Application Operator
The Application Operator (AO) can work in two modes.
By default, it detects changes in Application custom resources and acts accordingly. In this mode, Application Gateway is created for each Application.
In the alternative mode, it detects changes in ServiceInstance custom resources and acts accordingly. In this mode, Application Gateway is created per Namespace.
The Application Operator performs different operations as a result of the following events.
In the default Gateway-per-Application mode:
- Application created - the AO installs the Helm chart that contains all the necessary Kubernetes resources required for the Application to work.
- Application updated - the AO updates the Status of the Application Helm Release.
- Application deleted - the AO deletes Helm chart corresponding to the given Application.
In the Gateway-per-Namespace mode:
- First ServiceInstance created in a given Namespace - the AO installs the Helm chart that contains all the necessary Kubernetes resources required for the Application Gateway to work.
- Last ServiceInstance from a given Namespace is deleted - the AO deletes the Gateway Helm chart.
The Application Operator has the following parameters:
- appName is the name used in controller registration. The default value is
- domainName is the domain name of the cluster. The default domain name is
- namespace is the Namespace where the AO deploys the charts of the Application. The default Namespace is
- helmDriver is the Helm 3 backend storage driver setting. Possible values are:
, secret
and memory
. The default value is secret
- syncPeriod is the time period between resyncing existing resources. The default value is
- installationTimeout is the time after which the release installation will time out. The default value is
- applicationGatewayImage is the Application Gateway image version to use in the Application chart.
- applicationGatewayTestsImage is the Application Gateway Tests image version to use in the Application chart.
- eventServiceImage is the Event Service image version to use in the Application chart.
- eventServiceTestsImage is the Event Service Tests image version to use in the Application chart.
- applicationConnectivityValidatorImage is the Application Connectivity Validator image version to use in the Application chart.
- gatewayOncePerNamespace is a flag that specifies whether Application Gateway should be deployed once per Namespace based on ServiceInstance or for every Application. The default value is
- strictMode is a toggle used to enable or disable Istio authorization policy for validator and HTTP source adapter. The default value is
- healthPort is the number of the TCP port used to perform health checking of the Application Operator.
- isBEBEnabled is a toggle used to enable or disable eventing based on BEB. The default value is
Testing on a local deployment
When you develop the Application Connector components, you can test the changes you introduced on a local Kyma deployment before you push them to a production cluster.
To test the component you modified, run the
script located in the scripts
Running the script builds the Docker image of the component, pushes it to the Minikube registry, and updates the component deployment in the Minikube cluster. It then triggers the
script, which builds the image of the acceptance tests to the Minikube registry, creates a Pod with the tests, and fetches the logs from that Pod.
Alternatively, you can run only the
script for the given component to build the image of the component's acceptance tests in the Minikube registry, create a Pod with the tests, and fetch the logs from that Pod.