Inspired by cjoudrey/md2medium, I want a simple way to re-publish in Medium some Markdown posts written for Hugo.
This tool uploads a single post to Medium.
An Integration Token from Medium. Go to Settings, then Integration tokens.
Type something mnemonic, like markdown2medium and click on Get integration token.
The integration token is now available until you explicitly revoke it.
For Linux
$ver = '0.1.1'
curl -L${ver}/markdown2medium-${ver}-linux-x64 -o markdown2medium
chmod +x markdown2medium
./markdown2medium -h
For Windows
$ver = '0.1.1'
Invoke-WebRequest${ver}/markdown2medium-${ver}-win-x64.exe -OutFile markdown2medium.exe
./markdown2medium -h
The options should be self-explanatory. Use markdown2medium -h
to get the list of possible options.
At a minimum, you have to pass --mediumIntegrationToken
(Medium authentication) and --markdownFile
(the post to upload).
By default, the post is published as draft; the --publishStatus
option allows for a public or an unlisted post.
sets the URL of original post and --originalNote
appends some Markdown at the post, typically to link back to the original post. The --originalNote
option accepts Go Templates and can use these properties:
Property |
Description |
BaseURL |
scheme and hostname of canonical URL |
CanonicalURL |
Post canonical URL as defined by --canonicalURL option |
Title |
Post title extracted from Front Matter |
Date |
Post date extracted from Front Matter |
Use --dryRun
to check that the input file is correct and --debug
to dump the exact HTML that will be uploaded to Medium.
Sample usage
markdown2medium \
--mediumIntegrationToken 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef123457890abcdef123456789abcdef1234 \
--markdownFile C:/myblog/content/post/2019/pyp/1-hosts/ \
--canonicalURL \
--publishStatus draft \
--originalNote 'Originally posted at [{{ .BaseURL }}]({{ .CanonicalURL }}) on {{ .Date.Format \"2 Jan 2006\" }}'