
package module
v0.0.0-...-5f09bea Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 29, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 10




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const (
	Continue                        int = 100
	SwitchingProtocols              int = 101
	Processing                      int = 102
	OK                              int = 200
	Created                         int = 201
	Accepted                        int = 202
	NonAuthoritativeInformation     int = 203
	NoContent                       int = 204
	ResetContent                    int = 205
	PartialContent                  int = 206
	MultiStatus                     int = 207
	AlreadyReported                 int = 208
	IMUsed                          int = 226
	MultipleChoices                 int = 300
	MovedPermanently                int = 301
	Found                           int = 302
	SeeOther                        int = 303
	NotModified                     int = 304
	UseProxy                        int = 305
	TemporaryRedirect               int = 307
	PermanentRedirect               int = 308
	BadRequest                      int = 400
	Unauthorized                    int = 401
	PaymentRequired                 int = 402
	Forbidden                       int = 403
	NotFound                        int = 404
	MethodNotAllowed                int = 405
	NotAcceptable                   int = 406
	ProxyAuthenticationRequired     int = 407
	RequestTimeout                  int = 408
	Conflict                        int = 409
	Gone                            int = 410
	LengthRequired                  int = 411
	PreconditionFailed              int = 412
	PayloadTooLarge                 int = 413
	RequestURITooLong               int = 414
	UnsupportedMediaType            int = 415
	RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable    int = 416
	ExpectationFailed               int = 417
	Imateapot                       int = 418
	MisdirectedRequest              int = 421
	UnprocessableEntity             int = 422
	Locked                          int = 423
	FailedDependency                int = 424
	UpgradeRequired                 int = 426
	PreconditionRequired            int = 428
	TooManyRequests                 int = 429
	RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge     int = 431
	ConnectionClosedWithoutResponse int = 444
	UnavailableForLegalReasons      int = 451
	ClientClosedRequest             int = 499
	InternalServerError             int = 500
	NotImplemented                  int = 501
	BadGateway                      int = 502
	ServiceUnavailable              int = 503
	GatewayTimeout                  int = 504
	HTTPVersionNotSupported         int = 505
	VariantAlsoNegotiates           int = 506
	InsufficientStorage             int = 507
	LoopDetected                    int = 508
	NotExtended                     int = 510
	NetworkAuthenticationRequired   int = 511
	NetworkConnectTimeoutError      int = 599


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