Overview ¶
Package cmd provides extended time.Duration implementation
Package cmd contains all the global variables and constants. ONLY TO BE ACCESSED VIA GET/SET FUNCTIONS.
Package cmd - session V8 - Version 8 stores session header and session data in two separate files. Session data contains fully prepared URL list.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DownloadReleaseData(customReleaseURL string, timeout time.Duration) (data string, err *probe.Error)
- func GetCurrentReleaseTime() (releaseTime time.Time, err *probe.Error)
- func IsDCOS() bool
- func IsDeleteEvent(event notify.Event) bool
- func IsDocker() bool
- func IsGetEvent(event notify.Event) bool
- func IsKubernetes() bool
- func IsPutEvent(event notify.Event) bool
- func IsSourceBuild() bool
- func Main(args []string) error
- func NewAdminFactory() func(config *Config) (*madmin.AdminClient, *probe.Error)
- func PipeChan(capacity int) (inputCh chan notify.EventInfo, outputCh chan notify.EventInfo)
- func UTCNow() time.Time
- type APINotImplemented
- type BrokenSymlink
- type BucketDoesNotExist
- type BucketExists
- type BucketInfo
- type BucketInvalid
- type BucketNameEmpty
- type Client
- type ClientContent
- type ClientURL
- type ClientURLType
- type ClusterHealthV1
- type ClusterInfo
- type ClusterRegistrationInfo
- type ClusterRegistrationReq
- type Config
- type ConfigAnyVersion
- type CopyOptions
- type DirOpt
- type DriveTestResult
- type DriveTestResults
- type Duration
- type EmptyPath
- type EndPointStats
- type EventInfo
- type Field
- type GenericBucketError
- type GenericFileError
- type GetOptions
- type Health
- type HealthDataTypeFlag
- type HealthDataTypeSlice
- type HealthReportHeader
- type HealthReportInfo
- type HwCPUV1
- type HwDrivePerfV1
- type HwDriveV1
- type HwMemV1
- type HwNetPerfV1
- type HwPerfV1
- type HwServerV1
- type HwServersV1
- type InvalidArgument
- type ListOptions
- type MinioHealthInfoV1
- type NetStats
- type NetTestResult
- type NetTestResults
- type NotificationConfig
- type ObjGETPerfResults
- type ObjGETStats
- type ObjPUTPerfResults
- type ObjPUTStats
- type ObjStatServer
- type ObjStats
- type ObjTestResults
- type ObjectAlreadyExists
- type ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory
- type ObjectIsDeleteMarker
- type ObjectMissing
- type ObjectNameEmpty
- type ObjectOnGlacier
- type ParallelManager
- type PathInsufficientPermission
- type PathIsNotRegular
- type PathNotADirectory
- type PathNotFound
- type PerfTestOutput
- type PerfTestResult
- type PerfTestType
- type PingResult
- type PrettyRecord
- type PrettyTable
- type Progress
- type ProgressReader
- type ProgressStatus
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Add(v int64) Status
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) AddCounts(v int64)
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Finish()
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Get() int64
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) GetCounts() int64
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) PrintMsg(_ message)
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Println(data ...interface{})
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (p ProgressStatus) Set64(length int64) *progressBar
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetCaption(s string)
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetCounts(v int64)
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetTotal(v int64) Status
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Start()
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Total() int64
- func (ps *ProgressStatus) Update()
- type PrometheusConfig
- type PutOptions
- type QuietStatus
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Add(v int64) Status
- func (qs *QuietStatus) AddCounts(v int64)
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Finish()
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Get() int64
- func (qs *QuietStatus) GetCounts() int64
- func (qs *QuietStatus) PrintMsg(msg message)
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Println(_ ...interface{})
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (a QuietStatus) Set(n int64) *accounter
- func (qs *QuietStatus) SetCaption(_ string)
- func (qs *QuietStatus) SetCounts(v int64)
- func (qs *QuietStatus) SetTotal(v int64) Status
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Start()
- func (a QuietStatus) Stat() accountStat
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Total() int64
- func (qs *QuietStatus) Update()
- type RemoveResult
- type Row
- type S3Client
- func (c *S3Client) AddNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, arn string, events []string, prefix, suffix string, ...) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) AddUserAgent(app string, version string)
- func (c *S3Client) Copy(ctx context.Context, source string, opts CopyOptions, progress io.Reader) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) DeleteEncryption(ctx context.Context) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) DeleteTags(ctx context.Context, versionID string) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) Get(ctx context.Context, opts GetOptions) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetAccess(ctx context.Context) (string, string, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetAccessRules(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context) (BucketInfo, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetEncryption(ctx context.Context) (algorithm, keyID string, err *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetLifecycle(ctx context.Context) (*lifecycle.Configuration, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.LegalHoldStatus, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context) (string, minio.RetentionMode, uint64, minio.ValidityUnit, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.RetentionMode, time.Time, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetPart(ctx context.Context, part int) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetReplication(ctx context.Context) (replication.Config, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetReplicationMetrics(ctx context.Context) (replication.Metrics, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetTags(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (map[string]string, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) GetURL() ClientURL
- func (c *S3Client) GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (config minio.BucketVersioningConfiguration, err *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) List(ctx context.Context, opts ListOptions) <-chan *ClientContent
- func (c *S3Client) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) ([]*ClientContent, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) ListNotificationConfigs(ctx context.Context, arn string) ([]NotificationConfig, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) MakeBucket(ctx context.Context, region string, ignoreExisting, withLock bool) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) Put(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, ...) (int64, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) PutObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string, lhold minio.LegalHoldStatus) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) PutObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string, mode minio.RetentionMode, ...) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) PutPart(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, ...) (int64, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) Remove(ctx context.Context, isIncomplete, isRemoveBucket, isBypass, isForceDel bool, ...) <-chan RemoveResult
- func (c *S3Client) RemoveBucket(ctx context.Context, forceRemove bool) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) RemoveNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, arn string, event string, prefix string, suffix string) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) RemoveReplication(ctx context.Context) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) ReplicationResyncStatus(ctx context.Context, arn string) (rinfo replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, err *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) ResetReplication(ctx context.Context, before time.Duration, tgtArn string) (rinfo replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, err *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) Restore(ctx context.Context, versionID string, days int) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) Select(ctx context.Context, expression string, sse encrypt.ServerSide, ...) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) SetAccess(ctx context.Context, bucketPolicy string, isJSON bool) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetEncryption(ctx context.Context, encType string, kmsKeyID string) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetLifecycle(ctx context.Context, config *lifecycle.Configuration) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context, mode minio.RetentionMode, validity uint64, ...) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetReplication(ctx context.Context, cfg *replication.Config, opts replication.Options) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetTags(ctx context.Context, versionID, tagString string) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) SetVersion(ctx context.Context, status string, prefixes []string, excludeFolders bool) *probe.Error
- func (c *S3Client) ShareDownload(ctx context.Context, versionID string, expires time.Duration) (string, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) ShareUpload(ctx context.Context, isRecursive bool, expires time.Duration, ...) (string, map[string]string, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) Stat(ctx context.Context, opts StatOptions) (*ClientContent, *probe.Error)
- func (c *S3Client) Watch(ctx context.Context, options WatchOptions) (*WatchObject, *probe.Error)
- type SameFile
- type SchemaVersion
- type ScrapeConfig
- type SelectObjectOpts
- type StatConfig
- type StatOptions
- type Status
- type SubnetLoginReq
- type SubnetMFAReq
- type SwInfoV1
- type TooManyLevelsSymlink
- type URLs
- type UnexpectedEOF
- type UnexpectedExcessRead
- type UnexpectedShortWrite
- type WatchObject
- type WatchOptions
- type Watcher
Constants ¶
const ( // AmzObjectLockMode sets object lock mode AmzObjectLockMode = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Mode" // AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate sets object lock retain until date AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Retain-Until-Date" // AmzObjectLockLegalHold sets object lock legal hold AmzObjectLockLegalHold = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Legal-Hold" )
const HelpTmpl = `` /* 464-byte string literal not displayed */
HelpTmpl template used by all sub-systems
const History = `{{range .}}{{colorYellowBold "RestoreId:"}} {{colorYellowBold .RestoreID}}
Date: {{.CreateTime}}
History template used by all sub-systems
const Ping = `` /* 986-byte string literal not displayed */
Ping is the template for ping result
const PingDist = `` /* 987-byte string literal not displayed */
PingDist is the template for ping result in distributed mode
Variables ¶
var ( // Version - version time.RFC3339. Version = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // ReleaseTag - release tag in TAG.%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ. ReleaseTag = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // CommitID - latest commit id. CommitID = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // ShortCommitID - first 12 characters from CommitID. ShortCommitID = CommitID[:12] // CopyrightYear - dynamic value of the copyright end year CopyrightYear = "0000" )
var ( // EventTypePut contains the notify events that will cause a put (write) EventTypePut = []notify.Event{notify.InCloseWrite | notify.InMovedTo} // EventTypeDelete contains the notify events that will cause a delete (remove) EventTypeDelete = []notify.Event{notify.InDelete | notify.InDeleteSelf | notify.InMovedFrom} // EventTypeGet contains the notify events that will cause a get (read) EventTypeGet = []notify.Event{notify.InAccess | notify.InOpen} )
var ( Nanosecond = Duration(time.Nanosecond) Microsecond = Duration(time.Microsecond) Millisecond = Duration(time.Millisecond) Second = Duration(time.Second) Minute = Duration(time.Minute) Hour = Duration(time.Hour) Day = Hour * 24 Week = Day * 7 Fortnight = Week * 2 Month = Day * 30 // Approximation Year = Day * 365 // Approximation Decade = Year * 10 // Approximation Century = Year * 100 // Approximation Millennium = Year * 1000 // Approximation )
Standard unit of time.
var ErrInvalidFileSystemAttribute = errors.New("Error in parsing file system attribute")
ErrInvalidFileSystemAttribute reflects invalid fily system attribute
var ErrInvalidMetadata = errors.New("specified metadata should be of form key1=value1;key2=value2;... and so on")
ErrInvalidMetadata reflects invalid metadata format
var HelpEnvTemplate = template.Must(template.New("config-help-env").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(HelpTmpl))
HelpEnvTemplate - captures config help template
var HelpTemplate = template.Must(template.New("config-help").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(HelpTmpl))
HelpTemplate - captures config help template
var HistoryTemplate = template.Must(template.New("history-list").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(History))
HistoryTemplate - captures history list template
PingTemplate - captures ping template
var PingTemplateDist = template.Must(template.New("ping-list").Funcs(colorMap).Parse(PingDist))
PingTemplateDist - captures ping template
var S3New = newFactory()
S3New returns an initialized S3Client structure. If debug is enabled, it also enables an internal trace transport.
Functions ¶
func DownloadReleaseData ¶
func DownloadReleaseData(customReleaseURL string, timeout time.Duration) (data string, err *probe.Error)
DownloadReleaseData - downloads release data from mc official server.
func GetCurrentReleaseTime ¶
GetCurrentReleaseTime - returns this process's release time. If it is official mc --version, parsed version is returned else mc binary's mod time is returned.
func IsDeleteEvent ¶
IsDeleteEvent checks if the event returned is a delete event
func IsDocker ¶
func IsDocker() bool
IsDocker - returns if the environment mc is running in docker or not. The check is a simple file existence check.
"/.dockerenv": "file",
func IsGetEvent ¶
IsGetEvent checks if the event return is a get event.
func IsKubernetes ¶
func IsKubernetes() bool
IsKubernetes returns true if MinIO is running in kubernetes.
func IsPutEvent ¶
IsPutEvent checks if the event returned is a put event
func IsSourceBuild ¶
func IsSourceBuild() bool
IsSourceBuild - returns if this binary is a non-official build from source code.
func NewAdminFactory ¶
NewAdminFactory encloses New function with client cache.
Types ¶
type APINotImplemented ¶
APINotImplemented - api not implemented
func (APINotImplemented) Error ¶
func (e APINotImplemented) Error() string
type BrokenSymlink ¶
type BrokenSymlink GenericFileError
BrokenSymlink (ENOTENT) - file has broken symlink.
func (BrokenSymlink) Error ¶
func (e BrokenSymlink) Error() string
type BucketDoesNotExist ¶
type BucketDoesNotExist GenericBucketError
BucketDoesNotExist - bucket does not exist.
func (BucketDoesNotExist) Error ¶
func (e BucketDoesNotExist) Error() string
type BucketExists ¶
type BucketExists GenericBucketError
BucketExists - bucket exists.
func (BucketExists) Error ¶
func (e BucketExists) Error() string
type BucketInfo ¶
type BucketInfo struct { URL ClientURL `json:"-"` Key string `json:"name"` Date time.Time `json:"lastModified"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Type os.FileMode `json:"-"` Prefix bool `json:"-"` Versioning struct { Status string `json:"status"` MFADelete string `json:"MFADelete"` } `json:"Versioning,omitempty"` Encryption struct { Algorithm string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` KeyID string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` } `json:"Encryption,omitempty"` Locking struct { Enabled string `json:"enabled"` Mode minio.RetentionMode `json:"mode"` Validity string `json:"validity"` } `json:"ObjectLock,omitempty"` Replication struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Config replication.Config `json:"config,omitempty"` } `json:"Replication"` Policy struct { Type string `json:"type"` Text string `json:"policy,omitempty"` } `json:"Policy,omitempty"` Location string `json:"location"` Tagging map[string]string `json:"tagging,omitempty"` ILM struct { Config *lifecycle.Configuration `json:"config,omitempty"` } `json:"ilm,omitempty"` Notification struct { Config notification.Configuration `json:"config,omitempty"` } `json:"notification,omitempty"` }
BucketInfo holds info about a bucket
type BucketInvalid ¶
type BucketInvalid struct {
Bucket string
BucketInvalid - bucket name invalid.
func (BucketInvalid) Error ¶
func (e BucketInvalid) Error() string
type BucketNameEmpty ¶
type BucketNameEmpty struct{}
BucketNameEmpty - bucket name empty (
func (BucketNameEmpty) Error ¶
func (e BucketNameEmpty) Error() string
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // Common operations Stat(ctx context.Context, opts StatOptions) (content *ClientContent, err *probe.Error) List(ctx context.Context, opts ListOptions) <-chan *ClientContent // Bucket operations MakeBucket(ctx context.Context, region string, ignoreExisting, withLock bool) *probe.Error RemoveBucket(ctx context.Context, forceRemove bool) *probe.Error ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) ([]*ClientContent, *probe.Error) // Object lock config SetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context, mode minio.RetentionMode, validity uint64, unit minio.ValidityUnit) *probe.Error GetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context) (status string, mode minio.RetentionMode, validity uint64, unit minio.ValidityUnit, perr *probe.Error) // Access policy operations. GetAccess(ctx context.Context) (access string, policyJSON string, error *probe.Error) GetAccessRules(ctx context.Context) (policyRules map[string]string, error *probe.Error) SetAccess(ctx context.Context, access string, isJSON bool) *probe.Error // I/O operations Copy(ctx context.Context, source string, opts CopyOptions, progress io.Reader) *probe.Error // Runs select expression on object storage on specific files. Select(ctx context.Context, expression string, sse encrypt.ServerSide, opts SelectObjectOpts) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error) // I/O operations with metadata. Get(ctx context.Context, opts GetOptions) (reader io.ReadCloser, err *probe.Error) Put(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, opts PutOptions) (n int64, err *probe.Error) // Object Locking related API PutObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string, mode minio.RetentionMode, retainUntilDate time.Time, bypassGovernance bool) *probe.Error GetObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.RetentionMode, time.Time, *probe.Error) PutObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string, hold minio.LegalHoldStatus) *probe.Error GetObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.LegalHoldStatus, *probe.Error) // I/O operations with expiration // Watch events Watch(ctx context.Context, options WatchOptions) (*WatchObject, *probe.Error) // Delete operations Remove(ctx context.Context, isIncomplete, isRemoveBucket, isBypass, isForceDel bool, contentCh <-chan *ClientContent) (errorCh <-chan RemoveResult) // GetURL returns back internal url GetURL() ClientURL AddUserAgent(app, version string) // Tagging operations GetTags(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (map[string]string, *probe.Error) SetTags(ctx context.Context, versionID, tags string) *probe.Error DeleteTags(ctx context.Context, versionID string) *probe.Error // Lifecycle operations GetLifecycle(ctx context.Context) (*lifecycle.Configuration, *probe.Error) SetLifecycle(ctx context.Context, config *lifecycle.Configuration) *probe.Error // Versioning operations GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (minio.BucketVersioningConfiguration, *probe.Error) SetVersion(ctx context.Context, status string, prefixes []string, excludeFolders bool) *probe.Error // Replication operations GetReplication(ctx context.Context) (replication.Config, *probe.Error) SetReplication(ctx context.Context, cfg *replication.Config, opts replication.Options) *probe.Error RemoveReplication(ctx context.Context) *probe.Error GetReplicationMetrics(ctx context.Context) (replication.Metrics, *probe.Error) ResetReplication(ctx context.Context, before time.Duration, arn string) (replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, *probe.Error) ReplicationResyncStatus(ctx context.Context, arn string) (rinfo replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, err *probe.Error) // Encryption operations GetEncryption(ctx context.Context) (string, string, *probe.Error) SetEncryption(ctx context.Context, algorithm, kmsKeyID string) *probe.Error DeleteEncryption(ctx context.Context) *probe.Error // Bucket info operation GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context) (BucketInfo, *probe.Error) // Restore an object Restore(ctx context.Context, versionID string, days int) *probe.Error // OD operations GetPart(ctx context.Context, part int) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error) PutPart(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, opts PutOptions) (n int64, err *probe.Error) }
Client - client interface
type ClientContent ¶
type ClientContent struct { URL ClientURL BucketName string // only valid and set for client-type objectStorage Time time.Time Size int64 Type os.FileMode StorageClass string Metadata map[string]string Tags map[string]string UserMetadata map[string]string ETag string Expires time.Time Expiration time.Time ExpirationRuleID string RetentionEnabled bool RetentionMode string RetentionDuration string BypassGovernance bool LegalHoldEnabled bool LegalHold string VersionID string IsDeleteMarker bool IsLatest bool ReplicationStatus string Restore *minio.RestoreInfo Err *probe.Error }
ClientContent - Content container for content metadata
type ClientURL ¶
type ClientURL struct { Type ClientURLType Scheme string Host string Path string SchemeSeparator string Separator rune }
ClientURL url client url structure
type ClusterHealthV1 ¶
type ClusterHealthV1 struct { TimeStamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` Hardware HwServersV1 `json:"hardware,omitempty"` Software SwInfoV1 `json:"software,omitempty"` }
ClusterHealthV1 - main struct of the health report
func MapHealthInfoToV1 ¶
func MapHealthInfoToV1(healthInfo madmin.HealthInfoV0, err error) ClusterHealthV1
MapHealthInfoToV1 - maps the health info returned by minio server to V1 format
func (ClusterHealthV1) GetError ¶
func (ch ClusterHealthV1) GetError() string
GetError - return error from the health info
func (ClusterHealthV1) GetStatus ¶
func (ch ClusterHealthV1) GetStatus() string
GetStatus - return status of the health info
func (ClusterHealthV1) GetTimestamp ¶
func (ch ClusterHealthV1) GetTimestamp() time.Time
GetTimestamp - return timestamp from the health info
func (ClusterHealthV1) JSON ¶
func (ch ClusterHealthV1) JSON() string
JSON jsonifies service status message.
func (ClusterHealthV1) String ¶
func (ch ClusterHealthV1) String() string
type ClusterInfo ¶
type ClusterInfo struct { MinioVersion string `json:"minio_version"` NoOfServerPools int `json:"no_of_server_pools"` NoOfServers int `json:"no_of_servers"` NoOfDrives int `json:"no_of_drives"` NoOfBuckets uint64 `json:"no_of_buckets"` NoOfObjects uint64 `json:"no_of_objects"` TotalDriveSpace uint64 `json:"total_drive_space"` UsedDriveSpace uint64 `json:"used_drive_space"` }
ClusterInfo - The "info" sub-node of the cluster registration information struct Intended to be extensible i.e. more fields will be added as and when required
type ClusterRegistrationInfo ¶
type ClusterRegistrationInfo struct { DeploymentID string `json:"deployment_id"` ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"` UsedCapacity uint64 `json:"used_capacity"` Info ClusterInfo `json:"info"` }
ClusterRegistrationInfo - Information stored in the cluster registration token
type ClusterRegistrationReq ¶
type ClusterRegistrationReq struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
ClusterRegistrationReq - JSON payload of the subnet api for cluster registration Contains a registration token created by base64 encoding of the registration info
type Config ¶
type Config struct { AccessKey string SecretKey string SessionToken string Signature string HostURL string AppName string AppVersion string Debug bool Insecure bool Lookup minio.BucketLookupType ConnReadDeadline time.Duration ConnWriteDeadline time.Duration UploadLimit int64 DownloadLimit int64 Transport *http.Transport }
Config - see
func BuildS3Config ¶
func BuildS3Config(ctx context.Context, url, accessKey, secretKey, api, path string, peerCert *x509.Certificate) (*Config, *probe.Error)
BuildS3Config constructs an S3 Config and does signature auto-probe when needed.
func NewS3Config ¶
NewS3Config simply creates a new Config struct using the passed parameters.
type ConfigAnyVersion ¶
type ConfigAnyVersion struct {
Version string
ConfigAnyVersion is a generic structure to parse any config.json version file and only extracts its version number
type CopyOptions ¶
type CopyOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CopyOptions holds options for copying operation
type DriveTestResult ¶
type DriveTestResult struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` Perf []madmin.DrivePerf `json:"perf,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
DriveTestResult - result of the drive performance test on a given endpoint
type DriveTestResults ¶
type DriveTestResults struct {
Results []DriveTestResult `json:"servers"`
DriveTestResults - results of drive performance test across all endpoints
type Duration ¶
Duration is a standard unit of time.
func ParseDuration ¶
ParseDuration parses a duration string. This implementation is similar to Go's;l=1546;bpv=1;bpt=1 extends it to parse days, weeks and years..
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w", "y".
type EndPointStats ¶
type EndPointStats struct { Endpoint *url.URL `json:"endpoint"` Min string `json:"min"` Max string `json:"max"` Average string `json:"average"` DNS string `json:"dns"` CountErr string `json:"error-count,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` Roundtrip string `json:"roundtrip"` }
EndPointStats - container to hold server ping stats
type EventInfo ¶
type EventInfo struct { Time string Size int64 UserMetadata map[string]string Path string Host string Port string UserAgent string Type notification.EventType }
EventInfo contains the information of the event that occurred and the source IP:PORT of the client which triggerred the event.
type Field ¶
type Field struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Field configuration: color theme and max content length
type GenericBucketError ¶
type GenericBucketError struct {
Bucket string
GenericBucketError - generic bucket operations error
type GenericFileError ¶
type GenericFileError struct {
Path string
GenericFileError - generic file error.
type GetOptions ¶
type GetOptions struct { SSE encrypt.ServerSide VersionID string Zip bool RangeStart int64 }
GetOptions holds options of the GET operation
type Health ¶
type Health struct {
Health SchemaVersion `json:"health"`
Health - intermediate struct for subnet health header Just used to achieve the JSON structure we want
type HealthDataTypeFlag ¶
type HealthDataTypeFlag struct { Name string Usage string EnvVar string Hidden bool Value *HealthDataTypeSlice }
HealthDataTypeFlag is a typed flag to represent health datatypes
func (HealthDataTypeFlag) Apply ¶
func (f HealthDataTypeFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)
Apply - applies the flag
func (HealthDataTypeFlag) ApplyWithError ¶
func (f HealthDataTypeFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error
ApplyWithError - applies with error
func (HealthDataTypeFlag) GetName ¶
func (f HealthDataTypeFlag) GetName() string
GetName - returns the name of the flag
func (HealthDataTypeFlag) String ¶
func (f HealthDataTypeFlag) String() string
String - returns the string to be shown in the help message
type HealthDataTypeSlice ¶
type HealthDataTypeSlice []madmin.HealthDataType
HealthDataTypeSlice is a typed list of health tests
func GetGlobalHealthDataTypeSlice ¶
func GetGlobalHealthDataTypeSlice(c *cli.Context, name string) *HealthDataTypeSlice
GetGlobalHealthDataTypeSlice - returns the list of set health tests set globally
func GetHealthDataTypeSlice ¶
func GetHealthDataTypeSlice(c *cli.Context, name string) *HealthDataTypeSlice
GetHealthDataTypeSlice - returns the list of set health tests
func (*HealthDataTypeSlice) Get ¶
func (d *HealthDataTypeSlice) Get() interface{}
Get - returns the value
func (*HealthDataTypeSlice) Set ¶
func (d *HealthDataTypeSlice) Set(value string) error
Set - sets the flag to the given value
func (*HealthDataTypeSlice) String ¶
func (d *HealthDataTypeSlice) String() string
String - returns the string representation of the health datatypes
func (*HealthDataTypeSlice) Value ¶
func (d *HealthDataTypeSlice) Value() []madmin.HealthDataType
Value - returns the value
type HealthReportHeader ¶
type HealthReportHeader struct {
Subnet Health `json:"subnet"`
HealthReportHeader - Header of the subnet health report expected to generate JSON output of the form {"subnet":{"health":{"version":"v1"}}}
type HealthReportInfo ¶
type HealthReportInfo interface { GetTimestamp() time.Time GetStatus() string GetError() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
HealthReportInfo - interface to be implemented by health report schema struct
type HwCPUV1 ¶
type HwCPUV1 struct { CPUStat []cpu.InfoStat `json:"cpu,omitempty"` TimesStat []cpu.TimesStat `json:"time,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
HwCPUV1 - CPU Info
type HwDrivePerfV1 ¶
type HwDrivePerfV1 struct { Serial []madmin.DrivePerfInfoV0 `json:"serial,omitempty"` Parallel []madmin.DrivePerfInfoV0 `json:"parallel,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
HwDrivePerfV1 - Network performance info
type HwDriveV1 ¶
type HwDriveV1 struct { Counters map[string]disk.IOCountersStat `json:"counters,omitempty"` Partitions []madmin.PartitionStat `json:"partitions,omitempty"` Usage []*disk.UsageStat `json:"usage,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
HwDriveV1 - Drive info
type HwMemV1 ¶
type HwMemV1 struct { SwapMem *mem.SwapMemoryStat `json:"swap,omitempty"` VirtualMem *mem.VirtualMemoryStat `json:"virtualmem,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
HwMemV1 - Includes host virtual and swap mem information
type HwNetPerfV1 ¶
type HwNetPerfV1 struct { Serial []madmin.NetPerfInfoV0 `json:"serial,omitempty"` Parallel []madmin.NetPerfInfoV0 `json:"parallel,omitempty"` }
HwNetPerfV1 - Network performance info
type HwPerfV1 ¶
type HwPerfV1 struct { Net HwNetPerfV1 `json:"net,omitempty"` Drive HwDrivePerfV1 `json:"drives,omitempty"` }
HwPerfV1 - hardware performance
type HwServerV1 ¶
type HwServerV1 struct { Addr string `json:"addr"` CPUs []HwCPUV1 `json:"cpus,omitempty"` Drives []HwDriveV1 `json:"drives,omitempty"` MemInfo HwMemV1 `json:"meminfo,omitempty"` Perf HwPerfV1 `json:"perf,omitempty"` }
HwServerV1 - server health Info
type HwServersV1 ¶
type HwServersV1 struct {
Servers []HwServerV1 `json:"servers,omitempty"`
HwServersV1 - hardware health Info
type InvalidArgument ¶
type InvalidArgument struct{}
InvalidArgument - passed argument is invalid for this operation
func (InvalidArgument) Error ¶
func (e InvalidArgument) Error() string
type ListOptions ¶
type ListOptions struct { Recursive bool Incomplete bool WithMetadata bool WithOlderVersions bool WithDeleteMarkers bool ListZip bool TimeRef time.Time ShowDir DirOpt Count int }
ListOptions holds options for listing operation
type MinioHealthInfoV1 ¶
type MinioHealthInfoV1 struct { Info madmin.InfoMessage `json:"info,omitempty"` Config interface{} `json:"config,omitempty"` ProcInfo []madmin.ServerProcInfo `json:"procinfos,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
MinioHealthInfoV1 - Health info of the MinIO cluster
type NetTestResult ¶
type NetTestResult struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` Perf NetStats `json:"perf"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
NetTestResult - result of the network performance test for given endpoint
type NetTestResults ¶
type NetTestResults struct {
Results []NetTestResult `json:"servers"`
NetTestResults - result of the network performance test across all endpoints
type NotificationConfig ¶
type NotificationConfig struct { ID string `json:"id"` Arn string `json:"arn"` Events []string `json:"events"` Prefix string `json:"prefix"` Suffix string `json:"suffix"` }
NotificationConfig notification config
type ObjGETPerfResults ¶
type ObjGETPerfResults struct { Perf ObjGETStats `json:"perf"` Servers []ObjStatServer `json:"servers"` }
ObjGETPerfResults - Object GET performance results
type ObjGETStats ¶
type ObjGETStats struct { ObjPUTStats TTFB madmin.Timings `json:"ttfb,omitempty"` }
ObjGETStats - GET stats of all the servers
type ObjPUTPerfResults ¶
type ObjPUTPerfResults struct { Perf ObjPUTStats `json:"perf"` Servers []ObjStatServer `json:"servers"` }
ObjPUTPerfResults - Object PUT performance results
type ObjPUTStats ¶
type ObjPUTStats struct { Throughput uint64 `json:"throughput"` ObjectsPerSec uint64 `json:"objectsPerSec"` Response madmin.Timings `json:"responseTime"` }
ObjPUTStats - PUT stats of all the servers
type ObjStatServer ¶
type ObjStatServer struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` Perf ObjStats `json:"perf"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
ObjStatServer - Server level object performance stats
type ObjStats ¶
type ObjStats struct { Throughput uint64 `json:"throughput"` ObjectsPerSec uint64 `json:"objectsPerSec"` }
ObjStats - Object performance stats
type ObjTestResults ¶
type ObjTestResults struct { ObjectSize int `json:"objectSize"` Threads int `json:"threads"` PUTResults ObjPUTPerfResults `json:"PUT"` GETResults ObjGETPerfResults `json:"GET"` }
ObjTestResults - result of the object performance test
type ObjectAlreadyExists ¶
type ObjectAlreadyExists struct {
Object string
ObjectAlreadyExists - typed return for MethodNotAllowed
func (ObjectAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e ObjectAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory ¶
type ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory struct {
Object string
ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory - typed return for XMinioObjectExistsAsDirectory
func (ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory) Error ¶
func (e ObjectAlreadyExistsAsDirectory) Error() string
type ObjectIsDeleteMarker ¶
type ObjectIsDeleteMarker struct{}
ObjectIsDeleteMarker - object is a delete marker as latest
func (ObjectIsDeleteMarker) Error ¶
func (e ObjectIsDeleteMarker) Error() string
type ObjectMissing ¶
type ObjectMissing struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ObjectMissing (EINVAL) - object key missing.
func (ObjectMissing) Error ¶
func (e ObjectMissing) Error() string
type ObjectNameEmpty ¶
type ObjectNameEmpty struct{}
ObjectNameEmpty - object name empty.
func (ObjectNameEmpty) Error ¶
func (e ObjectNameEmpty) Error() string
type ObjectOnGlacier ¶
type ObjectOnGlacier struct {
Object string
ObjectOnGlacier - object is of storage class glacier.
func (ObjectOnGlacier) Error ¶
func (e ObjectOnGlacier) Error() string
type ParallelManager ¶
type ParallelManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParallelManager - helps manage parallel workers to run tasks
type PathInsufficientPermission ¶
type PathInsufficientPermission GenericFileError
PathInsufficientPermission (EPERM) - permission denied.
func (PathInsufficientPermission) Error ¶
func (e PathInsufficientPermission) Error() string
type PathIsNotRegular ¶
type PathIsNotRegular GenericFileError
PathIsNotRegular (ENOTREG) - file is not a regular file.
func (PathIsNotRegular) Error ¶
func (e PathIsNotRegular) Error() string
type PathNotADirectory ¶
type PathNotADirectory GenericFileError
PathNotADirectory - this path does not correspond to a directory
func (PathNotADirectory) Error ¶
func (e PathNotADirectory) Error() string
type PathNotFound ¶
type PathNotFound GenericFileError
PathNotFound (ENOENT) - file not found.
func (PathNotFound) Error ¶
func (e PathNotFound) Error() string
type PerfTestOutput ¶
type PerfTestOutput struct { ObjectResults *ObjTestResults `json:"object,omitempty"` NetResults *NetTestResults `json:"network,omitempty"` DriveResults *DriveTestResults `json:"drive,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
PerfTestOutput - stores the final output of performance test(s)
func (PerfTestOutput) JSON ¶
func (p PerfTestOutput) JSON() string
JSON - jsonified output of the perf tests
func (PerfTestOutput) String ¶
func (p PerfTestOutput) String() string
String - dummy function to confirm to the 'message' interface. Not used.
type PerfTestResult ¶
type PerfTestResult struct { Type PerfTestType `json:"type"` ObjectResult *madmin.SpeedTestResult `json:"object,omitempty"` NetResult *madmin.NetperfResult `json:"network,omitempty"` DriveResult []madmin.DriveSpeedTestResult `json:"drive,omitempty"` Err string `json:"err,omitempty"` Final bool `json:"final,omitempty"` }
PerfTestResult - stores the result of a performance test
type PerfTestType ¶
type PerfTestType byte
PerfTestType - The type of performance test (net/drive/object)
const ( NetPerfTest PerfTestType = 1 << iota DrivePerfTest ObjectPerfTest )
Constants for performance test type
func (PerfTestType) Name ¶
func (p PerfTestType) Name() string
Name - returns name of the performance test
type PingResult ¶
type PingResult struct { Status string `json:"status"` Counter string `json:"counter"` EndPointsStats []EndPointStats `json:"servers"` }
PingResult contains ping output
func (PingResult) String ¶
func (pr PingResult) String() string
String colorized service status message.
type PrettyRecord ¶
type PrettyRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrettyRecord - an easy struct to format a set of key-value pairs into a record
type PrettyTable ¶
type PrettyTable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrettyTable - an easy struct to format a set of line
type ProgressReader ¶
ProgressReader can be used to update the progress of an on-going transfer progress.
type ProgressStatus ¶
type ProgressStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProgressStatus shows a progressbar
func (*ProgressStatus) Add ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Add(v int64) Status
Add bytes to current number of bytes
func (*ProgressStatus) AddCounts ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) AddCounts(v int64)
AddCounts adds 'v' number of files uploaded.
func (*ProgressStatus) Finish ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Finish()
Finish displays the accounting summary
func (*ProgressStatus) Get ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Get() int64
Get returns the current number of bytes
func (*ProgressStatus) GetCounts ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) GetCounts() int64
GetCounts returns number of files uploaded
func (*ProgressStatus) PrintMsg ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) PrintMsg(_ message)
PrintMsg prints message
func (*ProgressStatus) Println ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Println(data ...interface{})
Println prints line, ignored for quietstatus
func (*ProgressStatus) Read ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Read implements the io.Reader interface
func (*ProgressStatus) SetCaption ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetCaption(s string)
SetCaption sets the caption of the progressbar
func (*ProgressStatus) SetCounts ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetCounts(v int64)
SetCounts sets number of files uploaded
func (*ProgressStatus) SetTotal ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) SetTotal(v int64) Status
SetTotal sets the total of the progressbar
func (*ProgressStatus) Total ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Total() int64
Total returns the total number of bytes
func (*ProgressStatus) Update ¶
func (ps *ProgressStatus) Update()
Update is ignored for quietstatus
type PrometheusConfig ¶
type PrometheusConfig struct {
ScrapeConfigs []ScrapeConfig `yaml:"scrape_configs,omitempty"`
PrometheusConfig - container to hold the top level scrape config.
func (PrometheusConfig) JSON ¶
func (c PrometheusConfig) JSON() string
JSON jsonified prometheus config.
func (PrometheusConfig) String ¶
func (c PrometheusConfig) String() string
String colorized prometheus config yaml.
type PutOptions ¶
type PutOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutOptions holds options for PUT operation
type QuietStatus ¶
type QuietStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
QuietStatus will only show the progress and summary
func (*QuietStatus) Add ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) Add(v int64) Status
Add bytes to current number of bytes
func (*QuietStatus) AddCounts ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) AddCounts(v int64)
AddCounts adds 'v' number of files uploaded.
func (*QuietStatus) Get ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) Get() int64
Get returns the current number of bytes
func (*QuietStatus) GetCounts ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) GetCounts() int64
GetCounts returns number of files uploaded
func (*QuietStatus) Println ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) Println(_ ...interface{})
Println prints line, ignored for quietstatus
func (*QuietStatus) Read ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Read implements the io.Reader interface
func (QuietStatus) Set ¶
func (a QuietStatus) Set(n int64) *accounter
Set sets the current value atomically.
func (*QuietStatus) SetCaption ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) SetCaption(_ string)
SetCaption sets the caption of the progressbar, ignored for quietstatus
func (*QuietStatus) SetCounts ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) SetCounts(v int64)
SetCounts sets number of files uploaded
func (*QuietStatus) SetTotal ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) SetTotal(v int64) Status
SetTotal sets the total of the progressbar, ignored for quietstatus
func (QuietStatus) Stat ¶
func (a QuietStatus) Stat() accountStat
Stat provides current stats captured.
func (*QuietStatus) Total ¶
func (qs *QuietStatus) Total() int64
Total returns the total number of bytes
type RemoveResult ¶
RemoveResult returns the error or result of the removed objects.
type Row ¶
type Row struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Row specifies row description and theme
type S3Client ¶
S3Client construct
func (*S3Client) AddNotificationConfig ¶
func (c *S3Client) AddNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, arn string, events []string, prefix, suffix string, ignoreExisting bool) *probe.Error
AddNotificationConfig - Add bucket notification
func (*S3Client) AddUserAgent ¶
AddUserAgent - add custom user agent.
func (*S3Client) Copy ¶
func (c *S3Client) Copy(ctx context.Context, source string, opts CopyOptions, progress io.Reader) *probe.Error
Copy - copy object, uses server side copy API. Also uses an abstracted API such that large file sizes will be copied in multipart manner on server side.
func (*S3Client) DeleteEncryption ¶
DeleteEncryption - removes encryption configuration on a bucket
func (*S3Client) DeleteTags ¶
DeleteTags - Delete tags of bucket or object
func (*S3Client) Get ¶
func (c *S3Client) Get(ctx context.Context, opts GetOptions) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error)
Get - get object with GET options.
func (*S3Client) GetAccessRules ¶
GetAccessRules - get configured policies from the server
func (*S3Client) GetBucketInfo ¶
GetBucketInfo gets info about a bucket
func (*S3Client) GetEncryption ¶
GetEncryption - gets bucket encryption info.
func (*S3Client) GetLifecycle ¶
GetLifecycle - Get current lifecycle configuration.
func (*S3Client) GetObjectLegalHold ¶
func (c *S3Client) GetObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.LegalHoldStatus, *probe.Error)
GetObjectLegalHold - Get object legal hold for a given object.
func (*S3Client) GetObjectLockConfig ¶
func (c *S3Client) GetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context) (string, minio.RetentionMode, uint64, minio.ValidityUnit, *probe.Error)
GetObjectLockConfig - Get object lock configuration of bucket.
func (*S3Client) GetObjectRetention ¶
func (c *S3Client) GetObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string) (minio.RetentionMode, time.Time, *probe.Error)
GetObjectRetention - Get object retention for a given object.
func (*S3Client) GetReplication ¶
GetReplication - gets replication configuration for a given bucket.
func (*S3Client) GetReplicationMetrics ¶
GetReplicationMetrics - Get replication metrics for a given bucket.
func (*S3Client) GetVersion ¶
func (c *S3Client) GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (config minio.BucketVersioningConfiguration, err *probe.Error)
GetVersion - gets bucket version info.
func (*S3Client) List ¶
func (c *S3Client) List(ctx context.Context, opts ListOptions) <-chan *ClientContent
List - list at delimited path, if not recursive.
func (*S3Client) ListBuckets ¶
ListBuckets - list buckets
func (*S3Client) ListNotificationConfigs ¶
func (c *S3Client) ListNotificationConfigs(ctx context.Context, arn string) ([]NotificationConfig, *probe.Error)
ListNotificationConfigs - List notification configs
func (*S3Client) MakeBucket ¶
func (c *S3Client) MakeBucket(ctx context.Context, region string, ignoreExisting, withLock bool) *probe.Error
MakeBucket - make a new bucket.
func (*S3Client) Put ¶
func (c *S3Client) Put(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, putOpts PutOptions) (int64, *probe.Error)
Put - upload an object with custom metadata.
func (*S3Client) PutObjectLegalHold ¶
func (c *S3Client) PutObjectLegalHold(ctx context.Context, versionID string, lhold minio.LegalHoldStatus) *probe.Error
PutObjectLegalHold - Set object legal hold for a given object.
func (*S3Client) PutObjectRetention ¶
func (c *S3Client) PutObjectRetention(ctx context.Context, versionID string, mode minio.RetentionMode, retainUntilDate time.Time, bypassGovernance bool) *probe.Error
PutObjectRetention - Set object retention for a given object.
func (*S3Client) PutPart ¶
func (c *S3Client) PutPart(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, size int64, progress io.Reader, putOpts PutOptions) (int64, *probe.Error)
PutPart - upload an object with custom metadata. (Same as Put)
func (*S3Client) Remove ¶
func (c *S3Client) Remove(ctx context.Context, isIncomplete, isRemoveBucket, isBypass, isForceDel bool, contentCh <-chan *ClientContent) <-chan RemoveResult
Remove - remove object or bucket(s).
func (*S3Client) RemoveBucket ¶
RemoveBucket removes a bucket, forcibly if asked
func (*S3Client) RemoveNotificationConfig ¶
func (c *S3Client) RemoveNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, arn string, event string, prefix string, suffix string) *probe.Error
RemoveNotificationConfig - Remove bucket notification
func (*S3Client) RemoveReplication ¶
RemoveReplication - removes replication configuration for a given bucket.
func (*S3Client) ReplicationResyncStatus ¶
func (c *S3Client) ReplicationResyncStatus(ctx context.Context, arn string) (rinfo replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, err *probe.Error)
ReplicationResyncStatus - gets status of replication resync for this target arn
func (*S3Client) ResetReplication ¶
func (c *S3Client) ResetReplication(ctx context.Context, before time.Duration, tgtArn string) (rinfo replication.ResyncTargetsInfo, err *probe.Error)
ResetReplication - kicks off replication again on previously replicated objects if existing object replication is enabled in the replication config.Optional to provide a timestamp
func (*S3Client) Select ¶
func (c *S3Client) Select(ctx context.Context, expression string, sse encrypt.ServerSide, selOpts SelectObjectOpts) (io.ReadCloser, *probe.Error)
Select - select object content wrapper.
func (*S3Client) SetEncryption ¶
SetEncryption - Set encryption configuration on a bucket
func (*S3Client) SetLifecycle ¶
SetLifecycle - Set lifecycle configuration on a bucket
func (*S3Client) SetObjectLockConfig ¶
func (c *S3Client) SetObjectLockConfig(ctx context.Context, mode minio.RetentionMode, validity uint64, unit minio.ValidityUnit) *probe.Error
SetObjectLockConfig - Set object lock configurataion of bucket.
func (*S3Client) SetReplication ¶
func (c *S3Client) SetReplication(ctx context.Context, cfg *replication.Config, opts replication.Options) *probe.Error
SetReplication sets replication configuration for a given bucket.
func (*S3Client) SetVersion ¶
func (c *S3Client) SetVersion(ctx context.Context, status string, prefixes []string, excludeFolders bool) *probe.Error
SetVersion - Set version configuration on a bucket
func (*S3Client) ShareDownload ¶
func (c *S3Client) ShareDownload(ctx context.Context, versionID string, expires time.Duration) (string, *probe.Error)
ShareDownload - get a usable presigned object url to share.
func (*S3Client) ShareUpload ¶
func (c *S3Client) ShareUpload(ctx context.Context, isRecursive bool, expires time.Duration, contentType string) (string, map[string]string, *probe.Error)
ShareUpload - get data for presigned post http form upload.
func (*S3Client) Stat ¶
func (c *S3Client) Stat(ctx context.Context, opts StatOptions) (*ClientContent, *probe.Error)
Stat - send a 'HEAD' on a bucket or object to fetch its metadata. It also returns a DIR type content if a prefix does exist in the server.
func (*S3Client) Watch ¶
func (c *S3Client) Watch(ctx context.Context, options WatchOptions) (*WatchObject, *probe.Error)
Watch - Start watching on all bucket events for a given account ID.
type SameFile ¶
type SameFile struct {
Source, Destination string
SameFile - source and destination are same files.
type SchemaVersion ¶
type SchemaVersion struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
SchemaVersion - version of the health report schema
type ScrapeConfig ¶
type ScrapeConfig struct { JobName string `yaml:"job_name" json:"jobName"` BearerToken string `yaml:"bearer_token,omitempty" json:"bearerToken,omitempty"` MetricsPath string `yaml:"metrics_path,omitempty" json:"metricsPath"` Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty" json:"scheme"` StaticConfigs []StatConfig `yaml:"static_configs,omitempty" json:"staticConfigs"` }
ScrapeConfig configures a scraping unit for Prometheus.
type SelectObjectOpts ¶
type SelectObjectOpts struct { InputSerOpts map[string]map[string]string OutputSerOpts map[string]map[string]string CompressionType minio.SelectCompressionType }
SelectObjectOpts - opts entered for select API
type StatConfig ¶
type StatConfig struct {
Targets []string `yaml:",flow" json:"targets"`
StatConfig - container to hold the targets config.
type StatOptions ¶
type StatOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatOptions holds options of the HEAD operation
type Status ¶
type Status interface { Println(data ...interface{}) AddCounts(int64) SetCounts(int64) GetCounts() int64 Add(int64) Status Get() int64 Start() Finish() PrintMsg(msg message) Update() Total() int64 SetTotal(int64) Status SetCaption(string) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Status implements a interface that can be used in quit mode or with progressbar.
func NewProgressStatus ¶
NewProgressStatus returns a progress status object
func NewQuietStatus ¶
NewQuietStatus returns a quiet status object
type SubnetLoginReq ¶
SubnetLoginReq - JSON payload of the SUBNET login api
type SubnetMFAReq ¶
type SubnetMFAReq struct { Username string `json:"username"` OTP string `json:"otp"` Token string `json:"token"` }
SubnetMFAReq - JSON payload of the SUBNET mfa api
type SwInfoV1 ¶
type SwInfoV1 struct { Minio MinioHealthInfoV1 `json:"minio,omitempty"` OsInfo []madmin.ServerOsInfo `json:"osinfos,omitempty"` }
SwInfoV1 - software health Info
type TooManyLevelsSymlink ¶
type TooManyLevelsSymlink GenericFileError
TooManyLevelsSymlink (ELOOP) - file has too many levels of symlinks.
func (TooManyLevelsSymlink) Error ¶
func (e TooManyLevelsSymlink) Error() string
type URLs ¶
type URLs struct { SourceAlias string SourceContent *ClientContent TargetAlias string TargetContent *ClientContent TotalCount int64 TotalSize int64 MD5 bool DisableMultipart bool Error *probe.Error `json:"-"` ErrorCond differType `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
URLs contains source and target urls
type UnexpectedEOF ¶
UnexpectedEOF (EPIPE) - reader closed prematurely.
func (UnexpectedEOF) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedEOF) Error() string
type UnexpectedExcessRead ¶
type UnexpectedExcessRead UnexpectedEOF
UnexpectedExcessRead - reader wrote more data than requested.
func (UnexpectedExcessRead) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedExcessRead) Error() string
type UnexpectedShortWrite ¶
UnexpectedShortWrite - write wrote less bytes than expected.
func (UnexpectedShortWrite) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedShortWrite) Error() string
type WatchObject ¶
type WatchObject struct { // eventInfo will be put on this chan EventInfoChan chan []EventInfo // errors will be put on this chan ErrorChan chan *probe.Error // will stop the watcher goroutines DoneChan chan struct{} }
WatchObject captures watch channels to read and listen on.
func (*WatchObject) Errors ¶
func (w *WatchObject) Errors() chan *probe.Error
Errors returns the chan receiving errors
func (*WatchObject) Events ¶
func (w *WatchObject) Events() chan []EventInfo
Events returns the chan receiving events
type WatchOptions ¶
WatchOptions contains watch configuration options
type Watcher ¶
type Watcher struct { // all error will be added to this chan ErrorChan chan *probe.Error // all events will be added to this chan EventInfoChan chan []EventInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Watcher can be used to have one or multiple clients watch for notifications
func NewWatcher ¶
NewWatcher creates a new watcher
Source Files
- access-perms.go
- accounting-reader.go
- admin-bucket-info.go
- admin-bucket-quota.go
- admin-bucket-remote-add.go
- admin-bucket-remote-edit.go
- admin-bucket-remote-main.go
- admin-bucket-remote-remove.go
- admin-bucket.go
- admin-cluster-bucket-export.go
- admin-cluster-bucket-import.go
- admin-cluster-bucket.go
- admin-cluster-iam-export.go
- admin-cluster-iam-import.go
- admin-cluster-iam.go
- admin-cluster.go
- admin-config-export.go
- admin-config-get.go
- admin-config-help.go
- admin-config-history.go
- admin-config-import.go
- admin-config-reset.go
- admin-config-restore.go
- admin-config-set.go
- admin-config.go
- admin-console.go
- admin-decom-cancel.go
- admin-decom-start.go
- admin-decom-status.go
- admin-decom.go
- admin-group-add.go
- admin-group-disable.go
- admin-group-enable.go
- admin-group-info.go
- admin-group-list.go
- admin-group-remove.go
- admin-group.go
- admin-heal-result-item.go
- admin-heal-ui.go
- admin-heal.go
- admin-idp-info.go
- admin-idp-ldap-add.go
- admin-idp-ldap-disable.go
- admin-idp-ldap-enable.go
- admin-idp-ldap-info.go
- admin-idp-ldap-list.go
- admin-idp-ldap-policy-attach.go
- admin-idp-ldap-policy-detach.go
- admin-idp-ldap-policy-entities.go
- admin-idp-ldap-policy.go
- admin-idp-ldap-remove.go
- admin-idp-ldap-update.go
- admin-idp-ldap.go
- admin-idp-list.go
- admin-idp-openid-add.go
- admin-idp-openid-disable.go
- admin-idp-openid-enable.go
- admin-idp-openid-info.go
- admin-idp-openid-list.go
- admin-idp-openid-remove.go
- admin-idp-openid-update.go
- admin-idp-openid.go
- admin-idp-remove.go
- admin-idp-set.go
- admin-idp.go
- admin-info.go
- admin-inspect.go
- admin-kms-key-create.go
- admin-kms-key-status.go
- admin-kms-key.go
- admin-kms.go
- admin-logs.go
- admin-main.go
- admin-policy-add.go
- admin-policy-attach.go
- admin-policy-create.go
- admin-policy-detach.go
- admin-policy-entities.go
- admin-policy-info.go
- admin-policy-list.go
- admin-policy-remove.go
- admin-policy-set.go
- admin-policy-unset.go
- admin-policy-update.go
- admin-policy.go
- admin-profile-start.go
- admin-profile-stop.go
- admin-profile.go
- admin-prometheus-generate.go
- admin-prometheus-metrics.go
- admin-prometheus.go
- admin-rebalance-main.go
- admin-rebalance-start.go
- admin-rebalance-status.go
- admin-rebalance-stop.go
- admin-replicate-add.go
- admin-replicate-info.go
- admin-replicate-remove.go
- admin-replicate-resync-cancel.go
- admin-replicate-resync-start.go
- admin-replicate-resync-status.go
- admin-replicate-resync.go
- admin-replicate-status.go
- admin-replicate-update.go
- admin-replicate.go
- admin-scanner-status.go
- admin-scanner-trace.go
- admin-scanner.go
- admin-service-freeze.go
- admin-service-restart.go
- admin-service-stop.go
- admin-service-unfreeze.go
- admin-service.go
- admin-subnet-health.go
- admin-subnet-register.go
- admin-subnet.go
- admin-tier-deprecated.go
- admin-tier-main.go
- admin-top-api.go
- admin-top-locks.go
- admin-top.go
- admin-trace.go
- admin-update.go
- admin-user-add.go
- admin-user-disable.go
- admin-user-enable.go
- admin-user-info.go
- admin-user-list.go
- admin-user-policy.go
- admin-user-remove.go
- admin-user-sts-info.go
- admin-user-svcacct-add.go
- admin-user-svcacct-disable.go
- admin-user-svcacct-enable.go
- admin-user-svcacct-info.go
- admin-user-svcacct-list.go
- admin-user-svcacct-remove.go
- admin-user-svcacct-set.go
- admin-user-svcacct.go
- admin-user.go
- alias-import.go
- alias-list.go
- alias-main.go
- alias-remove.go
- alias-set.go
- anonymous-main.go
- arg-kvs.go
- auto-complete.go
- batch-cancel.go
- batch-describe.go
- batch-generate.go
- batch-list.go
- batch-main.go
- batch-start.go
- batch-status.go
- build-constants.go
- cat-main.go
- certs.go
- client-admin.go
- client-errors.go
- client-fs.go
- client-fs_linux.go
- client-s3-trace_v2.go
- client-s3-trace_v4.go
- client-s3.go
- client-url.go
- client.go
- common-methods.go
- config-deprecated.go
- config-fix.go
- config-migrate.go
- config-old.go
- config-utils.go
- config-v10.go
- config-validate.go
- config.go
- cp-main.go
- cp-main_contrib.go
- cp-url-syntax.go
- cp-url.go
- diff-main.go
- difference.go
- du-main.go
- duration.go
- encrypt-clear.go
- encrypt-info.go
- encrypt-main.go
- encrypt-set.go
- error.go
- event-add.go
- event-list.go
- event-main.go
- event-remove.go
- find-main.go
- find.go
- flags.go
- fs-pathutils_nix.go
- globals.go
- head-main.go
- health.go
- health_v1.go
- humanized-duration.go
- ilm-deprecated-cmds.go
- ilm-main.go
- ilm-remove.go
- ilm-restore.go
- ilm-rule-add.go
- ilm-rule-edit.go
- ilm-rule-export.go
- ilm-rule-import.go
- ilm-rule-list.go
- ilm-rule-main.go
- ilm-tier-add.go
- ilm-tier-check.go
- ilm-tier-edit.go
- ilm-tier-info-ui.go
- ilm-tier-info.go
- ilm-tier-list.go
- ilm-tier-listing.go
- ilm-tier-main.go
- ilm-tier-remove.go
- ilm-tier-update.go
- ilm-tier-verify.go
- legalhold-clear.go
- legalhold-info.go
- legalhold-main.go
- legalhold-set.go
- license-info.go
- license-register.go
- license-unregister.go
- license-update.go
- license.go
- ls-main.go
- ls.go
- main.go
- mb-main.go
- mirror-main.go
- mirror-url.go
- mv-main.go
- od-main.go
- od-stream.go
- parallel-manager.go
- ping.go
- pipe-main.go
- pipe_supported.go
- pipechan.go
- policy-main.go
- pretty-record.go
- pretty-table.go
- print.go
- profiling.go
- progress-bar.go
- quota-clear.go
- quota-info.go
- quota-main.go
- quota-set.go
- rb-main.go
- ready.go
- replicate-add.go
- replicate-diff.go
- replicate-export.go
- replicate-import.go
- replicate-list.go
- replicate-main.go
- replicate-remove.go
- replicate-reset-main.go
- replicate-reset-start.go
- replicate-reset-status.go
- replicate-status.go
- replicate-update.go
- retention-clear.go
- retention-common.go
- retention-info.go
- retention-main.go
- retention-set.go
- rm-main.go
- scan-bar.go
- session-migrate.go
- session-old.go
- session-v8.go
- session.go
- share-db-v1.go
- share-download-main.go
- share-list-main.go
- share-main.go
- share-upload-main.go
- share.go
- signals.go
- speedtest-spinner.go
- sql-main.go
- stat-main.go
- stat.go
- status.go
- subnet-utils.go
- support-callhome.go
- support-diag.go
- support-inspect.go
- support-perf-drive.go
- support-perf-net.go
- support-perf-object.go
- support-perf.go
- support-profile.go
- support-proxy-remove.go
- support-proxy-set.go
- support-proxy-show.go
- support-proxy.go
- support-register.go
- support-top-api.go
- support-top-drive.go
- support-top-locks.go
- support-top.go
- support.go
- table-ui.go
- tag-list.go
- tag-main.go
- tag-remove.go
- tag-set.go
- term-pager.go
- tofu.go
- top-api-spinner.go
- top-drives-spinner.go
- tree-main.go
- typed-errors.go
- undo-main.go
- update-main.go
- update-notifier.go
- update_nofips.go
- urls.go
- utils.go
- version-enable.go
- version-info.go
- version-main.go
- version-suspend.go
- watch-main.go
- watch.go