Kubemq lambda target Connector
Kubemq aws-lambda target connector allows services using kubemq server to access aws lambda service.
The following required to run the aws-lambda target connector:
- kubemq cluster
- aws account with lambda active service
- kubemq-targets deployment
lambda target connector configuration properties:
Properties Key |
Required |
Description |
Example |
aws_key |
yes |
aws key |
aws key supplied by aws |
aws_secret_key |
yes |
aws secret key |
aws secret key supplied by aws |
region |
yes |
region |
aws region |
token |
no |
aws token ("default" empty string |
aws token |
- name: kubemq-query-aws-lambda
kind: kubemq.query
name: kubemq-query
address: "kubemq-cluster:50000"
client_id: "kubemq-query-aws-lambda-connector"
auth_token: ""
channel: "query.aws.lambda"
group: ""
auto_reconnect: "true"
reconnect_interval_seconds: "1"
max_reconnects: "0"
kind: aws.lambda
name: aws-lambda
aws_key: "id"
aws_secret_key: 'json'
region: "region"
token: ""
List Lambda
List all lambdas
List Lambda:
Metadata Key |
Required |
Description |
Possible values |
method |
yes |
type of method |
"list" |
"metadata": {
"method": "list"
"data": null
Create Lambda
create a new lambda.
Create Lambda:
Metadata Key |
Required |
Description |
Possible values |
method |
yes |
type of method |
"create" |
zip_file_name |
yes |
name of the zip file |
"file.zip" |
handler_name |
yes |
lambda handler name |
"handler-path" |
role |
yes |
aws role name |
"arn:aws:iam::0000000:myRole" |
runtime |
yes |
lambda runtime version |
see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html |
function_name |
yes |
lambda function name |
string |
data |
yes |
the function code , in byte array |
byte array |
memory_size |
no |
memory_size needed default of 256 |
int |
timeout |
no |
timeout set for task default of 15 (Seconds) |
int |
description |
no |
function description default of "" |
string |
"metadata": {
"method": "create",
"zip_file_name": "myfile.zip",
"handler_name": "myhandler",
"role": "arn:aws:iam::0000000:myRole",
"runtime": "nodejs12.x",
"function_name": "testfunction",
"memory_size": "256",
"timeout": "3",
"description": "my awesome testing method"
"data": "ZXhwb3J0cy5oYW5kbGVyID0gYXN5bmMgKGV2ZW50KSA9PiB7CiAgICAvLyBUT0RPIGltcGxlbWVudAogICAgY29uc3QgcmVzcG9uc2UgPSB7CiAgICAgICAgc3RhdHVzQ29kZTogMjAwLAogICAgICAgIGJvZHk6IEpTT04uc3RyaW5naWZ5KCdIZWxsbyBmcm9tIExhbWJkYSEnKSwKICAgIH07CiAgICByZXR1cm4gcmVzcG9uc2U7Cn07Cg=="
Run Lambda
run a specific lambda
Run Lambda:
Metadata Key |
Required |
Description |
Possible values |
method |
yes |
type of method |
"run" |
function_name |
yes |
lambda function name |
string |
data |
yes |
the run request code , in byte array, must be base64 encoded json |
byte array |
dry-run |
no |
run function in dry run mode |
"true", "false" |
"metadata": {
"method": "run",
"function_name": "testfunction",
"dry-run": "false"
"data": "eyJ0ZXN0IjogInRlc3QifQ=="
Delete Lambda
Delete Lambda:
Metadata Key |
Required |
Description |
Possible values |
method |
yes |
type of method |
"delete" |
function_name |
yes |
lambda function name |
string |
"metadata": {
"method": "delete",
"function_name": "testfunction"
"data": null