Path | Synopsis |
Package logrus is a structured logger for Go, completely API compatible with the standard library logger.
Package logrus is a structured logger for Go, completely API compatible with the standard library logger. |
Package hub provides a simple event dispatcher for publish/subscribe pattern.
Package hub provides a simple event dispatcher for publish/subscribe pattern. |
Package rpc2 provides bi-directional RPC client and server similar to net/rpc.
Package rpc2 provides bi-directional RPC client and server similar to net/rpc. |
Package jsonrpc implements a JSON-RPC ClientCodec and ServerCodec for the rpc2 package.
Package jsonrpc implements a JSON-RPC ClientCodec and ServerCodec for the rpc2 package. |
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers.
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers. |
Package proto3_proto is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package proto3_proto is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package gopacket provides packet decoding for the Go language.
Package gopacket provides packet decoding for the Go language. |
Package afpacket provides Go bindings for MMap'd AF_PACKET socket reading.
Package afpacket provides Go bindings for MMap'd AF_PACKET socket reading. |
Package bytediff provides a simple diff utility for looking at differences in byte slices.
Package bytediff provides a simple diff utility for looking at differences in byte slices. |
Package dumpcommand implements a run function for pfdump and pcapdump with many similar flags/features to tcpdump.
Package dumpcommand implements a run function for pfdump and pcapdump with many similar flags/features to tcpdump. |
arpscan implements ARP scanning of all interfaces' local networks using gopacket and its subpackages.
arpscan implements ARP scanning of all interfaces' local networks using gopacket and its subpackages. |
This binary provides an example of connecting up bidirectional streams from the unidirectional streams provided by gopacket/tcpassembly.
This binary provides an example of connecting up bidirectional streams from the unidirectional streams provided by gopacket/tcpassembly. |
This binary shows how to display byte differences to users via the bytediff library.
This binary shows how to display byte differences to users via the bytediff library. |
This binary provides sample code for using the gopacket TCP assembler and TCP stream reader.
This binary provides sample code for using the gopacket TCP assembler and TCP stream reader. |
The pcapdump binary implements a tcpdump-like command line tool with gopacket using pcap as a backend data collection mechanism.
The pcapdump binary implements a tcpdump-like command line tool with gopacket using pcap as a backend data collection mechanism. |
The pfdump binary implements a tcpdump-like command line tool with gopacket using pfring as a backend data collection mechanism.
The pfdump binary implements a tcpdump-like command line tool with gopacket using pfring as a backend data collection mechanism. |
This binary provides sample code for using the gopacket TCP assembler raw, without the help of the tcpreader library.
This binary provides sample code for using the gopacket TCP assembler raw, without the help of the tcpreader library. |
synscan implements a TCP syn scanner on top of pcap.
synscan implements a TCP syn scanner on top of pcap. |
Package util provides shared utilities for all gopacket examples.
Package util provides shared utilities for all gopacket examples. |
Package ip4defrag implements a IPv4 defragmenter
Package ip4defrag implements a IPv4 defragmenter |
Package layers provides decoding layers for many common protocols.
Package layers provides decoding layers for many common protocols. |
Package macs provides an in-memory mapping of all valid Ethernet MAC address prefixes to their associated organization.
Package macs provides an in-memory mapping of all valid Ethernet MAC address prefixes to their associated organization. |
Package pcap allows users of gopacket to read packets off the wire or from pcap files.
Package pcap allows users of gopacket to read packets off the wire or from pcap files. |
This benchmark reads in file <tempdir>/gopacket_benchmark.pcap and measures the time it takes to decode all packets from that file.
This benchmark reads in file <tempdir>/gopacket_benchmark.pcap and measures the time it takes to decode all packets from that file. |
Package pcapgo provides some native PCAP support, not requiring C libpcap to be installed.
Package pcapgo provides some native PCAP support, not requiring C libpcap to be installed. |
Package pfring wraps the PF_RING C library for Go.
Package pfring wraps the PF_RING C library for Go. |
Package routing provides a very basic but mostly functional implementation of a routing table for IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
Package routing provides a very basic but mostly functional implementation of a routing table for IPv4/IPv6 addresses. |
Package tcpassembly provides TCP stream re-assembly.
Package tcpassembly provides TCP stream re-assembly. |
Package tcpreader provides an implementation for tcpassembly.Stream which presents the caller with an io.Reader for easy processing.
Package tcpreader provides an implementation for tcpassembly.Stream which presents the caller with an io.Reader for easy processing. |
Package bitset implements bitsets, a mapping between non-negative integers and boolean values.
Package bitset implements bitsets, a mapping between non-negative integers and boolean values. |
Package gobgpapi is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package gobgpapi is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package netlink provides a simple library for netlink.
Package netlink provides a simple library for netlink. |
Package nl has low level primitives for making Netlink calls.
Package nl has low level primitives for making Netlink calls. |
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. |
Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests.
Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests. |
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol.
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol. |
The h2i command is an interactive HTTP/2 console.
The h2i command is an interactive HTTP/2 console. |
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2.
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2. |
Package timeseries implements a time series structure for stats collection.
Package timeseries implements a time series structure for stats collection. |
Package trace implements tracing of requests and long-lived objects.
Package trace implements tracing of requests and long-lived objects. |
Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives.
Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives. |
Package grpc implements an RPC system called gRPC.
Package grpc implements an RPC system called gRPC. |
Package benchmark implements the building blocks to setup end-to-end gRPC benchmarks.
Package benchmark implements the building blocks to setup end-to-end gRPC benchmarks. |
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package codes defines the canonical error codes used by gRPC.
Package codes defines the canonical error codes used by gRPC. |
Package credentials implements various credentials supported by gRPC library, which encapsulate all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server and make various assertions, e.g., about the client's identity, role, or whether it is authorized to make a particular call.
Package credentials implements various credentials supported by gRPC library, which encapsulate all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server and make various assertions, e.g., about the client's identity, role, or whether it is authorized to make a particular call. |
Package oauth implements gRPC credentials using OAuth.
Package oauth implements gRPC credentials using OAuth. |
Package helloworld is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package helloworld is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package main implements a simple gRPC client that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs.
Package main implements a simple gRPC client that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs. |
Package routeguide is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package routeguide is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package main implements a simple gRPC server that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs.
Package main implements a simple gRPC server that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs. |
Package grpclog defines logging for grpc.
Package grpclog defines logging for grpc. |
Package glogger defines glog-based logging for grpc.
Package glogger defines glog-based logging for grpc. |
Package health provides some utility functions to health-check a server.
Package health provides some utility functions to health-check a server. |
Package grpc_health_v1alpha is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package grpc_health_v1alpha is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package metadata define the structure of the metadata supported by gRPC library.
Package metadata define the structure of the metadata supported by gRPC library. |
Package naming defines the naming API and related data structures for gRPC.
Package naming defines the naming API and related data structures for gRPC. |
Package codec_perf is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package codec_perf is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package transport defines and implements message oriented communication channel to complete various transactions (e.g., an RPC).
Package transport defines and implements message oriented communication channel to complete various transactions (e.g., an RPC). |
The tomb package handles clean goroutine tracking and termination.
The tomb package handles clean goroutine tracking and termination. |
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