Mock generator for Go interfaces based on text/template
$ go install github.com/kokhanevych/gomockgen@latest
From the commandline:
$ gomockgen <import-path> [<interface>...] [flags]
Available options:
-h, --help help for gomockgen
-n, --names stringToString comma-separated interfaceName=mockName pairs of explicit mock names to use. Default mock names are interface names (default [])
-o, --out string output file instead of stdout
-p, --package string package of the generated code (default is the package of the interfaces)
-s, --substitutions stringToString comma-separated key=value pairs of substitutions to make when expanding the template (default [])
-t, --template string template file used to generate the mock (default is the testify template)
$ gomockgen io Reader ReadWriter
You’ll see the following output:
package io
import (
// Reader is a mock.
type Reader struct{ mock.Mock }
// Read is a mocked method on Reader.
func (m *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := m.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
// ReadWriter is a mock.
type ReadWriter struct{ mock.Mock }
// Read is a mocked method on ReadWriter.
func (m *ReadWriter) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := m.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
// Write is a mocked method on ReadWriter.
func (m *ReadWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := m.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
To make substitutions when expanding the template, use --substitutions
$ gomockgen io Reader ReadWriter --substitutions ReaderComment='Reader is a reader mock.',ReadWriterReceiver=w
This will generate the following output.
package io
import (
// Reader is a reader mock.
type Reader struct{ mock.Mock }
// Read is a mocked method on Reader.
func (m *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := m.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
// ReadWriter is a mock.
type ReadWriter struct{ mock.Mock }
// Read is a mocked method on ReadWriter.
func (w *ReadWriter) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := w.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
// Write is a mocked method on ReadWriter.
func (w *ReadWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
args := w.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
Default template
{{$s := .Substitutions -}}
package {{.Package.Name}}
import (
{{- range .Package.Imports}}
{{if .Alias}}{{.Alias}} {{end}}"{{.Path}}"{{end}}
{{range $interface := .Package.Interfaces}}
{{- $k := printf "%sReceiver" .Name}}
{{- $receiver := index $s $k}}
{{- $receiver := or $receiver "m"}}
{{- $k := printf "%sComment" .Name}}
{{- $comment := index $s $k -}}
// {{if $comment}}{{$comment}}{{else}}{{.Name}} is a mock.{{end}}
type {{.Name}} struct { mock.Mock }
{{range .Methods -}}
// {{.Name}} is a mocked method on {{$interface.Name}}.
func ({{$receiver}} *{{$interface.Name}}) {{.Name}}(
{{- range $index, $p := .Parameters}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{$p.Name}} {{$p.Type}}{{end -}}
) (
{{- range $index, $r := .Results}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{$r.Type}}{{end -}}
) {
{{if .Results}}args := {{end}}{{$receiver}}.Called(
{{- range $index, $p := .Parameters}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{$p.Name}}{{end -}}
{{- if .Results}}
return {{range $index, $r := .Results}}
{{- if $index}}, {{end}}
{{- if eq $r.Type "bool"}}args.Bool({{$index}})
{{- else if eq $r.Type "error"}}args.Error({{$index}})
{{- else if eq $r.Type "int"}}args.Int({{$index}})
{{- else if eq $r.Type "string"}}args.Int({{$index}})
{{- else}}args.Get({{$index}}).({{$r.Type}}){{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}