Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Index ¶
- func CmpPd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128d)
- func CmpPs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128)
- func CmpSd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128d)
- func CmpSs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128)
- func M256AcosPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AcosPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AcoshPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AcoshPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AddPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AddPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AddsubPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AddsubPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AndPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AndPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AndnotPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AndnotPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AsinPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AsinPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AsinhPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AsinhPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Atan2Pd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Atan2Ps(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AtanPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AtanPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256AtanhPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256AtanhPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256BlendPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256BlendPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256BlendvPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d, mask x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256BlendvPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, mask x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256BroadcastPd(mem_addr *x86.M128dConst) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256BroadcastPs(mem_addr *x86.M128Const) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Castpd128Pd256(a x86.M128d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Castpd256Pd128(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M128d)
- func M256CastpdPs(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CastpdSi256(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Castps128Ps256(a x86.M128) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Castps256Ps128(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M128)
- func M256CastpsPd(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CastpsSi256(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Castsi128Si256(a x86.M128i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Castsi256Pd(a x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Castsi256Ps(a x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Castsi256Si128(a x86.M256i) (dst x86.M128i)
- func M256CbrtPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CbrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CdfnormPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CdfnormPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CdfnorminvPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CdfnorminvPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CeilPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CeilPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CexpPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ClogPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CmpPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CmpPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CosPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CosPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CosdPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CosdPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CoshPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CoshPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CsqrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Cvtepi32Pd(a x86.M128i) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Cvtepi32Ps(a x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256CvtpdEpi32(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M128i)
- func M256CvtpdPs(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M128)
- func M256CvtpsEpi32(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256CvtpsPd(a x86.M128) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256CvttpdEpi32(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M128i)
- func M256CvttpsEpi32(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpi16(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpi64(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpi8(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpu16(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpu32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpu64(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivEpu8(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256DivPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256DivPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256DpPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ErfPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ErfPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ErfcPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ErfcPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ErfcinvPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ErfcinvPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ErfinvPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ErfinvPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Exp10Pd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Exp10Ps(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Exp2Pd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Exp2Ps(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ExpPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ExpPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Expm1Pd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Expm1Ps(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256ExtractEpi16(a x86.M256i, index int) int16
- func M256ExtractEpi32(a x86.M256i, index int) int32
- func M256ExtractEpi64(a x86.M256i, index int) int64
- func M256ExtractEpi8(a x86.M256i, index int) int8
- func M256Extractf128Pd(a x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128d)
- func M256Extractf128Ps(a x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128)
- func M256Extractf128Si256(a x86.M256i, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128i)
- func M256FloorPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256FloorPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256HaddPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256HaddPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256HsubPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256HsubPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256HypotPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256HypotPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256IdivEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256IdivremEpi32(mem_addr *x86.M256i, a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256InsertEpi16(a x86.M256i, i int16, index int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256InsertEpi32(a x86.M256i, i int32, index int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256InsertEpi64(a x86.M256i, i int64, index int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256InsertEpi8(a x86.M256i, i int8, index int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Insertf128Pd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M128d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Insertf128Ps(a x86.M256, b x86.M128, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Insertf128Si256(a x86.M256i, b x86.M128i, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256InvcbrtPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256InvcbrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256InvsqrtPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256InvsqrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256IremEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256LddquSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256LoadSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Loadu2M128i(hiaddr *x86.M128iConst, loaddr *x86.M128iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256LoaduSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Log10Pd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Log10Ps(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Log1pPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Log1pPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Log2Pd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Log2Ps(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256LogPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256LogPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256LogbPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256LogbPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256MaskstorePd(mem_addr *float64, mask x86.M256i, a x86.M256d)
- func M256MaskstorePs(mem_addr *float32, mask x86.M256i, a x86.M256)
- func M256MaxPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256MaxPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256MinPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256MinPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256MovedupPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256MovehdupPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256MoveldupPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256MovemaskPd(a x86.M256d) int
- func M256MovemaskPs(a x86.M256) int
- func M256MulPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256MulPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256OrPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256OrPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Permute2f128Pd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Permute2f128Ps(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Permute2f128Si256(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256PermutePd(a x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256PermutePs(a x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256PermutevarPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256PermutevarPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256PowPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256PowPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256RcpPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256RemEpi16(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpi64(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpi8(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpu16(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpu32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpu64(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RemEpu8(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256RoundPd(a x86.M256d, rounding int) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256RoundPs(a x86.M256, rounding int) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256RsqrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Set1Epi16(a int16) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Set1Epi32(a int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Set1Epi64x(a int64) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Set1Epi8(a byte) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256Set1Pd(a float64) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256Set1Ps(a float32) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetEpi16(e15 int16, e14 int16, e13 int16, e12 int16, e11 int16, e10 int16, e9 int16, ...) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetEpi32(e7 int, e6 int, e5 int, e4 int, e3 int, e2 int, e1 int, e0 int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetEpi64x(e3 int64, e2 int64, e1 int64, e0 int64) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetEpi8(e31 byte, e30 byte, e29 byte, e28 byte, e27 byte, e26 byte, e25 byte, e24 byte, ...) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetM128(hi x86.M128, lo x86.M128) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetM128d(hi x86.M128d, lo x86.M128d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SetM128i(hi x86.M128i, lo x86.M128i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetPd(e3 float64, e2 float64, e1 float64, e0 float64) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SetPs(e7 float32, e6 float32, e5 float32, e4 float32, e3 float32, e2 float32, ...) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetrEpi16(e15 int16, e14 int16, e13 int16, e12 int16, e11 int16, e10 int16, e9 int16, ...) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetrEpi32(e7 int, e6 int, e5 int, e4 int, e3 int, e2 int, e1 int, e0 int) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetrEpi64x(e3 int64, e2 int64, e1 int64, e0 int64) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetrEpi8(e31 byte, e30 byte, e29 byte, e28 byte, e27 byte, e26 byte, e25 byte, e24 byte, ...) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetrM128(lo x86.M128, hi x86.M128) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetrM128d(lo x86.M128d, hi x86.M128d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SetrM128i(lo x86.M128i, hi x86.M128i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256SetrPd(e3 float64, e2 float64, e1 float64, e0 float64) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SetrPs(e7 float32, e6 float32, e5 float32, e4 float32, e3 float32, e2 float32, ...) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetzeroPd() (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SetzeroPs() (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SetzeroSi256() (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256ShufflePd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256ShufflePs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SinPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SinPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SincosPd(mem_addr *x86.M256d, a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SincosPs(mem_addr *x86.M256, a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SindPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SindPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SinhPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SinhPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SqrtPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SqrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256StorePd(mem_addr *float64, a x86.M256d)
- func M256StorePs(mem_addr *float32, a x86.M256)
- func M256StoreSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256i, a x86.M256i)
- func M256Storeu2M128(hiaddr *float32, loaddr *float32, a x86.M256)
- func M256Storeu2M128d(hiaddr *float64, loaddr *float64, a x86.M256d)
- func M256Storeu2M128i(hiaddr *x86.M128i, loaddr *x86.M128i, a x86.M256i)
- func M256StoreuPd(mem_addr *float64, a x86.M256d)
- func M256StoreuPs(mem_addr *float32, a x86.M256)
- func M256StoreuSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256i, a x86.M256i)
- func M256StreamPd(mem_addr *float64, a x86.M256d)
- func M256StreamPs(mem_addr *float32, a x86.M256)
- func M256StreamSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256i, a x86.M256i)
- func M256SubPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SubPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SvmlCeilPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SvmlCeilPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SvmlFloorPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SvmlFloorPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SvmlRoundPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SvmlRoundPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256SvmlSqrtPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256SvmlSqrtPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256TanPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256TanPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256TandPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256TandPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256TanhPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256TanhPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256TestcPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) int
- func M256TestcPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) int
- func M256TestcSi256(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) int
- func M256TestnzcPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) int
- func M256TestnzcPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) int
- func M256TestnzcSi256(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) int
- func M256TestzPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) int
- func M256TestzPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) int
- func M256TestzSi256(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) int
- func M256TruncPd(a x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256TruncPs(a x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256UdivEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256UdivremEpi32(mem_addr *x86.M256i, a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256UndefinedPd() (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256UndefinedPs() (dst x86.M256)
- func M256UndefinedSi256() (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256UnpackhiPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256UnpackhiPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256UnpackloPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256UnpackloPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256UremEpi32(a x86.M256i, b x86.M256i) (dst x86.M256i)
- func M256XorPd(a x86.M256d, b x86.M256d) (dst x86.M256d)
- func M256XorPs(a x86.M256, b x86.M256) (dst x86.M256)
- func M256Zeroall()
- func M256Zeroupper()
- func MaskstorePd(mem_addr *float64, mask x86.M128i, a x86.M128d)
- func MaskstorePs(mem_addr *float32, mask x86.M128i, a x86.M128)
- func PermutePd(a x86.M128d, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128d)
- func PermutePs(a x86.M128, imm8 byte) (dst x86.M128)
- func PermutevarPd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128i) (dst x86.M128d)
- func PermutevarPs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128i) (dst x86.M128)
- func TestcPd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128d) int
- func TestcPs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128) int
- func TestnzcPd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128d) int
- func TestnzcPs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128) int
- func TestzPd(a x86.M128d, b x86.M128d) int
- func TestzPs(a x86.M128, b x86.M128) int
- func UndefinedPd() (dst x86.M128d)
- func UndefinedPs() (dst x86.M128)
- func UndefinedSi128() (dst x86.M128i)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CmpPd ¶
CmpPd: Compare packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC FOR j := 0 to 1 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ( a[i+63:i] OP b[i+63:i] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF : 0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_cmp_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func CmpPs ¶
CmpPs: Compare packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ( a[i+31:i] OP b[i+31:i] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_cmp_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func CmpSd ¶
CmpSd: Compare the lower double-precision (64-bit) floating-point element in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', store the result in the lower element of 'dst', and copy the upper element from 'a' to the upper element of 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC dst[63:0] := ( a[63:0] OP b[63:0] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF : 0 dst[127:64] := a[127:64] dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPSD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_cmp_sd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func CmpSs ¶
CmpSs: Compare the lower single-precision (32-bit) floating-point element in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', store the result in the lower element of 'dst', and copy the upper 3 packed elements from 'a' to the upper elements of 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC dst[31:0] := ( a[31:0] OP b[31:0] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0 dst[127:32] := a[127:32] dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPSS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_cmp_ss'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256AcosPd ¶
M256AcosPd: Compute the inverse cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ACOS(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_acos_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AcosPs ¶
M256AcosPs: Compute the inverse cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ACOS(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_acos_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AcoshPd ¶
M256AcoshPd: Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ACOSH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_acosh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AcoshPs ¶
M256AcoshPs: Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ACOSH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_acosh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AddPd ¶
M256AddPd: Add packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] + b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VADDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_add_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AddPs ¶
M256AddPs: Add packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] + b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VADDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_add_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AddsubPd ¶
M256AddsubPd: Alternatively add and subtract packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to/from packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 IF (j is even) dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] - b[i+63:i] ELSE dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] + b[i+63:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VADDSUBPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_addsub_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AddsubPs ¶
M256AddsubPs: Alternatively add and subtract packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to/from packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 IF (j is even) dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] - b[i+31:i] ELSE dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] + b[i+31:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VADDSUBPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_addsub_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AndPd ¶
M256AndPd: Compute the bitwise AND of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := (a[i+63:i] AND b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VANDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_and_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AndPs ¶
M256AndPs: Compute the bitwise AND of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := (a[i+31:i] AND b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VANDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_and_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AndnotPd ¶
M256AndnotPd: Compute the bitwise AND NOT of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ((NOT a[i+63:i]) AND b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VANDNPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_andnot_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AndnotPs ¶
M256AndnotPs: Compute the bitwise AND NOT of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ((NOT a[i+31:i]) AND b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VANDNPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_andnot_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AsinPd ¶
M256AsinPd: Compute the inverse sine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ASIN(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_asin_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AsinPs ¶
M256AsinPs: Compute the inverse sine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ASIN(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_asin_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AsinhPd ¶
M256AsinhPd: Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ASINH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_asinh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AsinhPs ¶
M256AsinhPs: Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ASINH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_asinh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Atan2Pd ¶
M256Atan2Pd: Compute the inverse tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' divided by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst' expressed in radians.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ATAN(a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atan2_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Atan2Ps ¶
M256Atan2Ps: Compute the inverse tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' divided by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst' expressed in radians.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ATAN(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atan2_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AtanPd ¶
M256AtanPd: Compute the inverse tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ATAN(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atan_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AtanPs ¶
M256AtanPs: Compute the inverse tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ATAN(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atan_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256AtanhPd ¶
M256AtanhPd: Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ATANH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atanh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256AtanhPs ¶
M256AtanhPs: Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ATANH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_atanh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256BlendPd ¶
M256BlendPd: Blend packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' and 'b' using control mask 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 IF imm8[j%8] dst[i+63:i] := b[i+63:i] ELSE dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBLENDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_blend_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256BlendPs ¶
M256BlendPs: Blend packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' and 'b' using control mask 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 IF imm8[j%8] dst[i+31:i] := b[i+31:i] ELSE dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBLENDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_blend_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256BlendvPd ¶
M256BlendvPd: Blend packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' and 'b' using 'mask', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 IF mask[i+63] dst[i+63:i] := b[i+63:i] ELSE dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBLENDVPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_blendv_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256BlendvPs ¶
M256BlendvPs: Blend packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' and 'b' using 'mask', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 IF mask[i+31] dst[i+31:i] := b[i+31:i] ELSE dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBLENDVPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_blendv_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256BroadcastPd ¶
func M256BroadcastPd(mem_addr *x86.M128dConst) (dst x86.M256d)
M256BroadcastPd: Broadcast 128 bits from memory (composed of 2 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) to all elements of 'dst'.
tmp[127:0] = MEM[mem_addr+127:mem_addr] dst[127:0] := tmp[127:0] dst[255:128] := tmp[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBROADCASTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_broadcast_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256BroadcastPs ¶
M256BroadcastPs: Broadcast 128 bits from memory (composed of 4 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) to all elements of 'dst'.
tmp[127:0] = MEM[mem_addr+127:mem_addr] dst[127:0] := tmp[127:0] dst[255:128] := tmp[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VBROADCASTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_broadcast_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Castpd128Pd256 ¶
M256Castpd128Pd256: Casts vector of type __m128d to type __m256d; the upper 128 bits of the result are undefined. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castpd128_pd256'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castpd256Pd128 ¶
M256Castpd256Pd128: Casts vector of type __m256d to type __m128d. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castpd256_pd128'. Requires AVX.
func M256CastpdPs ¶
M256CastpdPs: Cast vector of type __m256d to type __m256.
This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any
instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castpd_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CastpdSi256 ¶
M256CastpdSi256: Casts vector of type __m256d to type __m256i. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castpd_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castps128Ps256 ¶
M256Castps128Ps256: Casts vector of type __m128 to type __m256; the upper 128 bits of the result are undefined. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castps128_ps256'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castps256Ps128 ¶
M256Castps256Ps128: Casts vector of type __m256 to type __m128. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castps256_ps128'. Requires AVX.
func M256CastpsPd ¶
M256CastpsPd: Cast vector of type __m256 to type __m256d.
This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any
instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castps_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CastpsSi256 ¶
M256CastpsSi256: Casts vector of type __m256 to type __m256i. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castps_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castsi128Si256 ¶
M256Castsi128Si256: Casts vector of type __m128i to type __m256i; the upper 128 bits of the result are undefined. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castsi128_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castsi256Pd ¶
M256Castsi256Pd: Casts vector of type __m256i to type __m256d. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castsi256_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castsi256Ps ¶
M256Castsi256Ps: Casts vector of type __m256i to type __m256. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castsi256_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Castsi256Si128 ¶
M256Castsi256Si128: Casts vector of type __m256i to type __m128i. This intrinsic is only used for compilation and does not generate any instructions, thus it has zero latency.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_castsi256_si128'. Requires AVX.
func M256CbrtPd ¶
M256CbrtPd: Compute the cube root of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := CubeRoot(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cbrt_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CbrtPs ¶
M256CbrtPs: Compute the cube root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := CubeRoot(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cbrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CdfnormPd ¶
M256CdfnormPd: Compute the cumulative distribution function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the normal distribution, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := CDFNormal(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cdfnorm_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CdfnormPs ¶
M256CdfnormPs: Compute the cumulative distribution function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the normal distribution, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := CDFNormal(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cdfnorm_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CdfnorminvPd ¶
M256CdfnorminvPd: Compute the inverse cumulative distribution function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the normal distribution, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := InverseCDFNormal(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cdfnorminv_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CdfnorminvPs ¶
M256CdfnorminvPs: Compute the inverse cumulative distribution function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the normal distribution, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := InverseCDFNormal(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cdfnorminv_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CeilPd ¶
M256CeilPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' up to an integer value, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := CEIL(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_ceil_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CeilPs ¶
M256CeilPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' up to an integer value, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := CEIL(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_ceil_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CexpPs ¶
M256CexpPs: Compute the exponential value of 'e' raised to the power of packed complex single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := e^(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cexp_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ClogPs ¶
M256ClogPs: Compute the natural logarithm of packed complex single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ln(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_clog_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CmpPd ¶
M256CmpPd: Compare packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ( a[i+63:i] OP b[i+63:i] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF : 0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cmp_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256CmpPs ¶
M256CmpPs: Compare packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b' based on the comparison operand specified by 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
CASE (imm8[7:0]) OF 0: OP := _CMP_EQ_OQ 1: OP := _CMP_LT_OS 2: OP := _CMP_LE_OS 3: OP := _CMP_UNORD_Q 4: OP := _CMP_NEQ_UQ 5: OP := _CMP_NLT_US 6: OP := _CMP_NLE_US 7: OP := _CMP_ORD_Q 8: OP := _CMP_EQ_UQ 9: OP := _CMP_NGE_US 10: OP := _CMP_NGT_US 11: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OQ 12: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OQ 13: OP := _CMP_GE_OS 14: OP := _CMP_GT_OS 15: OP := _CMP_TRUE_UQ 16: OP := _CMP_EQ_OS 17: OP := _CMP_LT_OQ 18: OP := _CMP_LE_OQ 19: OP := _CMP_UNORD_S 20: OP := _CMP_NEQ_US 21: OP := _CMP_NLT_UQ 22: OP := _CMP_NLE_UQ 23: OP := _CMP_ORD_S 24: OP := _CMP_EQ_US 25: OP := _CMP_NGE_UQ 26: OP := _CMP_NGT_UQ 27: OP := _CMP_FALSE_OS 28: OP := _CMP_NEQ_OS 29: OP := _CMP_GE_OQ 30: OP := _CMP_GT_OQ 31: OP := _CMP_TRUE_US ESAC FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ( a[i+31:i] OP b[i+31:i] ) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCMPPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cmp_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256CosPd ¶
M256CosPd: Compute the cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := COS(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cos_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CosPs ¶
M256CosPs: Compute the cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := COS(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cos_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CosdPd ¶
M256CosdPd: Compute the cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := COSD(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cosd_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CosdPs ¶
M256CosdPs: Compute the cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := COSD(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cosd_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CoshPd ¶
M256CoshPd: Compute the hyperbolic cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := COSH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cosh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CoshPs ¶
M256CoshPs: Compute the hyperbolic cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := COSH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cosh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CsqrtPs ¶
M256CsqrtPs: Compute the square root of packed complex single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SQRT(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_csqrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Cvtepi32Pd ¶
M256Cvtepi32Pd: Convert packed 32-bit integers in 'a' to packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 m := j*64 dst[m+63:m] := Convert_Int32_To_FP64(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTDQ2PD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtepi32_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Cvtepi32Ps ¶
M256Cvtepi32Ps: Convert packed 32-bit integers in 'a' to packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_Int32_To_FP32(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTDQ2PS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtepi32_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvtpdEpi32 ¶
M256CvtpdEpi32: Convert packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed 32-bit integers, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 32*j k := 64*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_FP64_To_Int32(a[k+63:k]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTPD2DQ'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtpd_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvtpdPs ¶
M256CvtpdPs: Convert packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 32*j k := 64*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_FP64_To_FP32(a[k+63:k]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTPD2PS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtpd_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvtpsEpi32 ¶
M256CvtpsEpi32: Convert packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed 32-bit integers, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_FP32_To_Int32(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTPS2DQ'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtps_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvtpsPd ¶
M256CvtpsPd: Convert packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j k := 32*j dst[i+63:i] := Convert_FP32_To_FP64(a[k+31:k]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTPS2PD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvtps_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvttpdEpi32 ¶
M256CvttpdEpi32: Convert packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed 32-bit integers with truncation, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 32*j k := 64*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_FP64_To_Int32_Truncate(a[k+63:k]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTTPD2DQ'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvttpd_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256CvttpsEpi32 ¶
M256CvttpsEpi32: Convert packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to packed 32-bit integers with truncation, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := Convert_FP32_To_Int32_Truncate(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VCVTTPS2DQ'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_cvttps_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpi16 ¶
M256DivEpi16: Divide packed 16-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 15 i := 16*j dst[i+15:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+15:i] / b[i+15:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpi32 ¶
M256DivEpi32: Divide packed 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpi64 ¶
M256DivEpi64: Divide packed 64-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j dst[i+63:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epi64'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpi8 ¶
M256DivEpi8: Divide packed 8-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 31 i := 8*j dst[i+7:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+7:i] / b[i+7:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpu16 ¶
M256DivEpu16: Divide packed unsigned 16-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 15 i := 16*j dst[i+15:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+15:i] / b[i+15:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epu16'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpu32 ¶
M256DivEpu32: Divide packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epu32'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpu64 ¶
M256DivEpu64: Divide packed unsigned 64-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j dst[i+63:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epu64'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivEpu8 ¶
M256DivEpu8: Divide packed unsigned 8-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 31 i := 8*j dst[i+7:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+7:i] / b[i+7:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_epu8'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivPd ¶
M256DivPd: Divide packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VDIVPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256DivPs ¶
M256DivPs: Divide packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VDIVPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_div_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256DpPs ¶
M256DpPs: Conditionally multiply the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b' using the high 4 bits in 'imm8', sum the four products, and conditionally store the sum in 'dst' using the low 4 bits of 'imm8'.
DP(a[127:0], b[127:0], imm8[7:0]) { FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 IF imm8[(4+j)%8] temp[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] * b[i+31:i] ELSE temp[i+31:i] := 0 FI ENDFOR sum[31:0] := (temp[127:96] + temp[95:64]) + (temp[63:32] + temp[31:0]) FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 IF imm8[j%8] tmpdst[i+31:i] := sum[31:0] ELSE tmpdst[i+31:i] := 0 FI ENDFOR RETURN tmpdst[127:0] } dst[127:0] := DP(a[127:0], b[127:0], imm8[7:0]) dst[255:128] := DP(a[255:128], b[255:128], imm8[7:0]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VDPPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_dp_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256ErfPd ¶
M256ErfPd: Compute the error function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ERF(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erf_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfPs ¶
M256ErfPs: Compute the error function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ERF(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erf_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfcPd ¶
M256ErfcPd: Compute the complementary error function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := 1.0 - ERF(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfcPs ¶
M256ErfcPs: Compute the complementary error function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := 1.0 - ERF(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfcinvPd ¶
M256ErfcinvPd: Compute the inverse complementary error function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := 1.0 / (1.0 - ERF(a[i+63:i])) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfcinv_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfcinvPs ¶
M256ErfcinvPs: Compute the inverse complementary error function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := 1.0 / (1.0 - ERF(a[i+31:i])) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfcinv_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfinvPd ¶
M256ErfinvPd: Compute the inverse error function of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := 1.0 / ERF(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfinv_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256ErfinvPs ¶
M256ErfinvPs: Compute the inverse error function of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := 1.0 / ERF(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_erfinv_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Exp10Pd ¶
M256Exp10Pd: Compute the exponential value of 10 raised to the power of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := 10^(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp10_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Exp10Ps ¶
M256Exp10Ps: Compute the exponential value of 10 raised to the power of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := 10^(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp10_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Exp2Pd ¶
M256Exp2Pd: Compute the exponential value of 2 raised to the power of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := 2^(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp2_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Exp2Ps ¶
M256Exp2Ps: Compute the exponential value of 2 raised to the power of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := 2^(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp2_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExpPd ¶
M256ExpPd: Compute the exponential value of 'e' raised to the power of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := e^(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExpPs ¶
M256ExpPs: Compute the exponential value of 'e' raised to the power of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := e^(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_exp_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Expm1Pd ¶
M256Expm1Pd: Compute the exponential value of 'e' raised to the power of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', subtract one from each element, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := e^(a[i+63:i]) - 1.0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_expm1_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Expm1Ps ¶
M256Expm1Ps: Compute the exponential value of 'e' raised to the power of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', subtract one from each element, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := e^(a[i+31:i]) - 1.0 ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_expm1_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExtractEpi16 ¶
M256ExtractEpi16: Extract a 16-bit integer from 'a', selected with 'index', and store the result in 'dst'.
dst[15:0] := (a[255:0] >> (index * 16))[15:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extract_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExtractEpi32 ¶
M256ExtractEpi32: Extract a 32-bit integer from 'a', selected with 'index', and store the result in 'dst'.
dst[31:0] := (a[255:0] >> (index * 32))[31:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extract_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExtractEpi64 ¶
M256ExtractEpi64: Extract a 64-bit integer from 'a', selected with 'index', and store the result in 'dst'.
dst[63:0] := (a[255:0] >> (index * 64))[63:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extract_epi64'. Requires AVX.
func M256ExtractEpi8 ¶
M256ExtractEpi8: Extract an 8-bit integer from 'a', selected with 'index', and store the result in 'dst'.
dst[7:0] := (a[255:0] >> (index * 8))[7:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extract_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256Extractf128Pd ¶
M256Extractf128Pd: Extract 128 bits (composed of 2 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a', selected with 'imm8', and store the result in 'dst'.
CASE imm8[7:0] of 0: dst[127:0] := a[127:0] 1: dst[127:0] := a[255:128] ESAC dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VEXTRACTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extractf128_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Extractf128Ps ¶
M256Extractf128Ps: Extract 128 bits (composed of 4 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a', selected with 'imm8', and store the result in 'dst'.
CASE imm8[7:0] of 0: dst[127:0] := a[127:0] 1: dst[127:0] := a[255:128] ESAC dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VEXTRACTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extractf128_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Extractf128Si256 ¶
M256Extractf128Si256: Extract 128 bits (composed of integer data) from 'a', selected with 'imm8', and store the result in 'dst'.
CASE imm8[7:0] of 0: dst[127:0] := a[127:0] 1: dst[127:0] := a[255:128] ESAC dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VEXTRACTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_extractf128_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256FloorPd ¶
M256FloorPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' down to an integer value, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := FLOOR(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_floor_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256FloorPs ¶
M256FloorPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' down to an integer value, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := FLOOR(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_floor_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256HaddPd ¶
M256HaddPd: Horizontally add adjacent pairs of double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and pack the results in 'dst'.
dst[63:0] := a[127:64] + a[63:0] dst[127:64] := b[127:64] + b[63:0] dst[191:128] := a[255:192] + a[191:128] dst[255:192] := b[255:192] + b[191:128] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VHADDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hadd_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256HaddPs ¶
M256HaddPs: Horizontally add adjacent pairs of single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and pack the results in 'dst'.
dst[31:0] := a[63:32] + a[31:0] dst[63:32] := a[127:96] + a[95:64] dst[95:64] := b[63:32] + b[31:0] dst[127:96] := b[127:96] + b[95:64] dst[159:128] := a[191:160] + a[159:128] dst[191:160] := a[255:224] + a[223:192] dst[223:192] := b[191:160] + b[159:128] dst[255:224] := b[255:224] + b[223:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VHADDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hadd_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256HsubPd ¶
M256HsubPd: Horizontally subtract adjacent pairs of double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and pack the results in 'dst'.
dst[63:0] := a[63:0] - a[127:64] dst[127:64] := b[63:0] - b[127:64] dst[191:128] := a[191:128] - a[255:192] dst[255:192] := b[191:128] - b[255:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VHSUBPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hsub_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256HsubPs ¶
M256HsubPs: Horizontally add adjacent pairs of single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and pack the results in 'dst'.
dst[31:0] := a[31:0] - a[63:32] dst[63:32] := a[95:64] - a[127:96] dst[95:64] := b[31:0] - b[63:32] dst[127:96] := b[95:64] - b[127:96] dst[159:128] := a[159:128] - a[191:160] dst[191:160] := a[223:192] - a[255:224] dst[223:192] := b[159:128] - b[191:160] dst[255:224] := b[223:192] - b[255:224] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VHSUBPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hsub_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256HypotPd ¶
M256HypotPd: Compute the length of the hypotenous of a right triangle, with the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle stored as packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SQRT(a[i+63:i]^2 + b[i+63:i]^2) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hypot_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256HypotPs ¶
M256HypotPs: Compute the length of the hypotenous of a right triangle, with the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle stored as packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SQRT(a[i+31:i]^2 + b[i+31:i]^2) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_hypot_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256IdivEpi32 ¶
M256IdivEpi32: Divide packed 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_idiv_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256IdivremEpi32 ¶
M256IdivremEpi32: Divide packed 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', store the truncated results in 'dst', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers into memory at 'mem_addr'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) MEM[mem_addr+i+31:mem_addr+i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_idivrem_epi32'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256InsertEpi16 ¶
M256InsertEpi16: Copy 'a' to 'dst', and insert the 16-bit integer 'i' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'index'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] sel := index*16 dst[sel+15:sel] := i[15:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insert_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256InsertEpi32 ¶
M256InsertEpi32: Copy 'a' to 'dst', and insert the 32-bit integer 'i' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'index'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] sel := index*32 dst[sel+31:sel] := i[31:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insert_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256InsertEpi64 ¶
M256InsertEpi64: Copy 'a' to 'dst', and insert the 64-bit integer 'i' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'index'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] sel := index*64 dst[sel+63:sel] := i[63:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insert_epi64'. Requires AVX.
func M256InsertEpi8 ¶
M256InsertEpi8: Copy 'a' to 'dst', and insert the 8-bit integer 'i' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'index'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] sel := index*8 dst[sel+7:sel] := i[7:0]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insert_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256Insertf128Pd ¶
M256Insertf128Pd: Copy 'a' to 'dst', then insert 128 bits (composed of 2 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'b' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'imm8'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] CASE imm8[7:0] of 0: dst[127:0] := b[127:0] 1: dst[255:128] := b[127:0] ESAC dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insertf128_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Insertf128Ps ¶
M256Insertf128Ps: Copy 'a' to 'dst', then insert 128 bits (composed of 4 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'b' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'imm8'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] CASE (imm8[1:0]) of 0: dst[127:0] := b[127:0] 1: dst[255:128] := b[127:0] ESAC dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insertf128_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Insertf128Si256 ¶
M256Insertf128Si256: Copy 'a' to 'dst', then insert 128 bits from 'b' into 'dst' at the location specified by 'imm8'.
dst[255:0] := a[255:0] CASE (imm8[1:0]) of 0: dst[127:0] := b[127:0] 1: dst[255:128] := b[127:0] ESAC dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_insertf128_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256InvcbrtPd ¶
M256InvcbrtPd: Compute the inverse cube root of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := InvCubeRoot(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_invcbrt_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256InvcbrtPs ¶
M256InvcbrtPs: Compute the inverse cube root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := InvCubeRoot(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_invcbrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256InvsqrtPd ¶
M256InvsqrtPd: Compute the inverse square root of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := InvSQRT(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_invsqrt_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256InvsqrtPs ¶
M256InvsqrtPs: Compute the inverse square root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := InvSQRT(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_invsqrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256IremEpi32 ¶
M256IremEpi32: Divide packed 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_irem_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256LddquSi256 ¶
func M256LddquSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
M256LddquSi256: Load 256-bits of integer data from unaligned memory into 'dst'. This intrinsic may perform better than '_mm256_loadu_si256' when the data crosses a cache line boundary.
dst[255:0] := MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VLDDQU'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_lddqu_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256LoadSi256 ¶
func M256LoadSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
M256LoadSi256: Load 256-bits of integer data from memory into 'dst'.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
dst[255:0] := MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVDQA'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_load_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Loadu2M128i ¶
func M256Loadu2M128i(hiaddr *x86.M128iConst, loaddr *x86.M128iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
M256Loadu2M128i: Load two 128-bit values (composed of integer data) from memory, and combine them into a 256-bit value in 'dst'.
'hiaddr' and 'loaddr' do not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. dst[127:0] := MEM[loaddr+127:loaddr] dst[255:128] := MEM[hiaddr+127:hiaddr] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_loadu2_m128i'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256LoaduSi256 ¶
func M256LoaduSi256(mem_addr *x86.M256iConst) (dst x86.M256i)
M256LoaduSi256: Load 256-bits of integer data from memory into 'dst'.
'mem_addr' does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. dst[255:0] := MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVDQU'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_loadu_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Log10Pd ¶
M256Log10Pd: Compute the base-10 logarithm of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := log10(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log10_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Log10Ps ¶
M256Log10Ps: Compute the base-10 logarithm of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := log10(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log10_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Log1pPd ¶
M256Log1pPd: Compute the natural logarithm of one plus packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ln(1.0 + a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log1p_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Log1pPs ¶
M256Log1pPs: Compute the natural logarithm of one plus packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ln(1.0 + a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log1p_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Log2Pd ¶
M256Log2Pd: Compute the base-2 logarithm of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := log2(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log2_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Log2Ps ¶
M256Log2Ps: Compute the base-2 logarithm of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := log2(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log2_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256LogPd ¶
M256LogPd: Compute the natural logarithm of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ln(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256LogPs ¶
M256LogPs: Compute the natural logarithm of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ln(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_log_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256LogbPd ¶
M256LogbPd: Convert the exponent of each packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point element in 'a' to a double-precision floating-point number representing the integer exponent, and store the results in 'dst'. This intrinsic essentially calculates 'floor(log2(x))' for each element.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ConvertExpFP64(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_logb_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256LogbPs ¶
M256LogbPs: Convert the exponent of each packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point element in 'a' to a single-precision floating-point number representing the integer exponent, and store the results in 'dst'. This intrinsic essentially calculates 'floor(log2(x))' for each element.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ConvertExpFP32(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_logb_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MaskstorePd ¶
M256MaskstorePd: Store packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' into memory using 'mask'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 IF mask[i+63] MEM[mem_addr+i+63:mem_addr+i] := a[i+63:i] FI ENDFOR
Instruction: 'VMASKMOVPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_maskstore_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256MaskstorePs ¶
M256MaskstorePs: Store packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' into memory using 'mask'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 IF mask[i+31] MEM[mem_addr+i+31:mem_addr+i] := a[i+31:i] FI ENDFOR
Instruction: 'VMASKMOVPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_maskstore_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256MaxPd ¶
M256MaxPd: Compare packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store packed maximum values in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := MAX(a[i+63:i], b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMAXPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_max_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256MaxPs ¶
M256MaxPs: Compare packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store packed maximum values in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := MAX(a[i+31:i], b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMAXPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_max_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MinPd ¶
M256MinPd: Compare packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store packed minimum values in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := MIN(a[i+63:i], b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMINPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_min_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256MinPs ¶
M256MinPs: Compare packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store packed minimum values in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := MIN(a[i+31:i], b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMINPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_min_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MovedupPd ¶
M256MovedupPd: Duplicate even-indexed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
dst[63:0] := a[63:0] dst[127:64] := a[63:0] dst[191:128] := a[191:128] dst[255:192] := a[191:128] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVDDUP'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_movedup_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256MovehdupPs ¶
M256MovehdupPs: Duplicate odd-indexed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
dst[31:0] := a[63:32] dst[63:32] := a[63:32] dst[95:64] := a[127:96] dst[127:96] := a[127:96] dst[159:128] := a[191:160] dst[191:160] := a[191:160] dst[223:192] := a[255:224] dst[255:224] := a[255:224] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVSHDUP'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_movehdup_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MoveldupPs ¶
M256MoveldupPs: Duplicate even-indexed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
dst[31:0] := a[31:0] dst[63:32] := a[31:0] dst[95:64] := a[95:64] dst[127:96] := a[95:64] dst[159:128] := a[159:128] dst[191:160] := a[159:128] dst[223:192] := a[223:192] dst[255:224] := a[223:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVSLDUP'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_moveldup_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MovemaskPd ¶
M256MovemaskPd: Set each bit of mask 'dst' based on the most significant bit of the corresponding packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point element in 'a'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 IF a[i+63] dst[j] := 1 ELSE dst[j] := 0 FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:4] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVMSKPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_movemask_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256MovemaskPs ¶
M256MovemaskPs: Set each bit of mask 'dst' based on the most significant bit of the corresponding packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point element in 'a'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 IF a[i+31] dst[j] := 1 ELSE dst[j] := 0 FI ENDFOR dst[MAX:8] := 0
Instruction: 'VMOVMSKPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_movemask_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256MulPd ¶
M256MulPd: Multiply packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] * b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMULPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_mul_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256MulPs ¶
M256MulPs: Multiply packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] * b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VMULPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_mul_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256OrPd ¶
M256OrPd: Compute the bitwise OR of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] BITWISE OR b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VORPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_or_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256OrPs ¶
M256OrPs: Compute the bitwise OR of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] BITWISE OR b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VORPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_or_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Permute2f128Pd ¶
M256Permute2f128Pd: Shuffle 128-bits (composed of 2 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) selected by 'imm8' from 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src1, src2, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[127:0] := src1[127:0] 1: tmp[127:0] := src1[255:128] 2: tmp[127:0] := src2[127:0] 3: tmp[127:0] := src2[255:128] ESAC IF control[3] tmp[127:0] := 0 FI RETURN tmp[127:0] } dst[127:0] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[3:0]) dst[255:128] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[7:4]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERM2F128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permute2f128_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Permute2f128Ps ¶
M256Permute2f128Ps: Shuffle 128-bits (composed of 4 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) selected by 'imm8' from 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src1, src2, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[127:0] := src1[127:0] 1: tmp[127:0] := src1[255:128] 2: tmp[127:0] := src2[127:0] 3: tmp[127:0] := src2[255:128] ESAC IF control[3] tmp[127:0] := 0 FI RETURN tmp[127:0] } dst[127:0] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[3:0]) dst[255:128] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[7:4]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERM2F128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permute2f128_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256Permute2f128Si256 ¶
M256Permute2f128Si256: Shuffle 128-bits (composed of integer data) selected by 'imm8' from 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src1, src2, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[127:0] := src1[127:0] 1: tmp[127:0] := src1[255:128] 2: tmp[127:0] := src2[127:0] 3: tmp[127:0] := src2[255:128] ESAC IF control[3] tmp[127:0] := 0 FI RETURN tmp[127:0] } dst[127:0] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[3:0]) dst[255:128] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[7:4]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERM2F128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permute2f128_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256PermutePd ¶
M256PermutePd: Shuffle double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
IF (imm8[0] == 0) dst[63:0] := a[63:0] IF (imm8[0] == 1) dst[63:0] := a[127:64] IF (imm8[1] == 0) dst[127:64] := a[63:0] IF (imm8[1] == 1) dst[127:64] := a[127:64] IF (imm8[2] == 0) dst[191:128] := a[191:128] IF (imm8[2] == 1) dst[191:128] := a[255:192] IF (imm8[3] == 0) dst[255:192] := a[191:128] IF (imm8[3] == 1) dst[255:192] := a[255:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permute_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256PermutePs ¶
M256PermutePs: Shuffle single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[31:0] := src[31:0] 1: tmp[31:0] := src[63:32] 2: tmp[31:0] := src[95:64] 3: tmp[31:0] := src[127:96] ESAC RETURN tmp[31:0] } dst[31:0] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[1:0]) dst[63:32] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[3:2]) dst[95:64] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[5:4]) dst[127:96] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[7:6]) dst[159:128] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[1:0]) dst[191:160] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[3:2]) dst[223:192] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[5:4]) dst[255:224] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[7:6]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permute_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256PermutevarPd ¶
M256PermutevarPd: Shuffle double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
IF (b[1] == 0) dst[63:0] := a[63:0] IF (b[1] == 1) dst[63:0] := a[127:64] IF (b[65] == 0) dst[127:64] := a[63:0] IF (b[65] == 1) dst[127:64] := a[127:64] IF (b[129] == 0) dst[191:128] := a[191:128] IF (b[129] == 1) dst[191:128] := a[255:192] IF (b[193] == 0) dst[255:192] := a[191:128] IF (b[193] == 1) dst[255:192] := a[255:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permutevar_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256PermutevarPs ¶
M256PermutevarPs: Shuffle single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[31:0] := src[31:0] 1: tmp[31:0] := src[63:32] 2: tmp[31:0] := src[95:64] 3: tmp[31:0] := src[127:96] ESAC RETURN tmp[31:0] } dst[31:0] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[1:0]) dst[63:32] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[33:32]) dst[95:64] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[65:64]) dst[127:96] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[97:96]) dst[159:128] := SELECT4(a[255:128], b[129:128]) dst[191:160] := SELECT4(a[255:128], b[161:160]) dst[223:192] := SELECT4(a[255:128], b[193:192]) dst[255:224] := SELECT4(a[255:128], b[225:224]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_permutevar_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256PowPd ¶
M256PowPd: Compute the exponential value of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' raised by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := (a[i+63:i])^(b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_pow_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256PowPs ¶
M256PowPs: Compute the exponential value of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' raised by packed elements in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := (a[i+31:i])^(b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_pow_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256RcpPs ¶
M256RcpPs: Compute the approximate reciprocal of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'. The maximum relative error for this approximation is less than 1.5*2^-12.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := APPROXIMATE(1.0/a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VRCPPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rcp_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpi16 ¶
M256RemEpi16: Divide packed 16-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 15 i := 16*j dst[i+15:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+15:i] / b[i+15:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpi32 ¶
M256RemEpi32: Divide packed 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpi64 ¶
M256RemEpi64: Divide packed 64-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j dst[i+63:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epi64'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpi8 ¶
M256RemEpi8: Divide packed 8-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 31 i := 8*j dst[i+7:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+7:i] / b[i+7:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpu16 ¶
M256RemEpu16: Divide packed unsigned 16-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 15 i := 16*j dst[i+15:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+15:i] / b[i+15:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epu16'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpu32 ¶
M256RemEpu32: Divide packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epu32'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpu64 ¶
M256RemEpu64: Divide packed unsigned 64-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := 64*j dst[i+63:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+63:i] / b[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epu64'. Requires AVX.
func M256RemEpu8 ¶
M256RemEpu8: Divide packed unsigned 8-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 31 i := 8*j dst[i+7:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+7:i] / b[i+7:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rem_epu8'. Requires AVX.
func M256RoundPd ¶
M256RoundPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the 'rounding' parameter, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
Rounding is done according to the 'rounding' parameter, which can be one
(_MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round to nearest, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round down, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round up, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // truncate, and suppress exceptions _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION // use MXCSR.RC; see _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ROUND(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_round_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256RoundPs ¶
M256RoundPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the 'rounding' parameter, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'.
Rounding is done according to the 'rounding' parameter, which can be one
(_MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round to nearest, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round down, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // round up, and suppress exceptions (_MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO |_MM_FROUND_NO_EXC) // truncate, and suppress exceptions _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION // use MXCSR.RC; see _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ROUND(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VROUNDPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_round_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256RsqrtPs ¶
M256RsqrtPs: Compute the approximate reciprocal square root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'. The maximum relative error for this approximation is less than 1.5*2^-12.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := APPROXIMATE(1.0 / SQRT(a[i+31:i])) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VRSQRTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_rsqrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Epi16 ¶
M256Set1Epi16: Broadcast 16-bit integer 'a' to all all elements of 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'vpbroadcastw'.
FOR j := 0 to 15 i := j*16 dst[i+15:i] := a[15:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Epi32 ¶
M256Set1Epi32: Broadcast 32-bit integer 'a' to all elements of 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'vpbroadcastd'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[31:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Epi64x ¶
M256Set1Epi64x: Broadcast 64-bit integer 'a' to all elements of 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'vpbroadcastq'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[63:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_epi64x'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Epi8 ¶
M256Set1Epi8: Broadcast 8-bit integer 'a' to all elements of 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'vpbroadcastb'.
FOR j := 0 to 31 i := j*8 dst[i+7:i] := a[7:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Pd ¶
M256Set1Pd: Broadcast double-precision (64-bit) floating-point value 'a' to all elements of 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[63:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256Set1Ps ¶
M256Set1Ps: Broadcast single-precision (32-bit) floating-point value 'a' to all elements of 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[31:0] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set1_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetEpi16 ¶
func M256SetEpi16(e15 int16, e14 int16, e13 int16, e12 int16, e11 int16, e10 int16, e9 int16, e8 int16, e7 int16, e6 int16, e5 int16, e4 int16, e3 int16, e2 int16, e1 int16, e0 int16) (dst x86.M256i)
M256SetEpi16: Set packed 16-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[15:0] := e0 dst[31:16] := e1 dst[47:32] := e2 dst[63:48] := e3 dst[79:64] := e4 dst[95:80] := e5 dst[111:96] := e6 dst[127:112] := e7 dst[145:128] := e8 dst[159:144] := e9 dst[175:160] := e10 dst[191:176] := e11 dst[207:192] := e12 dst[223:208] := e13 dst[239:224] := e14 dst[255:240] := e15 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetEpi32 ¶
M256SetEpi32: Set packed 32-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[31:0] := e0 dst[63:32] := e1 dst[95:64] := e2 dst[127:96] := e3 dst[159:128] := e4 dst[191:160] := e5 dst[223:192] := e6 dst[255:224] := e7 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetEpi64x ¶
M256SetEpi64x: Set packed 64-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[63:0] := e0 dst[127:64] := e1 dst[191:128] := e2 dst[255:192] := e3 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_epi64x'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetEpi8 ¶
func M256SetEpi8(e31 byte, e30 byte, e29 byte, e28 byte, e27 byte, e26 byte, e25 byte, e24 byte, e23 byte, e22 byte, e21 byte, e20 byte, e19 byte, e18 byte, e17 byte, e16 byte, e15 byte, e14 byte, e13 byte, e12 byte, e11 byte, e10 byte, e9 byte, e8 byte, e7 byte, e6 byte, e5 byte, e4 byte, e3 byte, e2 byte, e1 byte, e0 byte) (dst x86.M256i)
M256SetEpi8: Set packed 8-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[7:0] := e0 dst[15:8] := e1 dst[23:16] := e2 dst[31:24] := e3 dst[39:32] := e4 dst[47:40] := e5 dst[55:48] := e6 dst[63:56] := e7 dst[71:64] := e8 dst[79:72] := e9 dst[87:80] := e10 dst[95:88] := e11 dst[103:96] := e12 dst[111:104] := e13 dst[119:112] := e14 dst[127:120] := e15 dst[135:128] := e16 dst[143:136] := e17 dst[151:144] := e18 dst[159:152] := e19 dst[167:160] := e20 dst[175:168] := e21 dst[183:176] := e22 dst[191:184] := e23 dst[199:192] := e24 dst[207:200] := e25 dst[215:208] := e26 dst[223:216] := e27 dst[231:224] := e28 dst[239:232] := e29 dst[247:240] := e30 dst[255:248] := e31 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetM128 ¶
M256SetM128: Set packed __m256 vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_m128'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetM128d ¶
M256SetM128d: Set packed __m256d vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_m128d'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetM128i ¶
M256SetM128i: Set packed __m256i vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_m128i'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetPd ¶
M256SetPd: Set packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[63:0] := e0 dst[127:64] := e1 dst[191:128] := e2 dst[255:192] := e3 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetPs ¶
func M256SetPs(e7 float32, e6 float32, e5 float32, e4 float32, e3 float32, e2 float32, e1 float32, e0 float32) (dst x86.M256)
M256SetPs: Set packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[31:0] := e0 dst[63:32] := e1 dst[95:64] := e2 dst[127:96] := e3 dst[159:128] := e4 dst[191:160] := e5 dst[223:192] := e6 dst[255:224] := e7 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_set_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrEpi16 ¶
func M256SetrEpi16(e15 int16, e14 int16, e13 int16, e12 int16, e11 int16, e10 int16, e9 int16, e8 int16, e7 int16, e6 int16, e5 int16, e4 int16, e3 int16, e2 int16, e1 int16, e0 int16) (dst x86.M256i)
M256SetrEpi16: Set packed 16-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[15:0] := e15 dst[31:16] := e14 dst[47:32] := e13 dst[63:48] := e12 dst[79:64] := e11 dst[95:80] := e10 dst[111:96] := e9 dst[127:112] := e8 dst[145:128] := e7 dst[159:144] := e6 dst[175:160] := e5 dst[191:176] := e4 dst[207:192] := e3 dst[223:208] := e2 dst[239:224] := e1 dst[255:240] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_epi16'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrEpi32 ¶
M256SetrEpi32: Set packed 32-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[31:0] := e7 dst[63:32] := e6 dst[95:64] := e5 dst[127:96] := e4 dst[159:128] := e3 dst[191:160] := e2 dst[223:192] := e1 dst[255:224] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrEpi64x ¶
M256SetrEpi64x: Set packed 64-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[63:0] := e3 dst[127:64] := e2 dst[191:128] := e1 dst[255:192] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_epi64x'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrEpi8 ¶
func M256SetrEpi8(e31 byte, e30 byte, e29 byte, e28 byte, e27 byte, e26 byte, e25 byte, e24 byte, e23 byte, e22 byte, e21 byte, e20 byte, e19 byte, e18 byte, e17 byte, e16 byte, e15 byte, e14 byte, e13 byte, e12 byte, e11 byte, e10 byte, e9 byte, e8 byte, e7 byte, e6 byte, e5 byte, e4 byte, e3 byte, e2 byte, e1 byte, e0 byte) (dst x86.M256i)
M256SetrEpi8: Set packed 8-bit integers in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[7:0] := e31 dst[15:8] := e30 dst[23:16] := e29 dst[31:24] := e28 dst[39:32] := e27 dst[47:40] := e26 dst[55:48] := e25 dst[63:56] := e24 dst[71:64] := e23 dst[79:72] := e22 dst[87:80] := e21 dst[95:88] := e20 dst[103:96] := e19 dst[111:104] := e18 dst[119:112] := e17 dst[127:120] := e16 dst[135:128] := e15 dst[143:136] := e14 dst[151:144] := e13 dst[159:152] := e12 dst[167:160] := e11 dst[175:168] := e10 dst[183:176] := e9 dst[191:184] := e8 dst[199:192] := e7 dst[207:200] := e6 dst[215:208] := e5 dst[223:216] := e4 dst[231:224] := e3 dst[239:232] := e2 dst[247:240] := e1 dst[255:248] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_epi8'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrM128 ¶
M256SetrM128: Set packed __m256 vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_m128'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrM128d ¶
M256SetrM128d: Set packed __m256d vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_m128d'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrM128i ¶
M256SetrM128i: Set packed __m256i vector 'dst' with the supplied values.
dst[127:0] := lo[127:0] dst[255:128] := hi[127:0] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VINSERTF128'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_m128i'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrPd ¶
M256SetrPd: Set packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[63:0] := e3 dst[127:64] := e2 dst[191:128] := e1 dst[255:192] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetrPs ¶
func M256SetrPs(e7 float32, e6 float32, e5 float32, e4 float32, e3 float32, e2 float32, e1 float32, e0 float32) (dst x86.M256)
M256SetrPs: Set packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'dst' with the supplied values in reverse order.
dst[31:0] := e7 dst[63:32] := e6 dst[95:64] := e5 dst[127:96] := e4 dst[159:128] := e3 dst[191:160] := e2 dst[223:192] := e1 dst[255:224] := e0 dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setr_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetzeroPd ¶
M256SetzeroPd: Return vector of type __m256d with all elements set to zero.
dst[MAX:0] := 0
Instruction: 'VXORPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setzero_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetzeroPs ¶
M256SetzeroPs: Return vector of type __m256 with all elements set to zero.
dst[MAX:0] := 0
Instruction: 'VXORPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setzero_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SetzeroSi256 ¶
M256SetzeroSi256: Return vector of type __m256i with all elements set to zero.
dst[MAX:0] := 0
Instruction: 'VPXOR'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_setzero_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256ShufflePd ¶
M256ShufflePd: Shuffle double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
dst[63:0] := (imm8[0] == 0) ? a[63:0] : a[127:64] dst[127:64] := (imm8[1] == 0) ? b[63:0] : b[127:64] dst[191:128] := (imm8[2] == 0) ? a[191:128] : a[255:192] dst[255:192] := (imm8[3] == 0) ? b[191:128] : b[255:192] dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSHUFPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_shuffle_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256ShufflePs ¶
M256ShufflePs: Shuffle single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' within 128-bit lanes using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[31:0] := src[31:0] 1: tmp[31:0] := src[63:32] 2: tmp[31:0] := src[95:64] 3: tmp[31:0] := src[127:96] ESAC RETURN tmp[31:0] } dst[31:0] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[1:0]) dst[63:32] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[3:2]) dst[95:64] := SELECT4(b[127:0], imm8[5:4]) dst[127:96] := SELECT4(b[127:0], imm8[7:6]) dst[159:128] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[1:0]) dst[191:160] := SELECT4(a[255:128], imm8[3:2]) dst[223:192] := SELECT4(b[255:128], imm8[5:4]) dst[255:224] := SELECT4(b[255:128], imm8[7:6]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSHUFPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_shuffle_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func M256SinPd ¶
M256SinPd: Compute the sine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SIN(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sin_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SinPs ¶
M256SinPs: Compute the sine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SIN(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sin_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SincosPd ¶
M256SincosPd: Compute the sine and cosine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, store the sine in 'dst', and store the cosine into memory at 'mem_addr'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SIN(a[i+63:i]) MEM[mem_addr+i+63:mem_addr+i] := COS(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sincos_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256SincosPs ¶
M256SincosPs: Compute the sine and cosine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, store the sine in 'dst', and store the cosine into memory at 'mem_addr'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SIN(a[i+31:i]) MEM[mem_addr+i+31:mem_addr+i] := COS(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sincos_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256SindPd ¶
M256SindPd: Compute the sine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SIND(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sind_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SindPs ¶
M256SindPs: Compute the sine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SIND(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sind_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SinhPd ¶
M256SinhPd: Compute the hyperbolic sine of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SINH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sinh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SinhPs ¶
M256SinhPs: Compute the hyperbolic sine of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SINH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sinh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SqrtPd ¶
M256SqrtPd: Compute the square root of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SQRT(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSQRTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sqrt_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SqrtPs ¶
M256SqrtPs: Compute the square root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SQRT(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSQRTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sqrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256StorePd ¶
M256StorePd: Store 256-bits (composed of 4 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVAPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_store_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StorePs ¶
M256StorePs: Store 256-bits (composed of 8 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVAPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_store_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StoreSi256 ¶
M256StoreSi256: Store 256-bits of integer data from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVDQA'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_store_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Storeu2M128 ¶
M256Storeu2M128: Store the high and low 128-bit halves (each composed of 4 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory two different 128-bit locations.
'hiaddr' and 'loaddr' do not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[loaddr+127:loaddr] := a[127:0] MEM[hiaddr+127:hiaddr] := a[255:128]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu2_m128'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Storeu2M128d ¶
M256Storeu2M128d: Store the high and low 128-bit halves (each composed of 2 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory two different 128-bit locations.
'hiaddr' and 'loaddr' do not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[loaddr+127:loaddr] := a[127:0] MEM[hiaddr+127:hiaddr] := a[255:128]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu2_m128d'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256Storeu2M128i ¶
M256Storeu2M128i: Store the high and low 128-bit halves (each composed of integer data) from 'a' into memory two different 128-bit locations.
'hiaddr' and 'loaddr' do not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[loaddr+127:loaddr] := a[127:0] MEM[hiaddr+127:hiaddr] := a[255:128]
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu2_m128i'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StoreuPd ¶
M256StoreuPd: Store 256-bits (composed of 4 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVUPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StoreuPs ¶
M256StoreuPs: Store 256-bits (composed of 8 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVUPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StoreuSi256 ¶
M256StoreuSi256: Store 256-bits of integer data from 'a' into memory.
'mem_addr' does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary. MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVDQU'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_storeu_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StreamPd ¶
M256StreamPd: Store 256-bits (composed of 4 packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory using a non-temporal memory hint.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVNTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_stream_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StreamPs ¶
M256StreamPs: Store 256-bits (composed of 8 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from 'a' into memory using a non-temporal memory hint.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVNTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_stream_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256StreamSi256 ¶
M256StreamSi256: Store 256-bits of integer data from 'a' into memory using a non-temporal memory hint.
'mem_addr' must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection
exception may be generated.
MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr] := a[255:0]
Instruction: 'VMOVNTDQ'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_stream_si256'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256SubPd ¶
M256SubPd: Subtract packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'b' from packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] - b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSUBPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sub_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SubPs ¶
M256SubPs: Subtract packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'b' from packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] - b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VSUBPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_sub_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlCeilPd ¶
M256SvmlCeilPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' up to an integer value, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundpd'/'vroundpd' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := CEIL(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_ceil_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlCeilPs ¶
M256SvmlCeilPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' up to an integer value, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundps'/'vroundps' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := CEIL(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_ceil_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlFloorPd ¶
M256SvmlFloorPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' down to an integer value, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundpd'/'vroundpd' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := FLOOR(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_floor_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlFloorPs ¶
M256SvmlFloorPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' down to an integer value, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundps'/'vroundps' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := FLOOR(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_floor_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlRoundPd ¶
M256SvmlRoundPd: Round the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to the nearest integer value, and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundpd'/'vroundpd' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := ROUND(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_round_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlRoundPs ¶
M256SvmlRoundPs: Round the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' to the nearest integer value, and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundps'/'vroundps' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := ROUND(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_round_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlSqrtPd ¶
M256SvmlSqrtPd: Compute the square root of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'. Note that this intrinsic is less efficient than '_mm_sqrt_pd'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := SQRT(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_sqrt_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256SvmlSqrtPs ¶
M256SvmlSqrtPs: Compute the square root of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results in 'dst'. Note that this intrinsic is less efficient than '_mm_sqrt_ps'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := SQRT(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_svml_sqrt_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TanPd ¶
M256TanPd: Compute the tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := TAN(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tan_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TanPs ¶
M256TanPs: Compute the tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := TAN(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tan_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TandPd ¶
M256TandPd: Compute the tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := TAND(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tand_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TandPs ¶
M256TandPs: Compute the tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in degrees, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := TAND(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tand_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TanhPd ¶
M256TanhPd: Compute the hyperbolic tangent of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := TANH(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tanh_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TanhPs ¶
M256TanhPs: Compute the hyperbolic tangent of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' expressed in radians, and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := TANH(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_tanh_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestcPd ¶
M256TestcPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'CF' value.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN CF
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestcPs ¶
M256TestcPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'CF' value.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN CF
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestcSi256 ¶
M256TestcSi256: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing integer data) in 'a' and 'b', and set 'ZF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', and set 'CF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'CF' value.
IF (a[255:0] AND b[255:0] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI IF (a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN CF
Instruction: 'VPTEST'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testc_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestnzcPd ¶
M256TestnzcPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return 1 if both the 'ZF' and 'CF' values are zero, otherwise return 0.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI IF (ZF == 0 && CF == 0) RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 FI
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testnzc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestnzcPs ¶
M256TestnzcPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return 1 if both the 'ZF' and 'CF' values are zero, otherwise return 0.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI IF (ZF == 0 && CF == 0) RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 FI
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testnzc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestnzcSi256 ¶
M256TestnzcSi256: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing integer data) in 'a' and 'b', and set 'ZF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', and set 'CF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return 1 if both the 'ZF' and 'CF' values are zero, otherwise return 0.
IF (a[255:0] AND b[255:0] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI IF (a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI IF (ZF == 0 && CF == 0) RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 FI
Instruction: 'VPTEST'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testnzc_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestzPd ¶
M256TestzPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'ZF' value.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == tmp[191] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN ZF
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testz_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestzPs ¶
M256TestzPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 256-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'ZF' value.
tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[255:0] := a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == tmp[159] == tmp[191] == tmp[223] == tmp[255] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN ZF
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testz_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256TestzSi256 ¶
M256TestzSi256: Compute the bitwise AND of 256 bits (representing integer data) in 'a' and 'b', and set 'ZF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', and set 'CF' to 1 if the result is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'ZF' value.
IF (a[255:0] AND b[255:0] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI IF (a[255:0] AND NOT b[255:0] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN ZF
Instruction: 'VPTEST'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_testz_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256TruncPd ¶
M256TruncPd: Truncate the packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results as packed double-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundpd'/'vroundpd' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+63:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_trunc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256TruncPs ¶
M256TruncPs: Truncate the packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a', and store the results as packed single-precision floating-point elements in 'dst'. This intrinsic may generate the 'roundps'/'vroundps' instruction.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_trunc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256UdivEpi32 ¶
M256UdivEpi32: Divide packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the truncated results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_udiv_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256UdivremEpi32 ¶
M256UdivremEpi32: Divide packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', store the truncated results in 'dst', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers into memory at 'mem_addr'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := TRUNCATE(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) MEM[mem_addr+i+31:mem_addr+i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_udivrem_epi32'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func M256UndefinedPd ¶
M256UndefinedPd: Return vector of type __m256d with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_undefined_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256UndefinedPs ¶
M256UndefinedPs: Return vector of type __m256 with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_undefined_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256UndefinedSi256 ¶
M256UndefinedSi256: Return vector of type __m256i with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm256_undefined_si256'. Requires AVX.
func M256UnpackhiPd ¶
M256UnpackhiPd: Unpack and interleave double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from the high half of each 128-bit lane in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
INTERLEAVE_HIGH_QWORDS(src1[127:0], src2[127:0]){ dst[63:0] := src1[127:64] dst[127:64] := src2[127:64] RETURN dst[127:0] } dst[127:0] := INTERLEAVE_HIGH_QWORDS(a[127:0], b[127:0]) dst[255:128] := INTERLEAVE_HIGH_QWORDS(a[255:128], b[255:128]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VUNPCKHPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_unpackhi_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256UnpackhiPs ¶
M256UnpackhiPs: Unpack and interleave single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from the high half of each 128-bit lane in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
INTERLEAVE_HIGH_DWORDS(src1[127:0], src2[127:0]){ dst[31:0] := src1[95:64] dst[63:32] := src2[95:64] dst[95:64] := src1[127:96] dst[127:96] := src2[127:96] RETURN dst[127:0] } dst[127:0] := INTERLEAVE_HIGH_DWORDS(a[127:0], b[127:0]) dst[255:128] := INTERLEAVE_HIGH_DWORDS(a[255:128], b[255:128]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VUNPCKHPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_unpackhi_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256UnpackloPd ¶
M256UnpackloPd: Unpack and interleave double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from the low half of each 128-bit lane in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
INTERLEAVE_QWORDS(src1[127:0], src2[127:0]){ dst[63:0] := src1[63:0] dst[127:64] := src2[63:0] RETURN dst[127:0] } dst[127:0] := INTERLEAVE_QWORDS(a[127:0], b[127:0]) dst[255:128] := INTERLEAVE_QWORDS(a[255:128], b[255:128]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VUNPCKLPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_unpacklo_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256UnpackloPs ¶
M256UnpackloPs: Unpack and interleave single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from the low half of each 128-bit lane in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
INTERLEAVE_DWORDS(src1[127:0], src2[127:0]){ dst[31:0] := src1[31:0] dst[63:32] := src2[31:0] dst[95:64] := src1[63:32] dst[127:96] := src2[63:32] RETURN dst[127:0] } dst[127:0] := INTERLEAVE_DWORDS(a[127:0], b[127:0]) dst[255:128] := INTERLEAVE_DWORDS(a[255:128], b[255:128]) dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VUNPCKLPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_unpacklo_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256UremEpi32 ¶
M256UremEpi32: Divide packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'a' by packed elements in 'b', and store the remainders as packed unsigned 32-bit integers in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := 32*j dst[i+31:i] := REMAINDER(a[i+31:i] / b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: '...'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_urem_epi32'. Requires AVX.
func M256XorPd ¶
M256XorPd: Compute the bitwise XOR of packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*64 dst[i+63:i] := a[i+63:i] XOR b[i+63:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VXORPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_xor_pd'. Requires AVX.
func M256XorPs ¶
M256XorPs: Compute the bitwise XOR of packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' and 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
FOR j := 0 to 7 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] XOR b[i+31:i] ENDFOR dst[MAX:256] := 0
Instruction: 'VXORPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_xor_ps'. Requires AVX.
func M256Zeroall ¶
func M256Zeroall()
M256Zeroall: Zero the contents of all XMM or YMM registers.
YMM0[MAX:0] := 0 YMM1[MAX:0] := 0 YMM2[MAX:0] := 0 YMM3[MAX:0] := 0 YMM4[MAX:0] := 0 YMM5[MAX:0] := 0 YMM6[MAX:0] := 0 YMM7[MAX:0] := 0 IF 64-bit mode YMM8[MAX:0] := 0 YMM9[MAX:0] := 0 YMM10[MAX:0] := 0 YMM11[MAX:0] := 0 YMM12[MAX:0] := 0 YMM13[MAX:0] := 0 YMM14[MAX:0] := 0 YMM15[MAX:0] := 0 FI
Instruction: 'VZEROALL'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_zeroall'. Requires AVX.
func M256Zeroupper ¶
func M256Zeroupper()
M256Zeroupper: Zero the upper 128 bits of all YMM registers; the lower 128-bits of the registers are unmodified.
YMM0[MAX:128] := 0 YMM1[MAX:128] := 0 YMM2[MAX:128] := 0 YMM3[MAX:128] := 0 YMM4[MAX:128] := 0 YMM5[MAX:128] := 0 YMM6[MAX:128] := 0 YMM7[MAX:128] := 0 IF 64-bit mode YMM8[MAX:128] := 0 YMM9[MAX:128] := 0 YMM10[MAX:128] := 0 YMM11[MAX:128] := 0 YMM12[MAX:128] := 0 YMM13[MAX:128] := 0 YMM14[MAX:128] := 0 YMM15[MAX:128] := 0 FI
Instruction: 'VZEROUPPER'. Intrinsic: '_mm256_zeroupper'. Requires AVX.
func MaskstorePd ¶
MaskstorePd: Store packed double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' into memory using 'mask'.
FOR j := 0 to 1 i := j*64 IF mask[i+63] MEM[mem_addr+i+63:mem_addr+i] := a[i+63:i] FI ENDFOR
Instruction: 'VMASKMOVPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_maskstore_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func MaskstorePs ¶
MaskstorePs: Store packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements from 'a' into memory using 'mask'.
FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 IF mask[i+31] MEM[mem_addr+i+31:mem_addr+i] := a[i+31:i] FI ENDFOR
Instruction: 'VMASKMOVPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_maskstore_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Will likely need to be reworked (has pointer parameter).
func PermutePd ¶
PermutePd: Shuffle double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
IF (imm8[0] == 0) dst[63:0] := a[63:0] IF (imm8[0] == 1) dst[63:0] := a[127:64] IF (imm8[1] == 0) dst[127:64] := a[63:0] IF (imm8[1] == 1) dst[127:64] := a[127:64] dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_permute_pd'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func PermutePs ¶
PermutePs: Shuffle single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the control in 'imm8', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[31:0] := src[31:0] 1: tmp[31:0] := src[63:32] 2: tmp[31:0] := src[95:64] 3: tmp[31:0] := src[127:96] ESAC RETURN tmp[31:0] } dst[31:0] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[1:0]) dst[63:32] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[3:2]) dst[95:64] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[5:4]) dst[127:96] := SELECT4(a[127:0], imm8[7:6]) dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_permute_ps'. Requires AVX.
FIXME: Requires compiler support (has immediate)
func PermutevarPd ¶
PermutevarPd: Shuffle double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the control in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
IF (b[1] == 0) dst[63:0] := a[63:0] IF (b[1] == 1) dst[63:0] := a[127:64] IF (b[65] == 0) dst[127:64] := a[63:0] IF (b[65] == 1) dst[127:64] := a[127:64] dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_permutevar_pd'. Requires AVX.
func PermutevarPs ¶
PermutevarPs: Shuffle single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in 'a' using the control in 'b', and store the results in 'dst'.
SELECT4(src, control){ CASE(control[1:0]) 0: tmp[31:0] := src[31:0] 1: tmp[31:0] := src[63:32] 2: tmp[31:0] := src[95:64] 3: tmp[31:0] := src[127:96] ESAC RETURN tmp[31:0] } dst[31:0] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[1:0]) dst[63:32] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[33:32]) dst[95:64] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[65:64]) dst[127:96] := SELECT4(a[127:0], b[97:96]) dst[MAX:128] := 0
Instruction: 'VPERMILPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_permutevar_ps'. Requires AVX.
func TestcPd ¶
TestcPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'CF' value.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN CF
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func TestcPs ¶
TestcPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'CF' value.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN CF
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func TestnzcPd ¶
TestnzcPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return 1 if both the 'ZF' and 'CF' values are zero, otherwise return 0.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI IF (ZF == 0 && CF == 0) RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 FI
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testnzc_pd'. Requires AVX.
func TestnzcPs ¶
TestnzcPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return 1 if both the 'ZF' and 'CF' values are zero, otherwise return 0.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI IF (ZF == 0 && CF == 0) RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 FI
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testnzc_ps'. Requires AVX.
func TestzPd ¶
TestzPd: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing double-precision (64-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 64-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'ZF' value.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[63] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN ZF
Instruction: 'VTESTPD'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testz_pd'. Requires AVX.
func TestzPs ¶
TestzPs: Compute the bitwise AND of 128 bits (representing single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) in 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate 128-bit value, and set 'ZF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'ZF' to 0. Compute the bitwise AND NOT of 'a' and 'b', producing an intermediate value, and set 'CF' to 1 if the sign bit of each 32-bit element in the intermediate value is zero, otherwise set 'CF' to 0. Return the 'ZF' value.
tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) ZF := 1 ELSE ZF := 0 FI tmp[127:0] := a[127:0] AND NOT b[127:0] IF (tmp[31] == tmp[63] == tmp[95] == tmp[127] == 0) CF := 1 ELSE CF := 0 FI RETURN ZF
Instruction: 'VTESTPS'. Intrinsic: '_mm_testz_ps'. Requires AVX.
func UndefinedPd ¶
UndefinedPd: Return vector of type __m128d with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm_undefined_pd'. Requires AVX.
func UndefinedPs ¶
UndefinedPs: Return vector of type __m128 with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm_undefined_ps'. Requires AVX.
func UndefinedSi128 ¶
UndefinedSi128: Return vector of type __m128i with undefined elements.
Instruction: ”. Intrinsic: '_mm_undefined_si128'. Requires AVX.
Types ¶
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