Idea for alternative to wk-j/vscode-save-and-run,
I use vim, so I don't like .vscode/.
Please contribute and feedback issues. I am beginner of Go.
⚠ this idea is not perfect.
How many files can be watched at once?
There are OS-specific limits as to how many watches can be created:
Linux: /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches contains the limit, reaching this limit results in a "no space left on device" error.
BSD / OSX: sysctl variables "kern.maxfiles" and "kern.maxfilesperproc", reaching these limits results in a "too many open files" error.
GitHub - fsnotify/fsnotify: Cross-platform file system notifications for Go.
and not yet testing, and not checked working detail.
go get
$ .save-and-run -h
-c string
config file path (default "~/.saveAndRun.json")
-d display detail logs
-m display path match example
[ Priority ]
1 -c someName # flag argument
2 ./.saveAndRun.json # current directory .saveAndRun.json
3 ~/.saveAndRun.json # home directory .saveAndRun.json
"saveAndRun": [
"base": "~/dev/any/static",
"commands": [
"match": "views/*/pc/*.scss",
"cmd": "node-sass general.scss -o dist/scss/${filename}"
"match": "views/**.html",
"cmd": "minify html -o $BASE/dist/"
Match example
Used GitHub - gobwas/glob: Go glob to judge isMatch.
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 1, 1, 1, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "pattern", "\t", "path", "\t", "truth")
displayMatch := func(match string, path string) {
g := glob.MustCompile(match, '/')
fmt.Fprintln(w, match, "\t", path, "\t", g.Match(path))
displayMatch("*.js", "a.js") // true
displayMatch("{a,b,c}.js", "a.js") // true
displayMatch("[a-c].js", "a.js") // true
displayMatch("[!a-c].js", "d.js") // true
displayMatch("**.js", "a/b.js") // true
displayMatch("?????at.js", "12345at.js") // true
displayMatch("*/*.js", "a/b.js") // true
displayMatch("a/*.js", "a/b.js") // true
displayMatch("a/**.js", "a/b.js") // true
displayMatch("*.js", "a/b.js") // false
displayMatch("{a,b,c}.js", "d.js") // false
displayMatch("[a-c].js", "d.js") // false
displayMatch("[1-8].js", "9.js") // false
displayMatch("b/*.js", "a/b.js") // false
displayMatch("a/**/*.js", "a/b.js") // false
Placeholder Tokens
${cwd} - current working directory
${home} - home directory.
${filePath} - matched filepath.
${fileDirpath} - matched filepath directory path.
${fileDirname} - matched filepath directory name.
${base} - matched file base directory.
${basename} - matched file base directory name.