
v0.0.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 16, 2024 License: Apache-2.0



[!WARNING] This project is experimental. It is operational in the author's environment, but it is not known if it can be operated in other environments without trouble.

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ddlctl is a tool for control RDBMS DDL.


  • generate subcommand
    • source language
      • Support go (beta)
    • dialect
      • Support mysql (alpha)
      • Support postgres (alpha)
      • Support cockroachdb (alpha)
      • Support spanner (alpha)
      • Support sqlite3
  • show subcommand
    • dialect
      • Support mysql (beta)
      • Support postgres (alpha)
      • Support cockroachdb (beta)
      • Support spanner (alpha)
      • Support sqlite3
  • diff subcommand
    • dialect
      • Support mysql (alpha)
      • Support postgres (alpha)
      • Support cockroachdb (alpha)
      • Support spanner (alpha)
      • Support sqlite3
  • apply subcommand
    • dialect
      • Support mysql (alpha)
      • Support postgres (alpha)
      • Support cockroachdb (alpha)
      • Support spanner (alpha)
      • Support sqlite3


$ # == 1. Prepare your annotated model source code ================================
$ cat <<"EOF" > /tmp/sample.go
package sample

// User is a user model struct.
//pgddl:table "users"
//pgddl:constraint UNIQUE ("username")
//pgddl:index "index_users_username" ON "users" ("username")
type User struct {
    UserID   string `db:"user_id"  pgddl:"TEXT NOT NULL" pk:"true"`
    Username string `db:"username" pgddl:"TEXT NOT NULL"`
    Age      int    `db:"age"      pgddl:"INT  NOT NULL"`

// Group is a group model struct.
//pgddl:table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "groups"
//pgddl:index CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_groups_group_name" ON "groups" ("group_name")
type Group struct {
    GroupID     string `db:"group_id"    pgddl:"TEXT NOT NULL" pk:"true"`
    GroupName   string `db:"group_name"  pgddl:"TEXT NOT NULL"`
    Description string `db:"description" pgddl:"TEXT NOT NULL"`

$ # == 2. generate DDL ================================
$ ddlctl generate --dialect postgres --column-tag-go db --ddl-tag-go pgddl --pk-tag-go pk --src /tmp/sample.go --dst /tmp/sample.sql
INFO: 2023/11/16 16:10:39 ddlctl.go:44: source: /tmp/sample.go
INFO: 2023/11/16 16:10:39 ddlctl.go:73: destination: /tmp/sample.sql

$ # == 3. Check generated DDL ================================
$ cat /tmp/sample.sql
-- Code generated by ddlctl. DO NOT EDIT.

-- source: tmp/sample.go:5
-- User is a user model struct.
-- pgddl:table "users"
-- pgddl:constraint UNIQUE ("username")
CREATE TABLE "users" (
    "user_id"  TEXT NOT NULL,
    "username" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "age"      INT  NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("user_id"),
    UNIQUE ("username")

-- source: tmp/sample.go:7
-- pgddl:index "index_users_username" ON "users" ("username")
CREATE INDEX "index_users_username" ON "users" ("username");

-- source: tmp/sample.go:16
-- Group is a group model struct.
-- pgddl:table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "groups"
    "group_id"    TEXT NOT NULL,
    "group_name"  TEXT NOT NULL,
    "description" TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("group_id")

-- source: tmp/sample.go:17
-- pgddl:index CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_groups_group_name" ON "groups" ("group_name")
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_groups_group_name" ON "groups" ("group_name");


pre-built binary

# download
curl -fLROSs https://github.com/kunitsucom/ddlctl/releases/download/${VERSION}/ddlctl_${VERSION}_darwin_arm64.zip

# unzip
unzip -j ddlctl_${VERSION}_darwin_arm64.zip '*/ddlctl'
go install
go install github.com/kunitsucom/ddlctl/cmd/ddlctl@v0.0.7


$ ddlctl --help
    ddlctl [options]

    ddlctl is a tool for control RDBMS DDL.

sub commands:
    version: show version
    generate: generate DDL from source (file or directory) to destination (file or directory).
    show: show DDL from DSN like `SHOW CREATE TABLE`.
    diff: diff DDL from <before DDL source> to <after DDL source>.
    apply: apply DDL from <DDL source> to <DSN to apply>.

    --trace (env: DDLCTL_TRACE, default: false)
        trace mode enabled
    --debug (env: DDLCTL_DEBUG, default: false)
        debug mode
    --help (default: false)
        show usage
ddlctl generate
$ ddlctl generate --help
    ddlctl generate [options] --dialect <DDL dialect> --src <source> --dst <destination>

    generate DDL from source (file or directory) to destination (file or directory).

    --lang (env: DDLCTL_LANGUAGE, default: go)
        programming language to generate DDL
    --dialect (env: DDLCTL_DIALECT, default: )
        SQL dialect to generate DDL
    --column-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_COLUMN_TAG_GO, default: db)
        column annotation key for Go struct tag
    --ddl-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_DDL_TAG_GO, default: ddlctl)
        DDL annotation key for Go struct tag
    --pk-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_PK_TAG_GO, default: pk)
        primary key annotation key for Go struct tag
    --src (env: DDLCTL_SOURCE, default: /dev/stdin)
        source file or directory
    --dst (env: DDLCTL_DESTINATION, default: /dev/stdout)
        destination file or directory
    --help (default: false)
        show usage
ddlctl show
$ ddlctl show --help
    ddlctl show --dialect <DDL dialect> <DSN>

    show DDL from DSN like `SHOW CREATE TABLE`.

    --dialect (env: DDLCTL_DIALECT, default: )
        SQL dialect to generate DDL
    --help (default: false)
        show usage
ddlctl diff
$ ddlctl diff --help
    ddlctl diff [options] --dialect <DDL dialect> <before DDL source> <after DDL source>

    diff DDL from <before DDL source> to <after DDL source>.

    --lang (env: DDLCTL_LANGUAGE, default: go)
        programming language to generate DDL
    --dialect (env: DDLCTL_DIALECT, default: )
        SQL dialect to generate DDL
    --column-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_COLUMN_TAG_GO, default: db)
        column annotation key for Go struct tag
    --ddl-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_DDL_TAG_GO, default: ddlctl)
        DDL annotation key for Go struct tag
    --pk-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_PK_TAG_GO, default: pk)
        primary key annotation key for Go struct tag
    --help (default: false)
        show usage
ddlctl apply
$ ddlctl apply --help
    ddlctl apply [options] --dialect <DDL dialect> <DSN to apply> <DDL source>

    apply DDL from <DDL source> to <DSN to apply>.

    --lang (env: DDLCTL_LANGUAGE, default: go)
        programming language to generate DDL
    --dialect (env: DDLCTL_DIALECT, default: )
        SQL dialect to generate DDL
    --column-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_COLUMN_TAG_GO, default: db)
        column annotation key for Go struct tag
    --ddl-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_DDL_TAG_GO, default: ddlctl)
        DDL annotation key for Go struct tag
    --pk-tag-go (env: DDLCTL_PK_TAG_GO, default: pk)
        primary key annotation key for Go struct tag
    --auto-approve (env: DDLCTL_AUTO_APPROVE, default: false)
        auto approve
    --help (default: false)
        show usage

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