Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
common functions used by datahub
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddTags(client *ecs.Client, args *AddTagsArgs) error
- func BoolPointer(b bool) *bool
- func BuildWrapError(action, id string, source ErrorSource, err error, suggestion string) error
- func ConvertIntegerToInt(value requests.Integer) (v int, err error)
- func DescribeDomainDetail(Id string, meta interface{}) (domain cdn.DomainDetail, err error)
- func Error(msg string) error
- func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)
- func GetBandwidthPackageIdAndIpInstanceId(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (string, string, error)
- func GetNotFoundErrorFromString(str string) error
- func GetNotFoundMessage(product, id string) string
- func GetTimeErrorFromString(str string) error
- func GetTimeoutMessage(product, status string) string
- func GetUserHomeDir() (string, error)
- func Int32Pointer(i int32) *int32
- func IsExceptedError(err error, expectCode string) bool
- func IsExceptedErrors(err error, expectCodes []string) bool
- func NotFoundError(err error) bool
- func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider
- func RamEntityNotExist(err error) bool
- func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error
- func String(v string) *string
- func StringPointer(s string) *string
- func Trim(v string) string
- func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error
- func WaitForDomainStatus(Id string, status Status, timeout int, meta interface{}) error
- func WaitForServerCertificate(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, Id string, serverCertificate string, ...) error
- func WrapComplexError(cause, err error, filepath string, fileline int) error
- func WrapError(cause error) error
- func WrapErrorf(cause error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error
- type AclType
- type ActionResult
- type AddTagsArgs
- type AdjustmentType
- type ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig
- type ApiGatewayParameterMap
- type ApiGatewayRequestConfig
- type ApiGatewayRequestParam
- type ApiGatewayServiceConfig
- type ApiGatewayServiceParam
- type ApiGatewayVpcConfig
- type Catcher
- type CenService
- func (s *CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas(vtbId string) (childInstanceId string, instanceType string, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceById(instanceId, cenId string) (c cbn.ChildInstance, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string) (c cbn.CenInterRegionBandwidthLimit, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(cenBwpId string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageById(cenBwpId string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstance(cenId string) (c cbn.Cen, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribePublishedRouteEntriesById(id string) (c cbn.PublishedRouteEntry, err error)
- func (s *CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds(id string) (retString []string, err error)
- func (s *CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId(id string) (string, string, error)
- func (s *CenService) GetCenInstanceType(id string) (c string, e error)
- func (s *CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string, bandwidthLimit int) (err error)
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage(cenBwpId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(cenBwpId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageUpdate(cenBwpId string, bandwidth int, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenChildInstanceAttached(instanceId string, cenId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenChildInstanceDetached(instanceId string, cenId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstance(cenId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitActive(cenId string, localRegionId string, oppositeRegionId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitDestroy(cenId string, localRegionId string, oppositeRegionId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForRouterEntryPublished(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type CloudApiService
- func (s *CloudApiService) AbolishApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApi(apiId string, groupId string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeApiResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup(groupId string) (apiGroup *cloudapi.DescribeApiGroupResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApp(appId string) (app *cloudapi.DescribeAppResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization(id string) (*cloudapi.AuthorizedApp, error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeDeployedApiResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess(id string) (vpc *cloudapi.VpcAccessAttribute, e error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization(id string, timeout int) (err error)
- type CmsService
- func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest
- func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest
- func (s *CmsService) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInListAlarm, err error)
- func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error
- type CommonBandwidthPackageService
- func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(commonBandwidthPackageId string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(bandwidthPackageId string, ipInstanceId string) (err error)
- func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage(commonBandwidthPackageId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(bandwidthPackageId string, ipInstanceId string, timeout int) error
- type ComparisonOperator
- type ComplexError
- type CsService
- func (s *CsService) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)
- func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName(name string) (*cs.ClusterType, *cs.ClusterCerts, error)
- func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)
- func (s *CsService) WaitForContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type DBAccountPrivilege
- type DBAccountType
- type DestinationResource
- type Direction
- type DiskCategory
- type DiskType
- type DrdsService
- func (s *DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance(req *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceRequest) (response *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances(regionId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription(request *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionRequest) (response *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.RemoveDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance(instanceId string, status string, timeout int) error
- type EcsService
- func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyname string, instanceIds []interface{}) error
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeDiskById(instanceId, diskId string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisksByType(instanceId string, diskType DiskType) (disk []ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceById(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(keyName string) (keypair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceById(instanceId string, eniId string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute(securityGroupId string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(groupId, direction, ipProtocol, portRange, nicType, cidr_ip, policy string, ...) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(zoneID string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error
- func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error
- func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
- func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error
- func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
- func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair(instanceIdsStr, keypair string) (instanceIds []string, instances []ecs.Instance, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsDisk(diskId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsNetworkInterface(eniId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error
- type Effect
- type Engine
- type ErrorSource
- type EssService
- func (s *EssService) ActiveScalingConfigurationById(sgId, configId string) error
- func (s *EssService) DeleteScalingGroupById(sgId string) error
- func (s *EssService) DeleteScalingRuleById(ruleId string) error
- func (s *EssService) DeleteScheduleById(scheduleId string) error
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarmById(alarmTaskId string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeLifecycleHookById(hookId string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingConfifurations(groupId string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingConfigurationById(configId string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingGroup(sgId string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)
- func (srv *EssService) DescribeScalingInstances(groupId, configurationId string, instanceIds []string, creationType string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingRuleById(sgId, ruleId string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeScheduleById(scheduleId string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)
- func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(groupId string, instanceIds []string) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingGroup(groupId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type FcService
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcFunction(service, name string) (function *fc.GetFunctionOutput, err error)
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcService(name string) (service *fc.GetServiceOutput, err error)
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcTrigger(service, function, name string) (trigger *fc.GetTriggerOutput, err error)
- type FlagType
- type GroupInnerAccessPolicy
- type GroupRuleNicType
- type GroupRulePolicy
- type HaVipService
- func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVip(haVipId string) (v vpc.HaVip, err error)
- func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string) (err error)
- func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVip(haVipId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string, timeout int) error
- type HealthCheckHttpCodeType
- type HealthCheckType
- type IPType
- type IPVersion
- type IkeConfig
- type ImageOwnerAlias
- type IndexFiledType
- type InstanceAccessedByType
- type InstanceCreationType
- type InstanceNetWork
- type InstanceSeries
- type InternetChargeType
- type Invoker
- type IpsecConfig
- type KVStoreEngineVersion
- type KVStoreInstanceType
- type KeyState
- type KvstoreService
- func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstanceById(id string) (instance *r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstancebackupPolicy(id string) (policy *r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForRKVInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type LifecycleRuleStatus
- type LifecycleTransition
- type ListenerErr
- type LoadBalancerSpecType
- type LogService
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig(projectName, configName string) (logconfig *sls.LogConfig, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(projectName, groupName string) (group *sls.MachineGroup, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(name string) (project *sls.LogProject, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(projectName, name string) (store *sls.LogStore, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(projectName, name string) (index *sls.Index, err error)
- type MetricType
- type MnsService
- type MultiAzPolicy
- type NatGatewaySpec
- type NetType
- type NetworkType
- type NextHopType
- type OptimizedType
- type OssService
- type OtsInstanceType
- type OtsService
- func (s *OtsService) DeleteOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (bool, error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance(name string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes() (types []string, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (table *tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance(name string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type PayType
- type Period
- type Policy
- type PolicyStatement
- type PrimaryKeyTypeString
- type Principal
- type Protocol
- type ProviderError
- type PvtzService
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment(zoneId string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneInfo(zoneId string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribeZoneRecord(recordId int, zoneId string) (record pvtz.Record, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) WaitZoneAttachment(zoneId string, vpcIdMap map[string]string, timeout int) error
- type RamService
- func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
- func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
- func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})
- func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error
- func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)
- func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)
- type RdsService
- func (s *RdsService) AllocateDBPublicConnection(instanceId, prefix, port string) error
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(instanceId string) (policy *rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceById(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoByIpType(instanceId string, ipType IPType) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfos(instanceId string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDatabaseAccount(instanceId, accountName string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDatabaseByName(instanceId, dbName string) (ds *rds.Database, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName, privilege string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(instanceId, backupTime, backupPeriod, retentionPeriod, backupLog, ... string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
- func (s *RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance(err error) bool
- func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error
- func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName string) error
- func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)
- func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccount(instanceId string, accountName string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(instanceId, accountName, dbName, privilege string, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(instanceId, accountName, dbName string, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(instanceId string, netType IPType, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type RecordType
- type RecurrenceType
- type RemoveTagsArgs
- type RenewalStatus
- type ResourceType
- type Role
- type RolePolicy
- type RolePolicyStatement
- type RouteTableService
- func (s *RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTable(routeTableId string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
- func (s *RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(routeTableId string, vSwitchId string) (err error)
- func (s *RouteTableService) GetRouteTableIdAndVSwitchId(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (string, string, error)
- func (s *RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(routeTableId string, vSwitchId string, timeout int) error
- type RouterType
- type SchedulerType
- type SecurityEnhancementStrategy
- type SecurityGroup
- type SlbService
- func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() *requests.CommonRequest
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute(slbId string) (loadBalancer *slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int, protocol Protocol) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleAttribute(ruleId string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleId(slbId string, port int, domain, url string) (string, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbVServerGroupAttribute(groupId string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)
- func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}
- func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
- func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForListener(loadBalancerId string, port int, protocol Protocol, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type SlbTag
- type Spec
- type SpotStrategyType
- type Statistics
- type Status
- type StickySessionType
- type Tag
- type TagResourceType
- type TimeType
- type TlsCipherPolicy
- type VpcService
- func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
- func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAddress(allocationId string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAttachment(attachmentId string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(forwardTableId string, forwardEntryId string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(natGatewayId string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceTypeInDescribeRouterInterfaces, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(snatTableId string, snatEntryId string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(vpcId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeVswitch(vswitchId string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteEntry(routeTableId, cidrBlock, nextHopType, nextHopId string) (rn vpc.RouteEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntries(routeTableId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(allocationId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(vswitchId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForVpc(vpcId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type VpnGatewayService
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeCustomerGateway(cgwId string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer(sslId string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway(vpnId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpn(vpnId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type WrapErrorOld
Constants ¶
const ( ClassicNet = InstanceNetWork("classic") VpcNet = InstanceNetWork("vpc") )
const ( PrePaid = PayType("PrePaid") PostPaid = PayType("PostPaid") Prepaid = PayType("Prepaid") Postpaid = PayType("Postpaid") )
const ( Internet = NetType("Internet") Intranet = NetType("Intranet") )
const ( Classic = NetworkType("Classic") Vpc = NetworkType("Vpc") )
const ( Hour = TimeType("Hour") Day = TimeType("Day") Week = TimeType("Week") Month = TimeType("Month") Year = TimeType("Year") )
const ( Pending = Status("Pending") Creating = Status("Creating") Running = Status("Running") Available = Status("Available") Modifying = Status("Modifying") Deleting = Status("Deleting") Starting = Status("Starting") Stopping = Status("Stopping") Stopped = Status("Stopped") Normal = Status("Normal") Changing = Status("Changing") Online = Status("online") Configuring = Status("configuring") Associating = Status("Associating") Unassociating = Status("Unassociating") InUse = Status("InUse") DiskInUse = Status("In_use") Active = Status("Active") Inactive = Status("Inactive") Idle = Status("Idle") SoldOut = Status("SoldOut") InService = Status("InService") Removing = Status("Removing") DisabledStatus = Status("Disabled") Init = Status("Init") Provisioning = Status("Provisioning") Updating = Status("Updating") FinancialLocked = Status("FinancialLocked") PUBLISHED = Status("Published") NOPUBLISHED = Status("NonPublished") )
const ( Inner = IPType("Inner") Private = IPType("Private") Public = IPType("Public") )
const ( ResourceTypeInstance = ResourceType("Instance") ResourceTypeDisk = ResourceType("Disk") ResourceTypeVSwitch = ResourceType("VSwitch") ResourceTypeRds = ResourceType("Rds") IoOptimized = ResourceType("IoOptimized") ResourceTypeRkv = ResourceType("KVStore") ResourceTypeFC = ResourceType("FunctionCompute") )
const ( PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("PayByBandwidth") PayByTraffic = InternetChargeType("PayByTraffic") PayBy95 = InternetChargeType("PayBy95") )
const ( PageSizeSmall = 10 PageSizeMedium = 20 PageSizeLarge = 50 PageSizeXLarge = 50 )
const ( Http = Protocol("http") Https = Protocol("https") Tcp = Protocol("tcp") Udp = Protocol("udp") All = Protocol("all") Icmp = Protocol("icmp") Gre = Protocol("gre") )
Constants of protocol definition
const ( IOOptimized = OptimizedType("optimized") NoneOptimized = OptimizedType("none") )
const ( TagResourceImage = TagResourceType("image") TagResourceInstance = TagResourceType("instance") TagResourceSnapshot = TagResourceType("snapshot") TagResourceDisk = TagResourceType("disk") TagResourceSecurityGroup = TagResourceType("securitygroup") TagResourceEni = TagResourceType("eni") )
const ( // common NotFound = "NotFound" WaitForTimeout = "WaitForTimeout" ResourceNotFound = "ResourceNotfound" // ecs InstanceNotFound = "Instance.Notfound" MessageInstanceNotFound = "instance is not found" EcsThrottling = "Throttling" EcsInternalError = "InternalError" // disk InternalError = "InternalError" DependencyViolation = "DependencyViolation" // eip EipIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectEipStatus" InstanceIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectInstanceStatus" HaVipIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectHaVipStatus" COMMODITYINVALID_COMPONENT = "COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT" // slb LoadBalancerNotFound = "InvalidLoadBalancerId.NotFound" UnsupportedProtocalPort = "UnsupportedOperationonfixedprotocalport" ListenerNotFound = "The specified resource does not exist" ListenerAlreadyExists = "ListenerAlreadyExists" SlbOrderFailed = "OrderFailed" VServerGroupNotFoundMessage = "The specified VServerGroupId does not exist" RspoolVipExist = "RspoolVipExist" InvalidParameter = "InvalidParameter" InvalidRuleIdNotFound = "InvalidRuleId.NotFound" RuleDomainExist = "DomainExist" BackendServerConfiguring = "BackendServer.configuring" // slb acl SlbAclNumberOverLimit = "AclNumberOverLimit" SlbAclInvalidActionRegionNotSupport = "InvalidAction.RegionNotSupport" SlbAclNotExists = "AclNotExist" SlbAclEntryEmpty = "AclEntryEmpty" SlbAclNameExist = "AclNameExist" SlbTokenIsProcessing = "OperationFailed.TokenIsProcessing" SlbCACertificateIdNotFound = "CACertificateId.NotFound" // slb server certificate SlbServerCertificateIdNotFound = "ServerCertificateId.NotFound" // security_group InvalidInstanceIdAlreadyExists = "InvalidInstanceId.AlreadyExists" InvalidSecurityGroupIdNotFound = "InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound" SgDependencyViolation = "DependencyViolation" //Nat gateway NatGatewayInvalidRegionId = "Invalid.RegionId" DependencyViolationBandwidthPackages = "DependencyViolation.BandwidthPackages" VswitchStatusError = "VswitchStatusError" EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY = "EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY" InvalidNatGatewayIdNotFound = "InvalidNatGatewayId.NotFound" // vpc VpcQuotaExceeded = "QuotaExceeded.Vpc" InvalidVpcIDNotFound = "InvalidVpcID.NotFound" ForbiddenVpcNotFound = "Forbidden.VpcNotFound" Throttling = "Throttling" IncorrectVpcStatus = "IncorrectVpcStatus" //apigatway ApiGroupNotFound = "NotFoundApiGroup" RepeatedCommit = "RepeatedCommit" ApiNotFound = "NotFoundApi" NotFoundApp = "NotFoundApp" NotFoundAuthorization = "NotFoundAuthorization" NotFoundStage = "NotFoundStage" NotFoundVpc = "NotFoundVpc" // vswitch VswitcInvalidRegionId = "InvalidRegionId.NotFound" InvalidVswitchIDNotFound = "InvalidVswitchID.NotFound" //route entry IncorrectRouteEntryStatus = "IncorrectRouteEntryStatus" InvalidStatusRouteEntry = "InvalidStatus.RouteEntry" TaskConflict = "TaskConflict" RouterEntryForbbiden = "Forbbiden" RouterEntryConflictDuplicated = "RouterEntryConflict.Duplicated" InvalidCidrBlockOverlapped = "InvalidCidrBlock.Overlapped" IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfoNotSet = "IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfo.NotSet" InvalidSnatTableIdNotFound = "InvalidSnatTableId.NotFound" InvalidRouteEntryNotFound = "InvalidRouteEntry.NotFound" // Forward InvalidIpNotInNatgw = "InvalidIp.NotInNatgw" InvalidForwardTableIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardTableId.NotFound" InvalidForwardEntryIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardEntryId.NotFound" // ess InvalidScalingGroupIdNotFound = "InvalidScalingGroupId.NotFound" IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState = "IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState" IncorrectScalingGroupStatus = "IncorrectScalingGroupStatus" IncorrectCapacityMaxSize = "IncorrectCapacity.MaxSize" IncorrectCapacityMinSize = "IncorrectCapacity.MinSize" ScalingActivityInProgress = "ScalingActivityInProgress" EssThrottling = "Throttling" InvalidScalingRuleIdNotFound = "InvalidScalingRuleId.NotFound" InvalidLifecycleHookIdNotFound = "InvalidLifecycleHookId.NotExist" InvalidEssAlarmTaskNotFound = "404" // rds InvalidDBInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidDBNameNotFound = "InvalidDBName.NotFound" InvalidDBInstanceNameNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound" InvalidCurrentConnectionStringNotFound = "InvalidCurrentConnectionString.NotFound" NetTypeExists = "NetTypeExists" InvalidAccountNameDuplicate = "InvalidAccountName.Duplicate" InvalidAccountNameNotFound = "InvalidAccountName.NotFound" InvalidConnectionStringDuplicate = "InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate" AtLeastOneNetTypeExists = "AtLeastOneNetTypeExists" ConnectionOperationDenied = "OperationDenied" ConnectionConflictMessage = "The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones" DBInternalError = "InternalError" OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus = "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus" // oss OssBucketNotFound = "NoSuchBucket" OssBodyNotFound = "404 Not Found" NoSuchCORSConfiguration = "NoSuchCORSConfiguration" NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration = "NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration" // RAM Instance Not Found RamInstanceNotFound = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound" AliyunGoClientFailure = "AliyunGoClientFailure" // dns RecordForbiddenDNSChange = "RecordForbidden.DNSChange" FobiddenNotEmptyGroup = "Fobidden.NotEmptyGroup" DomainRecordNotBelongToUser = "DomainRecordNotBelongToUser" InvalidDomainNotFound = "InvalidDomain.NotFound" InvalidDomainNameNoExist = "InvalidDomainName.NoExist" DnsInternalError = "InternalError" // ram user DeleteConflictUserGroup = "DeleteConflict.User.Group" DeleteConflictUserAccessKey = "DeleteConflict.User.AccessKey" DeleteConflictUserLoginProfile = "DeleteConflict.User.LoginProfile" DeleteConflictUserMFADevice = "DeleteConflict.User.MFADevice" DeleteConflictUserPolicy = "DeleteConflict.User.Policy" // ram mfa DeleteConflictVirtualMFADeviceUser = "DeleteConflict.VirtualMFADevice.User" // ram group DeleteConflictGroupUser = "DeleteConflict.Group.User" DeleteConflictGroupPolicy = "DeleteConflict.Group.Policy" // ram role DeleteConflictRolePolicy = "DeleteConflict.Role.Policy" EntityNotExistRole = "EntityNotExist.Role" // ram policy DeleteConflictPolicyUser = "DeleteConflict.Policy.User" DeleteConflictPolicyGroup = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Group" DeleteConflictPolicyVersion = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Version" //unknown Error UnknownError = "UnknownError" // Keypair error KeyPairNotFound = "InvalidKeyPair.NotFound" // Container ErrorClusterNotFound = "ErrorClusterNotFound" // cdn ServiceBusy = "ServiceBusy" // KMS ForbiddenKeyNotFound = "Forbidden.KeyNotFound" // RAM InvalidRamRoleNotFound = "InvalidRamRole.NotFound" RoleAttachmentUnExpectedJson = "unexpected end of JSON input" InvalidInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" RouterInterfaceIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectStatus" DependencyViolationRouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry = "DependencyViolation.RouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry" // CS ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist = "ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist" ApplicationNotFound = "Not Found" ApplicationErrorIgnore = "Unable to reach primary cluster manager" ApplicationConfirmConflict = "Conflicts with unconfirmed updates for operation" // privatezone ZoneNotExists = "Zone.NotExists" ZoneVpcNotExists = "ZoneVpc.NotExists.VpcId" ZoneVpcExists = "Zone.VpcExists" RecordInvalidConflict = "Record.Invalid.Conflict" PvtzInternalError = "InternalError" PvtzThrottlingUser = "Throttling.User" PvtzSystemBusy = "System.Busy" // log ProjectNotExist = "ProjectNotExist" IndexConfigNotExist = "IndexConfigNotExist" IndexAlreadyExist = "IndexAlreadyExist" LogStoreNotExist = "LogStoreNotExist" InternalServerError = "InternalServerError" GroupNotExist = "GroupNotExist" MachineGroupNotExist = "MachineGroupNotExist" LogClientTimeout = "Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers" LogRequestTimeout = "RequestTimeout" LogConfigNotExist = "ConfigNotExist" // OTS OTSObjectNotExist = "OTSObjectNotExist" SuffixNoSuchHost = "no such host" // FC ServiceNotFound = "ServiceNotFound" FunctionNotFound = "FunctionNotFound" TriggerNotFound = "TriggerNotFound" AccessDenied = "AccessDenied" // Vpn VpnNotFound = "InvalidVpnGatewayInstanceId.NotFound" VpnForbidden = "Forbidden" VpnForbiddenRelease = "ForbiddenRelease" VpnForbiddenSubUser = "Forbbiden.SubUser" CgwNotFound = "InvalidCustomerGatewayInstanceId.NotFound" ResQuotaFull = "Resource.QuotaFull" VpnConnNotFound = "InvalidVpnConnectionInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidIpAddress = "InvalidIpAddress.AlreadyExist" SslVpnServerNotFound = "InvalidSslVpnServerId.NotFound" SslVpnClientCertNotFound = "InvalidSslVpnClientCertId.NotFound" VpnConfiguring = "VpnGateway.Configuring" VpnInvalidSpec = "InvalidSpec.NotFound" VpnEnable = "enable" // CEN OperationBlocking = "Operation.Blocking" ParameterCenInstanceIdNotExist = "ParameterCenInstanceId" CenQuotaExceeded = "QuotaExceeded.CenCountExceeded" InvalidCenInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.CenInstanceStatus" InvalidChildInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.ChildInstanceStatus" ParameterInstanceIdNotExist = "ParameterInstanceId" ForbiddenRelease = "Forbidden.Release" InvalidCenBandwidthLimitsNotZero = "InvalidOperation.CenBandwidthLimitsNotZero" ParameterBwpInstanceId = "ParameterBwpInstanceId" InvalidBwpInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.BwpInstanceStatus" InvalidBwpBusinessStatus = "InvalidOperation.BwpBusinessStatus" ParameterIllegal = "ParameterIllegal" ParameterIllegalCenInstanceId = "ParameterIllegal.CenInstanceId" InstanceNotExist = "Instance.NotExist" // kv-store InvalidKVStoreInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" // MNS QueueNotExist = "QueueNotExist" TopicNotExist = "TopicNotExist" SubscriptionNotExist = "SubscriptionNotExist" //HaVip InvalidHaVipIdNotFound = "InvalidHaVipId.NotFound" InvalidVipStatus = "InvalidVip.Status" IncorrectHaVipStatus = "IncorrectHaVipStatus" InvalidPrivateIpAddressDuplicated = "InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Duplicated" )
const ( AlibabaCloudSdkGoERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]") AliyunLogGoSdkERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-log-go-sdk ERROR]") AliyunDatahubSdkGo = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-datahub-sdk-go ERROR]") AliyunOssGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-oss-go-sdk ERROR]") FcGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK fc-go-sdk ERROR]") DenverdinoAliyungo = ErrorSource("[SDK denverdino/aliyungo ERROR]") AliyunTablestoreGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-tablestore-go-sdk ERROR]") ProviderERROR = ErrorSource("[Provider ERROR]") )
const ( CatalogRequest = "REQUEST" CatalogConstant = "CONSTANT" CatalogSystem = "SYSTEM" ResultType = "JSON" ResultSample = "Result Sample" Visibility = "PRIVATE" AllowSignatureMethod = "HmacSHA256" WebSocketApiType = "COMMON" DeployCommonDescription = "Terraform Deploy" StageNamePre = "PRE" StageNameRelease = "RELEASE" StageNameTest = "TEST" AuthorizationDone = "DONE" ApigatewayDefaultAddress = "" ApigatewayDefaultTimeout = 30 )
const ( Average = "Average" Minimum = "Minimum" Maximum = "Maximum" )
const ( MoreThan = ">" MoreThanOrEqual = ">=" LessThan = "<" LessThanOrEqual = "<=" Equal = "==" NotEqual = "!=" )
const ( GroupRuleInternet = GroupRuleNicType("internet") GroupRuleIntranet = GroupRuleNicType("intranet") )
const ( DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress") DirectionEgress = Direction("egress") )
const ( GroupRulePolicyAccept = GroupRulePolicy("accept") GroupRulePolicyDrop = GroupRulePolicy("drop") )
const ( GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept") GroupInnerDrop = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop") )
const ( NoSpot = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot") SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit") SpotAsPriceGo = SpotStrategyType("SpotAsPriceGo") )
Constants of SpotStrategyType
const ( ZoneResource = DestinationResource("Zone") IoOptimizedResource = DestinationResource("IoOptimized") InstanceTypeResource = DestinationResource("InstanceType") SystemDiskResource = DestinationResource("SystemDisk") DataDiskResource = DestinationResource("DataDisk") NetworkResource = DestinationResource("Network") )
const ( RenewAutoRenewal = RenewalStatus("AutoRenewal") RenewNormal = RenewalStatus("Normal") RenewNotRenewal = RenewalStatus("NotRenewal") )
const ( DiskTypeAll = DiskType("all") DiskTypeSystem = DiskType("system") DiskTypeData = DiskType("data") )
const ( DiskAll = DiskCategory("all") //Default DiskCloud = DiskCategory("cloud") DiskEphemeralSSD = DiskCategory("ephemeral_ssd") DiskCloudEfficiency = DiskCategory("cloud_efficiency") DiskCloudSSD = DiskCategory("cloud_ssd") )
const ( ImageOwnerSystem = ImageOwnerAlias("system") ImageOwnerSelf = ImageOwnerAlias("self") ImageOwnerOthers = ImageOwnerAlias("others") ImageOwnerMarketplace = ImageOwnerAlias("marketplace") ImageOwnerDefault = ImageOwnerAlias("") //Return the values for system, self, and others )
const ( ActiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Active") DeactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Deactive") )
const ( Gt = ComparisonOperator(">") Gte = ComparisonOperator(">=") Lt = ComparisonOperator("<") Lte = ComparisonOperator("<=") )
const ( Avg = Statistics("Average") Min = Statistics("Minimum") Max = Statistics("Maximum") )
const ( OneMinite = Period(60) TwoMinite = Period(120) FiveMinite = Period(300) FifteenMinite = Period(900) )
const ( System = MetricType("system") Custom = MetricType("custom") )
const ( Continue = ActionResult("CONTINUE") Abandon = ActionResult("ABANDON") )
const ( ScaleOut = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_OUT") ScaleIn = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_IN") )
const ( QuantityChangeInCapacity = AdjustmentType("QuantityChangeInCapacity") PercentChangeInCapacity = AdjustmentType("PercentChangeInCapacity") TotalCapacity = AdjustmentType("TotalCapacity") )
const ( Daily = RecurrenceType("Daily") Weekly = RecurrenceType("Weekly") Monthly = RecurrenceType("Monthly") )
const ( AutoCreated = InstanceCreationType("AutoCreated") Attached = InstanceCreationType("Attached") )
const ( Priority = MultiAzPolicy("PRIORITY") Balance = MultiAzPolicy("BALANCE") )
const ( Enabled = KeyState("Enabled") Disabled = KeyState("Disabled") PendingDeletion = KeyState("PendingDeletion") )
const ( TextType = IndexFiledType("text") LongType = IndexFiledType("long") DoubleType = IndexFiledType("double") JsonType = IndexFiledType("json") )
const ( ExpirationStatusEnabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Enabled") ExpirationStatusDisabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Disabled") )
const ( IntegerType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Integer") StringType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("String") BinaryType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Binary") )
const ( AnyNetwork = InstanceAccessedByType("Any") VpcOnly = InstanceAccessedByType("Vpc") VpcOrConsole = InstanceAccessedByType("ConsoleOrVpc") )
const ( OtsCapacity = OtsInstanceType("Capacity") OtsHighPerformance = OtsInstanceType("HighPerformance") )
const ( RecordA = RecordType("A") RecordCNAME = RecordType("CNAME") RecordTXT = RecordType("TXT") RecordMX = RecordType("MX") RecordPTR = RecordType("PTR") )
const ( MySQL = Engine("MySQL") SQLServer = Engine("SQLServer") PPAS = Engine("PPAS") PostgreSQL = Engine("PostgreSQL") )
const ( ReadOnly = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadOnly") ReadWrite = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadWrite") )
const ( DBAccountNormal = DBAccountType("Normal") DBAccountSuper = DBAccountType("Super") )
const ( KVStoreRedis = KVStoreInstanceType("Redis") KVStoreMemcache = KVStoreInstanceType("Memcache") )
const ( KVStore2Dot8 = KVStoreEngineVersion("2.8") KVStore4Dot0 = KVStoreEngineVersion("4.0") )
const ( WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr") WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc") )
const ( OnFlag = FlagType("on") OffFlag = FlagType("off") )
const ( TlsCipherPolicy_1_0 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_0") TlsCipherPolicy_1_1 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_1") TlsCipherPolicy_1_2 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_2") TlsCipherPolicy_1_2_STRICT = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_2_strict") )
const ( AclTypeBlack = AclType("black") AclTypeWhite = AclType("white") )
const ( IPVersion4 = IPVersion("ipv4") IPVersion6 = IPVersion("ipv6") )
const ( InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert") ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server") )
const ( HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx") HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx") HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx") HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx") )
const ( TCPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("tcp") HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http") )
const ( S1Small = "slb.s1.small" S2Small = "slb.s2.small" S2Medium = "slb.s2.medium" S3Small = "slb.s3.small" S3Medium = "slb.s3.medium" S3Large = "slb.s3.large" )
const ( NatGatewaySmallSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Small") NatGatewayMiddleSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Middle") NatGatewayLargeSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Large") )
const ( EcsInstance = "EcsInstance" SlbInstance = "SlbInstance" Nat = "Nat" HaVip = "HaVip" )
const ( VRouter = RouterType("VRouter") VBR = RouterType("VBR") InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide") AcceptingSide = Role("AcceptingSide") Mini2 = Spec("Mini.2") Mini5 = Spec("Mini.5") Small1 = Spec("Small.1") Small2 = Spec("Small.2") Small5 = Spec("Small.5") Middle1 = Spec("Middle.1") Middle2 = Spec("Middle.2") Middle5 = Spec("Middle.5") Large1 = Spec("Large.1") Large2 = Spec("Large.2") Large5 = Spec("Large.5") Xlarge1 = Spec("Xlarge.1") Negative = Spec(("Negative")) )
const ( NextHopIntance = NextHopType("Instance") //Default NextHopTunnel = NextHopType("Tunnel") NextHopRouterInterface = NextHopType("RouterInterface") NextHopHaVip = NextHopType("HaVip") NextHopVpnGateway = NextHopType("VpnGateway") NextHopNetworkInterface = NextHopType("NetworkInterface") )
const ( Ssl_Cert_Expiring = Status("expiring-soon") Ssl_Cert_Normal = Status("normal") Ssl_Cert_Expired = Status("expired") )
const ( IKE_VERSION_1 = string("ikev1") IKE_VERSION_2 = string("ikev2") IKE_MODE_MAIN = string("main") IKE_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = string("aggressive") VPN_ENC_AES = string("aes") VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("aes192") VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("aes256") VPN_ENC_AES_DES = string("des") VPN_ENC_AES_3DES = string("3des") VPN_AUTH_MD5 = string("md5") VPN_AUTH_SHA = string("sha1") VPN_PFS_G1 = string("group1") VPN_PFS_G2 = string("group2") VPN_PFS_G5 = string("group5") VPN_PFS_G14 = string("group14") VPN_PFS_G24 = string("group24") VPN_UDP_PROTO = string("UDP") VPN_TCP_PROTO = string("TCP") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_128 = string("AES-128-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("AES-192-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("AES-256-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_NONE = string("none") )
const ( KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel" KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway = "terway" KubernetesClusterLoggingTypeSLS = "SLS" )
const ( ManagedKubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel" ManagedKubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway = "terway" ManagedKubernetesCreationDefaultTimeoutInMinute = 60 )
const AllPortRange = "-1/-1"
const BackendServerPort = -520
const CharityPageUrl = ""
const ChildInstanceTypeVbr = "VBR"
const ChildInstanceTypeVpc = "VPC"
default connect port of db
const DEFAULT_REGION = "cn-beijing"
default region for all resource
const DataDefaultErrorMsg = "Datasource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
const DefaultCenTimeout = 60
const DefaultCenTimeoutLong = 180
const DefaultErrorMsg = "Resource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
A default message of ComplexError's Err. It is format to Resource <resource-id> <operation> Failed!!! <error source>
const DefaultIntervalLong = 20
const DefaultIntervalMedium = 10
const DefaultIntervalShort = 5
const DefaultLongTimeout = 1000
timeout for long time progerss product, rds e.g.
const DefaultTimeout = 120
timeout for common product, ecs e.g.
const DefaultTimeoutMedium = 500
const DeleteTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s Still Exists. %s Timeout!!! %s"
const (
DoesNotExist = "does not exist"
It is proactive defense to the case that SDK extends new datahub objects.
const GenerationFour = "ecs-4"
const GenerationOne = "ecs-1"
const GenerationThree = "ecs-3"
const GenerationTwo = "ecs-2"
const INT_MAX = 2147483647
const (
KubernetesMasterNumber = 3
const LOCAL_HOST_IP = ""
symbol of multiIZ
const NotFoundMsg = ResourceNotFound + "!!! %s"
const ScalingGroup = "scaling_group"
const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 = "AES256"
const UserId = "userId"
Variables ¶
var ApiGatewayStageNames = []string{StageNamePre, StageNameRelease, StageNameTest}
var BACKUP_TIME = []string{
"00:00Z-01:00Z", "01:00Z-02:00Z", "02:00Z-03:00Z", "03:00Z-04:00Z", "04:00Z-05:00Z",
"05:00Z-06:00Z", "06:00Z-07:00Z", "07:00Z-08:00Z", "08:00Z-09:00Z", "09:00Z-10:00Z",
"10:00Z-11:00Z", "11:00Z-12:00Z", "12:00Z-13:00Z", "13:00Z-14:00Z", "14:00Z-15:00Z",
"15:00Z-16:00Z", "16:00Z-17:00Z", "17:00Z-18:00Z", "18:00Z-19:00Z", "19:00Z-20:00Z",
"20:00Z-21:00Z", "21:00Z-22:00Z", "22:00Z-23:00Z", "23:00Z-24:00Z",
var CHARACTER_SET_NAME = []string{
"utf8", "gbk", "latin1", "utf8mb4",
"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", "Chinese_PRC_CS_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS", "Chinese_PRC_BIN",
var ClientErrorCatcher = Catcher{AliyunGoClientFailure, 10, 5}
var DBInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus, 60, 5}
_______________ _______________ _______________ | | ______param______\ | | _____request_____\ | | | Business | | Service | | SDK/API | | | __________________ | | __________________ | | |______________| \ (obj, err) |______________| \ (status, cont) |______________| | | |A. {instance, nil} |a. {200, content} |B. {nil, error} |b. {200, nil} |c. {4xx, nil}
The API return 200 for resource not found. When getInstance is empty, then throw InstanceNotfound error. That the business layer only need to check error.
var DiskInvalidOperation = []string{"IncorrectDiskStatus", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "OperationConflict", InternalError, "InvalidOperation.Conflict", "IncorrectDiskStatus.Initializing"}
var EcsNotFound = []string{"InvalidInstanceId.NotFound", "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"}
var HalfIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.s2": "", "ecs.s3": "", "ecs.m1": "", "ecs.m2": "", "ecs.c1": "", "ecs.c2": ""}
var (
KubernetesClusterNodeCIDRMasksByDefault = 24
var NetworkInterfaceInvalidOperations = []string{"InvalidOperation.InvalidEniState", "InvalidOperation.InvalidEcsState", "OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError"}
var NoneIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.t1": "", "ecs.t2": "", "ecs.s1": ""}
var NoneIoOptimizedInstanceType = map[string]string{"ecs.s2.small": ""}
var OperationDeniedDBStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.DBStatus", OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus, DBInternalError}
var OutdatedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{ DiskCloud: DiskCloud}
var PvtzSystemBusyCatcher = Catcher{PvtzSystemBusy, 30, 5}
var PvtzThrottlingUserCatcher = Catcher{PvtzThrottlingUser, 30, 2}
var ServiceBusyCatcher = Catcher{"ServiceUnavailable", 10, 5}
var SlbIsBusy = []string{"SystemBusy", "OperationBusy", "ServiceIsStopping", "BackendServer.configuring", "ServiceIsConfiguring"}
var SlsClientTimeoutCatcher = Catcher{LogClientTimeout, 15, 5}
var SupportedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{ DiskCloudSSD: DiskCloudSSD, DiskCloudEfficiency: DiskCloudEfficiency, DiskEphemeralSSD: DiskEphemeralSSD, DiskCloud: DiskCloud, }
var ThrottlingCatcher = Catcher{Throttling, 10, 10}
ValidProtocols network protocol list
var WEEK_ENUM = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
Functions ¶
func BoolPointer ¶
func BuildWrapError ¶
func BuildWrapError(action, id string, source ErrorSource, err error, suggestion string) error
BuildWrapError returns a new error that format the origin error and add some message action: the operation of the origin error is from, like a API or method id: the resource ID of the origin error is from source: the origin error is caused by, it should be one of the ErrorSource err: the origin error suggestion: the advice of how to resolve the origin error
func DescribeDomainDetail ¶
func DescribeDomainDetail(Id string, meta interface{}) (domain cdn.DomainDetail, err error)
func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec ¶
func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)
func GetBandwidthPackageIdAndIpInstanceId ¶
func GetBandwidthPackageIdAndIpInstanceId(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (string, string, error)
func GetNotFoundMessage ¶
func GetTimeErrorFromString ¶
func GetTimeoutMessage ¶
func GetUserHomeDir ¶
func Int32Pointer ¶
func IsExceptedError ¶
func IsExceptedErrors ¶
func NotFoundError ¶
func Provider ¶
func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider
Provider returns a schema.Provider for alicloud
func RamEntityNotExist ¶
func RemoveTags ¶
func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error
func StringPointer ¶
func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes ¶
func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error
func WaitForDomainStatus ¶
func WaitForServerCertificate ¶
func WaitForServerCertificate(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, Id string, serverCertificate string, timeout int) error
func WrapComplexError ¶
func WrapErrorf ¶
Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path
Types ¶
type ActionResult ¶
type ActionResult string
type AddTagsArgs ¶
type AdjustmentType ¶
type AdjustmentType string
type ApiGatewayParameterMap ¶
type ApiGatewayRequestConfig ¶
type ApiGatewayRequestParam ¶
type ApiGatewayServiceConfig ¶
type ApiGatewayServiceConfig struct { Protocol string `json:"serviceProtocol"` Address string `json:"serviceAddress"` Method string `json:"serviceHttpMethod"` Path string `json:"servicePath"` Timeout int `json:"serviceTimeout"` ContentTypeCategory string `json:"contentTypeCatagory"` ContentTypeValue string `json:"contentTypeValue"` MockEnable string `json:"mock"` MockResult string `json:"mockResult"` VpcEnable string `json:"serviceVpcEnable"` FcConfig ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig `json:"functionComputeConfig"` VpcConfig ApiGatewayVpcConfig `json:"vpcConfig"` AoneName string `json:"aoneAppName"` }
type ApiGatewayServiceParam ¶
type ApiGatewayVpcConfig ¶
type ApiGatewayVpcConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type CenService ¶
type CenService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas ¶
func (s *CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas(vtbId string) (childInstanceId string, instanceType string, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceById ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceById(instanceId, cenId string) (c cbn.ChildInstance, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string) (c cbn.CenInterRegionBandwidthLimit, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(cenBwpId string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageById ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageById(cenBwpId string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenInstance ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstance(cenId string) (c cbn.Cen, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribePublishedRouteEntriesById ¶
func (s *CenService) DescribePublishedRouteEntriesById(id string) (c cbn.PublishedRouteEntry, err error)
func (*CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds ¶
func (s *CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds(id string) (retString []string, err error)
func (*CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId ¶
func (s *CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId(id string) (string, string, error)
func (*CenService) GetCenInstanceType ¶
func (s *CenService) GetCenInstanceType(id string) (c string, e error)
func (*CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit ¶
func (s *CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string, bandwidthLimit int) (err error)
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage(cenBwpId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(cenBwpId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageUpdate ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageUpdate(cenBwpId string, bandwidth int, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenChildInstanceAttached ¶
func (*CenService) WaitForCenChildInstanceDetached ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenChildInstanceDetached(instanceId string, cenId string, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenInstance ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstance(cenId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitActive ¶
func (*CenService) WaitForCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitDestroy ¶
func (*CenService) WaitForRouterEntryPublished ¶
func (s *CenService) WaitForRouterEntryPublished(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type CloudApiService ¶
type CloudApiService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloudApiService) AbolishApi ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) AbolishApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DeployedApi ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApi ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApi(apiId string, groupId string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeApiResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup(groupId string) (apiGroup *cloudapi.DescribeApiGroupResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApp ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApp(appId string) (app *cloudapi.DescribeAppResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization(id string) (*cloudapi.AuthorizedApp, error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeDeployedApiResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess(id string) (vpc *cloudapi.VpcAccessAttribute, e error)
func (*CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization ¶
func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization(id string, timeout int) (err error)
type CmsService ¶
type CmsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest ¶
func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest
func (*CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest ¶
func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest
func (*CmsService) DescribeAlarm ¶
func (s *CmsService) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInListAlarm, err error)
func (*CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm ¶
func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error
type CommonBandwidthPackageService ¶
type CommonBandwidthPackageService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage ¶
func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(commonBandwidthPackageId string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶
func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(bandwidthPackageId string, ipInstanceId string) (err error)
func (*CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage ¶
func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage(commonBandwidthPackageId string, timeout int) error
func (*CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶
func (s *CommonBandwidthPackageService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(bandwidthPackageId string, ipInstanceId string, timeout int) error
type ComparisonOperator ¶
type ComparisonOperator string
type ComplexError ¶
ComplexError is a format error which inclouding origin error, extra error message, error occurred file and line Cause: a error is a origin error that comes from SDK, some expections and so on Err: a new error is built from extra message Path: the file path of error occurred Line: the file line of error occurred
func (ComplexError) Error ¶
func (e ComplexError) Error() string
type CsService ¶
type CsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CsService) DescribeContainerApplication ¶
func (s *CsService) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)
func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName ¶
func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName(name string) (*cs.ClusterType, *cs.ClusterCerts, error)
func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterByName ¶
func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)
type DBAccountPrivilege ¶
type DBAccountPrivilege string
type DBAccountType ¶
type DBAccountType string
type DestinationResource ¶
type DestinationResource string
type DiskCategory ¶
type DiskCategory string
type DrdsService ¶
type DrdsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance ¶
func (s *DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance(req *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceRequest) (response *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
crate Drdsinstance
func (*DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance ¶
func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances ¶
func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances(regionId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstancesResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription ¶
func (s *DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription(request *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionRequest) (response *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance ¶
func (s *DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.RemoveDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance ¶
func (s *DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance(instanceId string, status string, timeout int) error
type EcsService ¶
type EcsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EcsService) AttachKeyPair ¶
func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyname string, instanceIds []interface{}) error
func (*EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeDiskById ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeDiskById(instanceId, diskId string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeDisksByType ¶
func (*EcsService) DescribeImageById ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceById ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceById(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPair ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(keyName string) (keypair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceById ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceById(instanceId string, eniId string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute(securityGroupId string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(groupId, direction, ipProtocol, portRange, nicType, cidr_ip, policy string, priority int) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeTags ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeZone ¶
func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(zoneID string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)
DescribeZone validate zoneId is valid in region
func (*EcsService) DiskAvailable ¶
func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error
func (*EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation ¶
func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error
func (*EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups ¶
func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
func (*EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation ¶
func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error
func (*EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups ¶
func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
func (*EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk ¶
func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
func (*EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair ¶
func (*EcsService) QueryPrivateIps ¶
func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)
func (*EcsService) ResourceAvailable ¶
func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error
ResourceAvailable check resource available for zone
func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsDisk ¶
func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsDisk(diskId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance ¶
func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsNetworkInterface ¶
func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsNetworkInterface(eniId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged ¶
func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged ¶
func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error
type ErrorSource ¶
type ErrorSource string
type EssService ¶
type EssService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EssService) ActiveScalingConfigurationById ¶
func (s *EssService) ActiveScalingConfigurationById(sgId, configId string) error
func (*EssService) DeleteScalingGroupById ¶
func (s *EssService) DeleteScalingGroupById(sgId string) error
func (*EssService) DeleteScalingRuleById ¶
func (s *EssService) DeleteScalingRuleById(ruleId string) error
func (*EssService) DeleteScheduleById ¶
func (s *EssService) DeleteScheduleById(scheduleId string) error
func (*EssService) DescribeEssAlarmById ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarmById(alarmTaskId string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeLifecycleHookById ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeLifecycleHookById(hookId string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScalingConfifurations ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingConfifurations(groupId string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScalingConfigurationById ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingConfigurationById(configId string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScalingGroup ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingGroup(sgId string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScalingInstances ¶
func (srv *EssService) DescribeScalingInstances(groupId, configurationId string, instanceIds []string, creationType string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScalingRuleById ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeScalingRuleById(sgId, ruleId string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeScheduleById ¶
func (s *EssService) DescribeScheduleById(scheduleId string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)
func (*EssService) EssRemoveInstances ¶
func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(groupId string, instanceIds []string) error
func (*EssService) WaitForScalingGroup ¶
func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingGroup(groupId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForScalingGroup waits for group to given status
type FcService ¶
type FcService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FcService) DescribeFcFunction ¶
func (*FcService) DescribeFcService ¶
func (*FcService) DescribeFcTrigger ¶
type GroupInnerAccessPolicy ¶
type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string
type GroupRuleNicType ¶
type GroupRuleNicType string
type GroupRulePolicy ¶
type GroupRulePolicy string
type HaVipService ¶
type HaVipService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVip ¶
func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVip(haVipId string) (v vpc.HaVip, err error)
func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment ¶
func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string) (err error)
func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVip ¶
func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVip(haVipId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment ¶
func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string, timeout int) error
type HealthCheckHttpCodeType ¶
type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string
type HealthCheckType ¶
type HealthCheckType string
type ImageOwnerAlias ¶
type ImageOwnerAlias string
type IndexFiledType ¶
type IndexFiledType string
type InstanceAccessedByType ¶
type InstanceAccessedByType string
type InstanceCreationType ¶
type InstanceCreationType string
type InstanceNetWork ¶
type InstanceNetWork string
type InstanceSeries ¶
type InstanceSeries string
type InternetChargeType ¶
type InternetChargeType string
type Invoker ¶
type Invoker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInvoker ¶
func NewInvoker() Invoker
func PvtzInvoker ¶
func PvtzInvoker() Invoker
func (*Invoker) AddCatcher ¶
type IpsecConfig ¶
type KVStoreEngineVersion ¶
type KVStoreEngineVersion string
type KVStoreInstanceType ¶
type KVStoreInstanceType string
type KvstoreService ¶
type KvstoreService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstanceById ¶
func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstanceById(id string) (instance *r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstancebackupPolicy ¶
func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeRKVInstancebackupPolicy(id string) (policy *r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*KvstoreService) WaitForRKVInstance ¶
func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForRKVInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
type LifecycleRuleStatus ¶
type LifecycleRuleStatus string
type LifecycleTransition ¶
type LifecycleTransition string
type ListenerErr ¶
func (*ListenerErr) Error ¶
func (e *ListenerErr) Error() string
type LoadBalancerSpecType ¶
type LoadBalancerSpecType string
type LogService ¶
type LogService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig ¶
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig(projectName, configName string) (logconfig *sls.LogConfig, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup ¶
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(projectName, groupName string) (group *sls.MachineGroup, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogProject ¶
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(name string) (project *sls.LogProject, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogStore ¶
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(projectName, name string) (store *sls.LogStore, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex ¶
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(projectName, name string) (index *sls.Index, err error)
type MetricType ¶
type MetricType string
type MnsService ¶
type MnsService struct { }
func (*MnsService) GetTopicNameAndSubscriptionName ¶
func (s *MnsService) GetTopicNameAndSubscriptionName(subscriptionId string) (string, string)
func (*MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc ¶
func (s *MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc(err error) bool
func (*MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc ¶
func (s *MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc(err error) bool
func (*MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc ¶
func (s *MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc(err error) bool
type MultiAzPolicy ¶
type MultiAzPolicy string
type NatGatewaySpec ¶
type NatGatewaySpec string
type NetworkType ¶
type NetworkType string
type NextHopType ¶
type NextHopType string
type OptimizedType ¶
type OptimizedType string
type OssService ¶
type OssService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OssService) QueryOssBucketById ¶
func (s *OssService) QueryOssBucketById(id string) (info *oss.BucketInfo, err error)
type OtsInstanceType ¶
type OtsInstanceType string
type OtsService ¶
type OtsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OtsService) DeleteOtsTable ¶
func (s *OtsService) DeleteOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (bool, error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance ¶
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance(name string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes ¶
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes() (types []string, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc ¶
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsTable ¶
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (table *tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, err error)
func (*OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance ¶
func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance(name string, status Status, timeout int) error
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { Statement []PolicyStatement Version string }
type PolicyStatement ¶
type PolicyStatement struct { Effect Effect Action interface{} Resource interface{} }
type PrimaryKeyTypeString ¶
type PrimaryKeyTypeString string
type ProviderError ¶
type ProviderError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Error represents a custom error for Terraform failure response
func (*ProviderError) Error ¶
func (e *ProviderError) Error() string
func (*ProviderError) ErrorCode ¶
func (err *ProviderError) ErrorCode() string
func (*ProviderError) Message ¶
func (err *ProviderError) Message() string
type PvtzService ¶
type PvtzService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment ¶
func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment(zoneId string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneInfo ¶
func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneInfo(zoneId string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
func (*PvtzService) DescribeZoneRecord ¶
func (*PvtzService) WaitZoneAttachment ¶
type RamService ¶
type RamService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument ¶
func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
func (*RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument ¶
func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
func (*RamService) GetIntersection ¶
func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})
func (*RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal ¶
func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error
Judge whether the role policy contains service ""
func (*RamService) ParsePolicyDocument ¶
func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)
func (*RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument ¶
func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)
type RdsService ¶
type RdsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RdsService) AllocateDBPublicConnection ¶
func (s *RdsService) AllocateDBPublicConnection(instanceId, prefix, port string) error
func (*RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(instanceId string) (policy *rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceById ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceById(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoByIpType ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoByIpType(instanceId string, ipType IPType) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfos ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfos(instanceId string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDatabaseAccount ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDatabaseAccount(instanceId, accountName string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDatabaseByName ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDatabaseByName(instanceId, dbName string) (ds *rds.Database, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion ¶
func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)
return multiIZ list of current region
func (*RdsService) GetSecurityIps ¶
func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
func (*RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege ¶
func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName, privilege string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy ¶
func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(instanceId, backupTime, backupPeriod, retentionPeriod, backupLog, LogBackupRetentionPeriod string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps ¶
func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
func (*RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance ¶
func (s *RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance(err error) bool
func (*RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection ¶
func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error
func (*RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege ¶
func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(instanceId, account, dbName string) error
func (*RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time ¶
func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)
turn period to TimeType
func (*RdsService) TransformTime2Period ¶
func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)
turn TimeType to Period
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccount ¶
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege ¶
func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(instanceId, accountName, dbName, privilege string, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked ¶
func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(instanceId, accountName, dbName string, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBConnection ¶
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(instanceId string, netType IPType, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBInstance ¶
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
type RecordType ¶
type RecordType string
type RecurrenceType ¶
type RecurrenceType string
type RemoveTagsArgs ¶
type RenewalStatus ¶
type RenewalStatus string
type ResourceType ¶
type ResourceType string
type RolePolicy ¶
type RolePolicy struct { Statement []RolePolicyStatement Version string }
type RolePolicyStatement ¶
type RouteTableService ¶
type RouteTableService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTable ¶
func (s *RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTable(routeTableId string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
func (*RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment ¶
func (s *RouteTableService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(routeTableId string, vSwitchId string) (err error)
func (*RouteTableService) GetRouteTableIdAndVSwitchId ¶
func (s *RouteTableService) GetRouteTableIdAndVSwitchId(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (string, string, error)
func (*RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTable ¶
func (s *RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error
func (*RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment ¶
func (s *RouteTableService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(routeTableId string, vSwitchId string, timeout int) error
type RouterType ¶
type RouterType string
type SchedulerType ¶
type SchedulerType string
type SecurityEnhancementStrategy ¶
type SecurityEnhancementStrategy string
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { Attributes ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse CreationTime string Tags ecs.TagsInDescribeSecurityGroups }
type SlbService ¶
type SlbService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest ¶
func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() *requests.CommonRequest
func (*SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute ¶
func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute(slbId string) (loadBalancer *slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttribute ¶
func (*SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleAttribute ¶
func (s *SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleAttribute(ruleId string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeLoadBalancerRuleId ¶
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbVServerGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbVServerGroupAttribute(groupId string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)
func (*SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings ¶
func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}
Flattens an array of slb.AclEntry into a []map[string]string
func (*SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry ¶
func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
func (*SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry ¶
func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForListener ¶
func (*SlbService) WaitForLoadBalancer ¶
func (s *SlbService) WaitForLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId string, status Status, timeout int) error
type SpotStrategyType ¶
type SpotStrategyType string
type Statistics ¶
type Statistics string
type StickySessionType ¶
type StickySessionType string
type TagResourceType ¶
type TagResourceType string
type TlsCipherPolicy ¶
type TlsCipherPolicy string
type VpcService ¶
type VpcService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface ¶
func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
func (*VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface ¶
func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAddress ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAddress(allocationId string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAttachment ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAttachment(attachmentId string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(forwardTableId string, forwardEntryId string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGateway ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(natGatewayId string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceTypeInDescribeRouterInterfaces, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(snatTableId string, snatEntryId string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeVpc ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(vpcId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeVswitch ¶
func (s *VpcService) DescribeVswitch(vswitchId string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)
func (*VpcService) QueryRouteEntry ¶
func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteEntry(routeTableId, cidrBlock, nextHopType, nextHopId string) (rn vpc.RouteEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) QueryRouteTableById ¶
func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)
func (*VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntries ¶
func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntries(routeTableId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForEip ¶
func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(allocationId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface ¶
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(regionId, interfaceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForVSwitch ¶
func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(vswitchId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForVpc ¶
func (s *VpcService) WaitForVpc(vpcId string, status Status, timeout int) error
type VpnGatewayService ¶
type VpnGatewayService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeCustomerGateway ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeCustomerGateway(cgwId string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer(sslId string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway(vpnId string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})
func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForCustomerGateway ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpn ¶
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpn(vpnId string, status Status, timeout int) error
type WrapErrorOld ¶
type WrapErrorOld struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Error to wrap the different erros
func (*WrapErrorOld) Error ¶
func (e *WrapErrorOld) Error() string
Source Files ¶
- common.go
- data_source_alicloud_account.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_apis.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_apps.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_limits.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_packages.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_region_route_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_route_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_common.go
- data_source_alicloud_db_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_disks.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_domains.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_records.go
- data_source_alicloud_eips.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_functions.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_services.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_triggers.go
- data_source_alicloud_images.go
- data_source_alicloud_instance_types.go
- data_source_alicloud_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_key_pairs.go
- data_source_alicloud_kms_keys.go
- data_source_alicloud_kvstore_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_queues.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_topic_subscriptions.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_topics.go
- data_source_alicloud_mongo_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_network_interfaces.go
- data_source_alicloud_oss_bucket_objects.go
- data_source_alicloud_oss_buckets.go
- data_source_alicloud_pvtz_zone_records.go
- data_source_alicloud_pvtz_zones.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_account_alias.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_policies.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_roles.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_users.go
- data_source_alicloud_regions.go
- data_source_alicloud_router_interfaces.go
- data_source_alicloud_security_group_rules.go
- data_source_alicloud_security_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_acls.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_attachments.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_ca_certificates.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_listeners.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_rules.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_server_certificates.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_server_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_slbs.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpcs.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_connections.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_customer_gateways.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_gateways.go
- data_source_alicloud_vswitches.go
- data_source_alicloud_zones.go
- diff_suppress_funcs.go
- errors.go
- extension_api_gateway.go
- extension_cms.go
- extension_ecs.go
- extension_ess.go
- extension_kms.go
- extension_log.go
- extension_oss.go
- extension_ots.go
- extension_pvtz.go
- extension_rds.go
- extension_slb.go
- extension_tags.go
- extension_vpc.go
- extension_vpn.go
- provider.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_api.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_app.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_app_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_group.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_vpc.go
- resource_alicloud_cdn_domain.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_limit.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_package.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_package_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_instance_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_route_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_cms_alarm.go
- resource_alicloud_common_bandwidth_package.go
- resource_alicloud_common_bandwidth_package_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_application.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_kubernetes.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_swarm.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_project.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_subscription.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_topic.go
- resource_alicloud_db_account.go
- resource_alicloud_db_account_privilege.go
- resource_alicloud_db_backup_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_db_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_db_database.go
- resource_alicloud_db_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_disk.go
- resource_alicloud_disk_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_dns.go
- resource_alicloud_dns_group.go
- resource_alicloud_dns_record.go
- resource_alicloud_drds_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_eip.go
- resource_alicloud_eip_association.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_alarm.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_lifecyclehook.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalingconfiguration.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalinggroup.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalingrule.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_schedule.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_function.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_service.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_trigger.go
- resource_alicloud_forward.go
- resource_alicloud_havip.go
- resource_alicloud_havip_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_key_pair.go
- resource_alicloud_key_pair_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_kms_key.go
- resource_alicloud_kvstore_backup_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_kvstore_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_log_machine_group.go
- resource_alicloud_log_project.go
- resource_alicloud_log_store.go
- resource_alicloud_log_store_index.go
- resource_alicloud_logtail_config.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_queue.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_topic.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_topic_subscription.go
- resource_alicloud_nat_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_network_interface.go
- resource_alicloud_network_interface_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_oss_bucket.go
- resource_alicloud_oss_bucket_object.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_instance_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_table.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone_record.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_access_key.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_account_alias.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group_membership.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_login_profile.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_user.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_user_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_route_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_route_table.go
- resource_alicloud_route_table_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_router_interface.go
- resource_alicloud_router_interface_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_security_group.go
- resource_alicloud_security_group_rule.go
- resource_alicloud_slb.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_acl.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_ca_certificate.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_listener.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_rule.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_server_certificate.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_server_group.go
- resource_alicloud_snat.go
- resource_alicloud_ssl_vpn_client_cert.go
- resource_alicloud_ssl_vpn_server.go
- resource_alicloud_vpc.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_vswitch.go
- service_alicloud_api_gateway.go
- service_alicloud_cen.go
- service_alicloud_cms.go
- service_alicloud_common_bandwidth_package.go
- service_alicloud_cs.go
- service_alicloud_datahub.go
- service_alicloud_drds.go
- service_alicloud_ecs.go
- service_alicloud_ess.go
- service_alicloud_fc.go
- service_alicloud_havip.go
- service_alicloud_kvstore.go
- service_alicloud_log.go
- service_alicloud_mns.go
- service_alicloud_oss.go
- service_alicloud_ots.go
- service_alicloud_pvtz.go
- service_alicloud_ram.go
- service_alicloud_rds.go
- service_alicloud_route_table.go
- service_alicloud_slb.go
- service_alicloud_vpc.go
- service_alicloud_vpn_gateway.go
- tags.go
- validators.go