[string]CheckinInfo `json:"CHECKIN_ONLY"`

type Assist

type Assist struct {
	Add int64 `json:"add"`
	Ts  int64 `json:"ts"`

type AssistCharList

type AssistCharList struct {
	CharInstID int64 `json:"charInstId"`
	SkillIndex int64 `json:"skillIndex"`

type Building

type Building struct {
	Status *struct {
		Labor Labor `json:"labor"`
	} `json:"status"`
	Chars     map[string]BuildingChar `json:"chars"`
	RoomSlots map[string]RoomSlot     `json:"roomSlots"`
	Rooms     *Rooms                  `json:"rooms"`
	Furniture map[string]struct {
		Count int64 `json:"count"`
		InUse int64 `json:"inUse"`
	} `json:"furniture"`
	DiyPresetSolutions EmptyStruct `json:"diyPresetSolutions"`
	Assist             []int64     `json:"assist"`

type BuildingChar

type BuildingChar struct {
	CharID        string `json:"charId"`
	LastApAddTime int64  `json:"lastApAddTime"`
	Ap            int64  `json:"ap"`
	RoomSlotID    string `json:"roomSlotId"`
	Index         int64  `json:"index"`
	ChangeScale   int64  `json:"changeScale"`
	Bubble        struct {
		Normal Assist `json:"normal"`
		Assist Assist `json:"assist"`
	} `json:"bubble"`
	WorkTime int64 `json:"workTime"`

type Campaigns

type Campaigns struct {
	ActiveGroupID      string                  `json:"activeGroupId"`
	CampaignCurrentFee int64                   `json:"campaignCurrentFee"`
	CampaignTotalFee   int64                   `json:"campaignTotalFee"`
	Instances          map[string]InstanceInfo `json:"instances"`

type Carpet

type Carpet struct {
	ID         string     `json:"id"`
	Coordinate Coordinate `json:"coordinate"`

type ChainLogin

type ChainLogin struct {
	IsAvailable bool    `json:"isAvailable"`
	NowIndex    int64   `json:"nowIndex"`
	History     []int64 `json:"history"`

type CharElement

type CharElement struct {
	CharID      string `json:"charId"`
	Level       int64  `json:"level"`
	Skin        string `json:"skin"`
	EvolvePhase int64  `json:"evolvePhase"`

type Character

type Character struct {
	CharInstID int64 `json:"charInstId"`
	Count      int64 `json:"count"`

type CheckinInfo

type CheckinInfo struct {
	LastTs  int64   `json:"lastTs"`
	History []int64 `json:"history"`

type ConsumableInfo

type ConsumableInfo struct {
	Ts    int64 `json:"ts"`
	Count int64 `json:"count"`

type ControlSlot

type ControlSlot struct {
	Buff struct {
		Global struct {
			ApCost int64 `json:"apCost"`
		} `json:"global"`
		Manufacture SpeedContainer   `json:"manufacture"`
		Trading     SpeedContainer   `json:"trading"`
		ApCost      map[string]int64 `json:"apCost"`
	} `json:"buff"`
	ApCost int64 `json:"apCost"`

type Coordinate

type Coordinate struct {
	X int64 `json:"x"`
	Y int64 `json:"y"`

type DexNav

type DexNav struct {
	Character map[string]Character        `json:"character"`
	Formula   *Formula                    `json:"formula"`
	Team      map[string]map[string]int64 `json:"team"`
	Enemy     *Enemy                      `json:"enemy"`

type DiySolution

type DiySolution struct {
	WallPaper *string  `json:"wallPaper"`
	Floor     *string  `json:"floor"`
	Carpet    []Carpet `json:"carpet"`
	Other     []Carpet `json:"other"`

type DormInfo

type DormInfo struct {
	Buff        DormInfoBuff `json:"buff"`
	Comfort     int64        `json:"comfort"`
	DiySolution DiySolution  `json:"diySolution"`

type DormInfoBuff

type DormInfoBuff struct {
	ApCost struct {
		All    int64 `json:"all"`
		Single struct {
			Target *int64 `json:"target"`
			Value  int64  `json:"value"`
		} `json:"single"`
		Self map[string]int64 `json:"self"`
	} `json:"apCost"`

type Dungeon

type Dungeon struct {
	Stages    map[string]StageValue `json:"stages"`
	Campaigns *Campaigns            `json:"campaigns"`

type EmptyStruct

type EmptyStruct struct{}

type Enemy

type Enemy struct {
	Enemies map[string]int64    `json:"enemies"`
	Stage   map[string][]string `json:"stage"`

type Formula

type Formula struct {
	Shop        EmptyStruct      `json:"shop"`
	Manufacture map[string]int64 `json:"manufacture"`
	Workshop    map[string]int64 `json:"workshop"`

type Gacha

type Gacha struct {
	Newbee map[string]int64     `json:"newbee"`
	Normal map[string]GachaInfo `json:"normal"`

type GachaInfo

type GachaInfo struct {
	Cnt    int64 `json:"cnt"`
	MaxCnt int64 `json:"maxCnt"`
	Rarity int64 `json:"rarity"`
	Avail  bool  `json:"avail"`

type Gain

type Gain struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Count int64  `json:"count"`

type HireInfo

type HireInfo struct {
	Buff             SpeedContainer `json:"buff"`
	State            int64          `json:"state"`
	RefreshCount     int64          `json:"refreshCount"`
	LastUpdateTime   int64          `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	ProcessPoint     float64        `json:"processPoint"`
	Speed            float64        `json:"speed"`
	CompleteWorkTime int64          `json:"completeWorkTime"`

type Info

type Info struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Count int64  `json:"count"`

type InfoSlice

type InfoSlice struct {
	Info []Info `json:"info"`

type InstanceInfo

type InstanceInfo struct {
	MaxKills     int64   `json:"maxKills"`
	RewardStatus []int64 `json:"rewardStatus"`

type Labor

type Labor struct {
	BuffSpeed      float64 `json:"buffSpeed"`
	ProcessPoint   float64 `json:"processPoint"`
	Value          int64   `json:"value"`
	LastUpdateTime int64   `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	MaxValue       int64   `json:"maxValue"`

type ManufactureInfo

type ManufactureInfo struct {
	Buff struct {
		ApCost struct {
			Self map[string]int64 `json:"self"`
		} `json:"apCost"`
		Speed    float64 `json:"speed"`
		Capacity int64   `json:"capacity"`
	} `json:"buff"`
	State             int64   `json:"state"`
	FormulaID         string  `json:"formulaId"`
	RemainSolutionCnt int64   `json:"remainSolutionCnt"`
	OutputSolutionCnt int64   `json:"outputSolutionCnt"`
	LastUpdateTime    int64   `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	SaveTime          int64   `json:"saveTime"`
	TailTime          float64 `json:"tailTime"`
	ApCost            int64   `json:"apCost"`
	CompleteWorkTime  int64   `json:"completeWorkTime"`
	Capacity          int64   `json:"capacity"`
	ProcessPoint      float64 `json:"processPoint"`

type MeetingInfo

type MeetingInfo struct {
	Buff struct {
		Speed  float64 `json:"speed"`
		Weight Weight  `json:"weight"`
	} `json:"buff"`
	State        int64             `json:"state"`
	Speed        float64           `json:"speed"`
	ProcessPoint float64           `json:"processPoint"`
	OwnStock     []Stock           `json:"ownStock"`
	ReceiveStock []Stock           `json:"receiveStock"`
	Board        map[string]string `json:"board"`
	SocialReward struct {
		Daily  int64 `json:"daily"`
		Search int64 `json:"search"`
	} `json:"socialReward"`
	DailyReward   *Stock `json:"dailyReward"`
	ExpiredReward int64  `json:"expiredReward"`
	Received      int64  `json:"received"`
	InfoShare     struct {
		Ts     int64 `json:"ts"`
		Reward int64 `json:"reward"`
	} `json:"infoShare"`
	LastUpdateTime   int64 `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	CompleteWorkTime int64 `json:"completeWorkTime"`

type Mission

type Mission struct {
	Missions       *Missions        `json:"missions"`
	MissionRewards *MissionRewards  `json:"missionRewards"`
	MissionGroups  map[string]int64 `json:"missionGroups"`

type MissionInfo

type MissionInfo struct {
	State    int64 `json:"state"`
	Progress []struct {
		Target *int64 `json:"target"`
		Value  int64  `json:"value"`
	} `json:"progress"`

type MissionRewards

type MissionRewards struct {
	DailyPoint  int64    `json:"dailyPoint"`
	WeeklyPoint int64    `json:"weeklyPoint"`
	Rewards     *Rewards `json:"rewards"`

type Missions

type Missions struct {
	Openserver map[string]MissionInfo `json:"OPENSERVER"`
	Daily      map[string]MissionInfo `json:"DAILY"`
	Weekly     map[string]MissionInfo `json:"WEEKLY"`
	Guide      map[string]MissionInfo `json:"GUIDE"`
	Main       map[string]MissionInfo `json:"MAIN"`
	Activity   map[string]MissionInfo `json:"ACTIVITY"`
	Sub        map[string]MissionInfo `json:"SUB"`

type Monthly

type Monthly struct {
	CurGroupID string `json:"curGroupId"`
	Info       []Info `json:"info"`

type OpenServerCheckIn

type OpenServerCheckIn struct {
	IsAvailable bool    `json:"isAvailable"`
	History     []int64 `json:"history"`

type PowerInfo

type PowerInfo struct {
	Buff struct {
		LaborSpeed float64 `json:"laborSpeed"`
	} `json:"buff"`

type PushFlags

type PushFlags struct {
	HasGifts         int64 `json:"hasGifts"`
	HasFriendRequest int64 `json:"hasFriendRequest"`
	HasClues         int64 `json:"hasClues"`
	HasFreeLevelGP   int64 `json:"hasFreeLevelGP"`
	Status           int64 `json:"status"`

type Recruit

type Recruit struct {
	Normal *RecruitNormal `json:"normal"`

type RecruitNormal

type RecruitNormal struct {
	Slots map[string]RecruitSlot `json:"slots"`

type RecruitSlot

type RecruitSlot struct {
	State         int64       `json:"state"`
	Tags          []int64     `json:"tags"`
	SelectTags    []SelectTag `json:"selectTags"`
	StartTs       int64       `json:"startTs"`
	DurationInSEC int64       `json:"durationInSec"`
	MaxFinishTs   int64       `json:"maxFinishTs"`
	RealFinishTs  int64       `json:"realFinishTs"`

type Rewards

type Rewards struct {
	Daily  map[string]int64 `json:"DAILY"`
	Weekly map[string]int64 `json:"WEEKLY"`

type RoomSlot

type RoomSlot struct {
	Level                 int64   `json:"level"`
	State                 int64   `json:"state"`
	RoomID                string  `json:"roomId"`
	CharInstIDS           []int64 `json:"charInstIds"`
	CompleteConstructTime int64   `json:"completeConstructTime"`

type Rooms

type Rooms struct {
	Control     map[string]ControlSlot     `json:"CONTROL"`
	Elevator    map[string]EmptyStruct     `json:"ELEVATOR"`
	Power       map[string]PowerInfo       `json:"POWER"`
	Manufacture map[string]ManufactureInfo `json:"MANUFACTURE"`
	Trading     map[string]TradingInfo     `json:"TRADING"`
	Dormitory   map[string]DormInfo        `json:"DORMITORY"`
	Corridor    map[string]EmptyStruct     `json:"CORRIDOR"`
	Workshop    map[string]WorkshopInfo    `json:"WORKSHOP"`
	Meeting     map[string]MeetingInfo     `json:"MEETING"`
	Hire        map[string]HireInfo        `json:"HIRE"`
	Training    map[string]TrainingInfo    `json:"TRAINING"`

type SelectTag

type SelectTag struct {
	TagID int64 `json:"tagId"`
	Pick  int64 `json:"pick"`

type Shop

type Shop struct {
	LS *struct {
		CurShopID  string `json:"curShopId"`
		CurGroupID string `json:"curGroupId"`
		Info       []Info `json:"info"`
	} `json:"LS"`
	HS *struct {
		CurShopID    string      `json:"curShopId"`
		Info         []Info      `json:"info"`
		ProgressInfo EmptyStruct `json:"progressInfo"`
	} `json:"HS"`
	ES *struct {
		CurShopID string `json:"curShopId"`
		Info      []Info `json:"info"`
	} `json:"ES"`
	Cash InfoSlice `json:"CASH"`
	GP   *struct {
		OneTime InfoSlice `json:"oneTime"`
		Level   InfoSlice `json:"level"`
		Weekly  Monthly   `json:"weekly"`
		Monthly Monthly   `json:"monthly"`
	} `json:"GP"`
	Furni  InfoSlice `json:"FURNI"`
	Social Social    `json:"SOCIAL"`

type Skill

type Skill struct {
	SkillID             string `json:"skillId"`
	Unlock              int64  `json:"unlock"`
	State               int64  `json:"state"`
	SpecializeLevel     int64  `json:"specializeLevel"`
	CompleteUpgradeTime int64  `json:"completeUpgradeTime"`

type Social

type Social struct {
	CurShopID    string           `json:"curShopId"`
	Info         []Info           `json:"info"`
	CharPurchase map[string]int64 `json:"charPurchase"`

type SpeedContainer

type SpeedContainer struct {
	Speed float64 `json:"speed"`

type Squad

type Squad struct {
	SquadID string           `json:"squadId"`
	Name    string           `json:"name"`
	Slots   []AssistCharList `json:"slots"`

type StageValue

type StageValue struct {
	StageID         string `json:"stageId"`
	CompleteTimes   int64  `json:"completeTimes"`
	StartTimes      int64  `json:"startTimes"`
	PracticeTimes   int64  `json:"practiceTimes"`
	State           int64  `json:"state"`
	HasBattleReplay int64  `json:"hasBattleReplay"`
	NoCostCnt       int64  `json:"noCostCnt"`

type Stock

type Stock struct {
	ID      string        `json:"id"`
	Type    string        `json:"type"`
	Number  int64         `json:"number"`
	UID     string        `json:"uid"`
	Name    string        `json:"name"`
	NickNum string        `json:"nickNum"`
	Chars   []CharElement `json:"chars"`
	InUse   int64         `json:"inUse"`
	Ts      int64         `json:"ts"`

type StockElement

type StockElement struct {
	InstID   int64  `json:"instId"`
	Delivery []Gain `json:"delivery"`
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	Gain     *Gain  `json:"gain"`

type TradingInfo

type TradingInfo struct {
	Buff struct {
		Speed  float64 `json:"speed"`
		Limit  int64   `json:"limit"`
		ApCost struct {
			All    int64            `json:"all"`
			Single EmptyStruct      `json:"single"`
			Self   map[string]int64 `json:"self"`
		} `json:"apCost"`
		Rate EmptyStruct `json:"rate"`
	} `json:"buff"`
	State          int64          `json:"state"`
	LastUpdateTime int64          `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	Strategy       string         `json:"strategy"`
	StockLimit     int64          `json:"stockLimit"`
	ApCost         int64          `json:"apCost"`
	Stock          []StockElement `json:"stock"`
	Next           struct {
		Order        int64   `json:"order"`
		ProcessPoint float64 `json:"processPoint"`
		MaxPoint     int64   `json:"maxPoint"`
		Speed        float64 `json:"speed"`
	} `json:"next"`
	CompleteWorkTime int64 `json:"completeWorkTime"`

type TrainingInfo

type TrainingInfo struct {
	Buff           SpeedContainer `json:"buff"`
	State          int64          `json:"state"`
	LastUpdateTime int64          `json:"lastUpdateTime"`
	Trainee        struct {
		CharInstID   int64   `json:"charInstId"`
		State        int64   `json:"state"`
		TargetSkill  int64   `json:"targetSkill"`
		ProcessPoint int64   `json:"processPoint"`
		Speed        float64 `json:"speed"`
	} `json:"trainee"`
	Trainer struct {
		CharInstID int64 `json:"charInstId"`
		State      int64 `json:"state"`
	} `json:"trainer"`

type Troop

type Troop struct {
	CurCharInstID int64                `json:"curCharInstId"`
	CurSquadCount int64                `json:"curSquadCount"`
	Squads        map[string]Squad     `json:"squads"`
	Chars         map[string]TroopChar `json:"chars"`

type TroopChar

type TroopChar struct {
	InstID            int64   `json:"instId"`
	CharID            string  `json:"charId"`
	FavorPoint        int64   `json:"favorPoint"`
	PotentialRank     int64   `json:"potentialRank"`
	MainSkillLvl      int64   `json:"mainSkillLvl"`
	Skin              string  `json:"skin"`
	Level             int64   `json:"level"`
	Exp               int64   `json:"exp"`
	EvolvePhase       int64   `json:"evolvePhase"`
	DefaultSkillIndex int64   `json:"defaultSkillIndex"`
	GainTime          int64   `json:"gainTime"`
	Skills            []Skill `json:"skills"`

type User

type User struct {
	Building *Building `json:"building"`
	Social   *struct {
		AssistCharList  []AssistCharList `json:"assistCharList"`
		YesterdayReward YesterdayReward  `json:"yesterdayReward"`
	} `json:"social"`
	Ticket     EmptyStruct `json:"ticket"`
	Gacha      *Gacha      `json:"gacha"`
	OpenServer *struct {
		CheckIn    OpenServerCheckIn `json:"checkIn"`
		ChainLogin ChainLogin        `json:"chainLogin"`
	} `json:"openServer"`
	DexNav  *DexNav  `json:"dexNav"`
	Dungeon *Dungeon `json:"dungeon"`
	Shop    *Shop    `json:"shop"`
	Skin    *struct {
		CharacterSkins map[string]int64 `json:"characterSkins"`
	} `json:"skin"`
	PushFlags        *PushFlags   `json:"pushFlags"`
	Troop            *Troop       `json:"troop"`
	CheckIn          *UserCheckIn `json:"checkIn"`
	Activity         *Activities  `json:"activity"`
	Mission          *Mission     `json:"mission"`
	CollectionReward *struct {
		Team map[string]int64 `json:"team"`
	} `json:"collectionReward"`
	Recruit    *Recruit                             `json:"recruit"`
	Status     *UserStatus                          `json:"status"`
	Consumable map[string]map[string]ConsumableInfo `json:"consumable"`
	Inventory  map[string]int64                     `json:"inventory"`
	Event      *struct {
		Building int64 `json:"building"`
	} `json:"event"`

type UserCheckIn

type UserCheckIn struct {
	CanCheckIn         int64   `json:"canCheckIn"`
	CheckInGroupID     string  `json:"checkInGroupId"`
	CheckInRewardIndex int64   `json:"checkInRewardIndex"`
	CheckInHistory     []int64 `json:"checkInHistory"`

type UserStatus

type UserStatus struct {
	NickName                     string           `json:"nickName"`
	NickNumber                   string           `json:"nickNumber"`
	Level                        int64            `json:"level"`
	Exp                          int64            `json:"exp"`
	SocialPoint                  int64            `json:"socialPoint"`
	GachaTicket                  int64            `json:"gachaTicket"`
	TenGachaTicket               int64            `json:"tenGachaTicket"`
	InstantFinishTicket          int64            `json:"instantFinishTicket"`
	HggShard                     int64            `json:"hggShard"`
	LggShard                     int64            `json:"lggShard"`
	RecruitLicense               int64            `json:"recruitLicense"`
	Progress                     int64            `json:"progress"`
	BuyApRemainTimes             int64            `json:"buyApRemainTimes"`
	ApLimitUpFlag                int64            `json:"apLimitUpFlag"`
	UID                          string           `json:"uid"`
	Flags                        map[string]int64 `json:"flags"`
	Ap                           int64            `json:"ap"`
	MaxAp                        int64            `json:"maxAp"`
	PayDiamond                   int64            `json:"payDiamond"`
	FreeDiamond                  int64            `json:"freeDiamond"`
	DiamondShard                 int64            `json:"diamondShard"`
	Gold                         int64            `json:"gold"`
	PracticeTicket               int64            `json:"practiceTicket"`
	LastRefreshTs                int64            `json:"lastRefreshTs"`
	LastApAddTime                int64            `json:"lastApAddTime"`
	MainStageProgress            string           `json:"mainStageProgress"`
	RegisterTs                   int64            `json:"registerTs"`
	LastOnlineTs                 int64            `json:"lastOnlineTs"`
	ServerName                   string           `json:"serverName"`
	AvatarID                     string           `json:"avatarId"`
	Resume                       string           `json:"resume"`
	FriendNumLimit               int64            `json:"friendNumLimit"`
	MonthlySubscriptionStartTime int64            `json:"monthlySubscriptionStartTime"`
	MonthlySubscriptionEndTime   int64            `json:"monthlySubscriptionEndTime"`
	Secretary                    string           `json:"secretary"`
	SecretarySkinID              string           `json:"secretarySkinId"`

type Weight

type Weight struct {
	Rhine      float64 `json:"RHINE"`
	Penguin    float64 `json:"PENGUIN"`
	Blacksteel float64 `json:"BLACKSTEEL"`
	Ursus      float64 `json:"URSUS"`
	Glasgow    float64 `json:"GLASGOW"`
	Kjerag     float64 `json:"KJERAG"`
	Rhodes     float64 `json:"RHODES"`

type WorkshopInfo

type WorkshopInfo struct {
	Buff struct {
		Rate *struct {
			All       float64 `json:"all"`
			WBuilding float64 `json:"W_BUILDING"`
			WEvolve   float64 `json:"W_EVOLVE"`
			WSkill    float64 `json:"W_SKILL"`
		} `json:"rate"`
		Cost *struct {
			Type      string `json:"type"`
			Limit     int64  `json:"limit"`
			Reduction int64  `json:"reduction"`
		} `json:"cost"`
	} `json:"buff"`

type YesterdayReward

type YesterdayReward struct {
	CanReceive    int64 `json:"canReceive"`
	AssistAmount  int64 `json:"assistAmount"`
	ComfortAmount int64 `json:"comfortAmount"`
	First         int64 `json:"first"`

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL