Guide on testing
Overview About testManager Module
testManager is a utility module to mimic the cloud and push messages for different kinds of actions that could happen from the cloud. Typical device , node and application lifecycle management functions are expected to be performed in the cloud and pushed to the edge node. These functions commonly encompass configurations related to
- Kubernetes Secrets and Configuration Maps.
- Application deployment/sync
- Binding devices to edge nodes via memberships.
- Syncing of different resources between cloud and edge ( like app status, device status etc)
- Node sync, etc..
Below info can help user how to use the testManager for testing the kubeedge.
Using above API's user can perform the resource operations against running edge node.
testManager facilitates validating the capabilities of the edge platform by performing curl operations against a running edge node.
Following sections will explain the procedure to test the kubeedge with testManager.
Test with TestManager
# generate the `edgecore` binary
# or
make edgecore
Modify the configuration files accordingly
in modules.yaml
(add the testManager
KubeEdge uses beehive framework as the inter-module communication, all modules in the kubeedge need to register with beehive.
is a module like other KubeEdge modules. So, it has to be configured as shown below.
enabled: [eventbus, websocket, metaManager, edged, twin, testManager]
Test kubeedge with Internal MQTT Server
(mode: 0 (default mode)
modify certfile
, keyfile
, etc.)
server: tcp:// # external mqtt broker url.
internal-server: tcp:// # internal mqtt broker url.
mode: 0 # 0: internal mqtt broker enable only. 1: internal and external mqtt broker enable. 2: external mqtt broker enable only.
qos: 0 # 0: QOSAtMostOnce, 1: QOSAtLeastOnce, 2: QOSExactlyOnce.
retain: false # if the flag set true, server will store the message and can be delivered to future subscribers.
session-queue-size: 100 # A size of how many sessions will be handled. default to 100.
url: ws://
certfile: /tmp/edge.crt
keyfile: /tmp/edge.key
handshake-timeout: 30 #second
write-deadline: 15 # second
read-deadline: 15 # second
heartbeat: 15 # second
refresh-ak-sk-interval: 10 # minute
auth-info-files-path: /var/IEF/secret
project-id: e632aba927ea4ac2b575ec1603d56f10
node-id: edge-node
register-node-namespace: default
hostname-override: 93e05fa9-b782-4a59-9d02-9f6e639b4205
interface-name: eth0
node-status-update-frequency: 10 # second
device-plugin-enabled: false
gpu-plugin-enabled: false
image-gc-high-threshold: 80 # percent
image-gc-low-threshold: 40 # percent
maximum-dead-containers-per-container: 1
docker-address: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
version: 2.0.0
# run edgecore
# or
nohup ./edgecore > edgecore.log 2>&1 &
Test kubeedge with External MQTT Server
Install dependency:
You need install mosquitto to support mqtt.
# For ubuntu
apt install -y mosquitto
(modify mode: 2
, certfile
, keyfile
, etc.)
# run mosquitto
mosquitto -d -p 1883
# run edgecore
# or
nohup ./edgecore > edgecore.log 2>&1 &
Add Device
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"added_devices": [{
"id": "kubeedge-device-1",
"name": "edgedevice",
"description": "integrationtest",
"state": "online"
Verify the DB
# Enter the database
sqlite3 edge.db
# Query the database and you shall see the posted Device info
select * from device;
Remove Device
curl -X DELETE \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"removed_devices": [{
"id": "kubeedge-device-1",
"name": "edgedevice",
"description": "integrationtest",
"state": "online"
Add Pod
curl -i -v -X POST -d '{
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "nginx",
"labels": {
"name": "nginx"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
Query Pods
curl -i -v -X GET
#or (To display response in json format)
curl -i -v -X GET | python -m json.tool
Check the database
# Enter the database
sqlite3 edge.db
# Query the database and you shall see the posted application deployment info
select * from meta;
# or you can check the pod container using `docker ps`
Remove Pod
curl -i -v -X DELETE -d '{
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "nginx",
"labels": {
"name": "nginx"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"