EdgeMesh LoadBalance Test
$ go build -o loadbalance .
$ ./loadbalance --help
Usage of ./loadbalance:
-counter int
Test count (default 500)
-deployment string
Deployment yaml file
-destination-rule string
Destination rule yaml file
-kube-config string
Use this key to set kube-config path, eg: $HOME/.kube/config (default "/root/.kube/config")
-namespace string
All resources namespace (default "default")
-service string
Service yaml file
Test1: Round Robin
$ ./loadbalance -counter 10000 -deployment hostname-deploy.yaml -service hostname-svc.yaml
Failure: 0, Success: 10000
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-l2pv6: 1861 (18.6%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-bvvx7: 2061 (20.6%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-6nxkl: 2014 (20.1%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-k8lvx: 2029 (20.3%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-nx5fj: 2035 (20.3%)
Test2: Random
$ ./loadbalance -counter 10000 -deployment hostname-deploy.yaml -service hostname-svc.yaml -destination-rule hostname-dr-random.yaml
Failure: 0, Success: 10000
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-d65n6: 2008 (20.1%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-9kwz8: 1963 (19.6%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-mq6g6: 2305 (23.1%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-gr4dm: 1806 (18.1%)
hostname-lb-test-bf9ccbc8b-h8lwm: 1918 (19.2%)