
The Google Pub/Sub Swiss Army Knife
pubsubcat is a developer's utility for using Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Use it to
quickly peek into a topic or when you want to manually publish a message.
One of the main features is that this tool automatically creates a new temporary
subscription on topic when you subscribe and cleans it when it's no longer used.
Inspired by kafkacat and initially created to get acquainted with Pub/Sub.
go get -u
pubsubcat [flags]
pubsubcat [command]
Available Commands:
create Create topics and subscriptions
help Help about any command
ls List topics and subscriptions
pipe Pipe a topic directly to another using a temporary subscription
pop alias for: `pubsubcat subscribe --count 1 TOPIC`
publish Publish input lines as messages
subscribe Subscribe to a topic using a temporary subscription
--config string config file (default is ~/.pubsubcat)
-h, --help help for pubsubcat
-p, --project string Google Cloud Project to work under
-q, --quiet only output messages
-v, --verbose count increase verbosity
Use "pubsubcat [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Create and list topics:
$ pubsubcat create my-topic
$ pubsubcat ls
pubsubcat can create and list topics and subscriptions with the default configuration.
Publish a message:
$ date | pubsubcat publish my-topic
] publishing lines from stdin to topic my-topic
] eof, syncing
pubsubcat read from stdin and publish each line as a message on the given topic.
Subscribing to a topic:
$ pubsubcat subscribe my-topic
] listening on topic "my-topic" using subscription "pubsubcat-my-topic-4d65822107fcfd52-1530794401"
Thu Jul 5 14:40:06 CEST 2018
] stopped receiving, cleaning up temporary subscription
pubsubcat creates a temporary subscription to read from the given topic without consuming messages.