1. Docker service/container discovery through the Docker socket on the Docker Bridge network
Limited set up.
All the services run on a single machine
2. Docker service/container discovery through the Docker overlay network
Compared to approach 1, can ran services on multiple machines
Compared to approach 4, need to manage service set up & service duplication (for load balancing/scaling) manually.
3. Docker service/container discovery through Consul (& Consul template)
Compared to approach 1 & 2, take you closer to less reliance on Docker for service discovery & management.
Although still using either a Docker bridge network or Docker overlay network, it is a step closer to using more robust service orchestration strategies such as Nomad or Kubernates, see step 4.
Compared to approach 1, have perform the extra step of setting up the Consul server.
4. Using Nomad + Consul (& Consul template)
(The reccommended approach)
Simple well written library that takes care of alot tedious work of set up & configuration, and positions you to easily leverage more sophisticated service management strategies.