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Published: Sep 19, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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const INDEX = `` /* 527-byte string literal not displayed */


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func Kobh

func Kobh(c *gin.Context)


type SysApi

type SysApi struct {

func (SysApi) DeleteSysApi

func (e SysApi) DeleteSysApi(c *gin.Context)

DeleteSysApi 删除接口管理 @Summary 删除接口管理 @Description 删除接口管理 @Tags 接口管理 @Param data body dto.SysApiDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功"}" @Router /api/v1/sys-api [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysApi) Get

func (e SysApi) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 获取接口管理 @Summary 获取接口管理 @Description 获取接口管理 @Tags 接口管理 @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=models.SysApi} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-api/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysApi) GetPage

func (e SysApi) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 获取接口管理列表 @Summary 获取接口管理列表 @Description 获取接口管理列表 @Tags 接口管理 @Param name query string false "名称" @Param title query string false "标题" @Param path query string false "地址" @Param action query string false "类型" @Param type query string false "类别" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=response.Page{list=[]models.SysApi}} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-api [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysApi) Update

func (e SysApi) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update 修改接口管理 @Summary 修改接口管理 @Description 修改接口管理 @Tags 接口管理 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param id path string true "id" @Param data body dto.SysApiUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "更新成功"}" @Router /api/v1/sys-api/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysConfig

type SysConfig struct {

func (SysConfig) Delete

func (e SysConfig) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete 删除配置管理 @Summary 删除配置管理 @Description 删除配置管理 @Tags 配置管理 @Param ids body []int false "ids" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功"}" @Router /api/v1/config [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Get

func (e SysConfig) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 获取配置管理 @Summary 获取配置管理 @Description 获取配置管理 @Tags 配置管理 @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=models.SysConfig} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/config/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Get2Set

func (e SysConfig) Get2Set(c *gin.Context)

Get2Set 获取配置 @Summary 获取配置 @Description 界面操作设置配置值的获取 @Tags 配置管理 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=map[string]interface{}} "{"code": 200, "message": "修改成功"}" @Router /api/v1/set-config [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Get2SysApp

func (e SysConfig) Get2SysApp(c *gin.Context)

Get2SysApp 获取系统配置信息 @Summary 获取系统前台配置信息。此接口不验证权限 @Description 获取系统配置信息。此接口不验证权限 @Tags 配置管理 @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=map[string]string} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/app-config [get]

func (SysConfig) GetPage

func (e SysConfig) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 获取配置管理列表 @Summary 获取配置管理列表 @Description 获取配置管理列表 @Tags 配置管理 @Param configName query string false "名称" @Param configKey query string false "key" @Param configType query string false "类型" @Param isFrontend query int false "是否前端" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=response.Page{list=[]models.SysApi}} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/config [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) GetSysConfigByKEYForService

func (e SysConfig) GetSysConfigByKEYForService(c *gin.Context)

GetSysConfigByKEYForService 根据Key获取SysConfig的Service @Summary 根据Key获取SysConfig的Service @Description 根据Key获取SysConfig的Service @Tags 配置管理 @Param configKey path string false "configKey" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=models.SysConfig} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/configKey/{configKey} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Insert

func (e SysConfig) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert 创建配置管理 @Summary 创建配置管理 @Description 创建配置管理 @Tags 配置管理 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysConfigControl true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "创建成功"}" @Router /api/v1/config [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Update

func (e SysConfig) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update 修改配置管理 @Summary 修改配置管理 @Description 修改配置管理 @Tags 配置管理 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param id path string true "id" @Param data body dto.SysConfigControl true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "修改成功"}" @Router /api/v1/config/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysConfig) Update2Set

func (e SysConfig) Update2Set(c *gin.Context)

Update2Set 设置配置 @Summary 设置配置 @Description 界面操作设置配置值 @Tags 配置管理 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body []dto.GetSetSysConfigReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "修改成功"}" @Router /api/v1/set-config [put] @Security Bearer

type SysDept

type SysDept struct {

func (SysDept) Delete

func (e SysDept) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除部门 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 部门 @Param data body dto.SysDeptDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dept [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) Get

func (e SysDept) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get @Summary 获取部门数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 部门 @Param deptId path string false "deptId" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dept/{deptId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) Get2Tree

func (e SysDept) Get2Tree(c *gin.Context)

Get2Tree 查询部门树 @Summary 查询部门树 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 部门 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param deptName query string false "deptName" @Param deptId query string false "deptId" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/deptTree [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) GetDeptTreeRoleSelect

func (e SysDept) GetDeptTreeRoleSelect(c *gin.Context)

GetDeptTreeRoleSelect 根据角色ID查询部门结构 TODO: 此接口需要调整不应该将list和选中放在一起 @Summary 根据角色ID查询部门结构 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 部门 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param roleId path int true "roleId" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/roleDeptTreeSelect/{roleId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) GetPage

func (e SysDept) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage @Summary 分页部门列表数据 @Description 分页列表 @Tags 部门 @Param deptName query string false "deptName" @Param deptId query string false "deptId" @Param position query string false "position" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dept [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) Insert

func (e SysDept) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert 添加部门 @Summary 添加部门 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 部门 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysDeptInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "创建成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dept [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysDept) Update

func (e SysDept) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update @Summary 修改部门 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 部门 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param deptId path int true "deptId" @Param data body dto.SysDeptUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "更新成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dept/{deptId} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysDictData

type SysDictData struct {

func (SysDictData) Delete

func (e SysDictData) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除字典数据 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 字典数据 @Param dictCode body dto.SysDictDataDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dict/data [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictData) Get

func (e SysDictData) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get @Summary 通过编码获取字典数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典数据 @Param dictCode path int true "字典编码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/data/{dictCode} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictData) GetAll

func (e SysDictData) GetAll(c *gin.Context)

GetAll 数据字典根据类型获取 业务页面使用 @Summary 数据字典根据类型获取 @Description 数据字典根据类型获取 @Tags 字典数据 @Param dictType query int true "字典类型" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=[]dto.SysDictDataGetAllResp} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict-data/option-select [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictData) GetPage

func (e SysDictData) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage @Summary 字典数据列表 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典数据 @Param status query string false "status" @Param dictCode query string false "dictCode" @Param dictType query string false "dictType" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/data [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictData) Insert

func (e SysDictData) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert @Summary 添加字典数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典数据 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysDictDataInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "添加成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dict/data [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictData) Update

func (e SysDictData) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update @Summary 修改字典数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典数据 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysDictDataUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "修改成功"}" @Router /api/v1/dict/data/{dictCode} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysDictType

type SysDictType struct {

func (SysDictType) Delete

func (e SysDictType) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除字典类型 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 字典类型 @Param dictCode body dto.SysDictTypeDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictType) Get

func (e SysDictType) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 字典类型通过字典id获取 @Summary 字典类型通过字典id获取 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典类型 @Param dictId path int true "字典类型编码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type/{dictId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictType) GetAll

func (e SysDictType) GetAll(c *gin.Context)

GetAll @Summary 字典类型全部数据 代码生成使用接口 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典类型 @Param dictName query string false "dictName" @Param dictId query string false "dictId" @Param dictType query string false "dictType" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type-option-select [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictType) GetPage

func (e SysDictType) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 字典类型列表数据 @Summary 字典类型列表数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典类型 @Param dictName query string false "dictName" @Param dictId query string false "dictId" @Param dictType query string false "dictType" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictType) Insert

func (e SysDictType) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert 字典类型创建 @Summary 添加字典类型 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典类型 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysDictTypeInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysDictType) Update

func (e SysDictType) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update @Summary 修改字典类型 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 字典类型 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param dictId path int true "字典类型编码" @Param data body dto.SysDictTypeUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/dict/type/{dictId} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysLoginLog

type SysLoginLog struct {

func (SysLoginLog) Delete

func (e SysLoginLog) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete 登录日志删除 @Summary 登录日志删除 @Description 登录日志删除 @Tags 登录日志 @Param data body dto.SysLoginLogDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-login-log [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysLoginLog) Get

func (e SysLoginLog) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 登录日志通过id获取 @Summary 登录日志通过id获取 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 登录日志 @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-login-log/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysLoginLog) GetPage

func (e SysLoginLog) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 登录日志列表 @Summary 登录日志列表 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 登录日志 @Param username query string false "用户名" @Param ipaddr query string false "ip地址" @Param loginLocation query string false "归属地" @Param status query string false "状态" @Param beginTime query string false "开始时间" @Param endTime query string false "结束时间" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-login-log [get] @Security Bearer

type SysMenu

type SysMenu struct {

func (SysMenu) Delete

func (e SysMenu) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete 删除菜单 @Summary 删除菜单 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 菜单 @Param data body dto.SysMenuDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) Get

func (e SysMenu) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 获取菜单详情 @Summary Menu详情数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) GetMenuRole

func (e SysMenu) GetMenuRole(c *gin.Context)

GetMenuRole 根据登录角色名称获取菜单列表数据(左菜单使用) @Summary 根据登录角色名称获取菜单列表数据(左菜单使用) @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu-role [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) GetMenuTreeSelect

func (e SysMenu) GetMenuTreeSelect(c *gin.Context)

GetMenuTreeSelect 根据角色ID查询菜单下拉树结构 @Summary 角色修改使用的菜单列表 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param roleId path int true "roleId" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/roleMenuTreeSelect/{roleId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) GetPage

func (e SysMenu) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage Menu列表数据 @Summary Menu列表数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Param menuName query string false "menuName" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) Insert

func (e SysMenu) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert 创建菜单 @Summary 创建菜单 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysMenuInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysMenu) Update

func (e SysMenu) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update 修改菜单 @Summary 修改菜单 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 菜单 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param id path int true "id" @Param data body dto.SysMenuUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/menu/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysOperaLog

type SysOperaLog struct {

func (SysOperaLog) Delete

func (e SysOperaLog) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete 操作日志删除 DeleteSysMenu 操作日志删除 @Summary 删除操作日志 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 操作日志 @Param data body dto.SysOperaLogDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-opera-log [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysOperaLog) Get

func (e SysOperaLog) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 操作日志通过id获取 @Summary 操作日志通过id获取 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 操作日志 @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-opera-log/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysOperaLog) GetPage

func (e SysOperaLog) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 操作日志列表 @Summary 操作日志列表 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 操作日志 @Param title query string false "title" @Param method query string false "method" @Param requestMethod query string false "requestMethod" @Param operUrl query string false "operUrl" @Param operIp query string false "operIp" @Param status query string false "status" @Param beginTime query string false "beginTime" @Param endTime query string false "endTime" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-opera-log [get] @Security Bearer

type SysPost

type SysPost struct {

func (SysPost) Delete

func (e SysPost) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除岗位 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 岗位 @Param id body dto.SysPostDeleteReq true "请求参数" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功"}" @Success 500 {string} string "{"code": 500, "message": "删除失败"}" @Router /api/v1/post [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysPost) Get

func (e SysPost) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get @Summary 获取岗位信息 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 岗位 @Param id path int true "编码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/post/{postId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysPost) GetPage

func (e SysPost) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage @Summary 岗位列表数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 岗位 @Param postName query string false "postName" @Param postCode query string false "postCode" @Param postId query string false "postId" @Param status query string false "status" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/post [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysPost) Insert

func (e SysPost) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert @Summary 添加岗位 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 岗位 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysPostInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "创建成功"}" @Router /api/v1/post [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysPost) Update

func (e SysPost) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update @Summary 修改岗位 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 岗位 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param id path int true "编码" @Param data body dto.SysPostUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {string} string "{"code": 200, "message": "更新成功"}" @Router /api/v1/post/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysRole

type SysRole struct {

func (SysRole) Delete

func (e SysRole) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除用户角色 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 角色/Role @Param data body dto.SysRoleDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) Get

func (e SysRole) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get @Summary 获取Role数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Param id path string false "id" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role/{id} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) GetPage

func (e SysRole) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage @Summary 角色列表数据 @Description Get JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Param roleName query string false "roleName" @Param status query string false "status" @Param roleKey query string false "roleKey" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) Insert

func (e SysRole) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert @Summary 创建角色 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysRoleInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) Update

func (e SysRole) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update 修改用户角色 @Summary 修改用户角色 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param id path string true "id" @Param data body dto.SysRoleUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) Update2DataScope

func (e SysRole) Update2DataScope(c *gin.Context)

Update2DataScope 更新角色数据权限 @Summary 更新角色数据权限 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.RoleDataScopeReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role-datascope [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysRole) Update2Status

func (e SysRole) Update2Status(c *gin.Context)

Update2Status 修改用户角色状态 @Summary 修改用户角色 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 角色/Role @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.UpdateStatusReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/role-status/{id} [put] @Security Bearer

type SysUser

type SysUser struct {

func (SysUser) Delete

func (e SysUser) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete @Summary 删除用户数据 @Description 删除数据 @Tags 用户 @Param userId path int true "userId" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user/{userId} [delete] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) Get

func (e SysUser) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get @Summary 获取用户 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Param userId path int false "用户编码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user/{userId} [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) GetInfo

func (e SysUser) GetInfo(c *gin.Context)

GetInfo @Summary 获取个人信息 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 个人中心 @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/getinfo [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) GetPage

func (e SysUser) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage @Summary 列表用户信息数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Param username query string false "username" @Success 200 {string} {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) GetProfile

func (e SysUser) GetProfile(c *gin.Context)

GetProfile @Summary 获取个人中心用户 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 个人中心 @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/user/profile [get] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) Insert

func (e SysUser) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert @Summary 创建用户 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.SysUserInsertReq true "用户数据" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) InsetAvatar

func (e SysUser) InsetAvatar(c *gin.Context)

InsetAvatar @Summary 修改头像 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 个人中心 @Accept multipart/form-data @Param file formData file true "file" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/user/avatar [post] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) ResetPwd

func (e SysUser) ResetPwd(c *gin.Context)

ResetPwd 重置用户密码 @Summary 重置用户密码 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.ResetSysUserPwdReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user/pwd/reset [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) Update

func (e SysUser) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update @Summary 修改用户数据 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param userId path int true "用户编码" @Param data body dto.SysUserUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user/{userId} [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) UpdatePwd

func (e SysUser) UpdatePwd(c *gin.Context)

UpdatePwd @Summary 重置密码 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 个人中心 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.PassWord true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/user/pwd/set [put] @Security Bearer

func (SysUser) UpdateStatus

func (e SysUser) UpdateStatus(c *gin.Context)

UpdateStatus 修改用户状态 @Summary 修改用户状态 @Description 获取JSON @Tags 用户 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.UpdateSysUserStatusReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/sys-user/status [put] @Security Bearer

type TbxCountry

type TbxCountry struct {

func (TbxCountry) Delete

func (e TbxCountry) Delete(c *gin.Context)

Delete 删除国家编码 @Summary 删除国家编码 @Description 删除国家编码 @Tags 国家编码 @Param data body dto.TbxCountryDeleteReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "删除成功", "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/country [delete] @Security Bearer

func (TbxCountry) Get

func (e TbxCountry) Get(c *gin.Context)

Get 获取国家编码 @Summary 获取国家编码 @Description 获取国家编码 @Tags 国家编码 @Param code path string false "编码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=models.TbxCountry} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/country/{code} [get] @Security Bearer

func (TbxCountry) GetPage

func (e TbxCountry) GetPage(c *gin.Context)

GetPage 获取国家编码列表 @Summary 获取国家编码列表 @Description 获取国家编码列表 @Tags 国家编码 @Param code query string false "编码" @Param cName query string false "中文名称" @Param eName query string false "English Name" @Param pageSize query int false "页条数" @Param pageIndex query int false "页码" @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=response.Page{list=[]models.TbxCountry}} "{"code": 200, "data": [...]}" @Router /api/v1/country [get] @Security Bearer

func (TbxCountry) Insert

func (e TbxCountry) Insert(c *gin.Context)

Insert 创建国家编码 @Summary 创建国家编码 @Description 创建国家编码 @Tags 国家编码 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param data body dto.TbxCountryInsertReq true "data" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "创建成功", "data": code}" @Router /api/v1/country [post] @Security Bearer

func (TbxCountry) Update

func (e TbxCountry) Update(c *gin.Context)

Update 修改国家编码 @Summary 修改国家编码 @Description 修改国家编码 @Tags 国家编码 @Accept application/json @Product application/json @Param code path string true "编码" @Param data body dto.TbxCountryUpdateReq true "body" @Success 200 {object} response.Response "{"code": 200, "message": "更新成功", "data": code}" @Router /api/v1/country/{code} [put] @Security Bearer

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