= ksctl
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image:https://github.com/kubesaw/ksctl/workflows/ci-build/badge.svg[build status]
This repo contains kctl command-line tool that helps you to manage your instance of KubeSaw service.
== ksctl binary
The prerequisite for running most of the `ksctl` commands is having a `.ksctl.yaml` config file in your home directory. If you don't have any, please, contact one of the administrators.
If you are an administrator, then read the https://kubesaw.github.io/ksctl-cheat-sheet/#admin-usage[Cheat sheet's Admin usage section].
== Build
Requires Go version 1.21.x (1.21.13 or higher) - download for your development environment https://golang.org/dl/[here].
=== Install
To install the binary, clone the latest version of ksctl repository:
git clone https://github.com/kubesaw/ksctl.git
cd ksctl
and install the binary
make install
== Cheat sheet for commands
The cheat sheet is available https://kubesaw.github.io/ksctl-cheat-sheet[here]