Example App: Reading Csv via Stdio, and evaluating in QL VM
This is an example app to read a CSV file, and ouput query results after processing
through a xQL expression evaluation VM which has a custom Func
supplied into the VM eval engine email_is_valid
go build
# SQL: select cols including expression
./qlcsv -sql '
user_id, email, item_count * 2, yy(reg_date) > 10
FROM stdio' < users.csv
# SQL: where guard
./qlcsv -sql 'select
user_id AS theuserid, email, item_count * 2, reg_date FROM stdio
WHERE yy(reg_date) > 10' < users.csv
# SQL: add a custom function - email_is_valid
./qlcsv -sql 'select
user_id AS theuserid, email, item_count * 2, reg_date
FROM stdio
WHERE email_is_valid(email)' < users.csv
- Aggregates/collector's (GROUP BY, DISTINCT) and aggregate ops (COUNT, SUM, etc)
support go/database/sql/driver
pluggable datasource
func main() {
// load all of our built-in functions
// Add a custom function to the VM to make available to SQL language
expr.FuncAdd("email_is_valid", EmailIsValid)
// We are registering the "csv" datasource
datasource.Register("csv", &datasource.CsvDataSource{})
db, err := sql.Open("qlbridge", "csv:///dev/stdin")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Query(sqlText)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
cols, _ := rows.Columns()
// this is just stupid hijinx for getting pointers for unknown len columns
readCols := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
writeCols := make([]string, len(cols))
for i, _ := range writeCols {
readCols[i] = &writeCols[i]
for rows.Next() {
fmt.Println(strings.Join(writeCols, ", "))
// Example of a custom Function, that we are adding into the Expression VM
// select
// user_id AS theuserid, email, item_count * 2, reg_date
// FROM stdio
// WHERE email_is_valid(email)
func EmailIsValid(ctx vm.EvalContext, email value.Value) (value.BoolValue, bool) {
emailstr, ok := value.ToString(email.Rv())
if !ok || emailstr == "" {
return value.BoolValueFalse, true
if _, err := mail.ParseAddress(emailstr); err == nil {
return value.BoolValueTrue, true
return value.BoolValueFalse, true