BOSS - Blacksmith On-demand ServiceS
is a command-line utility for interacting with
Blacksmith, in case you don't have a Cloud Foundry or
Kubernetes cluster handy. It's great fun at demos.

You can use it to view the Blacksmith Catalog:
→ boss catalog
Service Plans Tags
======= ===== ====
mariadb standalone blacksmith
postgresql small-cluster blacksmith
standalone dedicated
rabbitmq cluster blacksmith
dedicated dedicated
redis dedicated-cache blacksmith
dedicated-persistent dedicated
... or to see what you've provisioned so far:
→ boss ls -l
ID Service (ID) Plan (ID)
== ======= ==== ==== ====
relaxed-tesla rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
agitated-jennings rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
brave-khorana rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
clever-mccarthy rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
crazy-murdock rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
ecstatic-yonath rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
flamboyant-booth rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
naughty-solomon rabbitmq rabbitmq dedicated rabbitmq-dedicated
You can create and delete services:
→ boss create rabbitmq/dedicated -f
rabbitmq/dedicated instance ecstatic-yonath created.
tailing deployment task log...
Task 10731 | 03:25:01 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment started
Task 10731 | 03:25:03 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment finished
Task 10731 | 03:25:03 | Preparing package compilation: Finding packages to compile started
Task 10731 | 03:25:03 | Preparing package compilation: Finding packages to compile finished
Task 10731 | 03:25:04 | Creating missing vms: standalone/58bdb1b3-9ff1-49c1-b7c1-badc42a8c892 (0) started
Task 10731 | 03:26:18 | Creating missing vms: standalone/58bdb1b3-9ff1-49c1-b7c1-badc42a8c892 (0) finished
Task 10731 | 03:26:19 | Updating instance: standalone/58bdb1b3-9ff1-49c1-b7c1-badc42a8c892 (0) (canary) started
Task 10731 | 03:26:49 | Updating instance: standalone/58bdb1b3-9ff1-49c1-b7c1-badc42a8c892 (0) (canary) finished
→ boss delete ecstatic-yonath
ecstatic-yonath instance deleted.
It can view BOSH manifests, deployment task logs, and service
credentials, too!
→ boss task relaxed-tesla
→ boss manifest relaxed-tesla
→ boss creds relaxed-tesla
How Do I Contribute?
- Fork this repo
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
- Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a new Pull Request in Github
- Profit!