title: Document for mdpp(1)
Japanese version is here: mdpp(1) ドキュメント(日本語)
mdpp - Markdown preprocessor for resolving cross-references between files
$ go install github.com/knaka/mdpp/cmd/mdpp@latest
Concatenate the rewritten results and output to standard output.
mdpp input1.md input2.md > output.md
In-place rewriting.
mdpp -i rewritten1.md rewritten2.md
If code from another file is inserted into a code block in a Markdown document and then the original code is rewritten, the inserted code does not automatically reflect the rewritten code. Also, if you create index of Markdown documents, any increase or decrease of the document will not be reflected. In general, it is not possible to resolve cross-references between files.
The command mdpp(1) is assumed to be called from a Makefile or similar. It rewrites the input according to the metacommands in the comments included in the input, and outputs it to the output file.
The command mdpp(1) with the -i
) option will rewrite the files in-place. It is intended to be set in the editor's “Program to be executed on save” or similar.
When the code in the code block have to be rewritten to the latest content, the follwing input will give:
<!-- mdppcode src=src/hello.c -->
the following output. The metacommands in the output remain as they were in the input, so the output can be input again. Indented code blocks and fenced code blocks works.
<!-- mdppcode src=src/hello.c -->
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("Hello, World!");
return (0);
When mdpp(1) updates the Markdown listing of the files in a directory, the following input will:
<!-- mdpptoc pattern=docs/*.md -->
* [Already deleted document](docs/deleted.md)
* [Hello document](docs/hello.md)
* [World document](docs/world.md)
<!-- /mdpptoc -->
make the following output. Supported style for writing titles are YAML metadata, Pandoc title blocks, and MultiMarkdown style. If the file itself is included in the list, it will not be a link.
<!-- mdpptoc pattern=docs/*.md -->
* [Hello document](docs/hello.md)
* [New document](docs/new.md)
* [World document](docs/world.md)
<!-- /mdpptoc -->
As an example of an in-place setting, VSCode's plugin “Run on Save” will automatically run when saving a Markdown file. To run it automatically when saving a Markdown file, the following settings are used.
"runOnSave.commands": [
"match": ".*\\.md$",
"command": "mdpp --in-place ${file}",
"runIn": "backend",
"runningStatusMessage": "Rewriting: ${fileBasename}",
"finishStatusMessage": "Done: ${fileBasename}"
Link to markdown. Input:
It is described in the “<!-- mdpplink href=hello.md -->...<!-- /mdpplink -->.”
It is described in the “<!-- mdpplink href=hello.md -->Hello Document<!-- /mdpplink -->.”