📖 Tutorial: Build a RESTful API on Go
Fiber, PostgreSQL, JWT and Swagger docs in isolated Docker containers.
👉 The full article is published on March 22, 2021, on Dev.to: https://dev.to/koddr/build-a-restful-api-on-go-fiber-postgresql-jwt-and-swagger-docs-in-isolated-docker-containers-475j
Quick start
- Rename
to .env
and fill it with your environment values.
- Install Docker and migrate tool for applying migrations.
- Run project by this command:
make docker.run
# Process:
# - Generate API docs by Swagger
# - Create a new Docker network for containers
# - Build and run Docker containers (Fiber, PostgreSQL)
# - Apply database migrations (using github.com/golang-migrate/migrate)
- Go to your API Docs page:
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$ set CGO_ENABLED=0 && go build -ldflags="-w -s -X 'main.version=1.0.1'" .