Index ¶
- type Audio
- type GuestStudent
- func (_m *GuestStudent) FindWorkbooksFromPublicSpace(ctx context.Context, condition domain.WorkbookSearchCondition) (domain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetCreatedBy() uint
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetDefaultSpace(ctx context.Context) (userservice.Space, error)
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetID() uint
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetLoginID() string
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetProperties() map[string]string
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetRoles() []string
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUpdatedBy() uint
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUsername() string
- func (_m *GuestStudent) GetVersion() int
- func (_m *GuestStudent) IsStudentModel() bool
- type Problem
- func (_m *Problem) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Problem) GetCreatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Problem) GetID() uint
- func (_m *Problem) GetNumber() int
- func (_m *Problem) GetProblemType() domain.ProblemTypeName
- func (_m *Problem) GetProperties(ctx context.Context) map[string]interface{}
- func (_m *Problem) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Problem) GetUpdatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Problem) GetVersion() int
- type ProblemAddParameter
- type ProblemQuotaProcessor
- type ProblemRepository
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) AddProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) CountProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (int, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindAllProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemByID(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (service.Problem, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) ([]domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByCustomCondition(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, condition interface{}) ([]domain.ProblemModel, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) RemoveProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) error
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) UpdateProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) error
- func (_m *ProblemRepository) UpdateProblemProperty(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) error
- type ProblemSearchCondition
- type ProblemSelectParameter1
- type ProblemSelectParameter2
- type ProblemTypeRepository
- type ProblemUpdateParameter
- type ProcessorFactory
- func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemAddProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemAddProcessor, error)
- func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemImportProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemImportProcessor, error)
- func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemQuotaProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemQuotaProcessor, error)
- func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemRemoveProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemRemoveProcessor, error)
- func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemUpdateProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemUpdateProcessor, error)
- type Recordbook
- func (_m *Recordbook) GetResults(ctx context.Context) (map[domain.ProblemID]domain.StudyRecord, error)
- func (_m *Recordbook) GetResultsSortedLevel(ctx context.Context) ([]domain.StudyRecordWithProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Recordbook) GetStudent() service.Student
- func (_m *Recordbook) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
- func (_m *Recordbook) SetResult(ctx context.Context, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName, ...) error
- type RecordbookRepository
- func (_m *RecordbookRepository) CountMasteredProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (map[domain.StudyTypeName]int, error)
- func (_m *RecordbookRepository) FindStudyRecords(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (map[domain.ProblemID]domain.StudyRecord, error)
- func (_m *RecordbookRepository) SetResult(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) error
- type RepositoryFactory
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewJobRepositoryFactory(ctx context.Context) (service.RepositoryFactory, error)
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewProblemRepository(ctx context.Context, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (appservice.ProblemRepository, error)
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewProblemTypeRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.ProblemTypeRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewRecordbookRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.RecordbookRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStatRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StatRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyRecordRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyRecordRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyStatRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyStatRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyTypeRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyTypeRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewUserQuotaRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.UserQuotaRepository
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewUserRepositoryFactory(ctx context.Context) (userservice.RepositoryFactory, error)
- func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewWorkbookRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.WorkbookRepository
- type Stat
- type Student
- func (_m *Student) AddWorkbookToPersonalSpace(ctx context.Context, parameter domain.WorkbookAddParameter) (domain.WorkbookID, error)
- func (_m *Student) CheckQuota(ctx context.Context, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName, ...) error
- func (_m *Student) FindPreferences(ctx context.Context) (userservice.UserPreferences, error)
- func (_m *Student) FindRecordbook(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, ...) (service.Recordbook, error)
- func (_m *Student) FindRecordbookSummary(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) (service.RecordbookSummary, error)
- func (_m *Student) FindWorkbookByID(ctx context.Context, id domain.WorkbookID) (service.Workbook, error)
- func (_m *Student) FindWorkbookByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (service.Workbook, error)
- func (_m *Student) FindWorkbooksFromPersonalSpace(ctx context.Context, condition domain.WorkbookSearchCondition) (domain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *Student) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
- func (_m *Student) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Student) GetCreatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Student) GetDefaultSpace(ctx context.Context) (userservice.Space, error)
- func (_m *Student) GetID() uint
- func (_m *Student) GetLoginID() string
- func (_m *Student) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
- func (_m *Student) GetPersonalSpace(ctx context.Context) (userservice.Space, error)
- func (_m *Student) GetProperties() map[string]string
- func (_m *Student) GetRoles() []string
- func (_m *Student) GetStat(ctx context.Context) (service.Stat, error)
- func (_m *Student) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Student) GetUpdatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Student) GetUsername() string
- func (_m *Student) GetVersion() int
- func (_m *Student) IsStudentModel() bool
- func (_m *Student) RemoveWorkbook(ctx context.Context, id domain.WorkbookID, version int) error
- func (_m *Student) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, version int, ...) error
- type StudyRecordRepository
- type StudyTypeRepository
- type SynthesizerClient
- type SystemStudent
- func (_m *SystemStudent) AddWorkbookToSystemSpace(ctx context.Context, parameter domain.WorkbookAddParameter) (domain.WorkbookID, error)
- func (_m *SystemStudent) FindWorkbookFromSystemSpace(ctx context.Context, name string) (service.Workbook, error)
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetCreatedBy() uint
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetID() uint
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetLoginID() string
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetProperties() map[string]string
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetRoles() []string
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUpdatedBy() uint
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUsername() string
- func (_m *SystemStudent) GetVersion() int
- func (_m *SystemStudent) IsSystemStudentModel() bool
- type Transaction
- type UserQuotaRepository
- type Workbook
- func (_m *Workbook) AddProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) CountProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel) (int, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) FindAllProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemByID(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, problemID domain.ProblemID) (service.Problem, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel) ([]domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) FindProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemsByProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Workbook) GetCreatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Workbook) GetID() uint
- func (_m *Workbook) GetLang2() domain.Lang2
- func (_m *Workbook) GetName() string
- func (_m *Workbook) GetOwnerID() userdomain.AppUserID
- func (_m *Workbook) GetProblemType() domain.ProblemTypeName
- func (_m *Workbook) GetProperties() map[string]string
- func (_m *Workbook) GetQuestionText() string
- func (_m *Workbook) GetSpaceID() userdomain.SpaceID
- func (_m *Workbook) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (_m *Workbook) GetUpdatedBy() uint
- func (_m *Workbook) GetVersion() int
- func (_m *Workbook) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
- func (_m *Workbook) HasPrivilege(privilege userdomain.RBACAction) bool
- func (_m *Workbook) RemoveProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) RemoveWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, version int) error
- func (_m *Workbook) UpdateProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) UpdateProblemProperty(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, ...) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
- func (_m *Workbook) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, version int, ...) error
- type WorkbookAddParameter
- type WorkbookRepository
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) AddWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.AppUserModel, spaceID domain.SpaceID, ...) (appdomain.WorkbookID, error)
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindPersonalWorkbooks(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, ...) (appdomain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByID(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, id appdomain.WorkbookID) (service.Workbook, error)
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByName(ctx context.Context, operator domain.AppUserModel, spaceID domain.SpaceID, ...) (service.Workbook, error)
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) RemoveWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, ...) error
- func (_m *WorkbookRepository) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, ...) error
- type WorkbookSearchCondition
- type WorkbookSearchResult
- type WorkbookUpdateParameter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Audio ¶
Audio is an autogenerated mock type for the Audio type
func NewAudio ¶
NewAudio creates a new instance of Audio. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Audio) GetAudioModel ¶
func (_m *Audio) GetAudioModel() domain.AudioModel
GetAudioModel provides a mock function with given fields:
type GuestStudent ¶
GuestStudent is an autogenerated mock type for the GuestStudent type
func NewGuestStudent ¶
func NewGuestStudent(t testing.TB) *GuestStudent
NewGuestStudent creates a new instance of GuestStudent. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*GuestStudent) FindWorkbooksFromPublicSpace ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) FindWorkbooksFromPublicSpace(ctx context.Context, condition domain.WorkbookSearchCondition) (domain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
FindWorkbooksFromPublicSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, condition
func (*GuestStudent) GetAppUserID ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
GetAppUserID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
GetCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetCreatedBy ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetCreatedBy() uint
GetCreatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetDefaultSpace ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetDefaultSpace(ctx context.Context) (userservice.Space, error)
GetDefaultSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*GuestStudent) GetID ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetID() uint
GetID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetLoginID ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetLoginID() string
GetLoginID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetOrganizationID ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
GetOrganizationID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetProperties ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetProperties() map[string]string
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetRoles ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetRoles() []string
GetRoles provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
GetUpdatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetUpdatedBy ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUpdatedBy() uint
GetUpdatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetUsername ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetUsername() string
GetUsername provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) GetVersion ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) GetVersion() int
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*GuestStudent) IsStudentModel ¶
func (_m *GuestStudent) IsStudentModel() bool
IsStudentModel provides a mock function with given fields:
type Problem ¶
Problem is an autogenerated mock type for the Problem type
func NewProblem ¶
NewProblem creates a new instance of Problem. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Problem) GetCreatedAt ¶
GetCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Problem) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Problem) GetProblemType ¶
func (_m *Problem) GetProblemType() domain.ProblemTypeName
GetProblemType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Problem) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Problem) GetUpdatedAt ¶
GetUpdatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Problem) GetUpdatedBy ¶
GetUpdatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Problem) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemAddParameter ¶
ProblemAddParameter is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemAddParameter type
func NewProblemAddParameter ¶
func NewProblemAddParameter(t testing.TB) *ProblemAddParameter
NewProblemAddParameter creates a new instance of ProblemAddParameter. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemAddParameter) GetIntProperty ¶
func (_m *ProblemAddParameter) GetIntProperty(name string) (int, error)
GetIntProperty provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*ProblemAddParameter) GetProperties ¶
func (_m *ProblemAddParameter) GetProperties() map[string]string
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemAddParameter) GetStringProperty ¶
func (_m *ProblemAddParameter) GetStringProperty(name string) (string, error)
GetStringProperty provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*ProblemAddParameter) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *ProblemAddParameter) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemQuotaProcessor ¶
ProblemQuotaProcessor is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemQuotaProcessor type
func NewProblemQuotaProcessor ¶
func NewProblemQuotaProcessor(t testing.TB) *ProblemQuotaProcessor
NewProblemQuotaProcessor creates a new instance of ProblemQuotaProcessor. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetLimitForSizeQuota ¶
func (_m *ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetLimitForSizeQuota() int
GetLimitForSizeQuota provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetLimitForUpdateQuota ¶
func (_m *ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetLimitForUpdateQuota() int
GetLimitForUpdateQuota provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetUnitForSizeQuota ¶
func (_m *ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetUnitForSizeQuota() service.QuotaUnit
GetUnitForSizeQuota provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetUnitForUpdateQuota ¶
func (_m *ProblemQuotaProcessor) GetUnitForUpdateQuota() service.QuotaUnit
GetUnitForUpdateQuota provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemRepository ¶
ProblemRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemRepository type
func NewProblemRepository ¶
func NewProblemRepository(t testing.TB) *ProblemRepository
NewProblemRepository creates a new instance of ProblemRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemRepository) AddProblem ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) AddProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemAddParameter) (domain.ProblemID, error)
AddProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*ProblemRepository) CountProblems ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) CountProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) (int, error)
CountProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID
func (*ProblemRepository) FindAllProblems ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindAllProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindAllProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID
func (*ProblemRepository) FindProblemByID ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemByID(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter1) (service.Problem, error)
FindProblemByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id
func (*ProblemRepository) FindProblemIDs ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) ([]domain.ProblemID, error)
FindProblemIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID
func (*ProblemRepository) FindProblems ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemSearchCondition) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByCustomCondition ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByCustomCondition(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, condition interface{}) ([]domain.ProblemModel, error)
FindProblemsByCustomCondition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, condition
func (*ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByProblemIDs ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) FindProblemsByProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemIDsCondition) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindProblemsByProblemIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*ProblemRepository) RemoveProblem ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) RemoveProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2) error
RemoveProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id
func (*ProblemRepository) UpdateProblem ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) UpdateProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2, param domain.ProblemUpdateParameter) error
UpdateProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id, param
func (*ProblemRepository) UpdateProblemProperty ¶
func (_m *ProblemRepository) UpdateProblemProperty(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2, param domain.ProblemUpdateParameter) error
UpdateProblemProperty provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id, param
type ProblemSearchCondition ¶
ProblemSearchCondition is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemSearchCondition type
func NewProblemSearchCondition ¶
func NewProblemSearchCondition(t testing.TB) *ProblemSearchCondition
NewProblemSearchCondition creates a new instance of ProblemSearchCondition. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemSearchCondition) GetKeyword ¶
func (_m *ProblemSearchCondition) GetKeyword() string
GetKeyword provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSearchCondition) GetPageNo ¶
func (_m *ProblemSearchCondition) GetPageNo() int
GetPageNo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSearchCondition) GetPageSize ¶
func (_m *ProblemSearchCondition) GetPageSize() int
GetPageSize provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSearchCondition) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *ProblemSearchCondition) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemSelectParameter1 ¶
ProblemSelectParameter1 is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemSelectParameter1 type
func NewProblemSelectParameter1 ¶
func NewProblemSelectParameter1(t testing.TB) *ProblemSelectParameter1
NewProblemSelectParameter1 creates a new instance of ProblemSelectParameter1. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemSelectParameter1) GetProblemID ¶
func (_m *ProblemSelectParameter1) GetProblemID() domain.ProblemID
GetProblemID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSelectParameter1) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *ProblemSelectParameter1) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemSelectParameter2 ¶
ProblemSelectParameter2 is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemSelectParameter2 type
func NewProblemSelectParameter2 ¶
func NewProblemSelectParameter2(t testing.TB) *ProblemSelectParameter2
NewProblemSelectParameter2 creates a new instance of ProblemSelectParameter2. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemSelectParameter2) GetProblemID ¶
func (_m *ProblemSelectParameter2) GetProblemID() domain.ProblemID
GetProblemID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSelectParameter2) GetVersion ¶
func (_m *ProblemSelectParameter2) GetVersion() int
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemSelectParameter2) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *ProblemSelectParameter2) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProblemTypeRepository ¶
ProblemTypeRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemTypeRepository type
func NewProblemTypeRepository ¶
func NewProblemTypeRepository(t testing.TB) *ProblemTypeRepository
NewProblemTypeRepository creates a new instance of ProblemTypeRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemTypeRepository) FindAllProblemTypes ¶
func (_m *ProblemTypeRepository) FindAllProblemTypes(ctx context.Context) ([]domain.ProblemType, error)
FindAllProblemTypes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type ProblemUpdateParameter ¶
ProblemUpdateParameter is an autogenerated mock type for the ProblemUpdateParameter type
func NewProblemUpdateParameter ¶
func NewProblemUpdateParameter(t testing.TB) *ProblemUpdateParameter
NewProblemUpdateParameter creates a new instance of ProblemUpdateParameter. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProblemUpdateParameter) GetIntProperty ¶
func (_m *ProblemUpdateParameter) GetIntProperty(name string) (int, error)
GetIntProperty provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*ProblemUpdateParameter) GetProperties ¶
func (_m *ProblemUpdateParameter) GetProperties() map[string]string
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ProblemUpdateParameter) GetStringProperty ¶
func (_m *ProblemUpdateParameter) GetStringProperty(name string) (string, error)
GetStringProperty provides a mock function with given fields: name
type ProcessorFactory ¶
ProcessorFactory is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessorFactory type
func NewProcessorFactory ¶
func NewProcessorFactory(t testing.TB) *ProcessorFactory
NewProcessorFactory creates a new instance of ProcessorFactory. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProcessorFactory) NewProblemAddProcessor ¶
func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemAddProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemAddProcessor, error)
NewProblemAddProcessor provides a mock function with given fields: problemType
func (*ProcessorFactory) NewProblemImportProcessor ¶
func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemImportProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemImportProcessor, error)
NewProblemImportProcessor provides a mock function with given fields: problemType
func (*ProcessorFactory) NewProblemQuotaProcessor ¶
func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemQuotaProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemQuotaProcessor, error)
NewProblemQuotaProcessor provides a mock function with given fields: problemType
func (*ProcessorFactory) NewProblemRemoveProcessor ¶
func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemRemoveProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemRemoveProcessor, error)
NewProblemRemoveProcessor provides a mock function with given fields: problemType
func (*ProcessorFactory) NewProblemUpdateProcessor ¶
func (_m *ProcessorFactory) NewProblemUpdateProcessor(problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (service.ProblemUpdateProcessor, error)
NewProblemUpdateProcessor provides a mock function with given fields: problemType
type Recordbook ¶
Recordbook is an autogenerated mock type for the Recordbook type
func NewRecordbook ¶
func NewRecordbook(t testing.TB) *Recordbook
NewRecordbook creates a new instance of Recordbook. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Recordbook) GetResults ¶
func (_m *Recordbook) GetResults(ctx context.Context) (map[domain.ProblemID]domain.StudyRecord, error)
GetResults provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Recordbook) GetResultsSortedLevel ¶
func (_m *Recordbook) GetResultsSortedLevel(ctx context.Context) ([]domain.StudyRecordWithProblemID, error)
GetResultsSortedLevel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Recordbook) GetStudent ¶
func (_m *Recordbook) GetStudent() service.Student
GetStudent provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Recordbook) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *Recordbook) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
type RecordbookRepository ¶
RecordbookRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the RecordbookRepository type
func NewRecordbookRepository ¶
func NewRecordbookRepository(t testing.TB) *RecordbookRepository
NewRecordbookRepository creates a new instance of RecordbookRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*RecordbookRepository) CountMasteredProblems ¶
func (_m *RecordbookRepository) CountMasteredProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) (map[domain.StudyTypeName]int, error)
CountMasteredProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID
func (*RecordbookRepository) FindStudyRecords ¶
func (_m *RecordbookRepository) FindStudyRecords(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, studyType domain.StudyTypeName) (map[domain.ProblemID]domain.StudyRecord, error)
FindStudyRecords provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID, studyType
func (*RecordbookRepository) SetResult ¶
func (_m *RecordbookRepository) SetResult(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, studyType domain.StudyTypeName, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName, problemID domain.ProblemID, studyResult bool, mastered bool) error
SetResult provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID, studyType, problemType, problemID, studyResult, mastered
type RepositoryFactory ¶
RepositoryFactory is an autogenerated mock type for the RepositoryFactory type
func NewRepositoryFactory ¶
func NewRepositoryFactory(t testing.TB) *RepositoryFactory
NewRepositoryFactory creates a new instance of RepositoryFactory. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewJobRepositoryFactory ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewJobRepositoryFactory(ctx context.Context) (service.RepositoryFactory, error)
NewJobRepositoryFactory provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewProblemRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewProblemRepository(ctx context.Context, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName) (appservice.ProblemRepository, error)
NewProblemRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, problemType
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewProblemTypeRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewProblemTypeRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.ProblemTypeRepository
NewProblemTypeRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewRecordbookRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewRecordbookRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.RecordbookRepository
NewRecordbookRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewStatRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStatRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StatRepository
NewStatRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewStudyRecordRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyRecordRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyRecordRepository
NewStudyRecordRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewStudyStatRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyStatRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyStatRepository
NewStudyStatRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewStudyTypeRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewStudyTypeRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.StudyTypeRepository
NewStudyTypeRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewUserQuotaRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewUserQuotaRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.UserQuotaRepository
NewUserQuotaRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewUserRepositoryFactory ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewUserRepositoryFactory(ctx context.Context) (userservice.RepositoryFactory, error)
NewUserRepositoryFactory provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*RepositoryFactory) NewWorkbookRepository ¶
func (_m *RepositoryFactory) NewWorkbookRepository(ctx context.Context) appservice.WorkbookRepository
NewWorkbookRepository provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type Stat ¶
Stat is an autogenerated mock type for the Stat type
func NewStat ¶
NewStat creates a new instance of Stat. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Stat) GetHistory ¶
func (_m *Stat) GetHistory() domain.StatHistory
GetHistory provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Stat) GetUserID ¶
func (_m *Stat) GetUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
GetUserID provides a mock function with given fields:
type Student ¶
Student is an autogenerated mock type for the Student type
func NewStudent ¶
NewStudent creates a new instance of Student. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Student) AddWorkbookToPersonalSpace ¶
func (_m *Student) AddWorkbookToPersonalSpace(ctx context.Context, parameter domain.WorkbookAddParameter) (domain.WorkbookID, error)
AddWorkbookToPersonalSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, parameter
func (*Student) CheckQuota ¶
func (_m *Student) CheckQuota(ctx context.Context, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName, name service.QuotaName) error
CheckQuota provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, problemType, name
func (*Student) FindPreferences ¶
func (_m *Student) FindPreferences(ctx context.Context) (userservice.UserPreferences, error)
FindPreferences provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Student) FindRecordbook ¶
func (_m *Student) FindRecordbook(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, studyType domain.StudyTypeName) (service.Recordbook, error)
FindRecordbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, workbookID, studyType
func (*Student) FindRecordbookSummary ¶
func (_m *Student) FindRecordbookSummary(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID) (service.RecordbookSummary, error)
FindRecordbookSummary provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, workbookID
func (*Student) FindWorkbookByID ¶
func (_m *Student) FindWorkbookByID(ctx context.Context, id domain.WorkbookID) (service.Workbook, error)
FindWorkbookByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*Student) FindWorkbookByName ¶
FindWorkbookByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*Student) FindWorkbooksFromPersonalSpace ¶
func (_m *Student) FindWorkbooksFromPersonalSpace(ctx context.Context, condition domain.WorkbookSearchCondition) (domain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
FindWorkbooksFromPersonalSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, condition
func (*Student) GetAppUserID ¶
func (_m *Student) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
GetAppUserID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetCreatedAt ¶
GetCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetDefaultSpace ¶
GetDefaultSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Student) GetLoginID ¶
GetLoginID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetOrganizationID ¶
func (_m *Student) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
GetOrganizationID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetPersonalSpace ¶
GetPersonalSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*Student) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetUpdatedAt ¶
GetUpdatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetUpdatedBy ¶
GetUpdatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetUsername ¶
GetUsername provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) IsStudentModel ¶
IsStudentModel provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Student) RemoveWorkbook ¶
RemoveWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, version
func (*Student) UpdateWorkbook ¶
func (_m *Student) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, version int, parameter domain.WorkbookUpdateParameter) error
UpdateWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, workbookID, version, parameter
type StudyRecordRepository ¶
StudyRecordRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the StudyRecordRepository type
func NewStudyRecordRepository ¶
func NewStudyRecordRepository(t testing.TB) *StudyRecordRepository
NewStudyRecordRepository creates a new instance of StudyRecordRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*StudyRecordRepository) AddRecord ¶
func (_m *StudyRecordRepository) AddRecord(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, workbookID domain.WorkbookID, problemType domain.ProblemTypeName, studyType domain.StudyTypeName, problemID domain.ProblemID, mastered bool) error
AddRecord provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID, problemType, studyType, problemID, mastered
func (*StudyRecordRepository) CountAnsweredProblems ¶
func (_m *StudyRecordRepository) CountAnsweredProblems(ctx context.Context, operator userdomain.SystemOwnerModel, targetUserID userdomain.AppUserID, targetDate time.Time) (*service.CountAnsweredResults, error)
CountAnsweredProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, targetUserID, targetDate
type StudyTypeRepository ¶
StudyTypeRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the StudyTypeRepository type
func NewStudyTypeRepository ¶
func NewStudyTypeRepository(t testing.TB) *StudyTypeRepository
NewStudyTypeRepository creates a new instance of StudyTypeRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*StudyTypeRepository) FindAllStudyTypes ¶
FindAllStudyTypes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type SynthesizerClient ¶
SynthesizerClient is an autogenerated mock type for the SynthesizerClient type
func NewSynthesizerClient ¶
func NewSynthesizerClient(t testing.TB) *SynthesizerClient
NewSynthesizerClient creates a new instance of SynthesizerClient. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*SynthesizerClient) FindAudioByAudioID ¶
func (_m *SynthesizerClient) FindAudioByAudioID(ctx context.Context, audioID domain.AudioID) (service.Audio, error)
FindAudioByAudioID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, audioID
type SystemStudent ¶
SystemStudent is an autogenerated mock type for the SystemStudent type
func NewSystemStudent ¶
func NewSystemStudent(t testing.TB) *SystemStudent
NewSystemStudent creates a new instance of SystemStudent. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*SystemStudent) AddWorkbookToSystemSpace ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) AddWorkbookToSystemSpace(ctx context.Context, parameter domain.WorkbookAddParameter) (domain.WorkbookID, error)
AddWorkbookToSystemSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, parameter
func (*SystemStudent) FindWorkbookFromSystemSpace ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) FindWorkbookFromSystemSpace(ctx context.Context, name string) (service.Workbook, error)
FindWorkbookFromSystemSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*SystemStudent) GetAppUserID ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetAppUserID() userdomain.AppUserID
GetAppUserID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
GetCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetCreatedBy ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetCreatedBy() uint
GetCreatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetID ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetID() uint
GetID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetLoginID ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetLoginID() string
GetLoginID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetOrganizationID ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetOrganizationID() userdomain.OrganizationID
GetOrganizationID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetProperties ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetProperties() map[string]string
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetRoles ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetRoles() []string
GetRoles provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
GetUpdatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetUpdatedBy ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUpdatedBy() uint
GetUpdatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetUsername ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetUsername() string
GetUsername provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) GetVersion ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) GetVersion() int
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStudent) IsSystemStudentModel ¶
func (_m *SystemStudent) IsSystemStudentModel() bool
IsSystemStudentModel provides a mock function with given fields:
type Transaction ¶
Transaction is an autogenerated mock type for the Transaction type
func NewTransaction ¶
func NewTransaction(t testing.TB) *Transaction
NewTransaction creates a new instance of Transaction. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Transaction) Do ¶
func (_m *Transaction) Do(ctx context.Context, fn func(service.RepositoryFactory) error) error
Do provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fn
type UserQuotaRepository ¶
UserQuotaRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the UserQuotaRepository type
func NewUserQuotaRepository ¶
func NewUserQuotaRepository(t testing.TB) *UserQuotaRepository
NewUserQuotaRepository creates a new instance of UserQuotaRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*UserQuotaRepository) Increment ¶
func (_m *UserQuotaRepository) Increment(ctx context.Context, organizationID domain.OrganizationID, appUserID domain.AppUserID, name string, unit service.QuotaUnit, limit int, count int) (bool, error)
Increment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, organizationID, appUserID, name, unit, limit, count
func (*UserQuotaRepository) IsExceeded ¶
func (_m *UserQuotaRepository) IsExceeded(ctx context.Context, organizationID domain.OrganizationID, appUserID domain.AppUserID, name string, unit service.QuotaUnit, limit int) (bool, error)
IsExceeded provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, organizationID, appUserID, name, unit, limit
type Workbook ¶
Workbook is an autogenerated mock type for the Workbook type
func NewWorkbook ¶
NewWorkbook creates a new instance of Workbook. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Workbook) AddProblem ¶
func (_m *Workbook) AddProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemAddParameter) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
AddProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*Workbook) CountProblems ¶
CountProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator
func (*Workbook) FindAllProblems ¶
func (_m *Workbook) FindAllProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindAllProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator
func (*Workbook) FindProblemByID ¶
func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemByID(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, problemID domain.ProblemID) (service.Problem, error)
FindProblemByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, problemID
func (*Workbook) FindProblemIDs ¶
func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel) ([]domain.ProblemID, error)
FindProblemIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator
func (*Workbook) FindProblems ¶
func (_m *Workbook) FindProblems(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemSearchCondition) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindProblems provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*Workbook) FindProblemsByProblemIDs ¶
func (_m *Workbook) FindProblemsByProblemIDs(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, param domain.ProblemIDsCondition) (domain.ProblemSearchResult, error)
FindProblemsByProblemIDs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*Workbook) GetCreatedAt ¶
GetCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetOwnerID ¶
func (_m *Workbook) GetOwnerID() userdomain.AppUserID
GetOwnerID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetProblemType ¶
func (_m *Workbook) GetProblemType() domain.ProblemTypeName
GetProblemType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetQuestionText ¶
GetQuestionText provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetSpaceID ¶
func (_m *Workbook) GetSpaceID() userdomain.SpaceID
GetSpaceID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetUpdatedAt ¶
GetUpdatedAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetUpdatedBy ¶
GetUpdatedBy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) GetWorkbookID ¶
func (_m *Workbook) GetWorkbookID() domain.WorkbookID
GetWorkbookID provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Workbook) HasPrivilege ¶
func (_m *Workbook) HasPrivilege(privilege userdomain.RBACAction) bool
HasPrivilege provides a mock function with given fields: privilege
func (*Workbook) RemoveProblem ¶
func (_m *Workbook) RemoveProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
RemoveProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id
func (*Workbook) RemoveWorkbook ¶
func (_m *Workbook) RemoveWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, version int) error
RemoveWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, version
func (*Workbook) UpdateProblem ¶
func (_m *Workbook) UpdateProblem(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2, param domain.ProblemUpdateParameter) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
UpdateProblem provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id, param
func (*Workbook) UpdateProblemProperty ¶
func (_m *Workbook) UpdateProblemProperty(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, id domain.ProblemSelectParameter2, param domain.ProblemUpdateParameter) ([]domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, []domain.ProblemID, error)
UpdateProblemProperty provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id, param
func (*Workbook) UpdateWorkbook ¶
func (_m *Workbook) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.StudentModel, version int, parameter domain.WorkbookUpdateParameter) error
UpdateWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, version, parameter
type WorkbookAddParameter ¶
WorkbookAddParameter is an autogenerated mock type for the WorkbookAddParameter type
func NewWorkbookAddParameter ¶
func NewWorkbookAddParameter(t testing.TB) *WorkbookAddParameter
NewWorkbookAddParameter creates a new instance of WorkbookAddParameter. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*WorkbookAddParameter) GetLang2 ¶
func (_m *WorkbookAddParameter) GetLang2() domain.Lang2
GetLang2 provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookAddParameter) GetName ¶
func (_m *WorkbookAddParameter) GetName() string
GetName provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookAddParameter) GetProblemType ¶
func (_m *WorkbookAddParameter) GetProblemType() domain.ProblemTypeName
GetProblemType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookAddParameter) GetProperties ¶
func (_m *WorkbookAddParameter) GetProperties() map[string]string
GetProperties provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookAddParameter) GetQuestionText ¶
func (_m *WorkbookAddParameter) GetQuestionText() string
GetQuestionText provides a mock function with given fields:
type WorkbookRepository ¶
WorkbookRepository is an autogenerated mock type for the WorkbookRepository type
func NewWorkbookRepository ¶
func NewWorkbookRepository(t testing.TB) *WorkbookRepository
NewWorkbookRepository creates a new instance of WorkbookRepository. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*WorkbookRepository) AddWorkbook ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) AddWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator domain.AppUserModel, spaceID domain.SpaceID, param appdomain.WorkbookAddParameter) (appdomain.WorkbookID, error)
AddWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, spaceID, param
func (*WorkbookRepository) FindPersonalWorkbooks ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindPersonalWorkbooks(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, param appdomain.WorkbookSearchCondition) (appdomain.WorkbookSearchResult, error)
FindPersonalWorkbooks provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, param
func (*WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByID ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByID(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, id appdomain.WorkbookID) (service.Workbook, error)
FindWorkbookByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, id
func (*WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByName ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) FindWorkbookByName(ctx context.Context, operator domain.AppUserModel, spaceID domain.SpaceID, name string) (service.Workbook, error)
FindWorkbookByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, spaceID, name
func (*WorkbookRepository) RemoveWorkbook ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) RemoveWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, workbookID appdomain.WorkbookID, version int) error
RemoveWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID, version
func (*WorkbookRepository) UpdateWorkbook ¶
func (_m *WorkbookRepository) UpdateWorkbook(ctx context.Context, operator appdomain.StudentModel, workbookID appdomain.WorkbookID, version int, param appdomain.WorkbookUpdateParameter) error
UpdateWorkbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operator, workbookID, version, param
type WorkbookSearchCondition ¶
WorkbookSearchCondition is an autogenerated mock type for the WorkbookSearchCondition type
func NewWorkbookSearchCondition ¶
func NewWorkbookSearchCondition(t testing.TB) *WorkbookSearchCondition
NewWorkbookSearchCondition creates a new instance of WorkbookSearchCondition. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*WorkbookSearchCondition) GetPageNo ¶
func (_m *WorkbookSearchCondition) GetPageNo() int
GetPageNo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookSearchCondition) GetPageSize ¶
func (_m *WorkbookSearchCondition) GetPageSize() int
GetPageSize provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookSearchCondition) GetSpaceIDs ¶
func (_m *WorkbookSearchCondition) GetSpaceIDs() []domain.SpaceID
GetSpaceIDs provides a mock function with given fields:
type WorkbookSearchResult ¶
WorkbookSearchResult is an autogenerated mock type for the WorkbookSearchResult type
func NewWorkbookSearchResult ¶
func NewWorkbookSearchResult(t testing.TB) *WorkbookSearchResult
NewWorkbookSearchResult creates a new instance of WorkbookSearchResult. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*WorkbookSearchResult) GetResults ¶
func (_m *WorkbookSearchResult) GetResults() []domain.WorkbookModel
GetResults provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookSearchResult) GetTotalCount ¶
func (_m *WorkbookSearchResult) GetTotalCount() int
GetTotalCount provides a mock function with given fields:
type WorkbookUpdateParameter ¶
WorkbookUpdateParameter is an autogenerated mock type for the WorkbookUpdateParameter type
func NewWorkbookUpdateParameter ¶
func NewWorkbookUpdateParameter(t testing.TB) *WorkbookUpdateParameter
NewWorkbookUpdateParameter creates a new instance of WorkbookUpdateParameter. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*WorkbookUpdateParameter) GetName ¶
func (_m *WorkbookUpdateParameter) GetName() string
GetName provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WorkbookUpdateParameter) GetQuestionText ¶
func (_m *WorkbookUpdateParameter) GetQuestionText() string
GetQuestionText provides a mock function with given fields:
Source Files
- Audio.go
- GuestStudent.go
- Problem.go
- ProblemAddParameter.go
- ProblemQuotaProcessor.go
- ProblemRepository.go
- ProblemSearchCondition.go
- ProblemSelectParameter1.go
- ProblemSelectParameter2.go
- ProblemTypeRepository.go
- ProblemUpdateParameter.go
- ProcessorFactory.go
- Recordbook.go
- RecordbookRepository.go
- RepositoryFactory.go
- Stat.go
- Student.go
- StudyRecordRepository.go
- StudyTypeRepository.go
- SynthesizerClient.go
- SystemStudent.go
- Transaction.go
- UserQuotaRepository.go
- Workbook.go
- WorkbookAddParameter.go
- WorkbookRepository.go
- WorkbookSearchCondition.go
- WorkbookSearchResult.go
- WorkbookUpdateParameter.go