Typical Go
Build Automation Tool For Golang
- Manage build tasks — alternative for makefile
- Framework-based Build Tool — no DSL to be learned, write build task in Go
- Wrapper Script — single script to prepare and run the build-tool
- Supporting java-like annotation for code generation — alternative for go-generate
Typical Go known to work with Go 1.17 and later.
Getting Started
Install typical-go (Optional, only needed to set up new project)
$ go get -u github.com/kmrtftech/tg-framework
Setup new project
$ typical-go setup -new -go-mod -project-pkg=[PACKAGE_NAME]
generate simple app and typical-build source
initiate go.mod
name of project package
Generate wrapper for existing project
$ typical-go setup
Run the project
$ typical-go run
Or via wrapper (recommendation)
$ ./typicalw
Check examples/my-project for what generated new project look like
Wrapper Script
is a bash script to prepare and run the build-tool.
$ ./typicalw
You can hack the parameters accordingly
Any downloaded or required file will be saved in temporary folder which is located in .typical-tmp
in project directory including typical-go itself. Its mean you don't need to install typical-go manually and the project always use designed version.
To update typical-go to new version
$ go get -u github.com/kmrtftech/tg-framework
$ rm -rf .typical-tmp
Project Descriptor
By default, project descriptor is located in tools/typical-build/typical-build.go
which contain project detail and task list.
var descriptor = typgo.Descriptor{
ProjectName: "application-name",
ProjectVersion: "1.0.0",
Environment: typgo.DotEnv(".env"),
Tasks: []typgo.Tasker{
// test
Includes: []string{"internal/*", "pkg/*"},
// build
// run
Before: typgo.TaskNames{"build"},
The descriptor file is regular golang file that will be compiled by typical-go, so main function should be defined.
func main() {
It is possible to use other custom build-tool framework, check examples/custom-build-tool for example.
Check wiki for more documentation
Typical-Go using itself as build-tool which is an excellent example.
For other examples:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details