Index ¶
- Variables
- type Delay
- type Graveyard
- func (g *Graveyard) DumpTxn(tx *memdb.Txn) (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (g *Graveyard) GetMaxIndexTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, prefix string) (uint64, error)
- func (g *Graveyard) InsertTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, key string, idx uint64) error
- func (g *Graveyard) ReapTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64) error
- func (g *Graveyard) RestoreTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, stone *Tombstone) error
- type IndexConnectService
- type IndexEntry
- type PreparedQueryIndex
- type Restore
- func (s *Restore) ACLPolicy(policy *structs.ACLPolicy) error
- func (s *Restore) ACLToken(token *structs.ACLToken) error
- func (s *Restore) Abort()
- func (s *Restore) Autopilot(config *autopilot.Config) error
- func (s *Restore) CAConfig(config *structs.CAConfiguration) error
- func (s *Restore) CAProviderState(state *structs.CAConsulProviderState) error
- func (s *Restore) CARoot(r *structs.CARoot) error
- func (s *Restore) Commit()
- func (s *Restore) Coordinates(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error
- func (s *Restore) IndexRestore(idx *IndexEntry) error
- func (s *Restore) Intention(ixn *structs.Intention) error
- func (s *Restore) KVS(entry *structs.DirEntry) error
- func (s *Restore) PreparedQuery(query *structs.PreparedQuery) error
- func (s *Restore) Registration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error
- func (s *Restore) Session(sess *structs.Session) error
- func (s *Restore) Tombstone(stone *Tombstone) error
- type Snapshot
- func (s *Snapshot) ACLPolicies() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) ACLTokens() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Autopilot() (*autopilot.Config, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) CAConfig() (*structs.CAConfiguration, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) CAProviderState() ([]*structs.CAConsulProviderState, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) CARoots() (structs.CARoots, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Checks(node string) (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Close()
- func (s *Snapshot) Coordinates() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Indexes() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Intentions() (structs.Intentions, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) KVs() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) LastIndex() uint64
- func (s *Snapshot) Nodes() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) PreparedQueries() (structs.PreparedQueries, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Services(node string) (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Sessions() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (s *Snapshot) Tombstones() (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- type Store
- func (s *Store) ACLBootstrap(idx, resetIndex uint64, token *structs.ACLToken, legacy bool) error
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyBatchDelete(idx uint64, policyIDs []string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyBatchGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, ids []string) (uint64, structs.ACLPolicies, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyBatchSet(idx uint64, policies structs.ACLPolicies) error
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyDeleteByID(idx uint64, id string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyDeleteByName(idx uint64, name string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyGetByID(ws memdb.WatchSet, id string) (uint64, *structs.ACLPolicy, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyGetByName(ws memdb.WatchSet, name string) (uint64, *structs.ACLPolicy, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicyList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.ACLPolicies, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLPolicySet(idx uint64, policy *structs.ACLPolicy) error
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenBatchDelete(idx uint64, tokenIDs []string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenBatchGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, accessors []string) (uint64, structs.ACLTokens, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenBatchSet(idx uint64, tokens structs.ACLTokens, cas bool) error
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenDeleteByAccessor(idx uint64, accessor string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenDeleteBySecret(idx uint64, secret string) error
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenGetByAccessor(ws memdb.WatchSet, accessor string) (uint64, *structs.ACLToken, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenGetBySecret(ws memdb.WatchSet, secret string) (uint64, *structs.ACLToken, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenList(ws memdb.WatchSet, local, global bool, policy string) (uint64, structs.ACLTokens, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenListUpgradeable(max int) (structs.ACLTokens, <-chan struct{}, error)
- func (s *Store) ACLTokenSet(idx uint64, token *structs.ACLToken, legacy bool) error
- func (s *Store) Abandon()
- func (s *Store) AbandonCh() <-chan struct{}
- func (s *Store) AutopilotCASConfig(idx, cidx uint64, config *autopilot.Config) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) AutopilotConfig() (uint64, *autopilot.Config, error)
- func (s *Store) AutopilotSetConfig(idx uint64, config *autopilot.Config) error
- func (s *Store) CACheckAndSetConfig(idx, cidx uint64, config *structs.CAConfiguration) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) CAConfig() (uint64, *structs.CAConfiguration, error)
- func (s *Store) CADeleteProviderState(id string) error
- func (s *Store) CALeafSetIndex(index uint64) error
- func (s *Store) CAProviderState(id string) (uint64, *structs.CAConsulProviderState, error)
- func (s *Store) CARootActive(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, *structs.CARoot, error)
- func (s *Store) CARootSetCAS(idx, cidx uint64, rs []*structs.CARoot) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) CARoots(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.CARoots, error)
- func (s *Store) CASetConfig(idx uint64, config *structs.CAConfiguration) error
- func (s *Store) CASetProviderState(idx uint64, state *structs.CAConsulProviderState) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) CanBootstrapACLToken() (bool, uint64, error)
- func (s *Store) CheckConnectServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) CheckServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) CheckServiceTagNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string, tags []string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) ChecksInState(ws memdb.WatchSet, state string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
- func (s *Store) ChecksInStateByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, state string, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
- func (s *Store) ConnectServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) Coordinate(node string, ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, lib.CoordinateSet, error)
- func (s *Store) CoordinateBatchUpdate(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error
- func (s *Store) Coordinates(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Coordinates, error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteCheck(idx uint64, node string, checkID types.CheckID) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteNode(idx uint64, nodeName string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteService(idx uint64, nodeName, serviceID string) error
- func (s *Store) EnsureCheck(idx uint64, hc *structs.HealthCheck) error
- func (s *Store) EnsureNode(idx uint64, node *structs.Node) error
- func (s *Store) EnsureRegistration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error
- func (s *Store) EnsureService(idx uint64, node string, svc *structs.NodeService) error
- func (s *Store) GetNode(id string) (uint64, *structs.Node, error)
- func (s *Store) GetNodeID(id types.NodeID) (uint64, *structs.Node, error)
- func (s *Store) IntentionDelete(idx uint64, id string) error
- func (s *Store) IntentionGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, id string) (uint64, *structs.Intention, error)
- func (s *Store) IntentionMatch(ws memdb.WatchSet, args *structs.IntentionQueryMatch) (uint64, []structs.Intentions, error)
- func (s *Store) IntentionSet(idx uint64, ixn *structs.Intention) error
- func (s *Store) Intentions(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Intentions, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSDelete(idx uint64, key string) error
- func (s *Store) KVSDeleteCAS(idx, cidx uint64, key string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSDeleteTree(idx uint64, prefix string) error
- func (s *Store) KVSGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, key string) (uint64, *structs.DirEntry, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSList(ws memdb.WatchSet, prefix string) (uint64, structs.DirEntries, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSListKeys(ws memdb.WatchSet, prefix, sep string) (uint64, []string, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSLock(idx uint64, entry *structs.DirEntry) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSLockDelay(key string) time.Time
- func (s *Store) KVSSet(idx uint64, entry *structs.DirEntry) error
- func (s *Store) KVSSetCAS(idx uint64, entry *structs.DirEntry) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) KVSUnlock(idx uint64, entry *structs.DirEntry) (bool, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeCheck(nodeName string, checkID types.CheckID) (uint64, *structs.HealthCheck, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeChecks(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeName string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeDump(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.NodeDump, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeInfo(ws memdb.WatchSet, node string) (uint64, structs.NodeDump, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeService(nodeName string, serviceID string) (uint64, *structs.NodeService, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeServices(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeNameOrID string) (uint64, *structs.NodeServices, error)
- func (s *Store) NodeSessions(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeID string) (uint64, structs.Sessions, error)
- func (s *Store) Nodes(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Nodes, error)
- func (s *Store) NodesByMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.Nodes, error)
- func (s *Store) PreparedQueryDelete(idx uint64, queryID string) error
- func (s *Store) PreparedQueryGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, queryID string) (uint64, *structs.PreparedQuery, error)
- func (s *Store) PreparedQueryList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.PreparedQueries, error)
- func (s *Store) PreparedQueryResolve(queryIDOrName string, source structs.QuerySource) (uint64, *structs.PreparedQuery, error)
- func (s *Store) PreparedQuerySet(idx uint64, query *structs.PreparedQuery) error
- func (s *Store) ReapTombstones(index uint64) error
- func (s *Store) Restore() *Restore
- func (s *Store) ServiceAddressNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, address string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) ServiceChecks(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
- func (s *Store) ServiceChecksByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
- func (s *Store) ServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) ServiceTagNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, service string, tags []string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
- func (s *Store) Services(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Services, error)
- func (s *Store) ServicesByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.Services, error)
- func (s *Store) SessionCreate(idx uint64, sess *structs.Session) error
- func (s *Store) SessionDestroy(idx uint64, sessionID string) error
- func (s *Store) SessionGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, sessionID string) (uint64, *structs.Session, error)
- func (s *Store) SessionList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Sessions, error)
- func (s *Store) Snapshot() *Snapshot
- func (s *Store) TxnRO(ops structs.TxnOps) (structs.TxnResults, structs.TxnErrors)
- func (s *Store) TxnRW(idx uint64, ops structs.TxnOps) (structs.TxnResults, structs.TxnErrors)
- type TokenPoliciesIndex
- type Tombstone
- type TombstoneGC
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrMissingNode is the error returned when trying an operation // which requires a node registration but none exists. ErrMissingNode = errors.New("Missing node registration") // ErrMissingService is the error we return if trying an // operation which requires a service but none exists. ErrMissingService = errors.New("Missing service registration") // ErrMissingSessionID is returned when a session registration // is attempted with an empty session ID. ErrMissingSessionID = errors.New("Missing session ID") // ErrMissingACLTokenSecret is returned when an token set is called on // an token with an empty SecretID. ErrMissingACLTokenSecret = errors.New("Missing ACL Token SecretID") // ErrMissingACLTokenAccessor is returned when an token set is called on // an token with an empty AccessorID. ErrMissingACLTokenAccessor = errors.New("Missing ACL Token AccessorID") // ErrMissingACLPolicyID is returned when an policy set is called on // an policy with an empty ID. ErrMissingACLPolicyID = errors.New("Missing ACL Policy ID") // ErrMissingACLPolicyName is returned when an policy set is called on // an policy with an empty Name. ErrMissingACLPolicyName = errors.New("Missing ACL Policy Name") // ErrMissingQueryID is returned when a Query set is called on // a Query with an empty ID. ErrMissingQueryID = errors.New("Missing Query ID") // ErrMissingCARootID is returned when an CARoot set is called // with an CARoot with an empty ID. ErrMissingCARootID = errors.New("Missing CA Root ID") // ErrMissingIntentionID is returned when an Intention set is called // with an Intention with an empty ID. ErrMissingIntentionID = errors.New("Missing Intention ID") )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Delay ¶
type Delay struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Delay is used to mark certain locks as unacquirable. When a lock is forcefully released (failing health check, destroyed session, etc.), it is subject to the LockDelay imposed by the session. This prevents another session from acquiring the lock for some period of time as a protection against split-brains. This is inspired by the lock-delay in Chubby. Because this relies on wall-time, we cannot assume all peers perceive time as flowing uniformly. This means KVSLock MUST ignore lockDelay, since the lockDelay may have expired on the leader, but not on the follower. Rejecting the lock could result in inconsistencies in the FSMs due to the rate time progresses. Instead, only the opinion of the leader is respected, and the Raft log is never questioned.
func (*Delay) GetExpiration ¶
GetExpiration returns the expiration time of a key lock delay. This must be checked on the leader node, and not in KVSLock due to the variability of clocks.
type Graveyard ¶
type Graveyard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Graveyard manages a set of tombstones.
func NewGraveyard ¶
func NewGraveyard(gc *TombstoneGC) *Graveyard
NewGraveyard returns a new graveyard.
func (*Graveyard) GetMaxIndexTxn ¶
GetMaxIndexTxn returns the highest index tombstone whose key matches the given context, using a prefix match.
func (*Graveyard) ReapTxn ¶
ReapTxn cleans out all tombstones whose index values are less than or equal to the given idx. This prevents unbounded storage growth of the tombstones.
func (*Graveyard) RestoreTxn ¶
RestoreTxn is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use InsertTxn.
type IndexConnectService ¶ added in v1.2.0
type IndexConnectService struct{}
IndexConnectService indexes a *struct.ServiceNode for querying by services that support Connect to some target service. This will properly index the proxy destination for proxies and the service name for native services.
func (*IndexConnectService) FromArgs ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (idx *IndexConnectService) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error)
func (*IndexConnectService) FromObject ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (idx *IndexConnectService) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, []byte, error)
type IndexEntry ¶
IndexEntry keeps a record of the last index per-table.
type PreparedQueryIndex ¶
type PreparedQueryIndex struct { }
PreparedQueryIndex is a custom memdb indexer used to manage index prepared query templates. None of the built-in indexers do what we need, and our use case is pretty specific so it's better to put the logic here.
func (*PreparedQueryIndex) FromArgs ¶
func (p *PreparedQueryIndex) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error)
FromArgs is used when querying for an exact match. Since we don't add any suffix we can just call the prefix version.
func (*PreparedQueryIndex) FromObject ¶
func (*PreparedQueryIndex) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, []byte, error)
FromObject is used to compute the index key when inserting or updating an object.
func (*PreparedQueryIndex) PrefixFromArgs ¶
func (*PreparedQueryIndex) PrefixFromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error)
PrefixFromArgs is used when doing a prefix scan for an object.
type Restore ¶
type Restore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Restore is used to efficiently manage restoring a large amount of data to a state store.
func (*Restore) ACLToken ¶ added in v1.4.0
ACLToken is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use ACL.
func (*Restore) Abort ¶
func (s *Restore) Abort()
Abort abandons the changes made by a restore. This or Commit should always be called.
func (*Restore) CAConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Restore) CAConfig(config *structs.CAConfiguration) error
CAConfig is used when restoring from a snapshot.
func (*Restore) CAProviderState ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Restore) CAProviderState(state *structs.CAConsulProviderState) error
CAProviderState is used when restoring from a snapshot.
func (*Restore) Commit ¶
func (s *Restore) Commit()
Commit commits the changes made by a restore. This or Abort should always be called.
func (*Restore) Coordinates ¶
func (s *Restore) Coordinates(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error
Coordinates is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use CoordinateBatchUpdate. We do less vetting of the updates here because they already got checked on the way in during a batch update.
func (*Restore) IndexRestore ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Restore) IndexRestore(idx *IndexEntry) error
IndexRestore is used to restore an index
func (*Restore) PreparedQuery ¶
func (s *Restore) PreparedQuery(query *structs.PreparedQuery) error
PreparedQuery is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use PreparedQuerySet.
func (*Restore) Registration ¶
func (s *Restore) Registration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error
Registration is used to make sure a node, service, and check registration is performed within a single transaction to avoid race conditions on state updates.
type Snapshot ¶
type Snapshot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Snapshot is used to provide a point-in-time snapshot. It works by starting a read transaction against the whole state store.
func (*Snapshot) ACLPolicies ¶ added in v1.4.0
ACLPolicies is used when saving a snapshot
func (*Snapshot) CAConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Snapshot) CAConfig() (*structs.CAConfiguration, error)
CAConfig is used to pull the CA config from the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) CAProviderState ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Snapshot) CAProviderState() ([]*structs.CAConsulProviderState, error)
CAProviderState is used to pull the built-in provider states from the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) CARoots ¶ added in v1.2.0
CARoots is used to pull all the CA roots for the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) Checks ¶
Checks is used to pull the full list of checks for a given node for use during snapshots.
func (*Snapshot) Coordinates ¶
Coordinates is used to pull all the coordinates from the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) Intentions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Snapshot) Intentions() (structs.Intentions, error)
Intentions is used to pull all the intentions from the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) PreparedQueries ¶
func (s *Snapshot) PreparedQueries() (structs.PreparedQueries, error)
PreparedQueries is used to pull all the prepared queries from the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) Services ¶
Services is used to pull the full list of services for a given node for use during snapshots.
func (*Snapshot) Sessions ¶
Sessions is used to pull the full list of sessions for use during snapshots.
func (*Snapshot) Tombstones ¶
Tombstones is used to pull all the tombstones from the graveyard.
type Store ¶
type Store struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Store is where we store all of Consul's state, including records of node registrations, services, checks, key/value pairs and more. The DB is entirely in-memory and is constructed from the Raft log through the FSM.
func NewStateStore ¶
func NewStateStore(gc *TombstoneGC) (*Store, error)
NewStateStore creates a new in-memory state storage layer.
func (*Store) ACLBootstrap ¶ added in v0.9.1
ACLBootstrap is used to perform a one-time ACL bootstrap operation on a cluster to get the first management token.
func (*Store) ACLPolicyBatchDelete ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyBatchGet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyBatchSet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) ACLPolicyBatchSet(idx uint64, policies structs.ACLPolicies) error
func (*Store) ACLPolicyDeleteByID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyDeleteByName ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyGetByID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyGetByName ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLPolicyList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) ACLPolicyList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.ACLPolicies, error)
func (*Store) ACLPolicySet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLTokenBatchDelete ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLTokenBatchGet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLTokenBatchSet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLTokenDeleteByAccessor ¶ added in v1.4.0
ACLTokenDeleteByAccessor is used to remove an existing ACL from the state store. If the ACL does not exist this is a no-op and no error is returned.
func (*Store) ACLTokenDeleteBySecret ¶ added in v1.4.0
ACLTokenDeleteBySecret is used to remove an existing ACL from the state store. If the ACL does not exist this is a no-op and no error is returned.
func (*Store) ACLTokenGetByAccessor ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) ACLTokenGetByAccessor(ws memdb.WatchSet, accessor string) (uint64, *structs.ACLToken, error)
ACLTokenGetByAccessor is used to look up an existing ACL token by its AccessorID.
func (*Store) ACLTokenGetBySecret ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) ACLTokenGetBySecret(ws memdb.WatchSet, secret string) (uint64, *structs.ACLToken, error)
ACLTokenGetBySecret is used to look up an existing ACL token by its SecretID.
func (*Store) ACLTokenList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) ACLTokenList(ws memdb.WatchSet, local, global bool, policy string) (uint64, structs.ACLTokens, error)
ACLTokenList is used to list out all of the ACLs in the state store.
func (*Store) ACLTokenListUpgradeable ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (*Store) ACLTokenSet ¶ added in v1.4.0
ACLTokenSet is used to insert an ACL rule into the state store.
func (*Store) Abandon ¶
func (s *Store) Abandon()
Abandon is used to signal that the given state store has been abandoned. Calling this more than one time will panic.
func (*Store) AbandonCh ¶
func (s *Store) AbandonCh() <-chan struct{}
AbandonCh returns a channel you can wait on to know if the state store was abandoned.
func (*Store) AutopilotCASConfig ¶
AutopilotCASConfig is used to try updating the Autopilot configuration with a given Raft index. If the CAS index specified is not equal to the last observed index for the config, then the call is a noop,
func (*Store) AutopilotConfig ¶
AutopilotConfig is used to get the current Autopilot configuration.
func (*Store) AutopilotSetConfig ¶
AutopilotSetConfig is used to set the current Autopilot configuration.
func (*Store) CACheckAndSetConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CACheckAndSetConfig(idx, cidx uint64, config *structs.CAConfiguration) (bool, error)
CACheckAndSetConfig is used to try updating the CA configuration with a given Raft index. If the CAS index specified is not equal to the last observed index for the config, then the call is a noop,
func (*Store) CAConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CAConfig() (uint64, *structs.CAConfiguration, error)
CAConfig is used to get the current CA configuration.
func (*Store) CADeleteProviderState ¶ added in v1.2.0
CADeleteProviderState is used to remove the built-in Consul CA provider state for the given ID.
func (*Store) CALeafSetIndex ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (*Store) CAProviderState ¶ added in v1.2.0
CAProviderState is used to get the Consul CA provider state for the given ID.
func (*Store) CARootActive ¶ added in v1.2.0
CARootActive returns the currently active CARoot.
func (*Store) CARootSetCAS ¶ added in v1.2.0
CARootSetCAS sets the current CA root state using a check-and-set operation. On success, this will replace the previous set of CARoots completely with the given set of roots.
The first boolean result returns whether the transaction succeeded or not.
func (*Store) CASetConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CASetConfig(idx uint64, config *structs.CAConfiguration) error
CASetConfig is used to set the current CA configuration.
func (*Store) CASetProviderState ¶ added in v1.2.0
CASetProviderState is used to set the current built-in CA provider state.
func (*Store) CanBootstrapACLToken ¶ added in v1.4.0
CanBootstrapACLToken checks if bootstrapping is possible and returns the reset index
func (*Store) CheckConnectServiceNodes ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CheckConnectServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
CheckConnectServiceNodes is used to query all nodes and checks for Connect compatible endpoints for a given service.
func (*Store) CheckServiceNodes ¶
func (s *Store) CheckServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
CheckServiceNodes is used to query all nodes and checks for a given service.
func (*Store) CheckServiceTagNodes ¶
func (s *Store) CheckServiceTagNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string, tags []string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error)
CheckServiceTagNodes is used to query all nodes and checks for a given service, filtering out services that don't contain the given tag.
func (*Store) ChecksInState ¶
func (s *Store) ChecksInState(ws memdb.WatchSet, state string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
ChecksInState is used to query the state store for all checks which are in the provided state.
func (*Store) ChecksInStateByNodeMeta ¶
func (s *Store) ChecksInStateByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, state string, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
ChecksInStateByNodeMeta is used to query the state store for all checks which are in the provided state, filtered by the given node metadata values.
func (*Store) ConnectServiceNodes ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) ConnectServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
ConnectServiceNodes returns the nodes associated with a Connect compatible destination for the given service name. This will include both proxies and native integrations.
func (*Store) Coordinate ¶ added in v0.9.3
Coordinate returns a map of coordinates for the given node, indexed by network segment.
func (*Store) CoordinateBatchUpdate ¶
func (s *Store) CoordinateBatchUpdate(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error
CoordinateBatchUpdate processes a batch of coordinate updates and applies them in a single transaction.
func (*Store) Coordinates ¶
func (s *Store) Coordinates(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Coordinates, error)
Coordinates queries for all nodes with coordinates.
func (*Store) DeleteCheck ¶
DeleteCheck is used to delete a health check registration.
func (*Store) DeleteNode ¶
DeleteNode is used to delete a given node by its ID.
func (*Store) DeleteService ¶
DeleteService is used to delete a given service associated with a node.
func (*Store) EnsureCheck ¶
func (s *Store) EnsureCheck(idx uint64, hc *structs.HealthCheck) error
EnsureCheck is used to store a check registration in the db.
func (*Store) EnsureNode ¶
EnsureNode is used to upsert node registration or modification.
func (*Store) EnsureRegistration ¶
func (s *Store) EnsureRegistration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error
EnsureRegistration is used to make sure a node, service, and check registration is performed within a single transaction to avoid race conditions on state updates.
func (*Store) EnsureService ¶
EnsureService is called to upsert creation of a given NodeService.
func (*Store) IntentionDelete ¶ added in v1.2.0
IntentionDelete deletes the given intention by ID.
func (*Store) IntentionGet ¶ added in v1.2.0
IntentionGet returns the given intention by ID.
func (*Store) IntentionMatch ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) IntentionMatch(ws memdb.WatchSet, args *structs.IntentionQueryMatch) (uint64, []structs.Intentions, error)
IntentionMatch returns the list of intentions that match the namespace and name for either a source or destination. This applies the resolution rules so wildcards will match any value.
The returned value is the list of intentions in the same order as the entries in args. The intentions themselves are sorted based on the intention precedence rules. i.e. result[0][0] is the highest precedent rule to match for the first entry.
func (*Store) IntentionSet ¶ added in v1.2.0
IntentionSet creates or updates an intention.
func (*Store) Intentions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) Intentions(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.Intentions, error)
Intentions returns the list of all intentions.
func (*Store) KVSDelete ¶
KVSDelete is used to perform a shallow delete on a single key in the the state store.
func (*Store) KVSDeleteCAS ¶
KVSDeleteCAS is used to try doing a KV delete operation with a given raft index. If the CAS index specified is not equal to the last observed index for the given key, then the call is a noop, otherwise a normal KV delete is invoked.
func (*Store) KVSDeleteTree ¶
KVSDeleteTree is used to do a recursive delete on a key prefix in the state store. If any keys are modified, the last index is set, otherwise this is a no-op.
func (*Store) KVSList ¶
KVSList is used to list out all keys under a given prefix. If the prefix is left empty, all keys in the KVS will be returned. The returned is the max index of the returned kvs entries or applicable tombstones, or else it's the full table indexes for kvs and tombstones.
func (*Store) KVSListKeys ¶
KVSListKeys is used to query the KV store for keys matching the given prefix. An optional separator may be specified, which can be used to slice off a part of the response so that only a subset of the prefix is returned. In this mode, the keys which are omitted are still counted in the returned index.
func (*Store) KVSLock ¶
KVSLock is similar to KVSSet but only performs the set if the lock can be acquired.
func (*Store) KVSLockDelay ¶
KVSLockDelay returns the expiration time for any lock delay associated with the given key.
func (*Store) KVSSetCAS ¶
KVSSetCAS is used to do a check-and-set operation on a KV entry. The ModifyIndex in the provided entry is used to determine if we should write the entry to the state store or bail. Returns a bool indicating if a write happened and any error.
func (*Store) KVSUnlock ¶
KVSUnlock is similar to KVSSet but only performs the set if the lock can be unlocked (the key must already exist and be locked).
func (*Store) NodeCheck ¶
func (s *Store) NodeCheck(nodeName string, checkID types.CheckID) (uint64, *structs.HealthCheck, error)
NodeCheck is used to retrieve a specific check associated with the given node.
func (*Store) NodeChecks ¶
func (s *Store) NodeChecks(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeName string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
NodeChecks is used to retrieve checks associated with the given node from the state store.
func (*Store) NodeDump ¶
NodeDump is used to generate a dump of all nodes. This call is expensive as it has to query every node, service, and check. The response can also be quite large since there is currently no filtering applied.
func (*Store) NodeInfo ¶
NodeInfo is used to generate a dump of a single node. The dump includes all services and checks which are registered against the node.
func (*Store) NodeService ¶
func (s *Store) NodeService(nodeName string, serviceID string) (uint64, *structs.NodeService, error)
NodeService is used to retrieve a specific service associated with the given node.
func (*Store) NodeServices ¶
func (s *Store) NodeServices(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeNameOrID string) (uint64, *structs.NodeServices, error)
NodeServices is used to query service registrations by node name or UUID.
func (*Store) NodeSessions ¶
NodeSessions returns a set of active sessions associated with the given node ID. The returned index is the highest index seen from the result set.
func (*Store) NodesByMeta ¶
func (s *Store) NodesByMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.Nodes, error)
NodesByMeta is used to return all nodes with the given metadata key/value pairs.
func (*Store) PreparedQueryDelete ¶
PreparedQueryDelete deletes the given query by ID.
func (*Store) PreparedQueryGet ¶
func (s *Store) PreparedQueryGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, queryID string) (uint64, *structs.PreparedQuery, error)
PreparedQueryGet returns the given prepared query by ID.
func (*Store) PreparedQueryList ¶
func (s *Store) PreparedQueryList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.PreparedQueries, error)
PreparedQueryList returns all the prepared queries.
func (*Store) PreparedQueryResolve ¶
func (s *Store) PreparedQueryResolve(queryIDOrName string, source structs.QuerySource) (uint64, *structs.PreparedQuery, error)
PreparedQueryResolve returns the given prepared query by looking up an ID or Name. If the query was looked up by name and it's a template, then the template will be rendered before it is returned.
func (*Store) PreparedQuerySet ¶
func (s *Store) PreparedQuerySet(idx uint64, query *structs.PreparedQuery) error
PreparedQuerySet is used to create or update a prepared query.
func (*Store) ReapTombstones ¶
ReapTombstones is used to delete all the tombstones with an index less than or equal to the given index. This is used to prevent unbounded storage growth of the tombstones.
func (*Store) Restore ¶
Restore is used to efficiently manage restoring a large amount of data into the state store. It works by doing all the restores inside of a single transaction.
func (*Store) ServiceAddressNodes ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) ServiceAddressNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, address string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
ServiceAddressNodes returns the nodes associated with a given service, filtering out services that don't match the given serviceAddress
func (*Store) ServiceChecks ¶
func (s *Store) ServiceChecks(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
ServiceChecks is used to get all checks associated with a given service ID. The query is performed against a service _name_ instead of a service ID.
func (*Store) ServiceChecksByNodeMeta ¶
func (s *Store) ServiceChecksByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error)
ServiceChecksByNodeMeta is used to get all checks associated with a given service ID, filtered by the given node metadata values. The query is performed against a service _name_ instead of a service ID.
func (*Store) ServiceNodes ¶
func (s *Store) ServiceNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, serviceName string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
ServiceNodes returns the nodes associated with a given service name.
func (*Store) ServiceTagNodes ¶
func (s *Store) ServiceTagNodes(ws memdb.WatchSet, service string, tags []string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error)
ServiceTagNodes returns the nodes associated with a given service, filtering out services that don't contain the given tags.
func (*Store) ServicesByNodeMeta ¶
func (s *Store) ServicesByNodeMeta(ws memdb.WatchSet, filters map[string]string) (uint64, structs.Services, error)
ServicesByNodeMeta returns all services, filtered by the given node metadata.
func (*Store) SessionCreate ¶
SessionCreate is used to register a new session in the state store.
func (*Store) SessionDestroy ¶
SessionDestroy is used to remove an active session. This will implicitly invalidate the session and invoke the specified session destroy behavior.
func (*Store) SessionGet ¶
SessionGet is used to retrieve an active session from the state store.
func (*Store) SessionList ¶
SessionList returns a slice containing all of the active sessions.
func (*Store) TxnRO ¶
TxnRO runs the given operations inside a single read transaction in the state store. You must verify outside this function that no write operations are present, otherwise you'll get an error from the state store.
type TokenPoliciesIndex ¶ added in v1.4.0
type TokenPoliciesIndex struct { }
func (*TokenPoliciesIndex) FromArgs ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *TokenPoliciesIndex) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error)
func (*TokenPoliciesIndex) FromObject ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *TokenPoliciesIndex) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, [][]byte, error)
func (*TokenPoliciesIndex) PrefixFromArgs ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *TokenPoliciesIndex) PrefixFromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error)
type TombstoneGC ¶
TombstoneGC is used to track creation of tombstones so that they can be garbage collected after their TTL expires. The tombstones allow queries to provide monotonic index values within the TTL window. The GC is used to prevent monotonic growth in storage usage. This is a trade off between the length of the TTL and the storage overhead.
In practice, this is required to fix the issue of delete visibility. When data is deleted from the KV store, the "latest" row can go backwards if the newest row is removed. The tombstones provide a way to ensure time doesn't move backwards within some interval.
func NewTombstoneGC ¶
func NewTombstoneGC(ttl, granularity time.Duration) (*TombstoneGC, error)
NewTombstoneGC is used to construct a new TombstoneGC given a TTL for tombstones and a tracking granularity. Longer TTLs ensure correct behavior for more time, but use more storage. A shorter granularity increases the number of Raft transactions and reduce how far past the TTL we perform GC.
func (*TombstoneGC) ExpireCh ¶
func (t *TombstoneGC) ExpireCh() <-chan uint64
ExpireCh is used to return a channel that streams the next index that should be expired.
func (*TombstoneGC) Hint ¶
func (t *TombstoneGC) Hint(index uint64)
Hint is used to indicate that keys at the given index have been deleted, and that their GC should be scheduled.
func (*TombstoneGC) PendingExpiration ¶
func (t *TombstoneGC) PendingExpiration() bool
PendingExpiration is used to check if any expirations are pending.
func (*TombstoneGC) SetEnabled ¶
func (t *TombstoneGC) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
SetEnabled is used to control if the tombstone GC is enabled. Should only be enabled by the leader node.