Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type ApplicationRepository
- type ApplicationTemplateRepository
- type AsaEngine
- func (_m *AsaEngine) EnsureScenarioAssigned(ctx context.Context, in *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, ...) error
- func (_m *AsaEngine) GetMatchingFuncByFormationObjectType(objType graphql.FormationObjectType) (formation.MatchingFunc, error)
- func (_m *AsaEngine) GetScenariosFromMatchingASAs(ctx context.Context, objectID string, objType graphql.FormationObjectType) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *AsaEngine) IsFormationComingFromASA(ctx context.Context, objectID string, _a2 string, ...) (bool, error)
- func (_m *AsaEngine) UnassignFormationComingFromASA(ctx context.Context, in *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, ...) error
- type AssignmentOperationService
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Create(ctx context.Context, in *model.AssignmentOperationInput) (string, error)
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) DeleteByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []string) error
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Finish(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string) error
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) GetLatestOperation(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string) (*model.AssignmentOperation, error)
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) ListByFormationAssignmentIDs(ctx context.Context, formationAssignmentIDs []string, pageSize int, ...) ([]*model.AssignmentOperationPage, error)
- func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Update(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string, ...) error
- type AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository
- func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment) error
- func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForScenarioName(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, scenarioName string) error
- func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForTargetTenant(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, targetTenantID string) error
- func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) ListAll(ctx context.Context, tenantID string) ([]*model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, error)
- type AutomaticFormationAssignmentService
- type ConstraintEngine
- type Converter
- type EntityConverter
- type FormationAssignmentConverter
- type FormationAssignmentNotificationsService
- type FormationAssignmentRepository
- type FormationAssignmentService
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) CleanupFormationAssignment(ctx context.Context, ...) (bool, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) DeleteAssignmentsForObjectID(ctx context.Context, formationID string, objectID string) error
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GenerateAssignments(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, ...) ([]*model.FormationAssignmentInput, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormation(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormationWithStates(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationID string, states []string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetForFormation(ctx context.Context, id string, formationID string) (*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetReverseBySourceAndTarget(ctx context.Context, formationID string, sourceID string, targetID string) (*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListAllForObjectGlobal(ctx context.Context, objectID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDs(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string, pageSize int, cursor string) ([]*model.FormationAssignmentPage, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDsNoPaging(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([][]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListFormationAssignmentsForObjectID(ctx context.Context, formationID string, objectID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) PersistAssignments(ctx context.Context, tnt string, assignments []*model.FormationAssignmentInput) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignmentPair(ctx context.Context, ...) (bool, error)
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignments(ctx context.Context, ...) error
- func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, fa *model.FormationAssignment) error
- type FormationRepository
- func (_m *FormationRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, item *model.Formation) error
- func (_m *FormationRepository) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, name string) error
- func (_m *FormationRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string, tenantID string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) GetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, tenantID string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) GetGlobalByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) List(ctx context.Context, tenant string, pageSize int, cursor string) (*model.FormationPage, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) ListByIDsGlobal(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormations(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationNames []string, ...) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormationsGlobal(ctx context.Context, formationNames []string, ...) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *FormationRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.Formation) error
- func (_m *FormationRepository) UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps(ctx context.Context, formationID string) error
- type FormationTemplateRepository
- type LabelDefRepository
- type LabelDefService
- func (_m *LabelDefService) CreateWithFormations(ctx context.Context, tnt string, formations []string) error
- func (_m *LabelDefService) GetAvailableScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenantID string) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *LabelDefService) ValidateAutomaticScenarioAssignmentAgainstSchema(ctx context.Context, schema interface{}, tenantID string, key string) error
- func (_m *LabelDefService) ValidateExistingLabelsAgainstSchema(ctx context.Context, schema interface{}, tenant string, key string) error
- type LabelRepository
- func (_m *LabelRepository) Delete(_a0 context.Context, _a1 string, _a2 model.LabelableObject, _a3 string, ...) error
- func (_m *LabelRepository) ListForObject(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectType model.LabelableObject, ...) (map[string]*model.Label, error)
- func (_m *LabelRepository) ListForObjectIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectType model.LabelableObject, ...) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
- type LabelService
- func (_m *LabelService) CreateLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) error
- func (_m *LabelService) GetLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) (*model.Label, error)
- func (_m *LabelService) UpdateLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) error
- type NotificationBuilder
- func (_m *NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationAssignmentNotificationRequest(ctx context.Context, ...) (*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequest, error)
- func (_m *NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationNotificationRequests(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
- func (_m *NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForApplicationTenantMappingNotificationGeneration(operation model.FormationOperation, formationTemplateID string, ...) (*formationconstraint.GenerateFormationAssignmentNotificationOperationDetails, ...)
- func (_m *NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForConfigurationChangeNotificationGeneration(operation model.FormationOperation, formationTemplateID string, ...) (*formationconstraint.GenerateFormationAssignmentNotificationOperationDetails, ...)
- type NotificationsGenerator
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateFormationLifecycleNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationTemplateWebhooks []*model.Webhook, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeCtxID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutRuntimeAndRuntimeContextForTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeCtxID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForRuntimeAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- type NotificationsService
- func (_m *NotificationsService) GenerateFormationAssignmentNotifications(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectID string, _a3 *model.Formation, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsService) GenerateFormationNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationTemplateWebhooks []*model.Webhook, ...) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsService) PrepareDetailsForNotificationStatusReturned(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation) (*formationconstraint.NotificationStatusReturnedOperationDetails, error)
- func (_m *NotificationsService) SendNotification(ctx context.Context, webhookNotificationReq webhookclient.WebhookExtRequest) (*webhook.Response, error)
- type ProcessFunc
- type RuntimeContextRepository
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ExistsByRuntimeID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, rtmID string) (bool, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string) (*model.RuntimeContext, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) GetByRuntimeID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string) (*model.RuntimeContext, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, ids []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenariosAndRuntimeIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string, runtimeIDs []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
- type RuntimeRepository
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) GetByFiltersAndIDUsingUnion(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, ...) (*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string) (*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListAll(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListAllWithUnionSetCombination(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, ids []string) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListByScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListOwnedRuntimes(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
- func (_m *RuntimeRepository) OwnerExistsByFiltersAndID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, ...) (bool, error)
- type Service
- func (_m *Service) AssignFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, ...) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) CreateFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, _a2 model.Formation, templateName string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) DeleteFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, _a2 model.Formation) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) FinalizeDraftFormation(ctx context.Context, formationID string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) GetFormationByName(ctx context.Context, formationName string, tnt string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) GetGlobalByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) List(ctx context.Context, pageSize int, cursor string) (*model.FormationPage, error)
- func (_m *Service) ListFormationsForObjectGlobal(ctx context.Context, objectID string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) ResynchronizeFormationNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationID string, reset bool) (*model.Formation, error)
- func (_m *Service) UnassignFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, ...) (*model.Formation, error)
- type StatusService
- type TenantFetcher
- type TenantRepository
- type TenantService
- func (_m *TenantService) GetInternalTenant(ctx context.Context, externalTenant string) (string, error)
- func (_m *TenantService) GetTenantByExternalID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
- func (_m *TenantService) GetTenantByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
- type TenantSvc
- type UuidService
- type WebhookClient
- type WebhookConverter
- type WebhookRepository
- func (_m *WebhookRepository) GetByIDAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectID string, ...) (*model.Webhook, error)
- func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectIDGlobal(ctx context.Context, objID string, objType model.WebhookReferenceObjectType) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
- func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypeAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, whType model.WebhookType, ...) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
- func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypesAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, whType model.WebhookType, ...) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ApplicationRepository ¶
ApplicationRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the applicationRepository type
func NewApplicationRepository ¶
func NewApplicationRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ApplicationRepository
NewApplicationRepository creates a new instance of ApplicationRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ApplicationRepository) GetByID ¶
func (_m *ApplicationRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string) (*model.Application, error)
GetByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id
func (*ApplicationRepository) ListListeningApplications ¶
func (_m *ApplicationRepository) ListListeningApplications(ctx context.Context, tenant string, whType model.WebhookType) ([]*model.Application, error)
ListListeningApplications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, whType
type ApplicationTemplateRepository ¶
ApplicationTemplateRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the applicationTemplateRepository type
func NewApplicationTemplateRepository ¶
func NewApplicationTemplateRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ApplicationTemplateRepository
NewApplicationTemplateRepository creates a new instance of ApplicationTemplateRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ApplicationTemplateRepository) Get ¶
func (_m *ApplicationTemplateRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.ApplicationTemplate, error)
Get provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ApplicationTemplateRepository) ListByIDs ¶
func (_m *ApplicationTemplateRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([]*model.ApplicationTemplate, error)
ListByIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ids
type AsaEngine ¶
AsaEngine is an autogenerated mock type for the asaEngine type
func NewAsaEngine ¶
func NewAsaEngine(t mockConstructorTestingTNewAsaEngine) *AsaEngine
NewAsaEngine creates a new instance of AsaEngine. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*AsaEngine) EnsureScenarioAssigned ¶
func (_m *AsaEngine) EnsureScenarioAssigned(ctx context.Context, in *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, processScenarioFunc formation.ProcessScenarioFunc) error
EnsureScenarioAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, processScenarioFunc
func (*AsaEngine) GetMatchingFuncByFormationObjectType ¶
func (_m *AsaEngine) GetMatchingFuncByFormationObjectType(objType graphql.FormationObjectType) (formation.MatchingFunc, error)
GetMatchingFuncByFormationObjectType provides a mock function with given fields: objType
func (*AsaEngine) GetScenariosFromMatchingASAs ¶
func (_m *AsaEngine) GetScenariosFromMatchingASAs(ctx context.Context, objectID string, objType graphql.FormationObjectType) ([]string, error)
GetScenariosFromMatchingASAs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, objectID, objType
func (*AsaEngine) IsFormationComingFromASA ¶
func (_m *AsaEngine) IsFormationComingFromASA(ctx context.Context, objectID string, _a2 string, objectType graphql.FormationObjectType) (bool, error)
IsFormationComingFromASA provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, objectID, _a2, objectType
func (*AsaEngine) UnassignFormationComingFromASA ¶
func (_m *AsaEngine) UnassignFormationComingFromASA(ctx context.Context, in *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, processScenarioFunc formation.ProcessScenarioFunc) error
UnassignFormationComingFromASA provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, processScenarioFunc
type AssignmentOperationService ¶
AssignmentOperationService is an autogenerated mock type for the assignmentOperationService type
func NewAssignmentOperationService ¶
func NewAssignmentOperationService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AssignmentOperationService
NewAssignmentOperationService creates a new instance of AssignmentOperationService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AssignmentOperationService) Create ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Create(ctx context.Context, in *model.AssignmentOperationInput) (string, error)
Create provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in
func (*AssignmentOperationService) DeleteByIDs ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) DeleteByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []string) error
DeleteByIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ids
func (*AssignmentOperationService) Finish ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Finish(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string) error
Finish provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, assignmentID, formationID
func (*AssignmentOperationService) GetLatestOperation ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) GetLatestOperation(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string) (*model.AssignmentOperation, error)
GetLatestOperation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, assignmentID, formationID
func (*AssignmentOperationService) ListByFormationAssignmentIDs ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) ListByFormationAssignmentIDs(ctx context.Context, formationAssignmentIDs []string, pageSize int, cursor string) ([]*model.AssignmentOperationPage, error)
ListByFormationAssignmentIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationAssignmentIDs, pageSize, cursor
func (*AssignmentOperationService) Update ¶
func (_m *AssignmentOperationService) Update(ctx context.Context, assignmentID string, formationID string, newTrigger model.OperationTrigger) error
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, assignmentID, formationID, newTrigger
type AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository ¶
AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the automaticFormationAssignmentRepository type
func NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository ¶
func NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository
NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository creates a new instance of AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) Create ¶
func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment) error
Create provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1
func (*AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForScenarioName ¶
func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForScenarioName(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, scenarioName string) error
DeleteForScenarioName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, scenarioName
func (*AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForTargetTenant ¶
func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) DeleteForTargetTenant(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, targetTenantID string) error
DeleteForTargetTenant provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, targetTenantID
func (*AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) ListAll ¶
func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentRepository) ListAll(ctx context.Context, tenantID string) ([]*model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, error)
ListAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID
type AutomaticFormationAssignmentService ¶
AutomaticFormationAssignmentService is an autogenerated mock type for the automaticFormationAssignmentService type
func NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentService ¶
func NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AutomaticFormationAssignmentService
NewAutomaticFormationAssignmentService creates a new instance of AutomaticFormationAssignmentService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AutomaticFormationAssignmentService) GetForScenarioName ¶
func (_m *AutomaticFormationAssignmentService) GetForScenarioName(ctx context.Context, scenarioName string) (*model.AutomaticScenarioAssignment, error)
GetForScenarioName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, scenarioName
type ConstraintEngine ¶
ConstraintEngine is an autogenerated mock type for the constraintEngine type
func NewConstraintEngine ¶
func NewConstraintEngine(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ConstraintEngine
NewConstraintEngine creates a new instance of ConstraintEngine. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ConstraintEngine) EnforceConstraints ¶
func (_m *ConstraintEngine) EnforceConstraints(ctx context.Context, location formationconstraint.JoinPointLocation, details formationconstraint.JoinPointDetails, formationTemplateID string) error
EnforceConstraints provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, location, details, formationTemplateID
type Converter ¶
Converter is an autogenerated mock type for the Converter type
func NewConverter ¶
NewConverter creates a new instance of Converter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Converter) FromGraphQL ¶
func (_m *Converter) FromGraphQL(i graphql.FormationInput) model.Formation
FromGraphQL provides a mock function with given fields: i
func (*Converter) MultipleToGraphQL ¶
MultipleToGraphQL provides a mock function with given fields: in
type EntityConverter ¶
EntityConverter is an autogenerated mock type for the EntityConverter type
func NewEntityConverter ¶
func NewEntityConverter(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *EntityConverter
NewEntityConverter creates a new instance of EntityConverter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*EntityConverter) FromEntity ¶
func (_m *EntityConverter) FromEntity(entity *formation.Entity) *model.Formation
FromEntity provides a mock function with given fields: entity
type FormationAssignmentConverter ¶
FormationAssignmentConverter is an autogenerated mock type for the FormationAssignmentConverter type
func NewFormationAssignmentConverter ¶
func NewFormationAssignmentConverter(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationAssignmentConverter
NewFormationAssignmentConverter creates a new instance of FormationAssignmentConverter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationAssignmentConverter) MultipleToGraphQL ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentConverter) MultipleToGraphQL(in []*model.FormationAssignment) ([]*graphql.FormationAssignment, error)
MultipleToGraphQL provides a mock function with given fields: in
func (*FormationAssignmentConverter) ToGraphQL ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentConverter) ToGraphQL(in *model.FormationAssignment) (*graphql.FormationAssignment, error)
ToGraphQL provides a mock function with given fields: in
type FormationAssignmentNotificationsService ¶
FormationAssignmentNotificationsService is an autogenerated mock type for the FormationAssignmentNotificationsService type
func NewFormationAssignmentNotificationsService ¶
func NewFormationAssignmentNotificationsService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationAssignmentNotificationsService
NewFormationAssignmentNotificationsService creates a new instance of FormationAssignmentNotificationsService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationAssignmentNotificationsService) GenerateFormationAssignmentNotification ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentNotificationsService) GenerateFormationAssignmentNotification(ctx context.Context, formationAssignment *model.FormationAssignment, operation model.FormationOperation) (*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequest, error)
GenerateFormationAssignmentNotification provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationAssignment, operation
type FormationAssignmentRepository ¶
FormationAssignmentRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the FormationAssignmentRepository type
func NewFormationAssignmentRepository ¶
func NewFormationAssignmentRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationAssignmentRepository
NewFormationAssignmentRepository creates a new instance of FormationAssignmentRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationAssignmentRepository) UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentRepository) UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps(ctx context.Context, formationAssignmentID string) error
UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationAssignmentID
type FormationAssignmentService ¶
FormationAssignmentService is an autogenerated mock type for the formationAssignmentService type
func NewFormationAssignmentService ¶
func NewFormationAssignmentService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationAssignmentService
NewFormationAssignmentService creates a new instance of FormationAssignmentService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationAssignmentService) CleanupFormationAssignment ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) CleanupFormationAssignment(ctx context.Context, mappingPair *formationassignment.AssignmentMappingPairWithOperation) (bool, error)
CleanupFormationAssignment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, mappingPair
func (*FormationAssignmentService) Delete ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*FormationAssignmentService) DeleteAssignmentsForObjectID ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) DeleteAssignmentsForObjectID(ctx context.Context, formationID string, objectID string) error
DeleteAssignmentsForObjectID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID, objectID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) GenerateAssignments ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GenerateAssignments(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, objectType graphql.FormationObjectType, _a4 *model.Formation, initialConfigurations model.InitialConfigurations) ([]*model.FormationAssignmentInput, error)
GenerateAssignments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, objectID, objectType, _a4, initialConfigurations
func (*FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormation ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormation(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
GetAssignmentsForFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, formationID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormationWithStates ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetAssignmentsForFormationWithStates(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationID string, states []string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
GetAssignmentsForFormationWithStates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, formationID, states
func (*FormationAssignmentService) GetForFormation ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetForFormation(ctx context.Context, id string, formationID string) (*model.FormationAssignment, error)
GetForFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, formationID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) GetReverseBySourceAndTarget ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) GetReverseBySourceAndTarget(ctx context.Context, formationID string, sourceID string, targetID string) (*model.FormationAssignment, error)
GetReverseBySourceAndTarget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID, sourceID, targetID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ListAllForObjectGlobal ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListAllForObjectGlobal(ctx context.Context, objectID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
ListAllForObjectGlobal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, objectID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDs ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDs(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string, pageSize int, cursor string) ([]*model.FormationAssignmentPage, error)
ListByFormationIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationIDs, pageSize, cursor
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDsNoPaging ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListByFormationIDsNoPaging(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([][]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
ListByFormationIDsNoPaging provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationIDs
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ListFormationAssignmentsForObjectID ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ListFormationAssignmentsForObjectID(ctx context.Context, formationID string, objectID string) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
ListFormationAssignmentsForObjectID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID, objectID
func (*FormationAssignmentService) PersistAssignments ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) PersistAssignments(ctx context.Context, tnt string, assignments []*model.FormationAssignmentInput) ([]*model.FormationAssignment, error)
PersistAssignments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, assignments
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignmentPair ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignmentPair(ctx context.Context, mappingPair *formationassignment.AssignmentMappingPairWithOperation) (bool, error)
ProcessFormationAssignmentPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, mappingPair
func (*FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignments ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) ProcessFormationAssignments(ctx context.Context, formationAssignmentsForObject []*model.FormationAssignment, requests []*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, operation func(context.Context, *formationassignment.AssignmentMappingPairWithOperation) (bool, error), formationOperation model.FormationOperation) error
ProcessFormationAssignments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationAssignmentsForObject, requests, operation, formationOperation
func (*FormationAssignmentService) Update ¶
func (_m *FormationAssignmentService) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, fa *model.FormationAssignment) error
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, fa
type FormationRepository ¶
FormationRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the FormationRepository type
func NewFormationRepository ¶
func NewFormationRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationRepository
NewFormationRepository creates a new instance of FormationRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationRepository) DeleteByName ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, name string) error
DeleteByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, name
func (*FormationRepository) Get ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string, tenantID string) (*model.Formation, error)
Get provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, tenantID
func (*FormationRepository) GetByName ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) GetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, tenantID string) (*model.Formation, error)
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, tenantID
func (*FormationRepository) GetGlobalByID ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) GetGlobalByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Formation, error)
GetGlobalByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*FormationRepository) List ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) List(ctx context.Context, tenant string, pageSize int, cursor string) (*model.FormationPage, error)
List provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, pageSize, cursor
func (*FormationRepository) ListByIDs ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
ListByIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationIDs
func (*FormationRepository) ListByIDsGlobal ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) ListByIDsGlobal(ctx context.Context, formationIDs []string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
ListByIDsGlobal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationIDs
func (*FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormations ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormations(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, formationNames []string, objectType model.FormationAssignmentType) ([]string, error)
ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID, formationNames, objectType
func (*FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormationsGlobal ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormationsGlobal(ctx context.Context, formationNames []string, objectType model.FormationAssignmentType) ([]string, error)
ListObjectIDsOfTypeForFormationsGlobal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationNames, objectType
func (*FormationRepository) UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps ¶
func (_m *FormationRepository) UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps(ctx context.Context, formationID string) error
UpdateLastNotificationSentTimestamps provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID
type FormationTemplateRepository ¶
FormationTemplateRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the FormationTemplateRepository type
func NewFormationTemplateRepository ¶
func NewFormationTemplateRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FormationTemplateRepository
NewFormationTemplateRepository creates a new instance of FormationTemplateRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FormationTemplateRepository) Get ¶
func (_m *FormationTemplateRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.FormationTemplate, error)
Get provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*FormationTemplateRepository) GetByNameAndTenant ¶
func (_m *FormationTemplateRepository) GetByNameAndTenant(ctx context.Context, templateName string, tenantID string) (*model.FormationTemplate, error)
GetByNameAndTenant provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, templateName, tenantID
type LabelDefRepository ¶
LabelDefRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the labelDefRepository type
func NewLabelDefRepository ¶
func NewLabelDefRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *LabelDefRepository
NewLabelDefRepository creates a new instance of LabelDefRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*LabelDefRepository) GetByKey ¶
func (_m *LabelDefRepository) GetByKey(ctx context.Context, tenant string, key string) (*model.LabelDefinition, error)
GetByKey provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, key
func (*LabelDefRepository) UpdateWithVersion ¶
func (_m *LabelDefRepository) UpdateWithVersion(ctx context.Context, def model.LabelDefinition) error
UpdateWithVersion provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, def
type LabelDefService ¶
LabelDefService is an autogenerated mock type for the labelDefService type
func NewLabelDefService ¶
func NewLabelDefService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *LabelDefService
NewLabelDefService creates a new instance of LabelDefService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*LabelDefService) CreateWithFormations ¶
func (_m *LabelDefService) CreateWithFormations(ctx context.Context, tnt string, formations []string) error
CreateWithFormations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, formations
func (*LabelDefService) GetAvailableScenarios ¶
func (_m *LabelDefService) GetAvailableScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenantID string) ([]string, error)
GetAvailableScenarios provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenantID
func (*LabelDefService) ValidateAutomaticScenarioAssignmentAgainstSchema ¶
func (_m *LabelDefService) ValidateAutomaticScenarioAssignmentAgainstSchema(ctx context.Context, schema interface{}, tenantID string, key string) error
ValidateAutomaticScenarioAssignmentAgainstSchema provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schema, tenantID, key
func (*LabelDefService) ValidateExistingLabelsAgainstSchema ¶
func (_m *LabelDefService) ValidateExistingLabelsAgainstSchema(ctx context.Context, schema interface{}, tenant string, key string) error
ValidateExistingLabelsAgainstSchema provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schema, tenant, key
type LabelRepository ¶
LabelRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the labelRepository type
func NewLabelRepository ¶
func NewLabelRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *LabelRepository
NewLabelRepository creates a new instance of LabelRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*LabelRepository) Delete ¶
func (_m *LabelRepository) Delete(_a0 context.Context, _a1 string, _a2 model.LabelableObject, _a3 string, _a4 string) error
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3, _a4
func (*LabelRepository) ListForObject ¶
func (_m *LabelRepository) ListForObject(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectType model.LabelableObject, objectID string) (map[string]*model.Label, error)
ListForObject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, objectType, objectID
func (*LabelRepository) ListForObjectIDs ¶
func (_m *LabelRepository) ListForObjectIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectType model.LabelableObject, objectIDs []string) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
ListForObjectIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, objectType, objectIDs
type LabelService ¶
LabelService is an autogenerated mock type for the labelService type
func NewLabelService ¶
func NewLabelService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *LabelService
NewLabelService creates a new instance of LabelService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*LabelService) CreateLabel ¶
func (_m *LabelService) CreateLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) error
CreateLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id, labelInput
func (*LabelService) GetLabel ¶
func (_m *LabelService) GetLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) (*model.Label, error)
GetLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, labelInput
func (*LabelService) UpdateLabel ¶
func (_m *LabelService) UpdateLabel(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, labelInput *model.LabelInput) error
UpdateLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id, labelInput
type NotificationBuilder ¶
NotificationBuilder is an autogenerated mock type for the notificationBuilder type
func NewNotificationBuilder ¶
func NewNotificationBuilder(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *NotificationBuilder
NewNotificationBuilder creates a new instance of NotificationBuilder. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationAssignmentNotificationRequest ¶
func (_m *NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationAssignmentNotificationRequest(ctx context.Context, joinPointDetails *formationconstraint.GenerateFormationAssignmentNotificationOperationDetails, _a2 *model.Webhook) (*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequest, error)
BuildFormationAssignmentNotificationRequest provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, joinPointDetails, _a2
func (*NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationNotificationRequests ¶
func (_m *NotificationBuilder) BuildFormationNotificationRequests(ctx context.Context, joinPointDetails *formationconstraint.GenerateFormationNotificationOperationDetails, _a2 *model.Formation, formationTemplateWebhooks []*model.Webhook) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
BuildFormationNotificationRequests provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, joinPointDetails, _a2, formationTemplateWebhooks
func (*NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForApplicationTenantMappingNotificationGeneration ¶
func (_m *NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForApplicationTenantMappingNotificationGeneration(operation model.FormationOperation, formationTemplateID string, _a2 *model.Formation, sourceApplicationTemplate *webhook.ApplicationTemplateWithLabels, sourceApplication *webhook.ApplicationWithLabels, targetApplicationTemplate *webhook.ApplicationTemplateWithLabels, targetApplication *webhook.ApplicationWithLabels, assignment *webhook.FormationAssignment, reverseAssignment *webhook.FormationAssignment, tenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext, tenantID string) (*formationconstraint.GenerateFormationAssignmentNotificationOperationDetails, error)
PrepareDetailsForApplicationTenantMappingNotificationGeneration provides a mock function with given fields: operation, formationTemplateID, _a2, sourceApplicationTemplate, sourceApplication, targetApplicationTemplate, targetApplication, assignment, reverseAssignment, tenantContext, tenantID
func (*NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForConfigurationChangeNotificationGeneration ¶
func (_m *NotificationBuilder) PrepareDetailsForConfigurationChangeNotificationGeneration(operation model.FormationOperation, formationTemplateID string, _a2 *model.Formation, applicationTemplate *webhook.ApplicationTemplateWithLabels, application *webhook.ApplicationWithLabels, runtime *webhook.RuntimeWithLabels, runtimeContext *webhook.RuntimeContextWithLabels, assignment *webhook.FormationAssignment, reverseAssignment *webhook.FormationAssignment, targetType model.ResourceType, tenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext, tenantID string) (*formationconstraint.GenerateFormationAssignmentNotificationOperationDetails, error)
PrepareDetailsForConfigurationChangeNotificationGeneration provides a mock function with given fields: operation, formationTemplateID, _a2, applicationTemplate, application, runtime, runtimeContext, assignment, reverseAssignment, targetType, tenantContext, tenantID
type NotificationsGenerator ¶
NotificationsGenerator is an autogenerated mock type for the notificationsGenerator type
func NewNotificationsGenerator ¶
func NewNotificationsGenerator(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *NotificationsGenerator
NewNotificationsGenerator creates a new instance of NotificationsGenerator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateFormationLifecycleNotifications ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateFormationLifecycleNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationTemplateWebhooks []*model.Webhook, tenantID string, _a3 *model.Formation, formationTemplateName string, formationTemplateID string, formationOperation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
GenerateFormationLifecycleNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationTemplateWebhooks, tenantID, _a3, formationTemplateName, formationTemplateID, formationOperation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeCtxID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, runtimeCtxID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsAboutApplicationsForTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, runtimeID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutRuntimeAndRuntimeContextForTheApplicationThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsAboutRuntimeAndRuntimeContextForTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsAboutRuntimeAndRuntimeContextForTheApplicationThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, appID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, appID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeCtxID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeContextThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, runtimeCtxID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsForApplicationsAboutTheRuntimeThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, runtimeID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
func (*NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForRuntimeAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsGenerator) GenerateNotificationsForRuntimeAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned(ctx context.Context, tenant string, appID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, customerTenantContext *webhook.CustomerTenantContext) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateNotificationsForRuntimeAboutTheApplicationThatIsAssigned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, appID, _a3, operation, customerTenantContext
type NotificationsService ¶
NotificationsService is an autogenerated mock type for the NotificationsService type
func NewNotificationsService ¶
func NewNotificationsService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *NotificationsService
NewNotificationsService creates a new instance of NotificationsService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*NotificationsService) GenerateFormationAssignmentNotifications ¶
func (_m *NotificationsService) GenerateFormationAssignmentNotifications(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectID string, _a3 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation, objectType graphql.FormationObjectType) ([]*webhookclient.FormationAssignmentNotificationRequestTargetMapping, error)
GenerateFormationAssignmentNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, objectID, _a3, operation, objectType
func (*NotificationsService) GenerateFormationNotifications ¶
func (_m *NotificationsService) GenerateFormationNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationTemplateWebhooks []*model.Webhook, tenantID string, _a3 *model.Formation, formationTemplateName string, formationTemplateID string, formationOperation model.FormationOperation) ([]*webhookclient.FormationNotificationRequest, error)
GenerateFormationNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationTemplateWebhooks, tenantID, _a3, formationTemplateName, formationTemplateID, formationOperation
func (*NotificationsService) PrepareDetailsForNotificationStatusReturned ¶
func (_m *NotificationsService) PrepareDetailsForNotificationStatusReturned(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation) (*formationconstraint.NotificationStatusReturnedOperationDetails, error)
PrepareDetailsForNotificationStatusReturned provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1, operation
func (*NotificationsService) SendNotification ¶
func (_m *NotificationsService) SendNotification(ctx context.Context, webhookNotificationReq webhookclient.WebhookExtRequest) (*webhook.Response, error)
SendNotification provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, webhookNotificationReq
type ProcessFunc ¶
ProcessFunc is an autogenerated mock type for the processFunc type
func NewProcessFunc ¶
func NewProcessFunc(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ProcessFunc
NewProcessFunc creates a new instance of ProcessFunc. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ProcessFunc) ProcessScenarioFunc ¶
func (_m *ProcessFunc) ProcessScenarioFunc(_a0 context.Context, _a1 string, _a2 string, _a3 graphql.FormationObjectType, _a4 model.Formation) (*model.Formation, error)
ProcessScenarioFunc provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3, _a4
type RuntimeContextRepository ¶
RuntimeContextRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the runtimeContextRepository type
func NewRuntimeContextRepository ¶
func NewRuntimeContextRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RuntimeContextRepository
NewRuntimeContextRepository creates a new instance of RuntimeContextRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) ExistsByRuntimeID ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ExistsByRuntimeID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, rtmID string) (bool, error)
ExistsByRuntimeID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, rtmID
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) GetByID ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string) (*model.RuntimeContext, error)
GetByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) GetByRuntimeID ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) GetByRuntimeID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, runtimeID string) (*model.RuntimeContext, error)
GetByRuntimeID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, runtimeID
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) ListByIDs ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, ids []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
ListByIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, ids
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenarios ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
ListByScenarios provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, scenarios
func (*RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenariosAndRuntimeIDs ¶
func (_m *RuntimeContextRepository) ListByScenariosAndRuntimeIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string, runtimeIDs []string) ([]*model.RuntimeContext, error)
ListByScenariosAndRuntimeIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, scenarios, runtimeIDs
type RuntimeRepository ¶
RuntimeRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the runtimeRepository type
func NewRuntimeRepository ¶
func NewRuntimeRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RuntimeRepository
NewRuntimeRepository creates a new instance of RuntimeRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RuntimeRepository) GetByFiltersAndIDUsingUnion ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) GetByFiltersAndIDUsingUnion(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) (*model.Runtime, error)
GetByFiltersAndIDUsingUnion provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id, filter
func (*RuntimeRepository) GetByID ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string) (*model.Runtime, error)
GetByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id
func (*RuntimeRepository) ListAll ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListAll(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
ListAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, filter
func (*RuntimeRepository) ListAllWithUnionSetCombination ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListAllWithUnionSetCombination(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
ListAllWithUnionSetCombination provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, filter
func (*RuntimeRepository) ListByIDs ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListByIDs(ctx context.Context, tenant string, ids []string) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
ListByIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, ids
func (*RuntimeRepository) ListByScenarios ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListByScenarios(ctx context.Context, tenant string, scenarios []string) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
ListByScenarios provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, scenarios
func (*RuntimeRepository) ListOwnedRuntimes ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) ListOwnedRuntimes(ctx context.Context, tenant string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) ([]*model.Runtime, error)
ListOwnedRuntimes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, filter
func (*RuntimeRepository) OwnerExistsByFiltersAndID ¶
func (_m *RuntimeRepository) OwnerExistsByFiltersAndID(ctx context.Context, tenant string, id string, filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter) (bool, error)
OwnerExistsByFiltersAndID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, id, filter
type Service ¶
Service is an autogenerated mock type for the Service type
func NewService ¶
NewService creates a new instance of Service. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Service) AssignFormation ¶
func (_m *Service) AssignFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, objectType graphql.FormationObjectType, _a4 model.Formation, initialConfigurations model.InitialConfigurations) (*model.Formation, error)
AssignFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, objectID, objectType, _a4, initialConfigurations
func (*Service) CreateFormation ¶
func (_m *Service) CreateFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, _a2 model.Formation, templateName string) (*model.Formation, error)
CreateFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, _a2, templateName
func (*Service) DeleteFormation ¶
func (_m *Service) DeleteFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, _a2 model.Formation) (*model.Formation, error)
DeleteFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, _a2
func (*Service) FinalizeDraftFormation ¶
func (_m *Service) FinalizeDraftFormation(ctx context.Context, formationID string) (*model.Formation, error)
FinalizeDraftFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID
func (*Service) GetFormationByName ¶
func (_m *Service) GetFormationByName(ctx context.Context, formationName string, tnt string) (*model.Formation, error)
GetFormationByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationName, tnt
func (*Service) GetGlobalByID ¶
GetGlobalByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*Service) List ¶
func (_m *Service) List(ctx context.Context, pageSize int, cursor string) (*model.FormationPage, error)
List provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pageSize, cursor
func (*Service) ListFormationsForObjectGlobal ¶
func (_m *Service) ListFormationsForObjectGlobal(ctx context.Context, objectID string) ([]*model.Formation, error)
ListFormationsForObjectGlobal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, objectID
func (*Service) ResynchronizeFormationNotifications ¶
func (_m *Service) ResynchronizeFormationNotifications(ctx context.Context, formationID string, reset bool) (*model.Formation, error)
ResynchronizeFormationNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, formationID, reset
func (*Service) UnassignFormation ¶
func (_m *Service) UnassignFormation(ctx context.Context, tnt string, objectID string, objectType graphql.FormationObjectType, _a4 model.Formation, ignoreASA bool) (*model.Formation, error)
UnassignFormation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tnt, objectID, objectType, _a4, ignoreASA
type StatusService ¶
StatusService is an autogenerated mock type for the statusService type
func NewStatusService ¶
func NewStatusService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *StatusService
NewStatusService creates a new instance of StatusService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*StatusService) SetFormationToErrorStateWithConstraints ¶
func (_m *StatusService) SetFormationToErrorStateWithConstraints(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.Formation, errorMessage string, errorCode formationassignment.AssignmentErrorCode, state model.FormationState, operation model.FormationOperation) error
SetFormationToErrorStateWithConstraints provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1, errorMessage, errorCode, state, operation
func (*StatusService) UpdateWithConstraints ¶
func (_m *StatusService) UpdateWithConstraints(ctx context.Context, _a1 *model.Formation, operation model.FormationOperation) error
UpdateWithConstraints provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1, operation
type TenantFetcher ¶
TenantFetcher is an autogenerated mock type for the TenantFetcher type
func NewTenantFetcher ¶
func NewTenantFetcher(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *TenantFetcher
NewTenantFetcher creates a new instance of TenantFetcher. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TenantFetcher) FetchOnDemand ¶
func (_m *TenantFetcher) FetchOnDemand(ctx context.Context, tenant string, parentTenant string) error
FetchOnDemand provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, parentTenant
type TenantRepository ¶
TenantRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the tenantRepository type
func NewTenantRepository ¶
func NewTenantRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *TenantRepository
NewTenantRepository creates a new instance of TenantRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TenantRepository) Get ¶
func (_m *TenantRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
Get provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*TenantRepository) GetParentsRecursivelyByExternalTenant ¶
func (_m *TenantRepository) GetParentsRecursivelyByExternalTenant(ctx context.Context, externalTenant string) ([]*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
GetParentsRecursivelyByExternalTenant provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, externalTenant
type TenantService ¶
TenantService is an autogenerated mock type for the tenantService type
func NewTenantService ¶
func NewTenantService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *TenantService
NewTenantService creates a new instance of TenantService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TenantService) GetInternalTenant ¶
func (_m *TenantService) GetInternalTenant(ctx context.Context, externalTenant string) (string, error)
GetInternalTenant provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, externalTenant
func (*TenantService) GetTenantByExternalID ¶
func (_m *TenantService) GetTenantByExternalID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
GetTenantByExternalID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*TenantService) GetTenantByID ¶
func (_m *TenantService) GetTenantByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
GetTenantByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
type TenantSvc ¶
TenantSvc is an autogenerated mock type for the tenantSvc type
func NewTenantSvc ¶
NewTenantSvc creates a new instance of TenantSvc. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TenantSvc) GetTenantByID ¶
func (_m *TenantSvc) GetTenantByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.BusinessTenantMapping, error)
GetTenantByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
type UuidService ¶
UuidService is an autogenerated mock type for the uuidService type
func NewUuidService ¶
func NewUuidService(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *UuidService
NewUuidService creates a new instance of UuidService. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*UuidService) Generate ¶
func (_m *UuidService) Generate() string
Generate provides a mock function with given fields:
type WebhookClient ¶
WebhookClient is an autogenerated mock type for the webhookClient type
func NewWebhookClient ¶
func NewWebhookClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *WebhookClient
NewWebhookClient creates a new instance of WebhookClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*WebhookClient) Do ¶
func (_m *WebhookClient) Do(ctx context.Context, request webhookclient.WebhookRequest) (*webhook.Response, error)
Do provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, request
type WebhookConverter ¶
WebhookConverter is an autogenerated mock type for the webhookConverter type
func NewWebhookConverter ¶
func NewWebhookConverter(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *WebhookConverter
NewWebhookConverter creates a new instance of WebhookConverter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type WebhookRepository ¶
WebhookRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the webhookRepository type
func NewWebhookRepository ¶
func NewWebhookRepository(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *WebhookRepository
NewWebhookRepository creates a new instance of WebhookRepository. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*WebhookRepository) GetByIDAndWebhookType ¶
func (_m *WebhookRepository) GetByIDAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, objectID string, objectType model.WebhookReferenceObjectType, webhookType model.WebhookType) (*model.Webhook, error)
GetByIDAndWebhookType provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, objectID, objectType, webhookType
func (*WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectIDGlobal ¶
func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectIDGlobal(ctx context.Context, objID string, objType model.WebhookReferenceObjectType) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
ListByReferenceObjectIDGlobal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, objID, objType
func (*WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypeAndWebhookType ¶
func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypeAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, whType model.WebhookType, objType model.WebhookReferenceObjectType) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
ListByReferenceObjectTypeAndWebhookType provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, whType, objType
func (*WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypesAndWebhookType ¶
func (_m *WebhookRepository) ListByReferenceObjectTypesAndWebhookType(ctx context.Context, tenant string, whType model.WebhookType, objTypes []model.WebhookReferenceObjectType) ([]*model.Webhook, error)
ListByReferenceObjectTypesAndWebhookType provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tenant, whType, objTypes
Source Files ¶
- application_repository.go
- application_template_repository.go
- asa_engine.go
- assignment_operation_service.go
- automatic_formation_assignment_repository.go
- automatic_formation_assignment_service.go
- constraint_engine.go
- converter.go
- entity_converter.go
- formation_assignment_converter.go
- formation_assignment_notifications_service.go
- formation_assignment_repository.go
- formation_assignment_service.go
- formation_repository.go
- formation_template_repository.go
- label_def_repository.go
- label_def_service.go
- label_repository.go
- label_service.go
- notification_builder.go
- notifications_generator.go
- notifications_service.go
- process_func.go
- runtime_context_repository.go
- runtime_repository.go
- service.go
- status_service.go
- tenant_fetcher.go
- tenant_repository.go
- tenant_service.go
- tenant_svc.go
- uuid_service.go
- webhook_client.go
- webhook_converter.go
- webhook_repository.go