VelaUX is a web portal for KubeVela end users, and also functions as an opinionated application delivery platform. Additionally, it operates as a highly adaptable plugin framework, empowering developers to create bespoke plugins and smoothly integrate them into the KubeVela platform. This approach delivers unparalleled flexibility and customization options for scaling up the platform's capabilities.
Customizable User Interface: With VelaUX, enterprises can tailor the user interface to their specific needs for managing applications and infrastructure. This feature leads to a more intuitive and efficient user experience, resulting in increased productivity and better resource utilization.
Easy Integration: VelaUX is designed for seamless integration with the KubeVela platform, simplifying the deployment and management of cloud-native atomic capabilities within the platform. This makes it easier for enterprises to build platforms that meet their needs for continuous application delivery, observability, security, and other requirements based on these cloud-native atomic capabilities.
Out-of-Box Platform: VelaUX provides a comprehensive set of features that empower enterprises to deploy and monitor their applications effectively. These features include multi-cluster and multi-environment support, pipeline management, observability, and more. Additionally, VelaUX streamlines the complexities of Kubernetes, making it simpler for users to manage their deployments.
Quick Start
Please refer to this guide to install: https://kubevela.net/docs/install
Build the frontend
Make sure you have installed yarn 2.0, This is required.
Install frontend dependencies and build the frontend.
yarn install
yarn build
Start the server
- Install the Go 1.19+.
- Prepare a KubeVela core environment.
## Linux or Mac
curl -fsSl https://static.kubevela.net/script/install-velad.sh | bash
## Windows
powershell -Command "iwr -useb https://static.kubevela.net/script/install-velad.ps1 | iex"
velad install
- Init the dependencies.
vela addon enable ./addon replicas=0
- Start the server on local
# Install all dependencies
go mod tidy
# Setting the kube config
export KUBECONFIG=$(velad kubeconfig --host)
# Start the server
make run-server
Then, you can open the More info refer to contributing
Slack: CNCF Slack #kubevela channel (English)
DingTalk Group: 23310022
Wechat Group (Chinese) : Broker wechat to add you into the user group.
Check out CONTRIBUTING to see how to develop with KubeVela.
Report Vulnerability
Security is a first priority thing for us at KubeVela. If you come across a related issue, please send email to security@mail.kubevela.io .
Code of Conduct
KubeVela adopts CNCF Code of Conduct.