Index ¶
- Variables
- func AssertAssertionResultRequired(obj AssertionResult) error
- func AssertAssertionResultsRequired(obj AssertionResults) error
- func AssertAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired(obj AssertionResultsResultsInner) error
- func AssertAssertionSpanResultRequired(obj AssertionSpanResult) error
- func AssertAwsXRayRequired(obj AwsXRay) error
- func AssertAzureAppInsightsRequired(obj AzureAppInsights) error
- func AssertBaseClientRequired(obj BaseClient) error
- func AssertConfigurationResourceListRequired(obj ConfigurationResourceList) error
- func AssertConfigurationResourceRequired(obj ConfigurationResource) error
- func AssertConfigurationResourceSpecRequired(obj ConfigurationResourceSpec) error
- func AssertConnectionResultRequired(obj ConnectionResult) error
- func AssertConnectionTestStepRequired(obj ConnectionTestStep) error
- func AssertDataStoreListRequired(obj DataStoreList) error
- func AssertDataStoreRequired(obj DataStore) error
- func AssertDataStoreResourceRequired(obj DataStoreResource) error
- func AssertDemoListRequired(obj DemoList) error
- func AssertDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired(obj DemoOpenTelemetryStore) error
- func AssertDemoPokeshopRequired(obj DemoPokeshop) error
- func AssertDemoRequired(obj Demo) error
- func AssertDemoSpecRequired(obj DemoSpec) error
- func AssertElasticSearchRequired(obj ElasticSearch) error
- func AssertExportedTestInformationRequired(obj ExportedTestInformation) error
- func AssertGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired(obj GetTestSuites200Response) error
- func AssertGrpcClientSettingsRequired(obj GrpcClientSettings) error
- func AssertGrpcHeaderRequired(obj GrpcHeader) error
- func AssertGrpcRequestRequired(obj GrpcRequest) error
- func AssertGrpcResponseRequired(obj GrpcResponse) error
- func AssertHttpAuthApiKeyRequired(obj HttpAuthApiKey) error
- func AssertHttpAuthBasicRequired(obj HttpAuthBasic) error
- func AssertHttpAuthBearerRequired(obj HttpAuthBearer) error
- func AssertHttpAuthRequired(obj HttpAuth) error
- func AssertHttpClientSettingsRequired(obj HttpClientSettings) error
- func AssertHttpHeaderRequired(obj HttpHeader) error
- func AssertHttpRequestRequired(obj HttpRequest) error
- func AssertHttpResponseRequired(obj HttpResponse) error
- func AssertKafkaAuthenticationRequired(obj KafkaAuthentication) error
- func AssertKafkaMessageHeaderRequired(obj KafkaMessageHeader) error
- func AssertKafkaRequestRequired(obj KafkaRequest) error
- func AssertKafkaResponseRequired(obj KafkaResponse) error
- func AssertLinterResourceListRequired(obj LinterResourceList) error
- func AssertLinterResourcePluginRequired(obj LinterResourcePlugin) error
- func AssertLinterResourceRequired(obj LinterResource) error
- func AssertLinterResourceRuleRequired(obj LinterResourceRule) error
- func AssertLinterResourceSpecRequired(obj LinterResourceSpec) error
- func AssertLinterResultPluginRequired(obj LinterResultPlugin) error
- func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRule) error
- func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRuleResultError) error
- func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRuleResult) error
- func AssertLinterResultRequired(obj LinterResult) error
- func AssertListDemos200ResponseRequired(obj ListDemos200Response) error
- func AssertListVariableSets200ResponseRequired(obj ListVariableSets200Response) error
- func AssertMissingVariableRequired(obj MissingVariable) error
- func AssertMissingVariablesErrorRequired(obj MissingVariablesError) error
- func AssertOutputInfoRequired(obj OutputInfo) error
- func AssertPollingInfoPeriodicRequired(obj PollingInfoPeriodic) error
- func AssertPollingInfoRequired(obj PollingInfo) error
- func AssertPollingProfileListRequired(obj PollingProfileList) error
- func AssertPollingProfileRequired(obj PollingProfile) error
- func AssertPollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired(obj PollingProfileSpecPeriodic) error
- func AssertPollingProfileSpecRequired(obj PollingProfileSpec) error
- func AssertRecurseAssertionResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseAssertionSpanResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseAwsXRayRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseAzureAppInsightsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseBaseClientRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseConnectionResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseConnectionTestStepRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDataStoreListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDataStoreRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDataStoreResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDemoListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDemoPokeshopRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDemoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseDemoSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseElasticSearchRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseExportedTestInformationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseGrpcClientSettingsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseGrpcHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseGrpcRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseGrpcResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpAuthApiKeyRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBasicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBearerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpAuthRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpClientSettingsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseHttpResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseInterfaceRequired(obj interface{}, callback func(interface{}) error) error
- func AssertRecurseKafkaAuthenticationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseKafkaMessageHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseKafkaRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseKafkaResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResourcePluginRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRuleRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResourceSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseLinterResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseListDemos200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseListVariableSets200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseMissingVariableRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseMissingVariablesErrorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseOutputInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingInfoPeriodicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingProfileListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingProfileRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseRequiredGatesResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseResolveContextRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseResolveRequestInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseResolveResponseInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseRunInformationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSelectedSpansResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSelectorFilterRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSelectorPseudoClassRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSelectorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSignalFxRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSpanRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSpanSelectorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSupportedClientsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSupportedConnectionTypesRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSupportedDataStoresRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseSupportedGatesRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestConnectionResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestOutputRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestRunEventRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestRunOutputsInnerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSpecsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSummaryLastRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTestSummaryRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTlsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTlsSettingRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTraceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTraceidRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTraceidResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTriggerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTriggerResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseValueRequired(value reflect.Value, callback func(interface{}) error) error
- func AssertRecurseVariableRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseVariableSetRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseVariableSetValueRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRecurseVersionRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
- func AssertRequiredGatesResultRequired(obj RequiredGatesResult) error
- func AssertResolveContextRequired(obj ResolveContext) error
- func AssertResolveRequestInfoRequired(obj ResolveRequestInfo) error
- func AssertResolveResponseInfoRequired(obj ResolveResponseInfo) error
- func AssertResourceRequired(obj Resource) error
- func AssertRunInformationRequired(obj RunInformation) error
- func AssertSelectedSpansResultRequired(obj SelectedSpansResult) error
- func AssertSelectorFilterRequired(obj SelectorFilter) error
- func AssertSelectorPseudoClassRequired(obj SelectorPseudoClass) error
- func AssertSelectorRequired(obj Selector) error
- func AssertSignalFxRequired(obj SignalFx) error
- func AssertSpanRequired(obj Span) error
- func AssertSpanSelectorRequired(obj SpanSelector) error
- func AssertSupportedClientsRequired(obj SupportedClients) error
- func AssertSupportedConnectionTypesRequired(obj SupportedConnectionTypes) error
- func AssertSupportedDataStoresRequired(obj SupportedDataStores) error
- func AssertSupportedGatesRequired(obj SupportedGates) error
- func AssertTestConnectionResponseRequired(obj TestConnectionResponse) error
- func AssertTestOutputRequired(obj TestOutput) error
- func AssertTestRequired(obj Test) error
- func AssertTestResourceListRequired(obj TestResourceList) error
- func AssertTestResourceRequired(obj TestResource) error
- func AssertTestRunEventRequired(obj TestRunEvent) error
- func AssertTestRunOutputsInnerRequired(obj TestRunOutputsInner) error
- func AssertTestRunRequired(obj TestRun) error
- func AssertTestSpecRequired(obj TestSpec) error
- func AssertTestSpecsRequired(obj TestSpecs) error
- func AssertTestSuiteRequired(obj TestSuite) error
- func AssertTestSuiteResourceListRequired(obj TestSuiteResourceList) error
- func AssertTestSuiteResourceRequired(obj TestSuiteResource) error
- func AssertTestSuiteRunRequired(obj TestSuiteRun) error
- func AssertTestSummaryLastRunRequired(obj TestSummaryLastRun) error
- func AssertTestSummaryRequired(obj TestSummary) error
- func AssertTlsRequired(obj Tls) error
- func AssertTlsSettingRequired(obj TlsSetting) error
- func AssertTraceRequired(obj Trace) error
- func AssertTraceidRequestRequired(obj TraceidRequest) error
- func AssertTraceidResponseRequired(obj TraceidResponse) error
- func AssertTriggerRequired(obj Trigger) error
- func AssertTriggerResultRequired(obj TriggerResult) error
- func AssertTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired(obj TriggerResultTriggerResult) error
- func AssertVariableRequired(obj Variable) error
- func AssertVariableSetRequired(obj VariableSet) error
- func AssertVariableSetResourceListRequired(obj VariableSetResourceList) error
- func AssertVariableSetResourceRequired(obj VariableSetResource) error
- func AssertVariableSetValueRequired(obj VariableSetValue) error
- func AssertVersionRequired(obj Version) error
- func DefaultErrorHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, result *ImplResponse)
- func EncodeJSONResponse(i interface{}, status *int, w http.ResponseWriter) error
- func IsZeroValue(val interface{}) bool
- func Logger(inner http.Handler, name string) http.Handler
- func NewRouter(routers ...Router) *mux.Router
- func ReadFormFileToTempFile(r *http.Request, key string) (*os.File, error)
- func ReadFormFilesToTempFiles(r *http.Request, key string) ([]*os.File, error)
- type ApiApiController
- func (c *ApiApiController) DeleteTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) DeleteTestSuiteRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) DryRunAssertion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) ExportTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) ExpressionResolve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetResources(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetRunResultJUnit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestResultSelectedSpans(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRunEvents(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRuns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSpecs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRuns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) GetVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) ImportTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) RerunTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) Routes() Routes
- func (c *ApiApiController) RunTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) RunTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) StopTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) TestConnection(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ApiApiController) UpdateTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- type ApiApiOption
- type ApiApiRouter
- type ApiApiServicer
- type AssertionResult
- type AssertionResults
- type AssertionResultsResultsInner
- type AssertionSpanResult
- type AwsXRay
- type AzureAppInsights
- type BaseClient
- type ConfigurationResource
- type ConfigurationResourceList
- type ConfigurationResourceSpec
- type ConnectionResult
- type ConnectionTestStep
- type DataStore
- type DataStoreList
- type DataStoreResource
- type Demo
- type DemoList
- type DemoOpenTelemetryStore
- type DemoPokeshop
- type DemoSpec
- type ElasticSearch
- type ErrorHandler
- type ExportedTestInformation
- type GetTestSuites200Response
- type GrpcClientSettings
- type GrpcHeader
- type GrpcRequest
- type GrpcResponse
- type HttpAuth
- type HttpAuthApiKey
- type HttpAuthBasic
- type HttpAuthBearer
- type HttpClientSettings
- type HttpHeader
- type HttpRequest
- type HttpResponse
- type ImplResponse
- type KafkaAuthentication
- type KafkaMessageHeader
- type KafkaRequest
- type KafkaResponse
- type LinterResource
- type LinterResourceList
- type LinterResourcePlugin
- type LinterResourceRule
- type LinterResourceSpec
- type LinterResult
- type LinterResultPlugin
- type LinterResultPluginRule
- type LinterResultPluginRuleResult
- type LinterResultPluginRuleResultError
- type ListDemos200Response
- type ListVariableSets200Response
- type MissingVariable
- type MissingVariablesError
- type OutputInfo
- type ParsingError
- type PollingInfo
- type PollingInfoPeriodic
- type PollingProfile
- type PollingProfileList
- type PollingProfileSpec
- type PollingProfileSpecPeriodic
- type RequiredError
- type RequiredGatesResult
- type ResolveContext
- type ResolveRequestInfo
- type ResolveResponseInfo
- type Resource
- type ResourceApiApiController
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetPollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuites(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTests(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListDemos(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListLinters(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListPollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListVariableSets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) Routes() Routes
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) TestsTestIdGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdatePollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- type ResourceApiApiOption
- type ResourceApiApiRouter
- type ResourceApiApiService
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateDemo(ctx context.Context, demo Demo) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateLinter(ctx context.Context, linterResource LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateTest(ctx context.Context, test Test) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteResource TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetResource VariableSetResource) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTest(ctx context.Context, testId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetConfiguration(ctx context.Context, configId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetPollingProfile(ctx context.Context, pollingProfileId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuites(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, query string, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTests(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, query string, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListConfiguration(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListDataStore(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListDemos(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListLinters(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListPollingProfile(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListVariableSets(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) TestsTestIdGet(ctx context.Context, testId string) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateConfiguration(ctx context.Context, configId string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string, dataStore DataStore) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string, demo Demo) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string, linterResource LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdatePollingProfile(ctx context.Context, pollingProfileId string, pollingProfile PollingProfile) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTest(ctx context.Context, testId string, test Test) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string, testSuiteResource TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error)
- func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string, ...) (ImplResponse, error)
- type ResourceApiApiServicer
- type Route
- type Router
- type Routes
- type RunInformation
- type SelectedSpansResult
- type Selector
- type SelectorFilter
- type SelectorPseudoClass
- type SignalFx
- type Span
- type SpanSelector
- type SupportedClients
- type SupportedConnectionTypes
- type SupportedDataStores
- type SupportedGates
- type Test
- type TestConnectionResponse
- type TestOutput
- type TestResource
- type TestResourceList
- type TestRun
- type TestRunEvent
- type TestRunOutputsInner
- type TestSpec
- type TestSpecs
- type TestSuite
- type TestSuiteResource
- type TestSuiteResourceList
- type TestSuiteRun
- type TestSummary
- type TestSummaryLastRun
- type Tls
- type TlsSetting
- type Trace
- type TraceidRequest
- type TraceidResponse
- type Trigger
- type TriggerResult
- type TriggerResultTriggerResult
- type Variable
- type VariableSet
- type VariableSetResource
- type VariableSetResourceList
- type VariableSetValue
- type Version
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown when type an interface does not match the asserted type ErrTypeAssertionError = errors.New("unable to assert type") )
Functions ¶
func AssertAssertionResultRequired ¶
func AssertAssertionResultRequired(obj AssertionResult) error
AssertAssertionResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertAssertionResultsRequired ¶
func AssertAssertionResultsRequired(obj AssertionResults) error
AssertAssertionResultsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired ¶
func AssertAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired(obj AssertionResultsResultsInner) error
AssertAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertAssertionSpanResultRequired ¶
func AssertAssertionSpanResultRequired(obj AssertionSpanResult) error
AssertAssertionSpanResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertAwsXRayRequired ¶
AssertAwsXRayRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertAzureAppInsightsRequired ¶
func AssertAzureAppInsightsRequired(obj AzureAppInsights) error
AssertAzureAppInsightsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertBaseClientRequired ¶
func AssertBaseClientRequired(obj BaseClient) error
AssertBaseClientRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertConfigurationResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertConfigurationResourceListRequired(obj ConfigurationResourceList) error
AssertConfigurationResourceListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertConfigurationResourceRequired ¶
func AssertConfigurationResourceRequired(obj ConfigurationResource) error
AssertConfigurationResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertConfigurationResourceSpecRequired ¶
func AssertConfigurationResourceSpecRequired(obj ConfigurationResourceSpec) error
AssertConfigurationResourceSpecRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertConnectionResultRequired ¶
func AssertConnectionResultRequired(obj ConnectionResult) error
AssertConnectionResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertConnectionTestStepRequired ¶
func AssertConnectionTestStepRequired(obj ConnectionTestStep) error
AssertConnectionTestStepRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDataStoreListRequired ¶
func AssertDataStoreListRequired(obj DataStoreList) error
AssertDataStoreListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDataStoreRequired ¶
AssertDataStoreRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDataStoreResourceRequired ¶
func AssertDataStoreResourceRequired(obj DataStoreResource) error
AssertDataStoreResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDemoListRequired ¶
AssertDemoListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired ¶
func AssertDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired(obj DemoOpenTelemetryStore) error
AssertDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDemoPokeshopRequired ¶
func AssertDemoPokeshopRequired(obj DemoPokeshop) error
AssertDemoPokeshopRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDemoRequired ¶
AssertDemoRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertDemoSpecRequired ¶
AssertDemoSpecRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertElasticSearchRequired ¶
func AssertElasticSearchRequired(obj ElasticSearch) error
AssertElasticSearchRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertExportedTestInformationRequired ¶
func AssertExportedTestInformationRequired(obj ExportedTestInformation) error
AssertExportedTestInformationRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired(obj GetTestSuites200Response) error
AssertGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertGrpcClientSettingsRequired ¶
func AssertGrpcClientSettingsRequired(obj GrpcClientSettings) error
AssertGrpcClientSettingsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertGrpcHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertGrpcHeaderRequired(obj GrpcHeader) error
AssertGrpcHeaderRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertGrpcRequestRequired ¶
func AssertGrpcRequestRequired(obj GrpcRequest) error
AssertGrpcRequestRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertGrpcResponseRequired ¶
func AssertGrpcResponseRequired(obj GrpcResponse) error
AssertGrpcResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpAuthApiKeyRequired ¶
func AssertHttpAuthApiKeyRequired(obj HttpAuthApiKey) error
AssertHttpAuthApiKeyRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpAuthBasicRequired ¶
func AssertHttpAuthBasicRequired(obj HttpAuthBasic) error
AssertHttpAuthBasicRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpAuthBearerRequired ¶
func AssertHttpAuthBearerRequired(obj HttpAuthBearer) error
AssertHttpAuthBearerRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpAuthRequired ¶
AssertHttpAuthRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpClientSettingsRequired ¶
func AssertHttpClientSettingsRequired(obj HttpClientSettings) error
AssertHttpClientSettingsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertHttpHeaderRequired(obj HttpHeader) error
AssertHttpHeaderRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpRequestRequired ¶
func AssertHttpRequestRequired(obj HttpRequest) error
AssertHttpRequestRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertHttpResponseRequired ¶
func AssertHttpResponseRequired(obj HttpResponse) error
AssertHttpResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertKafkaAuthenticationRequired ¶
func AssertKafkaAuthenticationRequired(obj KafkaAuthentication) error
AssertKafkaAuthenticationRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertKafkaMessageHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertKafkaMessageHeaderRequired(obj KafkaMessageHeader) error
AssertKafkaMessageHeaderRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertKafkaRequestRequired ¶
func AssertKafkaRequestRequired(obj KafkaRequest) error
AssertKafkaRequestRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertKafkaResponseRequired ¶
func AssertKafkaResponseRequired(obj KafkaResponse) error
AssertKafkaResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResourceListRequired(obj LinterResourceList) error
AssertLinterResourceListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResourcePluginRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResourcePluginRequired(obj LinterResourcePlugin) error
AssertLinterResourcePluginRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResourceRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResourceRequired(obj LinterResource) error
AssertLinterResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResourceRuleRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResourceRuleRequired(obj LinterResourceRule) error
AssertLinterResourceRuleRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResourceSpecRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResourceSpecRequired(obj LinterResourceSpec) error
AssertLinterResourceSpecRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResultPluginRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResultPluginRequired(obj LinterResultPlugin) error
AssertLinterResultPluginRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRule) error
AssertLinterResultPluginRuleRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRuleResultError) error
AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired(obj LinterResultPluginRuleResult) error
AssertLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertLinterResultRequired ¶
func AssertLinterResultRequired(obj LinterResult) error
AssertLinterResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertListDemos200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertListDemos200ResponseRequired(obj ListDemos200Response) error
AssertListDemos200ResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertListVariableSets200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertListVariableSets200ResponseRequired(obj ListVariableSets200Response) error
AssertListVariableSets200ResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertMissingVariableRequired ¶
func AssertMissingVariableRequired(obj MissingVariable) error
AssertMissingVariableRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertMissingVariablesErrorRequired ¶
func AssertMissingVariablesErrorRequired(obj MissingVariablesError) error
AssertMissingVariablesErrorRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertOutputInfoRequired ¶
func AssertOutputInfoRequired(obj OutputInfo) error
AssertOutputInfoRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingInfoPeriodicRequired ¶
func AssertPollingInfoPeriodicRequired(obj PollingInfoPeriodic) error
AssertPollingInfoPeriodicRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingInfoRequired ¶
func AssertPollingInfoRequired(obj PollingInfo) error
AssertPollingInfoRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingProfileListRequired ¶
func AssertPollingProfileListRequired(obj PollingProfileList) error
AssertPollingProfileListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingProfileRequired ¶
func AssertPollingProfileRequired(obj PollingProfile) error
AssertPollingProfileRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired ¶
func AssertPollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired(obj PollingProfileSpecPeriodic) error
AssertPollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertPollingProfileSpecRequired ¶
func AssertPollingProfileSpecRequired(obj PollingProfileSpec) error
AssertPollingProfileSpecRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAssertionResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AssertionResult (e.g. [][]AssertionResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAssertionResultsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AssertionResults (e.g. [][]AssertionResults), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAssertionResultsResultsInnerRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AssertionResultsResultsInner (e.g. [][]AssertionResultsResultsInner), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseAssertionSpanResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAssertionSpanResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAssertionSpanResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AssertionSpanResult (e.g. [][]AssertionSpanResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseAwsXRayRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAwsXRayRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAwsXRayRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AwsXRay (e.g. [][]AwsXRay), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseAzureAppInsightsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseAzureAppInsightsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseAzureAppInsightsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of AzureAppInsights (e.g. [][]AzureAppInsights), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseBaseClientRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseBaseClientRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseBaseClientRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of BaseClient (e.g. [][]BaseClient), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ConfigurationResourceList (e.g. [][]ConfigurationResourceList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ConfigurationResource (e.g. [][]ConfigurationResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceSpecRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseConfigurationResourceSpecRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ConfigurationResourceSpec (e.g. [][]ConfigurationResourceSpec), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseConnectionResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseConnectionResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseConnectionResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ConnectionResult (e.g. [][]ConnectionResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseConnectionTestStepRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseConnectionTestStepRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseConnectionTestStepRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ConnectionTestStep (e.g. [][]ConnectionTestStep), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDataStoreListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDataStoreListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDataStoreListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DataStoreList (e.g. [][]DataStoreList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDataStoreRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDataStoreRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDataStoreRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DataStore (e.g. [][]DataStore), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDataStoreResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDataStoreResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDataStoreResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DataStoreResource (e.g. [][]DataStoreResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDemoListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDemoListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDemoListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DemoList (e.g. [][]DemoList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDemoOpenTelemetryStoreRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DemoOpenTelemetryStore (e.g. [][]DemoOpenTelemetryStore), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDemoPokeshopRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDemoPokeshopRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDemoPokeshopRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DemoPokeshop (e.g. [][]DemoPokeshop), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDemoRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDemoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDemoRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Demo (e.g. [][]Demo), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseDemoSpecRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseDemoSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseDemoSpecRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of DemoSpec (e.g. [][]DemoSpec), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseElasticSearchRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseElasticSearchRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseElasticSearchRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ElasticSearch (e.g. [][]ElasticSearch), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseExportedTestInformationRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseExportedTestInformationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseExportedTestInformationRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ExportedTestInformation (e.g. [][]ExportedTestInformation), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseGetTestSuites200ResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of GetTestSuites200Response (e.g. [][]GetTestSuites200Response), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseGrpcClientSettingsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseGrpcClientSettingsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseGrpcClientSettingsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of GrpcClientSettings (e.g. [][]GrpcClientSettings), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseGrpcHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseGrpcHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseGrpcHeaderRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of GrpcHeader (e.g. [][]GrpcHeader), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseGrpcRequestRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseGrpcRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseGrpcRequestRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of GrpcRequest (e.g. [][]GrpcRequest), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseGrpcResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseGrpcResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseGrpcResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of GrpcResponse (e.g. [][]GrpcResponse), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthApiKeyRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthApiKeyRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpAuthApiKeyRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpAuthApiKey (e.g. [][]HttpAuthApiKey), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBasicRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBasicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpAuthBasicRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpAuthBasic (e.g. [][]HttpAuthBasic), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBearerRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthBearerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpAuthBearerRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpAuthBearer (e.g. [][]HttpAuthBearer), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpAuthRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpAuthRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpAuth (e.g. [][]HttpAuth), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpClientSettingsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpClientSettingsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpClientSettingsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpClientSettings (e.g. [][]HttpClientSettings), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpHeaderRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpHeader (e.g. [][]HttpHeader), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpRequestRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpRequestRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpRequest (e.g. [][]HttpRequest), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseHttpResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseHttpResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseHttpResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of HttpResponse (e.g. [][]HttpResponse), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseInterfaceRequired ¶
AssertRecurseInterfaceRequired recursively checks each struct in a slice against the callback. This method traverse nested slices in a preorder fashion.
func AssertRecurseKafkaAuthenticationRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseKafkaAuthenticationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseKafkaAuthenticationRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of KafkaAuthentication (e.g. [][]KafkaAuthentication), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseKafkaMessageHeaderRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseKafkaMessageHeaderRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseKafkaMessageHeaderRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of KafkaMessageHeader (e.g. [][]KafkaMessageHeader), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseKafkaRequestRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseKafkaRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseKafkaRequestRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of KafkaRequest (e.g. [][]KafkaRequest), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseKafkaResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseKafkaResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseKafkaResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of KafkaResponse (e.g. [][]KafkaResponse), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResourceListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResourceList (e.g. [][]LinterResourceList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResourcePluginRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResourcePluginRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResourcePluginRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResourcePlugin (e.g. [][]LinterResourcePlugin), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResource (e.g. [][]LinterResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRuleRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceRuleRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResourceRuleRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResourceRule (e.g. [][]LinterResourceRule), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceSpecRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResourceSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResourceSpecRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResourceSpec (e.g. [][]LinterResourceSpec), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResultPlugin (e.g. [][]LinterResultPlugin), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResultPluginRule (e.g. [][]LinterResultPluginRule), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultErrorRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResultPluginRuleResultError (e.g. [][]LinterResultPluginRuleResultError), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResultPluginRuleResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResultPluginRuleResult (e.g. [][]LinterResultPluginRuleResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseLinterResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseLinterResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseLinterResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of LinterResult (e.g. [][]LinterResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseListDemos200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseListDemos200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseListDemos200ResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ListDemos200Response (e.g. [][]ListDemos200Response), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseListVariableSets200ResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseListVariableSets200ResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseListVariableSets200ResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ListVariableSets200Response (e.g. [][]ListVariableSets200Response), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseMissingVariableRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseMissingVariableRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseMissingVariableRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of MissingVariable (e.g. [][]MissingVariable), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseMissingVariablesErrorRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseMissingVariablesErrorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseMissingVariablesErrorRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of MissingVariablesError (e.g. [][]MissingVariablesError), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseOutputInfoRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseOutputInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseOutputInfoRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of OutputInfo (e.g. [][]OutputInfo), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingInfoPeriodicRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingInfoPeriodicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingInfoPeriodicRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingInfoPeriodic (e.g. [][]PollingInfoPeriodic), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingInfoRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingInfoRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingInfo (e.g. [][]PollingInfo), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingProfileListRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingProfileListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingProfileListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingProfileList (e.g. [][]PollingProfileList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingProfileRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingProfileRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingProfileRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingProfile (e.g. [][]PollingProfile), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecPeriodicRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingProfileSpecPeriodic (e.g. [][]PollingProfileSpecPeriodic), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecRequired ¶
func AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecursePollingProfileSpecRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of PollingProfileSpec (e.g. [][]PollingProfileSpec), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseRequiredGatesResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseRequiredGatesResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseRequiredGatesResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of RequiredGatesResult (e.g. [][]RequiredGatesResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseResolveContextRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseResolveContextRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseResolveContextRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ResolveContext (e.g. [][]ResolveContext), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseResolveRequestInfoRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseResolveRequestInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseResolveRequestInfoRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ResolveRequestInfo (e.g. [][]ResolveRequestInfo), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseResolveResponseInfoRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseResolveResponseInfoRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseResolveResponseInfoRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of ResolveResponseInfo (e.g. [][]ResolveResponseInfo), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Resource (e.g. [][]Resource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseRunInformationRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseRunInformationRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseRunInformationRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of RunInformation (e.g. [][]RunInformation), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSelectedSpansResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSelectedSpansResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSelectedSpansResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SelectedSpansResult (e.g. [][]SelectedSpansResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSelectorFilterRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSelectorFilterRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSelectorFilterRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SelectorFilter (e.g. [][]SelectorFilter), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSelectorPseudoClassRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSelectorPseudoClassRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSelectorPseudoClassRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SelectorPseudoClass (e.g. [][]SelectorPseudoClass), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSelectorRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSelectorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSelectorRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Selector (e.g. [][]Selector), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSignalFxRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSignalFxRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSignalFxRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SignalFx (e.g. [][]SignalFx), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSpanRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSpanRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSpanRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Span (e.g. [][]Span), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSpanSelectorRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSpanSelectorRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSpanSelectorRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SpanSelector (e.g. [][]SpanSelector), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSupportedClientsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSupportedClientsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSupportedClientsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SupportedClients (e.g. [][]SupportedClients), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSupportedConnectionTypesRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSupportedConnectionTypesRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSupportedConnectionTypesRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SupportedConnectionTypes (e.g. [][]SupportedConnectionTypes), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSupportedDataStoresRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSupportedDataStoresRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSupportedDataStoresRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SupportedDataStores (e.g. [][]SupportedDataStores), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseSupportedGatesRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseSupportedGatesRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseSupportedGatesRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of SupportedGates (e.g. [][]SupportedGates), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestConnectionResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestConnectionResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestConnectionResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestConnectionResponse (e.g. [][]TestConnectionResponse), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestOutputRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestOutputRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestOutputRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestOutput (e.g. [][]TestOutput), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Test (e.g. [][]Test), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestResourceListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestResourceList (e.g. [][]TestResourceList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestResource (e.g. [][]TestResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestRunEventRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestRunEventRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestRunEventRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestRunEvent (e.g. [][]TestRunEvent), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestRunOutputsInnerRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestRunOutputsInnerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestRunOutputsInnerRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestRunOutputsInner (e.g. [][]TestRunOutputsInner), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestRunRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestRunRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestRun (e.g. [][]TestRun), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSpecRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSpecRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSpecRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSpec (e.g. [][]TestSpec), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSpecsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSpecsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSpecsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSpecs (e.g. [][]TestSpecs), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSuiteRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSuite (e.g. [][]TestSuite), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSuiteResourceList (e.g. [][]TestSuiteResourceList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSuiteResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSuiteResource (e.g. [][]TestSuiteResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRunRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSuiteRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSuiteRunRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSuiteRun (e.g. [][]TestSuiteRun), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSummaryLastRunRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSummaryLastRunRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSummaryLastRunRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSummaryLastRun (e.g. [][]TestSummaryLastRun), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTestSummaryRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTestSummaryRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTestSummaryRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TestSummary (e.g. [][]TestSummary), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTlsRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTlsRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTlsRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Tls (e.g. [][]Tls), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTlsSettingRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTlsSettingRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTlsSettingRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TlsSetting (e.g. [][]TlsSetting), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTraceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTraceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTraceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Trace (e.g. [][]Trace), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTraceidRequestRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTraceidRequestRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTraceidRequestRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TraceidRequest (e.g. [][]TraceidRequest), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTraceidResponseRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTraceidResponseRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTraceidResponseRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TraceidResponse (e.g. [][]TraceidResponse), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTriggerRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTriggerRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTriggerRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Trigger (e.g. [][]Trigger), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTriggerResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTriggerResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTriggerResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TriggerResult (e.g. [][]TriggerResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of TriggerResultTriggerResult (e.g. [][]TriggerResultTriggerResult), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseValueRequired ¶
AssertRecurseValueRequired checks each struct in the nested slice against the callback. This method traverse nested slices in a preorder fashion.
func AssertRecurseVariableRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVariableRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVariableRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Variable (e.g. [][]Variable), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseVariableSetRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVariableSetRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVariableSetRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of VariableSet (e.g. [][]VariableSet), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceListRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceListRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of VariableSetResourceList (e.g. [][]VariableSetResourceList), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVariableSetResourceRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of VariableSetResource (e.g. [][]VariableSetResource), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseVariableSetValueRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVariableSetValueRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVariableSetValueRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of VariableSetValue (e.g. [][]VariableSetValue), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRecurseVersionRequired ¶
func AssertRecurseVersionRequired(objSlice interface{}) error
AssertRecurseVersionRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. Accepts only nested slice of Version (e.g. [][]Version), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown.
func AssertRequiredGatesResultRequired ¶
func AssertRequiredGatesResultRequired(obj RequiredGatesResult) error
AssertRequiredGatesResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertResolveContextRequired ¶
func AssertResolveContextRequired(obj ResolveContext) error
AssertResolveContextRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertResolveRequestInfoRequired ¶
func AssertResolveRequestInfoRequired(obj ResolveRequestInfo) error
AssertResolveRequestInfoRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertResolveResponseInfoRequired ¶
func AssertResolveResponseInfoRequired(obj ResolveResponseInfo) error
AssertResolveResponseInfoRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertResourceRequired ¶
AssertResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertRunInformationRequired ¶
func AssertRunInformationRequired(obj RunInformation) error
AssertRunInformationRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSelectedSpansResultRequired ¶
func AssertSelectedSpansResultRequired(obj SelectedSpansResult) error
AssertSelectedSpansResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSelectorFilterRequired ¶
func AssertSelectorFilterRequired(obj SelectorFilter) error
AssertSelectorFilterRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSelectorPseudoClassRequired ¶
func AssertSelectorPseudoClassRequired(obj SelectorPseudoClass) error
AssertSelectorPseudoClassRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSelectorRequired ¶
AssertSelectorRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSignalFxRequired ¶
AssertSignalFxRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSpanRequired ¶
AssertSpanRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSpanSelectorRequired ¶
func AssertSpanSelectorRequired(obj SpanSelector) error
AssertSpanSelectorRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSupportedClientsRequired ¶
func AssertSupportedClientsRequired(obj SupportedClients) error
AssertSupportedClientsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSupportedConnectionTypesRequired ¶
func AssertSupportedConnectionTypesRequired(obj SupportedConnectionTypes) error
AssertSupportedConnectionTypesRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSupportedDataStoresRequired ¶
func AssertSupportedDataStoresRequired(obj SupportedDataStores) error
AssertSupportedDataStoresRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertSupportedGatesRequired ¶
func AssertSupportedGatesRequired(obj SupportedGates) error
AssertSupportedGatesRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestConnectionResponseRequired ¶
func AssertTestConnectionResponseRequired(obj TestConnectionResponse) error
AssertTestConnectionResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestOutputRequired ¶
func AssertTestOutputRequired(obj TestOutput) error
AssertTestOutputRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestRequired ¶
AssertTestRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertTestResourceListRequired(obj TestResourceList) error
AssertTestResourceListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestResourceRequired ¶
func AssertTestResourceRequired(obj TestResource) error
AssertTestResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestRunEventRequired ¶
func AssertTestRunEventRequired(obj TestRunEvent) error
AssertTestRunEventRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestRunOutputsInnerRequired ¶
func AssertTestRunOutputsInnerRequired(obj TestRunOutputsInner) error
AssertTestRunOutputsInnerRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestRunRequired ¶
AssertTestRunRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSpecRequired ¶
AssertTestSpecRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSpecsRequired ¶
AssertTestSpecsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSuiteRequired ¶
AssertTestSuiteRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSuiteResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertTestSuiteResourceListRequired(obj TestSuiteResourceList) error
AssertTestSuiteResourceListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSuiteResourceRequired ¶
func AssertTestSuiteResourceRequired(obj TestSuiteResource) error
AssertTestSuiteResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSuiteRunRequired ¶
func AssertTestSuiteRunRequired(obj TestSuiteRun) error
AssertTestSuiteRunRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSummaryLastRunRequired ¶
func AssertTestSummaryLastRunRequired(obj TestSummaryLastRun) error
AssertTestSummaryLastRunRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTestSummaryRequired ¶
func AssertTestSummaryRequired(obj TestSummary) error
AssertTestSummaryRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTlsRequired ¶
AssertTlsRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTlsSettingRequired ¶
func AssertTlsSettingRequired(obj TlsSetting) error
AssertTlsSettingRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTraceRequired ¶
AssertTraceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTraceidRequestRequired ¶
func AssertTraceidRequestRequired(obj TraceidRequest) error
AssertTraceidRequestRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTraceidResponseRequired ¶
func AssertTraceidResponseRequired(obj TraceidResponse) error
AssertTraceidResponseRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTriggerRequired ¶
AssertTriggerRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTriggerResultRequired ¶
func AssertTriggerResultRequired(obj TriggerResult) error
AssertTriggerResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired ¶
func AssertTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired(obj TriggerResultTriggerResult) error
AssertTriggerResultTriggerResultRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVariableRequired ¶
AssertVariableRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVariableSetRequired ¶
func AssertVariableSetRequired(obj VariableSet) error
AssertVariableSetRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVariableSetResourceListRequired ¶
func AssertVariableSetResourceListRequired(obj VariableSetResourceList) error
AssertVariableSetResourceListRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVariableSetResourceRequired ¶
func AssertVariableSetResourceRequired(obj VariableSetResource) error
AssertVariableSetResourceRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVariableSetValueRequired ¶
func AssertVariableSetValueRequired(obj VariableSetValue) error
AssertVariableSetValueRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertVersionRequired ¶
AssertVersionRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func DefaultErrorHandler ¶
func DefaultErrorHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, result *ImplResponse)
DefaultErrorHandler defines the default logic on how to handle errors from the controller. Any errors from parsing request params will return a StatusBadRequest. Otherwise, the error code originating from the servicer will be used.
func EncodeJSONResponse ¶
func EncodeJSONResponse(i interface{}, status *int, w http.ResponseWriter) error
EncodeJSONResponse uses the json encoder to write an interface to the http response with an optional status code
func IsZeroValue ¶
func IsZeroValue(val interface{}) bool
IsZeroValue checks if the val is the zero-ed value.
func ReadFormFileToTempFile ¶
ReadFormFileToTempFile reads file data from a request form and writes it to a temporary file
Types ¶
type ApiApiController ¶
type ApiApiController struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ApiApiController binds http requests to an api service and writes the service results to the http response
func (*ApiApiController) DeleteTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) DeleteTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteTestRun - delete a test run
func (*ApiApiController) DeleteTestSuiteRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) DeleteTestSuiteRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteTestSuiteRun - Delete a specific run from a particular TestSuite
func (*ApiApiController) DryRunAssertion ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) DryRunAssertion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DryRunAssertion - run given assertions against the traces from the given run without persisting anything
func (*ApiApiController) ExportTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) ExportTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ExportTestRun - export test and test run information
func (*ApiApiController) ExpressionResolve ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) ExpressionResolve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ExpressionResolve - resolves an expression and returns the result string
func (*ApiApiController) GetResources ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetResources(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetResources - Get resources
func (*ApiApiController) GetRunResultJUnit ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetRunResultJUnit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetRunResultJUnit - get test run results in JUnit xml format
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestResultSelectedSpans ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestResultSelectedSpans(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestResultSelectedSpans - retrieve spans that will be selected by selector
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestRun - get test Run
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestRunEvents ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRunEvents(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestRunEvents - get events from a test run
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestRuns ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestRuns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestRuns - get the runs for a test
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestSpecs ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSpecs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSpecs - Get definition for a test
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSuiteRun - Get a specific run from a particular TestSuite
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRuns ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteRuns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSuiteRuns - Get all runs from a particular TestSuite
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteVersion ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestSuiteVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSuiteVersion - get a TestSuite specific version
func (*ApiApiController) GetTestVersion ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetTestVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestVersion - get a test specific version
func (*ApiApiController) GetVersion ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) GetVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetVersion - Get the version of the API
func (*ApiApiController) ImportTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) ImportTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ImportTestRun - import test and test run information
func (*ApiApiController) RerunTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) RerunTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
RerunTestRun - rerun a test run
func (*ApiApiController) Routes ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) Routes() Routes
Routes returns all the api routes for the ApiApiController
func (*ApiApiController) RunTest ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) RunTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
RunTest - run test
func (*ApiApiController) RunTestSuite ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) RunTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
RunTestSuite - run TestSuite
func (*ApiApiController) StopTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) StopTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
StopTestRun - stops the execution of a test run
func (*ApiApiController) TestConnection ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) TestConnection(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
TestConnection - Tests the config data store/exporter connection
func (*ApiApiController) UpdateTestRun ¶
func (c *ApiApiController) UpdateTestRun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateTestRun - update a test run
type ApiApiOption ¶
type ApiApiOption func(*ApiApiController)
ApiApiOption for how the controller is set up.
func WithApiApiErrorHandler ¶
func WithApiApiErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) ApiApiOption
WithApiApiErrorHandler inject ErrorHandler into controller
type ApiApiRouter ¶
type ApiApiRouter interface { DeleteTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteTestSuiteRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DryRunAssertion(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ExportTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ExpressionResolve(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetResources(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetRunResultJUnit(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestResultSelectedSpans(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestRunEvents(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestRuns(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSpecs(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSuiteRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSuiteRuns(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSuiteVersion(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestVersion(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetVersion(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ImportTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) RerunTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) RunTest(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) RunTestSuite(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) StopTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) TestConnection(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateTestRun(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) }
ApiApiRouter defines the required methods for binding the api requests to a responses for the ApiApi The ApiApiRouter implementation should parse necessary information from the http request, pass the data to a ApiApiServicer to perform the required actions, then write the service results to the http response.
type ApiApiServicer ¶
type ApiApiServicer interface { DeleteTestRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteTestSuiteRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) DryRunAssertion(context.Context, string, int32, TestSpecs) (ImplResponse, error) ExportTestRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) ExpressionResolve(context.Context, ResolveRequestInfo) (ImplResponse, error) GetResources(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetRunResultJUnit(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestResultSelectedSpans(context.Context, string, int32, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestRunEvents(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestRuns(context.Context, string, int32, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSpecs(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSuiteRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSuiteRuns(context.Context, string, int32, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSuiteVersion(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestVersion(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) GetVersion(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) ImportTestRun(context.Context, ExportedTestInformation) (ImplResponse, error) RerunTestRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) RunTest(context.Context, string, RunInformation) (ImplResponse, error) RunTestSuite(context.Context, string, RunInformation) (ImplResponse, error) StopTestRun(context.Context, string, int32) (ImplResponse, error) TestConnection(context.Context, DataStore) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateTestRun(context.Context, string, int32, TestRun) (ImplResponse, error) }
ApiApiServicer defines the api actions for the ApiApi service This interface intended to stay up to date with the openapi yaml used to generate it, while the service implementation can be ignored with the .openapi-generator-ignore file and updated with the logic required for the API.
type AssertionResult ¶
type AssertionResult struct { Assertion string `json:"assertion,omitempty"` AllPassed bool `json:"allPassed,omitempty"` SpanResults []AssertionSpanResult `json:"spanResults,omitempty"` }
type AssertionResults ¶
type AssertionResults struct { AllPassed bool `json:"allPassed,omitempty"` Results []AssertionResultsResultsInner `json:"results,omitempty"` }
type AssertionResultsResultsInner ¶
type AssertionResultsResultsInner struct { Selector Selector `json:"selector,omitempty"` Results []AssertionResult `json:"results,omitempty"` }
type AssertionSpanResult ¶
type AzureAppInsights ¶
type AzureAppInsights struct { UseAzureActiveDirectoryAuth bool `json:"useAzureActiveDirectoryAuth,omitempty"` AccessToken string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` ConnectionType SupportedConnectionTypes `json:"connectionType,omitempty"` ResourceArmId string `json:"resourceArmId,omitempty"` }
type BaseClient ¶
type BaseClient struct { Type SupportedClients `json:"type,omitempty"` Http HttpClientSettings `json:"http,omitempty"` Grpc GrpcClientSettings `json:"grpc,omitempty"` }
type ConfigurationResource ¶
type ConfigurationResource struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'Config'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec ConfigurationResourceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
ConfigurationResource - Represents a configuration structured into the Resources format.
type ConfigurationResourceList ¶
type ConfigurationResourceList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []ConfigurationResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ConfigurationResourceSpec ¶
type ConfigurationResourceSpec struct { // ID of the configuration resource. It should always be set as 'current'. Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name given for this configuration set. It should always be set as 'Config'. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Flag telling if a user allow Tracetest to send analytics about its usage. AnalyticsEnabled bool `json:"analyticsEnabled"` }
ConfigurationResourceSpec - Represents the set of configuration common options for Tracetest.
type ConnectionResult ¶
type ConnectionResult struct { PortCheck ConnectionTestStep `json:"portCheck,omitempty"` Connectivity ConnectionTestStep `json:"connectivity,omitempty"` Authentication ConnectionTestStep `json:"authentication,omitempty"` FetchTraces ConnectionTestStep `json:"fetchTraces,omitempty"` }
type ConnectionTestStep ¶
type DataStore ¶
type DataStore struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Type SupportedDataStores `json:"type"` Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"` Jaeger GrpcClientSettings `json:"jaeger,omitempty"` Tempo BaseClient `json:"tempo,omitempty"` Opensearch ElasticSearch `json:"opensearch,omitempty"` Elasticapm ElasticSearch `json:"elasticapm,omitempty"` Signalfx SignalFx `json:"signalfx,omitempty"` Awsxray AwsXRay `json:"awsxray,omitempty"` Azureappinsights AzureAppInsights `json:"azureappinsights,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` }
type DataStoreList ¶
type DataStoreList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []DataStoreResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type DataStoreResource ¶
type DataStoreResource struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'DataStore'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec DataStore `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
DataStoreResource - Represents a data store structured into the Resources format.
type Demo ¶
type Demo struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'Demo'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec DemoSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
Demo - Represents a demonstration API structured into the Resources format.
type DemoOpenTelemetryStore ¶
type DemoOpenTelemetryStore struct { // Address of the root URL for the Frontend microservice on Open Telemetry Store. FrontendEndpoint string `json:"frontendEndpoint,omitempty"` // Address of the root URL for the Product Catalog microservice on Open Telemetry Store. ProductCatalogEndpoint string `json:"productCatalogEndpoint,omitempty"` // Address of the root URL for the Cart microservice on Open Telemetry Store. CartEndpoint string `json:"cartEndpoint,omitempty"` // Address of the root URL for the Checkout microservice on Open Telemetry Store. CheckoutEndpoint string `json:"checkoutEndpoint,omitempty"` }
DemoOpenTelemetryStore - Represents the settings of the Open Telemetry Store demonstration.
type DemoPokeshop ¶
type DemoPokeshop struct { // HTTP endpoint for Pokeshop API HttpEndpoint string `json:"httpEndpoint,omitempty"` // gRPC endpoint for Pokeshop API GrpcEndpoint string `json:"grpcEndpoint,omitempty"` // kafka broker for Pokeshop API KafkaBroker string `json:"kafkaBroker,omitempty"` }
DemoPokeshop - Represents the settings of the Pokeshop API demonstration.
type DemoSpec ¶
type DemoSpec struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // String defining that this demo is a Open Telemetry Store demo. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Name of the demo Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Flag telling if this API is enabled on Tracetest. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Pokeshop DemoPokeshop `json:"pokeshop,omitempty"` OpentelemetryStore DemoOpenTelemetryStore `json:"opentelemetryStore,omitempty"` }
DemoSpec - Represents the attributes of a Demonstration API.
type ElasticSearch ¶
type ElasticSearch struct { Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index,omitempty"` Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"` InsecureSkipVerify bool `json:"insecureSkipVerify,omitempty"` }
type ErrorHandler ¶
type ErrorHandler func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, result *ImplResponse)
ErrorHandler defines the required method for handling error. You may implement it and inject this into a controller if you would like errors to be handled differently from the DefaultErrorHandler
type ExportedTestInformation ¶
type GetTestSuites200Response ¶
type GetTestSuites200Response struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []TestSuiteResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GrpcClientSettings ¶
type GrpcClientSettings struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint,omitempty"` ReadBufferSize float32 `json:"readBufferSize,omitempty"` WriteBufferSize float32 `json:"writeBufferSize,omitempty"` WaitForReady bool `json:"waitForReady,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` BalancerName string `json:"balancerName,omitempty"` Compression string `json:"compression,omitempty"` Tls Tls `json:"tls,omitempty"` Auth HttpAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"` }
type GrpcHeader ¶
type GrpcRequest ¶
type GrpcRequest struct { ProtobufFile string `json:"protobufFile,omitempty"` Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Service string `json:"service,omitempty"` Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` Metadata []GrpcHeader `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Auth HttpAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"` Request string `json:"request,omitempty"` }
type GrpcResponse ¶
type GrpcResponse struct { StatusCode int32 `json:"statusCode,omitempty"` Metadata []GrpcHeader `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` }
type HttpAuth ¶
type HttpAuth struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` ApiKey HttpAuthApiKey `json:"apiKey,omitempty"` Basic HttpAuthBasic `json:"basic,omitempty"` Bearer HttpAuthBearer `json:"bearer,omitempty"` }
type HttpAuthApiKey ¶
type HttpAuthBasic ¶
type HttpAuthBearer ¶
type HttpAuthBearer struct {
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
type HttpClientSettings ¶
type HttpHeader ¶
type HttpRequest ¶
type HttpResponse ¶
type HttpResponse struct { Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` StatusCode int32 `json:"statusCode,omitempty"` Headers []HttpHeader `json:"headers,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` }
type ImplResponse ¶
type ImplResponse struct { Code int Body interface{} }
ImplResponse response defines an error code with the associated body
func Response ¶
func Response(code int, body interface{}) ImplResponse
Response return a ImplResponse struct filled
type KafkaAuthentication ¶
type KafkaAuthentication struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Plain HttpAuthBasic `json:"plain,omitempty"` }
type KafkaMessageHeader ¶
type KafkaRequest ¶
type KafkaRequest struct { BrokerUrls []string `json:"brokerUrls,omitempty"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Authentication KafkaAuthentication `json:"authentication,omitempty"` SslVerification bool `json:"sslVerification,omitempty"` Headers []KafkaMessageHeader `json:"headers,omitempty"` MessageKey string `json:"messageKey,omitempty"` MessageValue string `json:"messageValue,omitempty"` }
type KafkaResponse ¶
type LinterResource ¶
type LinterResource struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec LinterResourceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
type LinterResourceList ¶
type LinterResourceList struct {
Items []LinterResource `json:"items,omitempty"`
type LinterResourcePlugin ¶
type LinterResourcePlugin struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Rules []LinterResourceRule `json:"rules,omitempty"` }
type LinterResourceRule ¶
type LinterResourceRule struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Weight int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` ErrorDescription string `json:"errorDescription,omitempty"` Tips []string `json:"tips,omitempty"` ErrorLevel string `json:"errorLevel,omitempty"` }
type LinterResourceSpec ¶
type LinterResourceSpec struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` MinimumScore int32 `json:"minimumScore,omitempty"` Plugins []LinterResourcePlugin `json:"plugins,omitempty"` }
type LinterResult ¶
type LinterResult struct { MinimumScore int32 `json:"minimumScore,omitempty"` Passed bool `json:"passed,omitempty"` Score int32 `json:"score,omitempty"` Plugins []LinterResultPlugin `json:"plugins,omitempty"` }
type LinterResultPlugin ¶
type LinterResultPlugin struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Passed bool `json:"passed,omitempty"` Score int32 `json:"score,omitempty"` Rules []LinterResultPluginRule `json:"rules,omitempty"` }
type LinterResultPluginRule ¶
type LinterResultPluginRule struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` ErrorDescription string `json:"errorDescription,omitempty"` Passed bool `json:"passed,omitempty"` Weight int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"` Tips []string `json:"tips,omitempty"` Results []LinterResultPluginRuleResult `json:"results,omitempty"` Level string `json:"level,omitempty"` }
type LinterResultPluginRuleResult ¶
type LinterResultPluginRuleResult struct { SpanId string `json:"spanId,omitempty"` Errors []LinterResultPluginRuleResultError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Passed bool `json:"passed,omitempty"` Severity string `json:"severity,omitempty"` }
type ListDemos200Response ¶
type ListVariableSets200Response ¶
type ListVariableSets200Response struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []VariableSetResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MissingVariable ¶
type MissingVariablesError ¶
type MissingVariablesError struct {
MissingVariables []MissingVariable `json:"missingVariables,omitempty"`
type OutputInfo ¶
type ParsingError ¶
type ParsingError struct {
Err error
ParsingError indicates that an error has occurred when parsing request parameters
func (*ParsingError) Error ¶
func (e *ParsingError) Error() string
func (*ParsingError) Unwrap ¶
func (e *ParsingError) Unwrap() error
type PollingInfo ¶
type PollingInfo struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` IsComplete bool `json:"isComplete,omitempty"` Periodic PollingInfoPeriodic `json:"periodic,omitempty"` }
type PollingInfoPeriodic ¶
type PollingProfile ¶
type PollingProfile struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'PollingProfile'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec PollingProfileSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
PollingProfile - Represents a polling profile structured into the Resources format.
type PollingProfileList ¶
type PollingProfileList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []PollingProfile `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PollingProfileSpec ¶
type PollingProfileSpec struct { // ID of this Polling Profile. Id string `json:"id"` // Name given for this profile. Name string `json:"name"` // Is default polling profile Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Name of the strategy that will be used on this profile. Strategy string `json:"strategy"` Periodic PollingProfileSpecPeriodic `json:"periodic,omitempty"` }
PollingProfileSpec - Represents the attributes of a Polling Profile.
type PollingProfileSpecPeriodic ¶
type PollingProfileSpecPeriodic struct { // Time that the poller should wait until try to fetch more traces. It should be written in duration format (example: 1s, 30s, 1m). RetryDelay string `json:"retryDelay,omitempty"` // Total time that the poller should try to continue to fetch traces. It should be written in duration format (example: 1s, 30s, 1m). Timeout string `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
PollingProfileSpecPeriodic - Configuration for the strategy 'periodic'. It only should be filled if the field strategy is equals to 'periodic'.
type RequiredError ¶
type RequiredError struct {
Field string
RequiredError indicates that an error has occurred when parsing request parameters
func (*RequiredError) Error ¶
func (e *RequiredError) Error() string
type RequiredGatesResult ¶
type RequiredGatesResult struct { Required []SupportedGates `json:"required"` Failed []SupportedGates `json:"failed"` Passed bool `json:"passed"` }
type ResolveContext ¶
type ResolveRequestInfo ¶
type ResolveRequestInfo struct { Expression string `json:"expression,omitempty"` Context ResolveContext `json:"context,omitempty"` }
type ResolveResponseInfo ¶
type ResolveResponseInfo struct {
ResolvedValues []string `json:"resolvedValues,omitempty"`
type ResourceApiApiController ¶
type ResourceApiApiController struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResourceApiApiController binds http requests to an api service and writes the service results to the http response
func (*ResourceApiApiController) CreateDemo ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
CreateDemo - Create a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiController) CreateLinter ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
CreateLinter - Create an Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiController) CreateTest ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
CreateTest - Create new test
func (*ResourceApiApiController) CreateTestSuite ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
CreateTestSuite - Create new TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiController) CreateVariableSet ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) CreateVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
CreateVariableSet - Create a VariableSet
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDataStore ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteDataStore - Delete a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDemo ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteDemo - Delete a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteLinter ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteLinter - Delete an Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTest ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteTest - delete a test
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTestSuite ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteTestSuite - delete a TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiController) DeleteVariableSet ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) DeleteVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
DeleteVariableSet - Delete a variable set
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetConfiguration ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetConfiguration - Get Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetDataStore ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetDataStore - Get a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetDemo ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetDemo - Get Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetLinter ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetLinter - Get a specific Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetPollingProfile ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetPollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetPollingProfile - Get Polling Profile
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuite ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSuite - get TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuites ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTestSuites(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTestSuites - Get testsuites
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetTests ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetTests(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetTests - Get tests
func (*ResourceApiApiController) GetVariableSet ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) GetVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetVariableSet - Get a specific VariableSet
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListConfiguration ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListConfiguration - List Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListDataStore ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListDataStore - List Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListDemos ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListDemos(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListDemos - List Demonstrations
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListLinters ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListLinters(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListLinters - List Linters
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListPollingProfile ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListPollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListPollingProfile - List Polling Profile Configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiController) ListVariableSets ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) ListVariableSets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ListVariableSets - List VariableSets
func (*ResourceApiApiController) Routes ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) Routes() Routes
Routes returns all the api routes for the ResourceApiApiController
func (*ResourceApiApiController) TestsTestIdGet ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) TestsTestIdGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
TestsTestIdGet - get test
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateConfiguration ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateConfiguration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateConfiguration - Update Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDataStore ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDataStore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateDataStore - Update a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDemo ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateDemo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateDemo - Update a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateLinter ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateLinter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateLinter - Update a Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdatePollingProfile ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdatePollingProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdatePollingProfile - Update a Polling Profile
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTest ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateTest - update test
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTestSuite ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateTestSuite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateTestSuite - update TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiController) UpdateVariableSet ¶
func (c *ResourceApiApiController) UpdateVariableSet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
UpdateVariableSet - Update a VariableSet
type ResourceApiApiOption ¶
type ResourceApiApiOption func(*ResourceApiApiController)
ResourceApiApiOption for how the controller is set up.
func WithResourceApiApiErrorHandler ¶
func WithResourceApiApiErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) ResourceApiApiOption
WithResourceApiApiErrorHandler inject ErrorHandler into controller
type ResourceApiApiRouter ¶
type ResourceApiApiRouter interface { CreateDemo(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) CreateLinter(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) CreateTest(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) CreateTestSuite(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) CreateVariableSet(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteDataStore(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteDemo(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteLinter(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteTest(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteTestSuite(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) DeleteVariableSet(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetConfiguration(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetDataStore(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetDemo(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetLinter(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetPollingProfile(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSuite(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTestSuites(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetTests(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) GetVariableSet(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListConfiguration(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListDataStore(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListDemos(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListLinters(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListPollingProfile(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) ListVariableSets(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) TestsTestIdGet(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateConfiguration(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateDataStore(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateDemo(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateLinter(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdatePollingProfile(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateTest(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateTestSuite(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) UpdateVariableSet(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) }
ResourceApiApiRouter defines the required methods for binding the api requests to a responses for the ResourceApiApi The ResourceApiApiRouter implementation should parse necessary information from the http request, pass the data to a ResourceApiApiServicer to perform the required actions, then write the service results to the http response.
type ResourceApiApiService ¶
type ResourceApiApiService struct { }
ResourceApiApiService is a service that implements the logic for the ResourceApiApiServicer This service should implement the business logic for every endpoint for the ResourceApiApi API. Include any external packages or services that will be required by this service.
func (*ResourceApiApiService) CreateDemo ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateDemo(ctx context.Context, demo Demo) (ImplResponse, error)
CreateDemo - Create a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiService) CreateLinter ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateLinter(ctx context.Context, linterResource LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error)
CreateLinter - Create an Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiService) CreateTest ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateTest(ctx context.Context, test Test) (ImplResponse, error)
CreateTest - Create new test
func (*ResourceApiApiService) CreateTestSuite ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteResource TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error)
CreateTestSuite - Create new TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiService) CreateVariableSet ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) CreateVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetResource VariableSetResource) (ImplResponse, error)
CreateVariableSet - Create a VariableSet
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDataStore ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteDataStore - Delete a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDemo ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteDemo - Delete a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteLinter ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteLinter - Delete an Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTest ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTest(ctx context.Context, testId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteTest - delete a test
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTestSuite ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteTestSuite - delete a TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiService) DeleteVariableSet ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) DeleteVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string) (ImplResponse, error)
DeleteVariableSet - Delete a variable set
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetConfiguration ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetConfiguration(ctx context.Context, configId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetConfiguration - Get Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetDataStore ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetDataStore - Get a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetDemo ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetDemo - Get Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetLinter ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetLinter - Get a specific Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetPollingProfile ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetPollingProfile(ctx context.Context, pollingProfileId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetPollingProfile - Get Polling Profile
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuite ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetTestSuite - get TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuites ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTestSuites(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, query string, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetTestSuites - Get testsuites
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetTests ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetTests(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, query string, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetTests - Get tests
func (*ResourceApiApiService) GetVariableSet ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) GetVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string) (ImplResponse, error)
GetVariableSet - Get a specific VariableSet
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListConfiguration ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListConfiguration(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListConfiguration - List Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListDataStore ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListDataStore(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListDataStore - List Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListDemos ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListDemos(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListDemos - List Demonstrations
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListLinters ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListLinters(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListLinters - List Linters
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListPollingProfile ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListPollingProfile(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListPollingProfile - List Polling Profile Configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiService) ListVariableSets ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) ListVariableSets(ctx context.Context, take int32, skip int32, sortBy string, sortDirection string) (ImplResponse, error)
ListVariableSets - List VariableSets
func (*ResourceApiApiService) TestsTestIdGet ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) TestsTestIdGet(ctx context.Context, testId string) (ImplResponse, error)
TestsTestIdGet - get test
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateConfiguration ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateConfiguration(ctx context.Context, configId string, configurationResource ConfigurationResource) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateConfiguration - Update Tracetest configuration
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDataStore ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDataStore(ctx context.Context, dataStoreId string, dataStore DataStore) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateDataStore - Update a Data Store
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDemo ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateDemo(ctx context.Context, demoId string, demo Demo) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateDemo - Update a Demonstration setting
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateLinter ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateLinter(ctx context.Context, linterId string, linterResource LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateLinter - Update a Linter
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdatePollingProfile ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdatePollingProfile(ctx context.Context, pollingProfileId string, pollingProfile PollingProfile) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdatePollingProfile - Update a Polling Profile
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTest ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTest(ctx context.Context, testId string, test Test) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateTest - update test
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTestSuite ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateTestSuite(ctx context.Context, testSuiteId string, testSuiteResource TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateTestSuite - update TestSuite
func (*ResourceApiApiService) UpdateVariableSet ¶
func (s *ResourceApiApiService) UpdateVariableSet(ctx context.Context, variableSetId string, variableSetResource VariableSetResource) (ImplResponse, error)
UpdateVariableSet - Update a VariableSet
type ResourceApiApiServicer ¶
type ResourceApiApiServicer interface { CreateDemo(context.Context, Demo) (ImplResponse, error) CreateLinter(context.Context, LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error) CreateTest(context.Context, Test) (ImplResponse, error) CreateTestSuite(context.Context, TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error) CreateVariableSet(context.Context, VariableSetResource) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteDataStore(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteDemo(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteLinter(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteTest(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteTestSuite(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) DeleteVariableSet(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetConfiguration(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetDataStore(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetDemo(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetLinter(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetPollingProfile(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSuite(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetTestSuites(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetTests(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) GetVariableSet(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListConfiguration(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListDataStore(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListDemos(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListLinters(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListPollingProfile(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) ListVariableSets(context.Context, int32, int32, string, string) (ImplResponse, error) TestsTestIdGet(context.Context, string) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateConfiguration(context.Context, string, ConfigurationResource) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateDataStore(context.Context, string, DataStore) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateDemo(context.Context, string, Demo) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateLinter(context.Context, string, LinterResource) (ImplResponse, error) UpdatePollingProfile(context.Context, string, PollingProfile) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateTest(context.Context, string, Test) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateTestSuite(context.Context, string, TestSuiteResource) (ImplResponse, error) UpdateVariableSet(context.Context, string, VariableSetResource) (ImplResponse, error) }
ResourceApiApiServicer defines the api actions for the ResourceApiApi service This interface intended to stay up to date with the openapi yaml used to generate it, while the service implementation can be ignored with the .openapi-generator-ignore file and updated with the logic required for the API.
func NewResourceApiApiService ¶
func NewResourceApiApiService() ResourceApiApiServicer
NewResourceApiApiService creates a default api service
type Route ¶
type Route struct { Name string Method string Pattern string HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc }
A Route defines the parameters for an api endpoint
type Router ¶
type Router interface {
Routes() Routes
Router defines the required methods for retrieving api routes
func NewApiApiController ¶
func NewApiApiController(s ApiApiServicer, opts ...ApiApiOption) Router
NewApiApiController creates a default api controller
func NewResourceApiApiController ¶
func NewResourceApiApiController(s ResourceApiApiServicer, opts ...ResourceApiApiOption) Router
NewResourceApiApiController creates a default api controller
type RunInformation ¶
type RunInformation struct { Metadata *map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` VariableSetId string `json:"variableSetId,omitempty"` Variables []VariableSetValue `json:"variables,omitempty"` RequiredGates *[]SupportedGates `json:"requiredGates,omitempty"` }
type SelectedSpansResult ¶
type Selector ¶
type Selector struct { Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` Structure []SpanSelector `json:"structure,omitempty"` }
type SelectorFilter ¶
type SelectorPseudoClass ¶
type Span ¶
type Span struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` ParentId string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"` // span start time in unix milli format StartTime int64 `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // span end time in unix milli format EndTime int64 `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Key-Value of span attributes Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Children []Span `json:"children,omitempty"` }
type SpanSelector ¶
type SpanSelector struct { Filters []SelectorFilter `json:"filters"` PseudoClass *SelectorPseudoClass `json:"pseudoClass,omitempty"` ChildSelector *SpanSelector `json:"childSelector,omitempty"` }
type SupportedClients ¶
type SupportedClients string
const ( HTTP SupportedClients = "http" GRPC SupportedClients = "grpc" )
List of SupportedClients
type SupportedConnectionTypes ¶
type SupportedConnectionTypes string
const ( DIRECT SupportedConnectionTypes = "direct" COLLECTOR SupportedConnectionTypes = "collector" )
List of SupportedConnectionTypes
type SupportedDataStores ¶
type SupportedDataStores string
const ( AGENT SupportedDataStores = "agent" JAEGER SupportedDataStores = "jaeger" OPENSEARCH SupportedDataStores = "opensearch" TEMPO SupportedDataStores = "tempo" SIGNALFX SupportedDataStores = "signalfx" OTLP SupportedDataStores = "otlp" ELASTICAPM SupportedDataStores = "elasticapm" NEWRELIC SupportedDataStores = "newrelic" LIGHTSTEP SupportedDataStores = "lightstep" DATADOG SupportedDataStores = "datadog" AWSXRAY SupportedDataStores = "awsxray" HONEYCOMB SupportedDataStores = "honeycomb" AZUREAPPINSIGHTS SupportedDataStores = "azureappinsights" SIGNOZ SupportedDataStores = "signoz" DYNATRACE SupportedDataStores = "dynatrace" )
List of SupportedDataStores
type SupportedGates ¶
type SupportedGates string
const ( ANALYZER_SCORE SupportedGates = "analyzer-score" ANALYZER_RULES SupportedGates = "analyzer-rules" TEST_SPECS SupportedGates = "test-specs" )
List of SupportedGates
type Test ¶
type Test struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // version number of the test Version int32 `json:"version,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` Trigger Trigger `json:"trigger,omitempty"` // specification of assertions that are going to be made Specs []TestSpec `json:"specs,omitempty"` // define test outputs, in a key/value format. The value is processed as an expression Outputs []TestOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` Summary TestSummary `json:"summary,omitempty"` }
type TestConnectionResponse ¶
type TestConnectionResponse struct { Successful bool `json:"successful,omitempty"` Steps []ConnectionResult `json:"steps,omitempty"` }
type TestOutput ¶
type TestResource ¶
type TestResource struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'Test'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec Test `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
TestResource - Represents a test structured into the Resources format.
type TestResourceList ¶
type TestResourceList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []TestResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type TestRun ¶
type TestRun struct { Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` TraceId string `json:"traceId,omitempty"` SpanId string `json:"spanId,omitempty"` // Test version used when running this test run TestVersion int32 `json:"testVersion,omitempty"` // Current execution state State string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Details of the cause for the last `FAILED` state LastErrorState string `json:"lastErrorState,omitempty"` // time in seconds it took for the test to complete, either success or fail. If the test is still running, it will show the time up to the time of the request ExecutionTime int32 `json:"executionTime,omitempty"` // time in milliseconds it took for the triggering testSuite to complete, either success or fail. If the test is still running, it will show the time up to the time of the request TriggerTime int32 `json:"triggerTime,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` ServiceTriggeredAt time.Time `json:"serviceTriggeredAt,omitempty"` ServiceTriggerCompletedAt time.Time `json:"serviceTriggerCompletedAt,omitempty"` ObtainedTraceAt time.Time `json:"obtainedTraceAt,omitempty"` CompletedAt time.Time `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` VariableSet VariableSet `json:"variableSet,omitempty"` ResolvedTrigger Trigger `json:"resolvedTrigger,omitempty"` TriggerResult TriggerResult `json:"triggerResult,omitempty"` Trace Trace `json:"trace,omitempty"` Result AssertionResults `json:"result,omitempty"` Linter LinterResult `json:"linter,omitempty"` Outputs []TestRunOutputsInner `json:"outputs,omitempty"` RequiredGatesResult RequiredGatesResult `json:"requiredGatesResult,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` TestSuiteId string `json:"testSuiteId,omitempty"` TestSuiteRunId int32 `json:"testSuiteRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestRunEvent ¶
type TestRunEvent struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Stage string `json:"stage,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` TestId string `json:"testId,omitempty"` RunId int32 `json:"runId,omitempty"` DataStoreConnection ConnectionResult `json:"dataStoreConnection,omitempty"` Polling PollingInfo `json:"polling,omitempty"` Outputs []OutputInfo `json:"outputs,omitempty"` }
type TestRunOutputsInner ¶
type TestSuite ¶
type TestSuite struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // version number of the test Version int32 `json:"version,omitempty"` // list of steps of the TestSuite containing just each test id Steps []string `json:"steps,omitempty"` // list of steps of the TestSuite containing the whole test object FullSteps []Test `json:"fullSteps,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` Summary TestSummary `json:"summary,omitempty"` }
type TestSuiteResource ¶
type TestSuiteResource struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'TestSuite'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec TestSuite `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
TestSuiteResource - Represents a TestSuite structured into the Resources format.
type TestSuiteResourceList ¶
type TestSuiteResourceList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []TestSuiteResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type TestSuiteRun ¶
type TestSuiteRun struct { Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` Version int32 `json:"version,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` CompletedAt time.Time `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` State string `json:"state,omitempty"` Steps []TestRun `json:"steps,omitempty"` VariableSet VariableSet `json:"variableSet,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Pass int32 `json:"pass,omitempty"` Fail int32 `json:"fail,omitempty"` AllStepsRequiredGatesPassed bool `json:"allStepsRequiredGatesPassed,omitempty"` }
type TestSummary ¶
type TestSummary struct { Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` LastRun TestSummaryLastRun `json:"lastRun,omitempty"` }
type TestSummaryLastRun ¶
type Tls ¶
type Tls struct { Insecure bool `json:"insecure,omitempty"` InsecureSkipVerify bool `json:"insecureSkipVerify,omitempty"` ServerName string `json:"serverName,omitempty"` Settings TlsSetting `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
type TlsSetting ¶
type TraceidRequest ¶
type TraceidRequest struct {
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
type TraceidResponse ¶
type TraceidResponse struct {
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
type Trigger ¶
type Trigger struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` HttpRequest HttpRequest `json:"httpRequest,omitempty"` Grpc GrpcRequest `json:"grpc,omitempty"` Traceid TraceidRequest `json:"traceid,omitempty"` Kafka KafkaRequest `json:"kafka,omitempty"` }
type TriggerResult ¶
type TriggerResult struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` TriggerResult TriggerResultTriggerResult `json:"triggerResult,omitempty"` }
type TriggerResultTriggerResult ¶
type TriggerResultTriggerResult struct { Http HttpResponse `json:"http,omitempty"` Grpc GrpcResponse `json:"grpc,omitempty"` Traceid TraceidResponse `json:"traceid,omitempty"` Kafka KafkaResponse `json:"kafka,omitempty"` }
type VariableSet ¶
type VariableSet struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Values []VariableSetValue `json:"values,omitempty"` }
type VariableSetResource ¶
type VariableSetResource struct { // Represents the type of this resource. It should always be set as 'VariableSet'. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Spec VariableSet `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
VariableSetResource - Represents a VariableSet structured into the Resources format.
type VariableSetResourceList ¶
type VariableSetResourceList struct { Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items []VariableSetResource `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VariableSetValue ¶
Source Files
- api.go
- api_api.go
- api_resource_api.go
- api_resource_api_service.go
- error.go
- helpers.go
- impl.go
- logger.go
- model_assertion_result.go
- model_assertion_results.go
- model_assertion_results_results_inner.go
- model_assertion_span_result.go
- model_aws_x_ray.go
- model_azure_app_insights.go
- model_base_client.go
- model_configuration_resource.go
- model_configuration_resource_list.go
- model_configuration_resource_spec.go
- model_connection_result.go
- model_connection_test_step.go
- model_data_store.go
- model_data_store_list.go
- model_data_store_resource.go
- model_demo.go
- model_demo_list.go
- model_demo_open_telemetry_store.go
- model_demo_pokeshop.go
- model_demo_spec.go
- model_elastic_search.go
- model_exported_test_information.go
- model_get_test_suites_200_response.go
- model_grpc_client_settings.go
- model_grpc_header.go
- model_grpc_request.go
- model_grpc_response.go
- model_http_auth.go
- model_http_auth_api_key.go
- model_http_auth_basic.go
- model_http_auth_bearer.go
- model_http_client_settings.go
- model_http_header.go
- model_http_request.go
- model_http_response.go
- model_kafka_authentication.go
- model_kafka_message_header.go
- model_kafka_request.go
- model_kafka_response.go
- model_linter_resource.go
- model_linter_resource_list.go
- model_linter_resource_plugin.go
- model_linter_resource_rule.go
- model_linter_resource_spec.go
- model_linter_result.go
- model_linter_result_plugin.go
- model_linter_result_plugin_rule.go
- model_linter_result_plugin_rule_result.go
- model_linter_result_plugin_rule_result_error.go
- model_list_demos_200_response.go
- model_list_variable_sets_200_response.go
- model_missing_variable.go
- model_missing_variables_error.go
- model_output_info.go
- model_polling_info.go
- model_polling_info_periodic.go
- model_polling_profile.go
- model_polling_profile_list.go
- model_polling_profile_spec.go
- model_polling_profile_spec_periodic.go
- model_required_gates_result.go
- model_resolve_context.go
- model_resolve_request_info.go
- model_resolve_response_info.go
- model_resource.go
- model_run_information.go
- model_selected_spans_result.go
- model_selector.go
- model_selector_filter.go
- model_selector_pseudo_class.go
- model_signal_fx.go
- model_span.go
- model_span_selector.go
- model_supported_clients.go
- model_supported_connection_types.go
- model_supported_data_stores.go
- model_supported_gates.go
- model_test_.go
- model_test_connection_response.go
- model_test_output.go
- model_test_resource.go
- model_test_resource_list.go
- model_test_run.go
- model_test_run_event.go
- model_test_run_outputs_inner.go
- model_test_spec.go
- model_test_specs.go
- model_test_suite.go
- model_test_suite_resource.go
- model_test_suite_resource_list.go
- model_test_suite_run.go
- model_test_summary.go
- model_test_summary_last_run.go
- model_tls.go
- model_tls_setting.go
- model_trace.go
- model_traceid_request.go
- model_traceid_response.go
- model_trigger.go
- model_trigger_result.go
- model_trigger_result_trigger_result.go
- model_variable.go
- model_variable_set.go
- model_variable_set_resource.go
- model_variable_set_resource_list.go
- model_variable_set_value.go
- model_version.go
- routers.go