Kusk-gateway is the API Gateway, based on Envoy and using OpenAPI specification as the source of configuration
Steps to setup local development cluster and deploy kusk-gateway operator
Create local cluster
The local cluster setup depends on having a k3d registry named reg available
Delete local cluster
Deploy an example API
kubectl apply -f examples/httpbin && kubectl rollout status -w deployment/httpbin
This will create a deployment and load balancer service for httpbin.
The openapi / swagger document describing the API will be applied in the form of a kusk API CRD.
This will cause the reconcile loop in the kusk-gateway control plane to kick in and update the envoy config to allow you
to curl the service.
Envoy is listening on port 8080, the IP will be published after create-env
The httpbin service in this example is available at the basepath /
so to call the get endpoint on the httpbin service
we simply run curl http://<published-IP>:8080/get
Local development with docker-compose
This development mode utilises an ability of kusk-gateway to consume OpenAPI file directly.
Preliminary steps:
# From the project root
cp development/.env.example ./.env
.env file has variables that control Docker stack behaviour.
For the development change PROJECT_ROOT/.env file to point GO_CONTROL_PLANE_ADDRESS and GO_CONTROL_PLANE_PORT variables to ip address and port your kusk-gateway is listening on.
This will allow Envoy instance to connect to your application in IDE.
Front-envoy will generate configuration from envoy.yaml.tmpl with "default" Envoy cluster name and Node ID based on ENVOY_CLUSTER + HOSTNAME.
Kusk-gateway will consume OpenAPI file, passed with "--in" parameter and will switch to "local" mode that will skip Kubernetes connection.
Once Front Envoy starts, it will connect to kusk-gateway with GRPC with its NodeID and Cluster ("default") fields specified and kusk-gateway will provide generated configuration.
To run with kusk-gateway being developed in IDE:
# From the project root
docker-compose up
To run with kusk-gateway built as Docker container:
# From the project root
# Make sure .env has GO_CONTROL_PLANE_ADDRESS=kusk-gateway before running this.
docker-compose --profile gateway up
To run with kusk-gateway and mock server:
# From the project root
# Make sure .env has GO_CONTROL_PLANE_ADDRESS=kusk-gateway before running this.
docker-compose --profile gateway --profile mock up
By default kusk-gateway in Docker mode uses ./development/petshop-openapi-short-with-kusk-and-mock.yaml file with mocking enabled on some endpoints.
Envoy frontends will be available on (Cluster1) and (Cluster2) while backend (petstore app) could be reached on .
On MacOS, the frontends are available on http://localhost:8080 (Cluster1) and http://localhost:8081 (Cluster2)
Envoy management interface is available on,, there one can verify what configuration it has in config_dump.
On MacOS, the Envoy management interface is available on http://localhost:19000 and http://localhost:19001
Mock server will be available on
On MacOS, Mock server will be available on
To test (depends on configured variables in your OpenAPI file):
# Linux
curl -v -X GET '' -H 'accept: application/json'
# MacOS
curl -v -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/petstore/api/v3/pet/findByStatus?status=available' -H 'accept: application/json'
For the convenience you can use provided petshop-openapi-short-with-kusk.yaml or petshop-openapi-short-with-kusk-and-mock.yaml files in ./development.
Remote debugging contoller-manager in cluster
- Set up remote debugging for your IDE pointed at localhost:40000
- Run
make create-env
- When the make script is waiting for kusk-controller-manager to become healthy, run
kubectl port-forward deployment/kusk-controller-manager -n kusk-system 40000:40000
- Run your debug configuration from your IDE. The pod won't become healthy until you do this as Delve waits for a connection on :40000.
- When the script completes, you can now deploy httpbin with
kubectl apply -f examples/httpbin
- Place breakpoints in the code and debug as normal