Welcome to TestKube Executor example
TestKube Executor eample is simple test which checks if GET
request for URI returns 200 OK
status - it's purpose was for showing how to extend testkube with custom executor.
What is executor
Executor is nothing more than program wrapped into Docker container which gets json (testube.Execution) OpenAPI based document, and returns stream of json output lines (testkube.ExecutorOutput) - each output line is simply wrapped in this JSON, like in structured logging idea.
Issues and enchancements
Please follow to main TestKube repository for reporting any issues or discussions
Running executor example
Build and push dockerfile to some repository
Register Executor Custom Resource in your cluster
apiVersion: executor.testkube.io/v1
kind: Executor
name: example-executor
namespace: testkube
executor_type: job
image: kubeshop/testkube-example-executor:0.0.1 # pass your repository and tag
- example/test
volume_mount_path: /mnt/artifacts-storage
volume_quantity: 10Gix
Set up volumes as in following example if you want to use artifacts storage (can be downloaded later in dashboard or by kubectl testkube
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