This is in early stage of development. Do not expect things to work or stay stable
More descriptive text about what's going on will be available later.
Golang 1.11.1 used for development, older versions should be usable
Godep to manage packages (vendoring is used so no getting of extra packages should be needed)
MariaDB (10.3.10 used for development, older versions may not support all features used)
DO NOT use keys, tokens, db passwords, run scripts... included in the repository if your instance will be exposed to the internet. They are meant for LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ONLY.
Make it run
get the repo
configure root user on MariaDB to use password root. You can use mysql_secure_installation command line tool to do that
create los database and user by running ./scripts/sql/
create tables by running ./scripts/sql/
create test data by running ./scripts/sql/
run the service by running ./ - that will start it listenint for HTTP requests on port 8080.
to obtain JWT token, use http://localhost:8080/user/login endpoint. The password for test users is "password" (hashed in create_data.sql)
Development notes
after changing the SQL scripts, run ./ to execute all of them (to get database to known state). Remember, all your changes will be lost.
after changing the swagger file (swagger/los-server.yml), run the ./ script. Note it creates restapi/configure_los.go file. This file is not overwritten if exists. So I have restapi/configure_los_edit.go containing my changes. After generating, merge new changes (i.e. new endpoints) from configure_los.go to configure_los_edit.go and delete configure_los.go.
to generate new keys for TLS and JWT, run ./scripts/build/ Remember new keys invalidate all existing tokens.
To generate SQL script containing "live" list of ranges, run ./scripts/data/ This downloads and converts list from
If you wish to contribute, reach me for permissions. Forking of Go repo is problematic because of package names.