![wercker status]
(https://app.wercker.com/status/f65e85e8245114e76a436f6c22cfcdf2/m "wercker status")
Github Provider for Terraform
This plugin for github provides the teams following features;
- Adding the user into the organization
- Forking the repos of the organization
- Adding SSH Key of the user into the user account
Terraform basicly satisfy 4 function as; create, delete, read and update..
Following fields should be filled to use github plugin.
- Organization Key: should be given by owner of the organization
- User Key : User key is the auth. token for user
- username: name of the github user
- organization : name of the organization that user will join
- repos : repos that will be forked
- teams : teams are the teams of the organization that user will join
- title : title of the SSH Key
- SSH Key : requires to add the key into the user's account
# Specify the provider and access details
provider "github" {
#Token for organization of owner
organizationKey = "2ce581a7ba0033aafabad3843d2b1230739"
#Token for the authecticated user
userKey = "6a3f32ebb5bb0262f19b78edd4935ce581a7b"
resource "github" "repo" {
username = "mehmetalisavas"
organization = "organizationName"
repos = ["repo", "repo2"]
teams = ["teams", "teams2"]
title = "SSH Key Title"
SSHKey = "ssh-rsa
For more information about terraform : https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform