OpenContainer tool set for image validation, analysis and test.
Current Status
In Development.
Feature wise status
- import : Docker Registry supported
- spec : Completed (Docker Manifest to OCI's confg.json)
- lint : Completed.
- validate-state : Pending for runc implementation.
go get
$ octool
Toolchain for OpenContainer Format(OCI)
octool [command]
Available Commands:
import Imports container image from remote registery and convert it to runc's rootfs
lint validate container config file(s)
spec genrates runc compatible spec from manifest file
validate-state Validates the Container state
-h, --help help for octool
Use "octool [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ octool import docker://kunalkushwaha/demoapp_image:v1 -t demoapp
rootfs is prepared at : demoapp/rootfs
$ cd demoapp
$ tree -L 2
├── config.json
├── manifest.json
└── rootfs
├── bin
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── lib
├── linuxrc -> /bin/busybox
├── media
├── mnt
├── proc
├── root
├── run
├── sbin
├── srv
├── sys
├── tmp
├── usr
└── var
17 directories, 3 files
$ octool spec
Succesfully generated config.json
$ octool lint
Config is Valid OCI
$ cd demoapp
$ sudo runc run test
/ # ls
bin etc lib media proc run srv tmp var
dev home linuxrc mnt root sbin sys usr