
package module
v0.0.0-...-4074f90 Latest Latest

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Published: May 14, 2022 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 5



retroproto is a library that implements the network protocol of Dofus Retro, for the communication between client and server. It defines the id and structure of the protocol messages, and it provides functionality for their serialization and deserialization.



go get


Deserialize a client message
package main

import (


func main() {
	packet := "AAXxRamboPLxX|1|0|3635424|855309|16053493"

	id, _ := retroproto.MsgCliIdByPkt(packet)       // "AA"
	extra := strings.TrimPrefix(packet, string(id)) // "XxRamboPLxX|1|0|3635424|855309|16053493"

	switch id {
	case retroproto.AccountAddCharacter:
		message := &msgcli.AccountAddCharacter{}

		fmt.Printf("%+v", *message) // {Name:XxRamboPLxX Class:1 Sex:0 Color1:3778e0 Color2:0d0d0d Color3:f4f4f5}
Deserialize a server message
package main

import (


func main() {
	packet := "HCfdbijergrfklvdnsdfgviojsidesokpm"

	id, _ := retroproto.MsgSvrIdByPkt(packet)       // "HC"
	extra := strings.TrimPrefix(packet, string(id)) // "fdbijergrfklvdnsdfgviojsidesokpm"

	switch id {
	case retroproto.AksHelloConnect:
		message := &msgsvr.AksHelloConnect{}

		fmt.Printf("%+v", *message) // {Salt:fdbijergrfklvdnsdfgviojsidesokpm}
Serialize a client message
package main

import (


func main() {
	message := msgcli.AccountAddCharacter{
		Name:   "XxRamboPLxX",
		Class:  1,
		Sex:    0,
		Color1: "3778e0",
		Color2: "0d0d0d",
		Color3: "f4f4f5",

	extra, _ := message.Serialized()

	// Note: packets for msgcli.AccountVersion and msgcli.AccountCredential should not include their protocol ID 
	packet := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.ProtocolId(), extra)

	fmt.Print(packet) // "AAXxRamboPLxX|1|0|3635424|855309|16053493"
Serialize a server message
package main

import (


func main() {
	message := msgsvr.AksHelloConnect{Salt: "fdbijergrfklvdnsdfgviojsidesokpm"}

	extra, _ := message.Serialized()

	packet := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.ProtocolId(), extra)

	fmt.Print(packet) // "HCfdbijergrfklvdnsdfgviojsidesokpm"



Package retroproto is a library that implements the network protocol of Dofus Retro, for the communication between client and server. It defines the id and structure of the protocol messages, and it provides functionality for their serialization and deserialization.



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const (
	AksPing      = MsgCliId("ping")
	AksQuickPing = MsgCliId("qping")
	AksRPong     = MsgCliId("rpong")

	BasicsAuthorizedCommand     = MsgCliId("BA")
	BasicsAuthorizedMoveCommand = MsgCliId("BaM")
	BasicsAuthorizedKickCommand = MsgCliId("BaK")
	BasicsWhoIs                 = MsgCliId("BW")
	BasicsKick                  = MsgCliId("BQ")
	BasicsAway                  = MsgCliId("BYA")
	BasicsInvisible             = MsgCliId("BYI")
	BasicsGetDate               = MsgCliId("BD")
	BasicsFileCheckAnswer       = MsgCliId("BC")
	BasicsSanctionMe            = MsgCliId("BK")
	BasicsRequestAveragePing    = MsgCliId("Bp")

	AccountVersion                  = MsgCliId("version")
	AccountCredential               = MsgCliId("credential")
	AccountSetNickname              = MsgCliId("nickname")
	AccountGetCharacters            = MsgCliId("AL")
	AccountGetCharactersForced      = MsgCliId("ALf")
	AccountGetServersList           = MsgCliId("Ax")
	AccountSetServer                = MsgCliId("AX")
	AccountSearchForFriend          = MsgCliId("AF")
	AccountSetCharacter             = MsgCliId("AS")
	AccountAddCharacter             = MsgCliId("AA")
	AccountDeleteCharacter          = MsgCliId("AD")
	AccountResetCharacter           = MsgCliId("AR")
	AccountBoost                    = MsgCliId("AB")
	AccountSendTicket               = MsgCliId("AT")
	AccountRequestRescue            = MsgCliId("Ar")
	AccountGetGifts                 = MsgCliId("Ag")
	AccountAttributeGiftToCharacter = MsgCliId("AG")
	AccountQueuePosition            = MsgCliId("Af")
	AccountGetRandomCharacterName   = MsgCliId("AP")
	AccountUseKey                   = MsgCliId("Ak")
	AccountRequestRegionalVersion   = MsgCliId("AV")
	AccountSendIdentity             = MsgCliId("Ai")
	AccountValidCharacterMigration  = MsgCliId("AM")
	AccountDeleteCharacterMigration = MsgCliId("AM-")
	AccountAskCharacterMigration    = MsgCliId("AM?")
	AccountConfiguredPort           = MsgCliId("Ap")

	GameCreate                   = MsgCliId("GC")
	GameRequestLeave             = MsgCliId("GQ")
	GameSetPlayerPosition        = MsgCliId("Gp")
	GameRequestReady             = MsgCliId("GR")
	GameGetMapData               = MsgCliId("GD")
	GameGetExtraInformations     = MsgCliId("GI")
	GameTurnEnd                  = MsgCliId("Gt")
	GameTurnOk                   = MsgCliId("GT")
	GameAskDisablePVPMode        = MsgCliId("GP*")
	GameEnabledPVPMode           = MsgCliId("GP")
	GameFreeMySoul               = MsgCliId("GF")
	GameSetFlag                  = MsgCliId("Gf")
	GameShowFightChallengeTarget = MsgCliId("Gdi")

	GameActionsSendActions = MsgCliId("GA")
	GameActionAck          = MsgCliId("GKK")
	GameActionCancel       = MsgCliId("GKE")

	ChatSend                          = MsgCliId("BM")
	ChatReportMessage                 = MsgCliId("BR")
	ChatRequestSubscribeChannelAdd    = MsgCliId("cC+")
	ChatRequestSubscribeChannelRemove = MsgCliId("cC-")
	ChatUseSmiley                     = MsgCliId("BS")

	DialogBeginning    = MsgCliId("DB")
	DialogCreate       = MsgCliId("DC")
	DialogRequestLeave = MsgCliId("DV")
	DialogResponse     = MsgCliId("DR")

	InfosGetMaps        = MsgCliId("IM")
	InfosSendScreenInfo = MsgCliId("Ir")

	SpellsMoveToUsed = MsgCliId("SM")
	SpellsBoost      = MsgCliId("SB")
	SpellsForget     = MsgCliId("SF")

	ItemsRequestMovement = MsgCliId("OM")
	ItemsDrop            = MsgCliId("OD")
	ItemsDestroy         = MsgCliId("Od")
	ItemsUseConfirm      = MsgCliId("Ou")
	ItemsUseNoConfirm    = MsgCliId("OU")
	ItemsDissociate      = MsgCliId("Ox")
	ItemsSetSkin         = MsgCliId("Os")
	ItemsFeed            = MsgCliId("Of")

	FriendsGetFriendsList       = MsgCliId("FL")
	FriendsAddFriend            = MsgCliId("FA")
	FriendsRemoveFriend         = MsgCliId("FD")
	FriendsJoin                 = MsgCliId("FJ")
	FriendsJoinFriend           = MsgCliId("FJF")
	FriendsCompass              = MsgCliId("FJC")
	FriendsSetNotifyWhenConnect = MsgCliId("FO")

	EnemiesGetEnemiesList = MsgCliId("iL")
	EnemiesAddEnemy       = MsgCliId("iA")
	EnemiesRemoveEnemy    = MsgCliId("iD")

	KeyRequestLeave = MsgCliId("KV")
	KeySendKey      = MsgCliId("KK")

	JobChangeJobStats = MsgCliId("JO")

	ExchangeLeave                        = MsgCliId("EV")
	ExchangeRequest                      = MsgCliId("ER")
	ExchangeShop                         = MsgCliId("Es")
	ExchangeAccept                       = MsgCliId("EA")
	ExchangeRequestReady                 = MsgCliId("EK")
	ExchangeMovementItems                = MsgCliId("EMO")
	ExchangeMovementPay                  = MsgCliId("EP")
	ExchangeMovementKamas                = MsgCliId("EMG")
	ExchangeMovementSell                 = MsgCliId("ES")
	ExchangeMovementBuy                  = MsgCliId("EB")
	ExchangeOfflineExchange              = MsgCliId("EQ")
	ExchangeRequestAskOfflineExchange    = MsgCliId("Eq")
	ExchangeBigStoreType                 = MsgCliId("EHT")
	ExchangeBigStoreItemList             = MsgCliId("EHl")
	ExchangeBigStoreBuy                  = MsgCliId("EHB")
	ExchangeBigStoreSearch               = MsgCliId("EHS")
	ExchangeSetPublicMode                = MsgCliId("EW")
	ExchangeGetCrafterForJob             = MsgCliId("EJF")
	ExchangePutInShedFromInventory       = MsgCliId("Erp")
	ExchangePutInInventoryFromShed       = MsgCliId("Erg")
	ExchangePutInCertificateFromShed     = MsgCliId("Erc")
	ExchangePutInShedFromCertificate     = MsgCliId("ErC")
	ExchangePutInMountParkFromShed       = MsgCliId("Efp")
	ExchangePutInShedFromMountPark       = MsgCliId("Efg")
	ExchangeKillMountInPark              = MsgCliId("Eff")
	ExchangeKillMount                    = MsgCliId("Erf")
	ExchangeGetItemMiddlePriceInBigStore = MsgCliId("EHP")
	ExchangeReplayCraft                  = MsgCliId("EL")
	ExchangeRepeatCraft                  = MsgCliId("EMR")
	ExchangeStopRepeatCraft              = MsgCliId("EMr")

	HousesKick         = MsgCliId("hQ")
	HousesRequestLeave = MsgCliId("hV")
	HousesSell         = MsgCliId("hS")
	HousesBuy          = MsgCliId("hB")
	HousesState        = MsgCliId("hG") // get state or set rights
	HousesShare        = MsgCliId("hG+")
	HousesUnShare      = MsgCliId("hG-")

	EmotesUseEmote     = MsgCliId("eU")
	EmotesSetDirection = MsgCliId("eD")

	DocumentsRequestLeave = MsgCliId("dV")

	GuildCreate               = MsgCliId("gC")
	GuildRequestLeave         = MsgCliId("gV")
	GuildLeaveTaxInterface    = MsgCliId("gITV")
	GuildInvite               = MsgCliId("gJR")
	GuildAcceptInvitation     = MsgCliId("gJK")
	GuildRefuseInvitation     = MsgCliId("gJE")
	GuildGetInfosGeneral      = MsgCliId("gIG")
	GuildGetInfosMembers      = MsgCliId("gIM")
	GuildGetInfosBoosts       = MsgCliId("gIB")
	GuildGetInfosTaxCollector = MsgCliId("gIT")
	GuildGetInfosMountPark    = MsgCliId("gIF")
	GuildGetInfosGuildHouses  = MsgCliId("gIH")
	GuildBan                  = MsgCliId("gK")
	GuildChangeMemberProfile  = MsgCliId("gP")
	GuildBoostCharacteristic  = MsgCliId("gB")
	GuildBoostSpell           = MsgCliId("gb")
	GuildHireTaxCollector     = MsgCliId("gH")
	GuildJoinTaxCollector     = MsgCliId("gTJ")
	GuildLeaveTaxCollector    = MsgCliId("gTV")
	GuildRemoveTaxCollector   = MsgCliId("gF")
	GuildTeleportToGuildHouse = MsgCliId("gh")
	GuildTeleportToGuildFarm  = MsgCliId("gf")

	WaypointsRequestLeave = MsgCliId("WV")
	WaypointsUse          = MsgCliId("WU")

	SubwayRequestLeave      = MsgCliId("Wv")
	SubwayUse               = MsgCliId("Wu")
	SubwayRequestPrismLeave = MsgCliId("Ww")
	SubwayPrismUse          = MsgCliId("Wp")

	ConquestGetAlignedBonus = MsgCliId("CB")
	ConquestPrismInfosJoin  = MsgCliId("CIJ")
	ConquestPrismInfosLeave = MsgCliId("CIV")
	ConquestPrismFightJoin  = MsgCliId("CFJ")
	ConquestPrismFightLeave = MsgCliId("CFV")
	ConquestWorldInfosJoin  = MsgCliId("CWJ")
	ConquestWorldInfosLave  = MsgCliId("CWV")
	ConquestSwitchPlaces    = MsgCliId("CFS")
	ConquestRequestBalance  = MsgCliId("Cb")

	FightsGetList                = MsgCliId("fL")
	FightsGetDetails             = MsgCliId("fD")
	FightsBlockSpectators        = MsgCliId("fS")
	FightsBlockJoinerExceptParty = MsgCliId("fP")
	FightsBlockJoiner            = MsgCliId("fN")
	FightsNeedHelp               = MsgCliId("fH")

	TutorialEnd = MsgCliId("TV")

	QuestGetList = MsgCliId("QL")
	QuestGetStep = MsgCliId("QS")

	PartyInvite           = MsgCliId("PI")
	PartyRefuseInvitation = MsgCliId("PR")
	PartyAcceptInvitation = MsgCliId("PA")
	PartyRequestLeave     = MsgCliId("PV")
	PartyRequestFollow    = MsgCliId("PF")
	PartyWhere            = MsgCliId("PW")
	PartyFollowAll        = MsgCliId("PG")

	MountRename              = MsgCliId("Rn")
	MountFree                = MsgCliId("Rf")
	MountSetXP               = MsgCliId("Rx")
	MountRide                = MsgCliId("Rr")
	MountRequestData         = MsgCliId("Rd")
	MountParkMountData       = MsgCliId("Rp")
	MountRemoveObjectInPark  = MsgCliId("Ro")
	MountMountParkSell       = MsgCliId("Rs")
	MountRequestMountParkBuy = MsgCliId("Rb")
	MountRequestLeave        = MsgCliId("Rv")
	MountCastrate            = MsgCliId("Rc")


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var ErrInvalidMsg = errors.New("invalid message")
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var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
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var ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
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var MsgCliIds = []MsgCliId{}/* 195 elements not displayed */
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var MsgSvrIds = []MsgSvrId{}/* 309 elements not displayed */


func Decode64

func Decode64(ch rune) (int, error)

func Encode64

func Encode64(n int) (rune, error)

func EncryptPassword

func EncryptPassword(pwd string, key string) string

func MsgCliNameByID

func MsgCliNameByID(id MsgCliId) (name string, ok bool)

func MsgSvrNameByID

func MsgSvrNameByID(id MsgSvrId) (name string, ok bool)

func SplitEncodedHostPortTicket

func SplitEncodedHostPortTicket(extra string) (host string, port int, ticket string, e error)


type MsgCli

type MsgCli interface {
	MessageId() MsgCliId
	MessageName() string
	Serialized() (extra string, err error)
	Deserialize(extra string) error

type MsgCliId

type MsgCliId string

func MsgCliIdByPkt

func MsgCliIdByPkt(pkt string) (id MsgCliId, ok bool)

type MsgSvr

type MsgSvr interface {
	MessageId() MsgSvrId
	MessageName() string
	Serialized() (extra string, err error)
	Deserialize(extra string) error

type MsgSvrId

type MsgSvrId string
const (
	AksHelloConnect         MsgSvrId = "HC"
	AksHelloGame            MsgSvrId = "HG"
	AksPong                 MsgSvrId = "p"
	AksQuickPong            MsgSvrId = "q"
	AksRPing                MsgSvrId = "rping"
	AksServerMessage        MsgSvrId = "M"
	AksServerWillDisconnect MsgSvrId = "k"

	BasicsNothing                     MsgSvrId = "BN"
	BasicsAuthorizedCommandError      MsgSvrId = "BAE"
	BasicsAuthorizedCommandSuccess    MsgSvrId = "BAT"
	BasicsAuthorizedLine              MsgSvrId = "BAL"
	BasicsAuthorizedCommandPrompt     MsgSvrId = "BAP"
	BasicsAuthorizedCommandClear      MsgSvrId = "BAC"
	BasicsAuthorizedInterfaceOpen     MsgSvrId = "BAIO"
	BasicsAuthorizedInterfaceClose    MsgSvrId = "BAIC"
	BasicsTime                        MsgSvrId = "BT"
	BasicsDate                        MsgSvrId = "BD"
	BasicsWhoIsError                  MsgSvrId = "BWE"
	BasicsWhoIsSuccess                MsgSvrId = "BWK"
	BasicsSubscriberRestrictionAdd    MsgSvrId = "BP+"
	BasicsSubscriberRestrictionRemove MsgSvrId = "BP-"
	BasicsFileCheck                   MsgSvrId = "BC"
	BasicsAveragePing                 MsgSvrId = "Bp"

	AccountCommunity                     MsgSvrId = "Ac"
	AccountPseudo                        MsgSvrId = "Ad"
	AccountLoginSuccess                  MsgSvrId = "AlK"
	AccountLoginError                    MsgSvrId = "AlE"
	AccountCharactersListError           MsgSvrId = "ALE"
	AccountCharactersListSuccess         MsgSvrId = "ALK"
	AccountServersListError              MsgSvrId = "AxE"
	AccountServersListSuccess            MsgSvrId = "AxK"
	AccountCharacterAddError             MsgSvrId = "AAE"
	AccountCharacterAddSuccess           MsgSvrId = "AAK"
	AccountTicketResponseError           MsgSvrId = "ATE"
	AccountTicketResponseSuccess         MsgSvrId = "ATK"
	AccountSelectServerError             MsgSvrId = "AXE"
	AccountSelectServerSuccess           MsgSvrId = "AXK"
	AccountSelectServerPlainSuccess      MsgSvrId = "AYK"
	AccountCharacterSelectedError        MsgSvrId = "ASE"
	AccountCharacterSelectedSuccess      MsgSvrId = "ASK"
	AccountStats                         MsgSvrId = "As"
	AccountNewLevel                      MsgSvrId = "AN"
	AccountRestrictions                  MsgSvrId = "AR"
	AccountHosts                         MsgSvrId = "AH"
	AccountRescue                        MsgSvrId = "Ar"
	AccountGiftsList                     MsgSvrId = "Ag"
	AccountGiftStoredError               MsgSvrId = "AGE"
	AccountGiftStoredSuccess             MsgSvrId = "AGK"
	AccountQueue                         MsgSvrId = "Aq"
	AccountNewQueue                      MsgSvrId = "Af"
	AccountRegionalVersion               MsgSvrId = "AV"
	AccountCharacterNameGeneratedError   MsgSvrId = "APE"
	AccountCharacterNameGeneratedSuccess MsgSvrId = "APK"
	AccountKey                           MsgSvrId = "AK"
	AccountSecretQuestion                MsgSvrId = "AQ"
	AccountCharacterDeleteError          MsgSvrId = "ADE"
	AccountCharacterDeleteSuccess        MsgSvrId = "ADK"
	AccountCharacterMigrationAskConfirm  MsgSvrId = "AM?"
	AccountCharacterMigrationError       MsgSvrId = "AME"
	AccountCharacterMigrationSuccess     MsgSvrId = "AMK"
	AccountFriendServerList              MsgSvrId = "AF"
	AccountMiniClipInfo                  MsgSvrId = "Am"

	GameCreateError                 MsgSvrId = "GCE"
	GameCreateSuccess               MsgSvrId = "GCK"
	GameJoin                        MsgSvrId = "GJ"
	GamePositionStart               MsgSvrId = "GP"
	GameReady                       MsgSvrId = "GR"
	GameStartToPlay                 MsgSvrId = "GS"
	GameEnd                         MsgSvrId = "GE"
	GameMovementRemove              MsgSvrId = "GM|-"
	GameMovement                    MsgSvrId = "GM"
	GameChallenge                   MsgSvrId = "Gc"
	GameTeam                        MsgSvrId = "Gt"
	GameLeave                       MsgSvrId = "GV"
	GameFlag                        MsgSvrId = "Gf"
	GamePlayersCoordinates          MsgSvrId = "GIC"
	GameEffect                      MsgSvrId = "GIE"
	GameClearAllEffect              MsgSvrId = "GIe"
	GamePVP                         MsgSvrId = "GIP"
	GameMapData                     MsgSvrId = "GDM"
	GameMapLoaded                   MsgSvrId = "GDK"
	GameCellData                    MsgSvrId = "GDC"
	GameZoneData                    MsgSvrId = "GDZ"
	GameCellObject                  MsgSvrId = "GDO"
	GameFrameObject2                MsgSvrId = "GDF"
	GameFrameObjectExternal         MsgSvrId = "GDE"
	GameFightChallenge              MsgSvrId = "Gd"
	GameFightChallengeUpdateError   MsgSvrId = "GdO"
	GameFightChallengeUpdateSuccess MsgSvrId = "GdK"
	GameTurnStart                   MsgSvrId = "GTS"
	GameTurnFinish                  MsgSvrId = "GTF"
	GameTurnList                    MsgSvrId = "GTL"
	GameTurnMiddle                  MsgSvrId = "GTM"
	GameTurnReady                   MsgSvrId = "GTR"
	GameExtraClip                   MsgSvrId = "GX"
	GameFightOption                 MsgSvrId = "Go"
	GameGameOver                    MsgSvrId = "GO"

	GameActions       MsgSvrId = "GA"
	GameActionsStart  MsgSvrId = "GAS"
	GameActionsFinish MsgSvrId = "GAF"

	ChatMessageError           MsgSvrId = "cME"
	ChatMessageSuccess         MsgSvrId = "cMK"
	ChatServerMessage          MsgSvrId = "cs"
	ChatSmiley                 MsgSvrId = "cS"
	ChatSubscribeChannelAdd    MsgSvrId = "cC+"
	ChatSubscribeChannelRemove MsgSvrId = "cC-"

	DialogCustomAction  MsgSvrId = "DA"
	DialogCreateError   MsgSvrId = "DCE"
	DialogCreateSuccess MsgSvrId = "DCK"
	DialogQuestion      MsgSvrId = "DQ"
	DialogLeave         MsgSvrId = "DV"
	DialogPause         MsgSvrId = "DP"

	InfosInfoMaps                  MsgSvrId = "IM"
	InfosCompass                   MsgSvrId = "IC"
	InfosInfoCoordinatesPHighlight MsgSvrId = "IH"
	InfosMessage                   MsgSvrId = "Im"
	InfosQuantity                  MsgSvrId = "IQ"
	InfosLifeRestoreTimerStart     MsgSvrId = "ILS"
	InfosLifeRestoreTimerFinish    MsgSvrId = "ILF"

	SpellsList                MsgSvrId = "SL"
	SpellsChangeOption        MsgSvrId = "SLo"
	SpellsUpgradeSpellError   MsgSvrId = "SUE"
	SpellsUpgradeSpellSuccess MsgSvrId = "SUK"
	SpellsSpellBoost          MsgSvrId = "SB"
	SpellsSpellForgetShow     MsgSvrId = "SF+"
	SpellsSpellForgetClose    MsgSvrId = "SF-"

	ItemsAccessories      MsgSvrId = "Oa"
	ItemsDropError        MsgSvrId = "ODE"
	ItemsDropSuccess      MsgSvrId = "ODK"
	ItemsAddError         MsgSvrId = "OAE"
	ItemsAddSuccess       MsgSvrId = "OAK"
	ItemsChange           MsgSvrId = "OC"
	ItemsRemove           MsgSvrId = "OR"
	ItemsQuantity         MsgSvrId = "OQ"
	ItemsMovement         MsgSvrId = "OM"
	ItemsTool             MsgSvrId = "OT"
	ItemsWeight           MsgSvrId = "Ow"
	ItemsItemSetAdd       MsgSvrId = "OS+"
	ItemsItemSetRemove    MsgSvrId = "OS-"
	ItemsItemUseCondition MsgSvrId = "OK"
	ItemsItemFound        MsgSvrId = "OF"

	FriendsAddFriendError      MsgSvrId = "FAE"
	FriendsAddFriendSuccess    MsgSvrId = "FAK"
	FriendsRemoveFriendError   MsgSvrId = "FDE"
	FriendsRemoveFriendSuccess MsgSvrId = "FDK"
	FriendsFriendsList         MsgSvrId = "FL"
	FriendsSpouse              MsgSvrId = "FS"
	FriendsNotifyChange        MsgSvrId = "FO"

	EnemiesAddEnemyError      MsgSvrId = "iAE"
	EnemiesAddEnemySuccess    MsgSvrId = "iAK"
	EnemiesRemoveEnemyError   MsgSvrId = "iDE"
	EnemiesRemoveEnemySuccess MsgSvrId = "iDK"
	EnemiesEnemiesList        MsgSvrId = "iL"

	KeyCreate     MsgSvrId = "KC"
	KeyKeyError   MsgSvrId = "KKE"
	KeyKeySuccess MsgSvrId = "KKK"
	KeyLeave      MsgSvrId = "KL"

	JobSkills  MsgSvrId = "JS"
	JobXP      MsgSvrId = "JX"
	JobLevel   MsgSvrId = "JN"
	JobRemove  MsgSvrId = "JR"
	JobOptions MsgSvrId = "JO"

	ExchangeRequestError                      MsgSvrId = "ERE"
	ExchangeRequestSuccess                    MsgSvrId = "ERK"
	ExchangeReady                             MsgSvrId = "EK"
	ExchangeLeaveError                        MsgSvrId = "EVE"
	ExchangeLeaveSuccess                      MsgSvrId = "EVK"
	ExchangeCreateError                       MsgSvrId = "ECE"
	ExchangeCreateSuccess                     MsgSvrId = "ECK"
	ExchangeCraftError                        MsgSvrId = "EcE"
	ExchangeCraftSuccess                      MsgSvrId = "EcK"
	ExchangeLocalMovementError                MsgSvrId = "EME"
	ExchangeLocalMovementSuccess              MsgSvrId = "EMK"
	ExchangeLocalDistantError                 MsgSvrId = "EmE"
	ExchangeLocalDistantSuccess               MsgSvrId = "EmK"
	ExchangeCoopMovementError                 MsgSvrId = "ErE"
	ExchangeCoopMovementSuccess               MsgSvrId = "ErK"
	ExchangePayMovementError                  MsgSvrId = "EpE"
	ExchangePayMovementSuccess                MsgSvrId = "EpK"
	ExchangeStorageMovementError              MsgSvrId = "EsE"
	ExchangeStorageMovementSuccess            MsgSvrId = "EsK"
	ExchangePlayerShopMovementError           MsgSvrId = "EiE"
	ExchangePlayerShopMovementSuccess         MsgSvrId = "EiK"
	ExchangeCraftPublicMode                   MsgSvrId = "EW"
	ExchangeMountStorageAdd                   MsgSvrId = "Ee"
	ExchangeMountStorageRemove                MsgSvrId = "Ee-"
	ExchangeMountPark                         MsgSvrId = "Ef"
	ExchangeMountPods                         MsgSvrId = "Ew"
	ExchangeList                              MsgSvrId = "EL"
	ExchangeSellError                         MsgSvrId = "ESE"
	ExchangeSellSuccess                       MsgSvrId = "ESK"
	ExchangeBuyError                          MsgSvrId = "EBE"
	ExchangeBuySuccess                        MsgSvrId = "EBK"
	ExchangeAskOfflineExchange                MsgSvrId = "Eq"
	ExchangeSearchError                       MsgSvrId = "EHSE"
	ExchangeSearchSuccess                     MsgSvrId = "EHSK"
	ExchangeBigStoreTypeItemsList             MsgSvrId = "EHL"
	ExchangeBigStoreTypeItemsMovementAdd      MsgSvrId = "EHM+"
	ExchangeBigStoreTypeItemsMovementRemove   MsgSvrId = "EHM-"
	ExchangeBigStoreItemsList                 MsgSvrId = "EHl"
	ExchangeBigStoreItemsMovementAdd          MsgSvrId = "EHm+"
	ExchangeBigStoreItemsMovementRemove       MsgSvrId = "EHm-"
	ExchangeBigStoreItemMiddlePriceInBigStore MsgSvrId = "EHP"
	ExchangeCrafterReferenceAdd               MsgSvrId = "EHj+"
	ExchangeCrafterReferenceRemove            MsgSvrId = "EHj-"
	ExchangeCraftLoop                         MsgSvrId = "EA"
	ExchangeCraftLoopEnd                      MsgSvrId = "Ea"

	HousesListAdd        MsgSvrId = "hL+"
	HousesListRemove     MsgSvrId = "hL-"
	HousesProperties     MsgSvrId = "hP"
	HousesLockedProperty MsgSvrId = "hX"
	HousesCreate         MsgSvrId = "hC"
	HousesSellError      MsgSvrId = "hSE"
	HousesSellSuccess    MsgSvrId = "hSK"
	HousesBuyError       MsgSvrId = "hBE"
	HousesBuySuccess     MsgSvrId = "hBK"
	HousesLeave          MsgSvrId = "hV"
	HousesGuildInfos     MsgSvrId = "hG"

	StoragesListAdd        MsgSvrId = "sL+"
	StoragesListRemove     MsgSvrId = "sL-"
	StoragesLockedProperty MsgSvrId = "sX"

	EmotesUseError   MsgSvrId = "eUE"
	EmotesUseSuccess MsgSvrId = "eUK"
	EmotesList       MsgSvrId = "eL"
	EmotesAdd        MsgSvrId = "eA"
	EmotesRemove     MsgSvrId = "eR"
	EmotesDirection  MsgSvrId = "eD"

	DocumentsCreateError   MsgSvrId = "dCE"
	DocumentsCreateSuccess MsgSvrId = "dCK"
	DocumentsLeave         MsgSvrId = "dV"

	GuildNew                         MsgSvrId = "gn"
	GuildCreateError                 MsgSvrId = "gCE"
	GuildCreateSuccess               MsgSvrId = "gCK"
	GuildStats                       MsgSvrId = "gS"
	GuildInfosGeneral                MsgSvrId = "gIG"
	GuildInfosMembers                MsgSvrId = "gIM"
	GuildInfosBoosts                 MsgSvrId = "gIB"
	GuildInfosMountPark              MsgSvrId = "gIF"
	GuildInfosTaxCollectorsMovement  MsgSvrId = "gITM"
	GuildInfosTaxCollectorsPlayers   MsgSvrId = "gITP"
	GuildInfosTaxCollectorsAttackers MsgSvrId = "gITp"
	GuildInfosHouses                 MsgSvrId = "gIH"
	GuildJoinError                   MsgSvrId = "gJE"
	GuildJoinSuccess                 MsgSvrId = "gJK"
	GuildJoinDistantSuccess          MsgSvrId = "gJC"
	GuildRequestLocal                MsgSvrId = "gJR"
	GuildRequestDistant              MsgSvrId = "gJr"
	GuildLeave                       MsgSvrId = "gV"
	GildBanError                     MsgSvrId = "gKE"
	GildBanSuccess                   MsgSvrId = "gKK"
	GildHireTaxCollectorError        MsgSvrId = "gHE"
	GildHireTaxCollectorSuccess      MsgSvrId = "gHK"
	GildTaxCollectorAttacked         MsgSvrId = "gA"
	GildTaxCollectorInfo             MsgSvrId = "gT"
	GildUserInterfaceOpen            MsgSvrId = "gU"

	WaypointsCreate   MsgSvrId = "WC"
	WaypointsLeave    MsgSvrId = "WV"
	WaypointsUseError MsgSvrId = "WU"

	SubwayCreate      MsgSvrId = "Wc"
	SubwayLeave       MsgSvrId = "Wv"
	SubwayUseError    MsgSvrId = "Wu"
	SubwayPrismCreate MsgSvrId = "Wp"
	SubwayPrismLeave  MsgSvrId = "Ww"

	SubareasList                  MsgSvrId = "al"
	SubareasAlignmentModification MsgSvrId = "am"

	ConquestAreaAlignmentChanged      MsgSvrId = "aM"
	ConquestPrismInfosJoined          MsgSvrId = "CIJ"
	ConquestPrismInfosClosing         MsgSvrId = "CIV"
	ConquestConquestBonus             MsgSvrId = "CB"
	ConquestPrismAttacked             MsgSvrId = "CA"
	ConquestPrismSurvived             MsgSvrId = "CS"
	ConquestPrismDead                 MsgSvrId = "CD"
	ConquestPrismFightAddPlayerAdd    MsgSvrId = "CP+"
	ConquestPrismFightAddPlayerRemove MsgSvrId = "CP-"
	ConquestPrismFightAddEnemyAdd     MsgSvrId = "Cp+"
	ConquestPrismFightAddEnemyRemove  MsgSvrId = "Cp-"
	ConquestWorldData                 MsgSvrId = "CW"
	ConquestConquestBalance           MsgSvrId = "Cb"

	SpecializationSet    MsgSvrId = "ZS"
	SpecializationChange MsgSvrId = "ZC"

	FightsCount   MsgSvrId = "fC"
	FightsList    MsgSvrId = "fL"
	FightsDetails MsgSvrId = "fD"

	TutorialCreate    MsgSvrId = "TC"
	TutorialShowTip   MsgSvrId = "TT"
	TutorialGameBegin MsgSvrId = "TB"

	QuestsList MsgSvrId = "QL"
	QuestsStep MsgSvrId = "QS"

	PartyInviteError   MsgSvrId = "PIE"
	PartyInviteSuccess MsgSvrId = "PIK"
	PartyLeader        MsgSvrId = "PL"
	PartyRefuse        MsgSvrId = "PR"
	PartyAccept        MsgSvrId = "PA"
	PartyCreateError   MsgSvrId = "PCE"
	PartyCreateSuccess MsgSvrId = "PCS"
	PartyLeave         MsgSvrId = "PV"
	PartyFollowError   MsgSvrId = "PFE"
	PartyFollowSuccess MsgSvrId = "PFK"
	PartyMovement      MsgSvrId = "PM"

	MountEquipError   MsgSvrId = "ReE"
	MountEquipSuccess MsgSvrId = "Re+"
	MountUnequip      MsgSvrId = "Re-"
	MountXP           MsgSvrId = "Rx"
	MountName         MsgSvrId = "Rn"
	MountData         MsgSvrId = "Rd"
	MountMountPark    MsgSvrId = "Rp"
	MountMountParkBuy MsgSvrId = "RD"
	MountLeave        MsgSvrId = "Rv"
	MountRidingState  MsgSvrId = "Rr"

func MsgSvrIdByPkt

func MsgSvrIdByPkt(pkt string) (id MsgSvrId, ok bool)

type Typ

type Typ interface {
	Serialized() (extra string, err error)
	Deserialize(extra string) error


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