Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckMessage(checkId string) string
- func GetDashboardAnnotation(annotations map[string]string) map[string]string
- func GetHealthAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, filters []AnnotationKey) map[string]string
- func HasDRCircuitBreaker(dr *networking_v1beta1.DestinationRule, namespace, serviceName, version string) bool
- func HasVSFaultInjection(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func HasVSMirroring(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func HasVSRequestRouting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func HasVSRequestTimeout(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func HasVSTCPTrafficShifting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func HasVSTrafficShifting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
- func IsVSValidHost(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService, namespace string, serviceName string) bool
- type AdditionalItem
- type Address
- type Addresses
- type Aggregation
- type AnnotationKey
- type App
- type AppHealth
- type AppList
- type AppListItem
- type Bootstrap
- type CanaryUpgradeStatus
- type CertInfo
- type Chart
- type Cluster
- type Clusters
- type ContainerInfo
- type ControlPlaneMetricsQuery
- type ConversionParams
- type CustomMetricsQuery
- type DashboardQuery
- type DashboardRef
- type Datapoint
- type Endpoint
- type Endpoints
- type EnvoyProxyDump
- type ExternalLink
- type GrafanaInfo
- type IstioCheck
- type IstioConfigDetails
- type IstioConfigHelp
- type IstioConfigList
- type IstioConfigMap
- type IstioConfigPermissions
- type IstioConfigs
- type IstioMetricsQuery
- type IstioReference
- type IstioReferenceKey
- type IstioReferences
- type IstioReferencesMap
- type IstioValidation
- type IstioValidationKey
- type IstioValidationSummary
- type IstioValidations
- func (iv IstioValidations) FilterByKey(objectType, name string) IstioValidations
- func (iv IstioValidations) FilterBySingleType(objectType, name string) IstioValidations
- func (iv IstioValidations) FilterByTypes(objectTypes []string) IstioValidations
- func (iv IstioValidations) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (iv IstioValidations) MergeReferences(validations IstioValidations) IstioValidations
- func (iv IstioValidations) MergeValidations(validations IstioValidations) IstioValidations
- func (iv *IstioValidations) StripIgnoredChecks()
- func (iv IstioValidations) SummarizeValidation(ns string, cluster string) *IstioValidationSummary
- type IstiodThresholds
- type Listener
- type Listeners
- type MTLSStatus
- type Metric
- type MetricsMap
- type MetricsStats
- type MetricsStatsQueries
- type MetricsStatsQuery
- type MetricsStatsResult
- type MonitoringDashboard
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceAppHealth
- type NamespaceNames
- type NamespaceServiceHealth
- type NamespaceValidations
- type NamespaceWorkloadHealth
- type Namespaces
- type OutboundPolicy
- type Pod
- type Pods
- type Port
- type Ports
- type ProxyStatus
- type Reference
- type RequestHealth
- type ResourcePermissions
- type ResourcesPermissions
- type Route
- type Routes
- type Runtime
- type Service
- type ServiceDefinitionList
- type ServiceDetails
- type ServiceHealth
- type ServiceList
- type ServiceOverview
- type ServiceReference
- type Services
- type SeverityLevel
- type Stat
- type Target
- type TracingInfo
- type TracingQuery
- type ValidationSummaries
- type Workload
- func (w Workload) CastWorkloadStatus() *WorkloadStatus
- func (workload *Workload) HasIstioAmbient() bool
- func (workload *Workload) HasIstioSidecar() bool
- func (workload *Workload) IsGateway() bool
- func (workload *Workload) ParseCronJob(cnjb *batch_v1.CronJob)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseDaemonSet(ds *apps_v1.DaemonSet)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseDeployment(d *apps_v1.Deployment)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseDeploymentConfig(dc *osapps_v1.DeploymentConfig)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseJob(job *batch_v1.Job)
- func (workload *Workload) ParsePod(pod *core_v1.Pod)
- func (workload *Workload) ParsePods(controllerName string, controllerType string, pods []core_v1.Pod)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicaSet(r *apps_v1.ReplicaSet)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicaSetParent(r *apps_v1.ReplicaSet, workloadName string, workloadType string)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicationController(r *core_v1.ReplicationController)
- func (workload *Workload) ParseStatefulSet(s *apps_v1.StatefulSet)
- func (workload *Workload) SetPods(pods []core_v1.Pod)
- func (workload *Workload) SetServices(svcs *ServiceList)
- type WorkloadHealth
- type WorkloadItem
- type WorkloadList
- type WorkloadListItem
- type WorkloadOverviews
- type WorkloadReference
- type WorkloadStatus
- type Workloads
Constants ¶
const AmbientAnnotation = ""
const AmbientAnnotationEnabled = "enabled"
const IstioProxy = "istio-proxy"
const WaypointLabel = ""
const WaypointLabelValue = ""
Variables ¶
var IstioConfigHelpMessages = map[string][]IstioConfigHelp{
"authorizationpolicies": {
{ObjectField: "spec.selector", Message: "Optional. The selector decides where to apply the authorization policy. The selector will match with workloads in the same namespace as the authorization policy. If the authorization policy is in the root namespace, the selector will additionally match with workloads in all namespaces."},
{ObjectField: "spec.selector.matchLabels", Message: "One or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods/VMs on which a policy should be applied."},
{ObjectField: "spec.rules", Message: "Optional. A list of rules to match the request. A match occurs when at least one rule matches the request."},
{ObjectField: "spec.rules.from", Message: "Optional. from specifies the source of a request. If not set, any source is allowed."},
{ObjectField: "spec.rules.from.source.principals", Message: "Optional. A list of peer identities derived from the peer certificate. If not set, any principal is allowed."},
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Optional. to specifies the operation of a request. If not set, any operation is allowed."},
{ObjectField: "spec.rules.when", Message: "Optional. when specifies a list of additional conditions of a request. If not set, any condition is allowed."},
{ObjectField: "spec.action", Message: "Optional. The action to take if the request is matched with the rules. Default is ALLOW if not specified."},
"destinationrules": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "The name of a service from the service registry. Rules defined for services that do not exist in the service registry will be ignored."},
{ObjectField: "spec.trafficPolicy", Message: "Traffic policies to apply (load balancing policy, connection pool sizes, outlier detection)."},
{ObjectField: "spec.subsets", Message: "One or more named sets that represent individual versions of a service. Traffic policies can be overridden at subset level."},
{ObjectField: "spec.exportTo", Message: "A list of namespaces to which this destination rule is exported. The resolution of a destination rule to apply to a service occurs in the context of a hierarchy of namespaces. This feature provides a mechanism for service owners and mesh administrators to control the visibility of destination rules across namespace boundaries. If no namespaces are specified then the destination rule is exported to all namespaces by default."},
"envoyfilters": {
{ObjectField: "spec.workloadSelector", Message: "Criteria used to select the specific set of pods/VMs on which this patch configuration should be applied. If omitted, the set of patches in this configuration will be applied to all workload instances in the same namespace."},
{ObjectField: "spec.configPatches", Message: "One or more patches with match conditions."},
{ObjectField: "spec.configPatches.applyTo", Message: "Specifies where in the Envoy configuration, the patch should be applied."},
{ObjectField: "spec.configPatches.match", Message: "Match on listener/route configuration/cluster."},
{ObjectField: "spec.configPatches.patch", Message: "The patch to apply along with the operation."},
{ObjectField: "spec.priority", Message: "riority defines the order in which patch sets are applied within a context. When one patch depends on another patch, the order of patch application is significant."},
"gateways": {
{ObjectField: "spec.servers", Message: "A list of server specifications."},
{ObjectField: "spec.selector", Message: "One or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods/VMs on which this gateway configuration should be applied. By default workloads are searched across all namespaces based on label selectors."},
{ObjectField: "spec.servers.port", Message: "The port on which the proxy should listen for incoming connections."},
{ObjectField: "spec.servers.hosts", Message: "One or more hosts exposed by this gateway. While typically applicable to HTTP services, it can also be used for TCP services using TLS with SNI."},
{ObjectField: "spec.servers.tls", Message: "Set of TLS related options that govern the server’s behavior. Use these options to control if all http requests should be redirected to https, and the TLS modes to use."},
"sidecars": {
{ObjectField: "spec.workloadSelector", Message: "Criteria used to select the specific set of pods/VMs on which this Sidecar configuration should be applied. If omitted, the Sidecar configuration will be applied to all workload instances in the same namespace."},
{ObjectField: "spec.ingress", Message: "Ingress specifies the configuration of the sidecar for processing inbound traffic to the attached workload instance."},
{ObjectField: "spec.egress", Message: "Egress specifies the configuration of the sidecar for processing outbound traffic from the attached workload instance to other services in the mesh"},
"peerauthentications": {
{ObjectField: "spec.selector", Message: "The selector determines the workloads to apply the ChannelAuthentication on. If not set, the policy will be applied to all workloads in the same namespace as the policy."},
{ObjectField: "spec.selector.matchLabels", Message: "One or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods/VMs on which a policy should be applied."},
{ObjectField: "spec.mtls", Message: "Mutual TLS settings for workload. If not defined, inherit from parent."},
"requestauthentications": {
{ObjectField: "spec.selector", Message: "Optional. The selector decides where to apply the request authentication policy. The selector will match with workloads in the same namespace as the request authentication policy. If the request authentication policy is in the root namespace, the selector will additionally match with workloads in all namespaces."},
{ObjectField: "spec.selector.matchLabels", Message: "One or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods/VMs on which a policy should be applied."},
{ObjectField: "spec.jwtRules", Message: "Define the list of JWTs that can be validated at the selected workloads’ proxy. A valid token will be used to extract the authenticated identity."},
"serviceentries": {
{ObjectField: "spec.hosts", Message: "The hosts associated with the ServiceEntry. Could be a DNS name with wildcard prefix."},
{ObjectField: "spec.addresses", Message: "The virtual IP addresses associated with the service. Could be CIDR prefix."},
{ObjectField: "spec.ports", Message: "The ports associated with the external service. If the Endpoints are Unix domain socket addresses, there must be exactly one port."},
{ObjectField: "spec.location", Message: "Specify whether the service should be considered external to the mesh or part of the mesh."},
{ObjectField: "spec.resolution", Message: "Service discovery mode for the hosts."},
{ObjectField: "spec.endpoints", Message: "One or more endpoints associated with the service. Only one of endpoints or workloadSelector can be specified."},
{ObjectField: "spec.workloadSelector", Message: "Applicable only for MESH_INTERNAL services. Only one of endpoints or workloadSelector can be specified."},
{ObjectField: "spec.exportTo", Message: "A list of namespaces to which this service is exported. Exporting a service allows it to be used by sidecars, gateways and virtual services defined in other namespaces. This feature provides a mechanism for service owners and mesh administrators to control the visibility of services across namespace boundaries."},
"virtualservices": {
{ObjectField: "spec.hosts", Message: "The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent. Could be a DNS name with wildcard prefix or an IP address. Depending on the platform, short-names can also be used instead of a FQDN (i.e. has no dots in the name)."},
{ObjectField: "spec.gateways", Message: "The names of gateways and sidecars that should apply these routes. Gateways in other namespaces may be referred to by <gateway namespace>/<gateway name>; specifying a gateway with no namespace qualifier is the same as specifying the VirtualService’s namespace. To apply the rules to both gateways and sidecars, specify mesh as one of the gateway names."},
{ObjectField: "spec.http", Message: "An ordered list of route rules for HTTP traffic."},
{ObjectField: "spec.exportTo", Message: "A list of namespaces to which this virtual service is exported. Exporting a virtual service allows it to be used by sidecars and gateways defined in other namespaces."},
{ObjectField: "spec.http.match", Message: "Match conditions to be satisfied for the rule to be activated."},
{ObjectField: "spec.http.route", Message: "A HTTP rule can either redirect or forward (default) traffic. The forwarding target can be one of several versions of a service. Weights associated with the service version determine the proportion of traffic it receives."},
{ObjectField: "", Message: "The name of a service from the service registry. Service names are looked up from the platform’s service registry (e.g., Kubernetes services, Consul services, etc.) and from the hosts declared by ServiceEntry."},
{ObjectField: "spec.http.route.destination.subset", Message: "The name of a subset within the service. Applicable only to services within the mesh. The subset must be defined in a corresponding DestinationRule."},
"workloadentries": {
{ObjectField: "spec.address", Message: "Address associated with the network endpoint without the port."},
{ObjectField: "spec.ports", Message: "Set of ports associated with the endpoint."},
{ObjectField: "spec.labels", Message: "One or more labels associated with the endpoint."},
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Network enables Istio to group endpoints resident in the same L3 domain/network. All endpoints in the same network are assumed to be directly reachable from one another."},
{ObjectField: "spec.locality", Message: "The locality associated with the endpoint. A locality corresponds to a failure domain (e.g., country/region/zone). Arbitrary failure domain hierarchies can be represented by separating each encapsulating failure domain by /."},
{ObjectField: "spec.weight", Message: "The load balancing weight associated with the endpoint. Endpoints with higher weights will receive proportionally higher traffic."},
{ObjectField: "spec.serviceAccount", Message: "The service account associated with the workload if a sidecar is present in the workload."},
"workloadgroups": {
{ObjectField: "spec.metadata", Message: "Metadata that will be used for all corresponding WorkloadEntries. User labels for a workload group should be set here in metadata rather than in template."},
{ObjectField: "spec.template", Message: "Template to be used for the generation of WorkloadEntry resources that belong to this WorkloadGroup."},
{ObjectField: "spec.probe", Message: "ReadinessProbe describes the configuration the user must provide for healthchecking on their workload."},
"wasmplugins": {
"telemetries": {
"k8sgateways": {
{ObjectField: "spec", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. A Gateway describes how traffic can be translated to Services within the cluster."},
{ObjectField: "spec.gatewayClassName", Message: "Defines the name of a GatewayClass object used by this Gateway."},
{ObjectField: "spec.listeners", Message: "Define the hostnames, ports, protocol, termination, TLS settings and which routes can be attached to a listener."},
{ObjectField: "spec.addresses", Message: "Define the network addresses requested for this gateway."},
"k8sgrpcroutes": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. GRPCRoute provides a way to route gRPC requests"},
"k8shttproutes": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. HTTPRoute is for multiplexing HTTP or terminated HTTPS connections."},
"k8sreferencegrants": {
{ObjectField: "spec", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. ReferenceGrant is for enabling cross namespace references within Gateway API."},
{ObjectField: "spec.from", Message: "Define the group, kind, and namespace of resources that may reference items described in the to list."},
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Define the group and kind of resources that may be referenced by items described in the from list."},
"k8stcproutes": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. TCPRoute provides a way to route TCP requests"},
"k8stlsroutes": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Kubernetes Gateway API Configuration Object. TLSRoute provides a way to route TLS requests"},
"internal": {
{ObjectField: "", Message: "Internal resources are not editable"},
IstioConfigHelpMessages represents the help messages for a given Istio object type
var ObjectTypeSingular = map[string]string{
"gateways": "gateway",
"virtualservices": "virtualservice",
"destinationrules": "destinationrule",
"serviceentries": "serviceentry",
"rules": "rule",
"quotaspecs": "quotaspec",
"quotaspecbindings": "quotaspecbinding",
"policies": "policy",
"serviceroles": "servicerole",
"servicerolebindings": "servicerolebinding",
"clusterrbacconfigs": "clusterrbacconfig",
"authorizationpolicies": "authorizationpolicy",
"sidecars": "sidecar",
"peerauthentications": "peerauthentication",
"requestauthentications": "requestauthentication",
"workloads": "workload",
"wasmplugins": "wasmpluin",
"telemetries": "telemetry",
"k8sgateways": "k8sgateway",
"k8sgrpcroutes": "k8sgrpcroute",
"k8shttproutes": "k8shttproute",
"k8sreferencegrants": "k8sreferencegrant",
"k8stcproutes": "k8stcproute",
"k8stlsroutes": "k8stlsroute",
Functions ¶
func CheckMessage ¶ added in v0.14.0
func GetDashboardAnnotation ¶ added in v1.36.2
func GetHealthAnnotation ¶ added in v1.30.0
func GetHealthAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, filters []AnnotationKey) map[string]string
func HasDRCircuitBreaker ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasDRCircuitBreaker(dr *networking_v1beta1.DestinationRule, namespace, serviceName, version string) bool
func HasVSFaultInjection ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSFaultInjection(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
HasFaultInjection determines if the spec has http fault injection set.
func HasVSMirroring ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSMirroring(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
HasMirroring determines if the spec has a mirror set.
func HasVSRequestRouting ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSRequestRouting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
IsValidHost returns true if VirtualService hosts applies to the service
func HasVSRequestTimeout ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSRequestTimeout(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
HasVSRequestTimeout determines if the spec has an http timeout set.
func HasVSTCPTrafficShifting ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSTCPTrafficShifting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
HasTCPTrafficShifting determines if the spec has tcp traffic shifting set. If there are routes with multiple destinations then it is assumed that the spec has traffic shifting regardless of weights.
func HasVSTrafficShifting ¶ added in v1.42.0
func HasVSTrafficShifting(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService) bool
HasTrafficShifting determines if the spec has http traffic shifting set. If there are routes with multiple destinations then it is assumed that the spec has traffic shifting regardless of weights.
func IsVSValidHost ¶ added in v1.42.0
func IsVSValidHost(vs *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService, namespace string, serviceName string) bool
IsValidHost returns true if VirtualService hosts applies to the service
Types ¶
type AdditionalItem ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AdditionalItem struct { Title string `json:"title"` Value string `json:"value"` Icon string `json:"icon"` }
func GetAdditionalDetails ¶ added in v1.10.0
func GetAdditionalDetails(conf *config.Config, annotations map[string]string) []AdditionalItem
func GetFirstAdditionalIcon ¶ added in v1.15.0
func GetFirstAdditionalIcon(conf *config.Config, annotations map[string]string) *AdditionalItem
type Address ¶
type Address struct { Kind string `json:"kind"` Name string `json:"name"` IP string `json:"ip"` Port uint32 `json:"port"` }
func (*Address) Parse ¶
func (address *Address) Parse(a core_v1.EndpointAddress)
type Addresses ¶
type Addresses []Address
func (*Addresses) Parse ¶
func (addresses *Addresses) Parse(as []core_v1.EndpointAddress)
type Aggregation ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Aggregation = config.Aggregation
Aggregation is the model representing label's allowed aggregation, transformed from aggregation in MonitoringDashboard config resource
func ConvertAggregations ¶ added in v0.12.0
func ConvertAggregations(from dashboards.MonitoringDashboard) []Aggregation
ConvertAggregations converts a config aggregations (from MonitoringDashboard config resource) into this models aggregations Results are sorted by DisplayName
type AnnotationKey ¶ added in v1.30.0
type AnnotationKey string
Annotationkey is a mnemonic type name for string
const ( AllHealthAnnotation AnnotationKey = ".*" RateHealthAnnotation AnnotationKey = "" )
func GetHealthConfigAnnotation ¶ added in v1.30.0
func GetHealthConfigAnnotation() []AnnotationKey
type App ¶
type App struct { // Namespace where the app lives in // required: true // example: bookinfo Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` // Name of the application // required: true // example: reviews Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster of the application // required: false // example: east Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Workloads for a given application // required: true Workloads []WorkloadItem `json:"workloads"` // List of service names linked with an application // required: true ServiceNames []string `json:"serviceNames"` // Runtimes and associated dashboards Runtimes []Runtime `json:"runtimes"` // Health Health AppHealth `json:"health"` }
type AppHealth ¶
type AppHealth struct { WorkloadStatuses []*WorkloadStatus `json:"workloadStatuses"` Requests RequestHealth `json:"requests"` }
AppHealth contains aggregated health from various sources, for a given app
type AppList ¶
type AppList struct { // Namespace where the apps live in // required: true // example: bookinfo Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` // Cluster where the apps live in // required: true // example: east Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Applications for a given namespace // required: true Apps []AppListItem `json:"applications"` }
type AppListItem ¶
type AppListItem struct { // Name of the application // required: true // example: reviews Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster of the application // required: true // example: reviews Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Define if all Pods related to the Workloads of this app has an IstioSidecar deployed // required: true // example: true IstioSidecar bool `json:"istioSidecar"` // Define if any pod has the Ambient annotation // required: true // example: true IstioAmbient bool `json:"istioAmbient"` // Labels for App Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` // Istio References IstioReferences []*IstioValidationKey `json:"istioReferences"` // Health Health AppHealth `json:"health,omitempty"` }
AppListItem has the necessary information to display the console app list
type Bootstrap ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Bootstrap struct {
Bootstrap map[string]interface{} `json:"bootstrap,inline"`
func (*Bootstrap) Parse ¶ added in v1.28.0
func (bd *Bootstrap) Parse(dump *kubernetes.ConfigDump) error
type CanaryUpgradeStatus ¶ added in v1.60.0
type CanaryUpgradeStatus struct { CurrentVersion string `json:"currentVersion"` UpgradeVersion string `json:"upgradeVersion"` MigratedNamespaces []string `json:"migratedNamespaces"` PendingNamespaces []string `json:"pendingNamespaces"` }
CanaryUpgradeStatus contains the namespaces that are part of the canary and the namespaces that are still using the current revision
type CertInfo ¶ added in v1.40.0
type CertInfo struct { SecretName string `json:"secretName"` SecretNamespace string `json:"secretNamespace"` DNSNames []string `json:"dnsNames"` Issuer string `json:"issuer"` NotBefore time.Time `json:"notBefore"` NotAfter time.Time `json:"notAfter"` Error string `json:"error"` Accessible bool `json:"accessible"` }
CertInfo contains the information for a given certificate
type Chart ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Chart struct { Name string `json:"name"` Unit string `json:"unit"` Spans int `json:"spans"` StartCollapsed bool `json:"startCollapsed"` ChartType *string `json:"chartType,omitempty"` Min *int `json:"min,omitempty"` Max *int `json:"max,omitempty"` Metrics []Metric `json:"metrics"` XAxis *string `json:"xAxis"` Error string `json:"error"` }
Chart is the model representing a custom chart, transformed from charts in MonitoringDashboard config resource
func ConvertChart ¶ added in v0.12.0
func ConvertChart(from dashboards.MonitoringDashboardChart) Chart
ConvertChart converts a config chart (from MonitoringDashboard config resource) into this models chart
type Cluster ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Cluster struct { ServiceFQDN kubernetes.Host `json:"service_fqdn"` Port int `json:"port"` Subset string `json:"subset"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Type string `json:"type"` DestinationRule string `json:"destination_rule"` }
func (*Cluster) Parse ¶ added in v1.28.0
func (cs *Cluster) Parse(cluster kubernetes.EnvoyCluster)
type Clusters ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Clusters []*Cluster
func (*Clusters) Parse ¶ added in v1.28.0
func (css *Clusters) Parse(dump *kubernetes.ConfigDump) error
type ContainerInfo ¶
type ContainerInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` Image string `json:"image"` IsProxy bool `json:"isProxy"` IsReady bool `json:"isReady"` IsAmbient bool `json:"isAmbient"` }
ContainerInfo holds container name and image
type ControlPlaneMetricsQuery ¶ added in v1.57.0
type ControlPlaneMetricsQuery struct {
ControlPlaneMetricsQuery holds query parameters for a control plane metrics query
func (*ControlPlaneMetricsQuery) FillDefaults ¶ added in v1.57.0
func (q *ControlPlaneMetricsQuery) FillDefaults()
FillDefaults fills the struct with default parameters
type ConversionParams ¶ added in v1.27.0
type CustomMetricsQuery ¶ added in v1.27.0
type CustomMetricsQuery struct { prometheus.RangeQuery Namespace string App string Version string RawDataAggregator string }
CustomMetricsQuery holds query parameters for a custom metrics query
func (*CustomMetricsQuery) FillDefaults ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (q *CustomMetricsQuery) FillDefaults()
FillDefaults fills the struct with default parameters
type DashboardQuery ¶ added in v1.27.0
type DashboardQuery struct { prometheus.RangeQuery Namespace string LabelsFilters map[string]string AdditionalLabels []Aggregation RawDataAggregator string Workload string WorkloadType string }
DashboardQuery holds query parameters for a dashboard query
func (*DashboardQuery) FillDefaults ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (q *DashboardQuery) FillDefaults()
FillDefaults fills the struct with default parameters
type DashboardRef ¶ added in v0.12.0
DashboardRef holds template name and title for a custom dashboard
type Datapoint ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (Datapoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.27.0
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
type EnvoyProxyDump ¶ added in v1.28.0
type EnvoyProxyDump struct { ConfigDump *kubernetes.ConfigDump `json:"config_dump,omitempty"` Bootstrap *Bootstrap `json:"bootstrap,omitempty"` Clusters *Clusters `json:"clusters,omitempty"` Listeners *Listeners `json:"listeners,omitempty"` Routes *Routes `json:"routes,omitempty"` }
type ExternalLink ¶ added in v1.27.0
type ExternalLink struct { URL string `json:"url"` Name string `json:"name"` Variables dashboards.MonitoringDashboardExternalLinkVariables `json:"variables"` }
ExternalLink provides links to external dashboards (e.g. to Grafana)
type GrafanaInfo ¶
type GrafanaInfo struct {
ExternalLinks []ExternalLink `json:"externalLinks"`
GrafanaInfo provides information to access Grafana dashboards
type IstioCheck ¶
type IstioCheck struct { // The check code used to identify a check // required: true // example: KIA0001 Code string `json:"code"` // Description of the check // required: true // example: Weight sum should be 100 Message string `json:"message"` // Indicates the level of importance: error or warning // required: true // example: error Severity SeverityLevel `json:"severity"` // String that describes where in the yaml file is the check located // example: spec/http[0]/route Path string `json:"path"` }
IstioCheck represents an individual check. swagger:model
func Build ¶ added in v0.14.0
func Build(checkId string, path string) IstioCheck
func (IstioCheck) GetFullMessage ¶ added in v1.38.1
func (ic IstioCheck) GetFullMessage() string
type IstioConfigDetails ¶
type IstioConfigDetails struct { Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` AuthorizationPolicy *security_v1beta.AuthorizationPolicy `json:"authorizationPolicy"` DestinationRule *networking_v1beta1.DestinationRule `json:"destinationRule"` EnvoyFilter *networking_v1alpha3.EnvoyFilter `json:"envoyFilter"` Gateway *networking_v1beta1.Gateway `json:"gateway"` PeerAuthentication *security_v1beta.PeerAuthentication `json:"peerAuthentication"` RequestAuthentication *security_v1beta.RequestAuthentication `json:"requestAuthentication"` ServiceEntry *networking_v1beta1.ServiceEntry `json:"serviceEntry"` Sidecar *networking_v1beta1.Sidecar `json:"sidecar"` VirtualService *networking_v1beta1.VirtualService `json:"virtualService"` WorkloadEntry *networking_v1beta1.WorkloadEntry `json:"workloadEntry"` WorkloadGroup *networking_v1beta1.WorkloadGroup `json:"workloadGroup"` WasmPlugin *extentions_v1alpha1.WasmPlugin `json:"wasmPlugin"` Telemetry *v1alpha1.Telemetry `json:"telemetry"` K8sGateway *k8s_networking_v1.Gateway `json:"k8sGateway"` K8sGRPCRoute *k8s_networking_v1alpha2.GRPCRoute `json:"k8sGRPCRoute"` K8sHTTPRoute *k8s_networking_v1.HTTPRoute `json:"k8sHTTPRoute"` K8sReferenceGrant *k8s_networking_v1beta1.ReferenceGrant `json:"k8sReferenceGrant"` K8sTCPRoute *k8s_networking_v1alpha2.TCPRoute `json:"k8sTCPRoute"` K8sTLSRoute *k8s_networking_v1alpha2.TLSRoute `json:"k8sTLSRoute"` Permissions ResourcePermissions `json:"permissions"` IstioValidation *IstioValidation `json:"validation"` IstioReferences *IstioReferences `json:"references"` IstioConfigHelpFields []IstioConfigHelp `json:"help"` }
type IstioConfigHelp ¶ added in v1.48.0
type IstioConfigHelp struct { ObjectField string `json:"objectField"` Message string `json:"message"` }
IstioConfigHelp represents a help message for a given Istio object type and field
type IstioConfigList ¶
type IstioConfigList struct { // The namespace of istioConfiglist // // required: true Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` DestinationRules []*networking_v1beta1.DestinationRule `json:"destinationRules"` EnvoyFilters []*networking_v1alpha3.EnvoyFilter `json:"envoyFilters"` Gateways []*networking_v1beta1.Gateway `json:"gateways"` ServiceEntries []*networking_v1beta1.ServiceEntry `json:"serviceEntries"` Sidecars []*networking_v1beta1.Sidecar `json:"sidecars"` VirtualServices []*networking_v1beta1.VirtualService `json:"virtualServices"` WorkloadEntries []*networking_v1beta1.WorkloadEntry `json:"workloadEntries"` WorkloadGroups []*networking_v1beta1.WorkloadGroup `json:"workloadGroups"` WasmPlugins []*extentions_v1alpha1.WasmPlugin `json:"wasmPlugins"` Telemetries []*v1alpha1.Telemetry `json:"telemetries"` K8sGateways []*k8s_networking_v1.Gateway `json:"k8sGateways"` K8sGRPCRoutes []*k8s_networking_v1alpha2.GRPCRoute `json:"k8sGRPCRoutes"` K8sHTTPRoutes []*k8s_networking_v1.HTTPRoute `json:"k8sHTTPRoutes"` K8sReferenceGrants []*k8s_networking_v1beta1.ReferenceGrant `json:"k8sReferenceGrants"` K8sTCPRoutes []*k8s_networking_v1alpha2.TCPRoute `json:"k8sTCPRoutes"` K8sTLSRoutes []*k8s_networking_v1alpha2.TLSRoute `json:"k8sTLSRoutes"` AuthorizationPolicies []*security_v1beta.AuthorizationPolicy `json:"authorizationPolicies"` PeerAuthentications []*security_v1beta.PeerAuthentication `json:"peerAuthentications"` RequestAuthentications []*security_v1beta.RequestAuthentication `json:"requestAuthentications"` IstioValidations IstioValidations `json:"validations"` }
IstioConfigList istioConfigList This type is used for returning a response of IstioConfigList swagger:model IstioConfigList
func (IstioConfigList) FilterIstioConfigs ¶ added in v1.53.0
func (configList IstioConfigList) FilterIstioConfigs(nss []string) *IstioConfigs
FilterIstioConfigs Filters all Istio configs from Istio registry by given namespaces and return a map config list per namespace
func (IstioConfigList) MergeConfigs ¶ added in v1.69.0
func (configList IstioConfigList) MergeConfigs(ns IstioConfigList) IstioConfigList
Merge two config lists. To get configs from different namespaces
type IstioConfigMap ¶ added in v1.69.0
type IstioConfigMap map[string]IstioConfigList
IstioConfigMap holds a map of IstioConfigList per cluster
type IstioConfigPermissions ¶ added in v1.13.0
type IstioConfigPermissions map[string]*ResourcesPermissions
IstioConfigPermissions holds a map of ResourcesPermissions per namespace
type IstioConfigs ¶ added in v1.53.0
type IstioConfigs map[string]*IstioConfigList
IstioConfigs holds a map of IstioConfigList per namespace
type IstioMetricsQuery ¶ added in v1.27.0
type IstioMetricsQuery struct { prometheus.RangeQuery Filters []string Cluster string Namespace string App string Workload string Service string Direction string // outbound | inbound RequestProtocol string // e.g. http | grpc Reporter string // source | destination | both, defaults to source if not provided Aggregate string AggregateValue string }
IstioMetricsQuery holds query parameters for a typical metrics query
func (*IstioMetricsQuery) FillDefaults ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (q *IstioMetricsQuery) FillDefaults()
FillDefaults fills the struct with default parameters
type IstioReference ¶ added in v1.47.0
type IstioReference struct { ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` Name string `json:"name"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
IstioReference is the key value composed of an Istio ObjectType and Name.
type IstioReferenceKey ¶ added in v1.47.0
type IstioReferenceKey struct { ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` Name string `json:"name"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
IstioReferenceKey is the key value composed of an Istio ObjectType, Namespace and Name.
type IstioReferences ¶ added in v1.47.0
type IstioReferences struct { // Related Istio objects ObjectReferences []IstioReference `json:"objectReferences"` // Related Istio objects ServiceReferences []ServiceReference `json:"serviceReferences"` // Related Istio objects WorkloadReferences []WorkloadReference `json:"workloadReferences"` }
IstioReferences represents a sets of different references
func (IstioReferences) MergeReferences ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (ir IstioReferences) MergeReferences(references IstioReferences) IstioReferences
type IstioReferencesMap ¶ added in v1.47.0
type IstioReferencesMap map[IstioReferenceKey]*IstioReferences
IstioReferencesMap represents a set of IstioValidation grouped by IstioReferenceKey.
func (IstioReferencesMap) MergeReferencesMap ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (ir IstioReferencesMap) MergeReferencesMap(references IstioReferencesMap) IstioReferencesMap
type IstioValidation ¶
type IstioValidation struct { // Name of the object itself // required: true // example: reviews Name string `json:"name"` // Namespace of the object // required: true // example: bookinfo Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // Cluster of the object // required: true // example: east Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Type of the object // required: true // example: virtualservice ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` // Represents validity of the object: in case of warning, validity remains as true // required: true // example: false Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Array of checks. It might be empty. Checks []*IstioCheck `json:"checks"` // Related objects (only validation errors) References []IstioValidationKey `json:"references"` }
IstioValidation represents a list of checks associated to an Istio object. swagger:model
type IstioValidationKey ¶
type IstioValidationKey struct { ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` Name string `json:"name"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Cluster string `json:"cluster"` }
IstioValidationKey is the key value composed of an Istio ObjectType and Name.
func BuildKey ¶ added in v0.15.0
func BuildKey(objectType, name, namespace string) IstioValidationKey
type IstioValidationSummary ¶ added in v1.10.0
type IstioValidationSummary struct { // Number of validations with error severity // required: true // example: 2 Errors int `json:"errors"` // Number of Istio Objects analyzed // required: true // example: 6 ObjectCount int `json:"objectCount"` // Number of validations with warning severity // required: true // example: 4 Warnings int `json:"warnings"` // Namespace of the Istio Objects. // required: true // example: bookinfo Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // Cluster of the Istio Objects. // required: true // example: east Cluster string `json:"cluster"` }
IstioValidationSummary represents the number of errors/warnings of a set of Istio Validations.
type IstioValidations ¶
type IstioValidations map[IstioValidationKey]*IstioValidation
IstioValidations represents a set of IstioValidation grouped by IstioValidationKey.
func (IstioValidations) FilterByKey ¶
func (iv IstioValidations) FilterByKey(objectType, name string) IstioValidations
func (IstioValidations) FilterBySingleType ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (iv IstioValidations) FilterBySingleType(objectType, name string) IstioValidations
func (IstioValidations) FilterByTypes ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (iv IstioValidations) FilterByTypes(objectTypes []string) IstioValidations
FilterByTypes takes an input as ObjectTypes, transforms to singular types and filters the validations
func (IstioValidations) MarshalJSON ¶
func (iv IstioValidations) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (IstioValidations) MergeReferences ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (iv IstioValidations) MergeReferences(validations IstioValidations) IstioValidations
func (IstioValidations) MergeValidations ¶
func (iv IstioValidations) MergeValidations(validations IstioValidations) IstioValidations
func (*IstioValidations) StripIgnoredChecks ¶ added in v1.38.1
func (iv *IstioValidations) StripIgnoredChecks()
func (IstioValidations) SummarizeValidation ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (iv IstioValidations) SummarizeValidation(ns string, cluster string) *IstioValidationSummary
type IstiodThresholds ¶ added in v1.57.0
IstiodThresholds contains the resource limits configured in Istiod
type Listeners ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Listeners []*Listener
func (*Listeners) Parse ¶ added in v1.28.0
func (ls *Listeners) Parse(dump *kubernetes.ConfigDump) error
type MTLSStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
type MTLSStatus struct { // mTLS status: MTLS_ENABLED, MTLS_PARTIALLY_ENABLED, MTLS_NOT_ENABLED // required: true // example: MTLS_ENABLED Status string `json:"status"` AutoMTLSEnabled bool `json:"autoMTLSEnabled"` MinTLS string `json:"minTLS"` }
MTLSStatus describes the current mTLS status of a mesh entity
type Metric ¶ added in v1.27.0
type Metric struct { Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` Datapoints []Datapoint `json:"datapoints"` Stat string `json:"stat,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` }
func ConvertHistogram ¶ added in v1.1.0
func ConvertHistogram(name string, from prometheus.Histogram, conversionParams ConversionParams) ([]Metric, error)
func ConvertMetric ¶ added in v1.27.0
func ConvertMetric(name string, from prometheus.Metric, conversionParams ConversionParams) ([]Metric, error)
type MetricsMap ¶ added in v1.27.0
MetricsMap contains all simple metrics and histograms data for standard timeseries queries
type MetricsStats ¶ added in v1.27.0
type MetricsStats struct {
ResponseTimes []Stat `json:"responseTimes"`
MetricsStats contains opinionated statistics on metrics on a single target. Currently limited to response times (avg/percentiles over interval)
type MetricsStatsQueries ¶ added in v1.27.0
type MetricsStatsQueries struct {
Queries []MetricsStatsQuery
type MetricsStatsQuery ¶ added in v1.27.0
type MetricsStatsQuery struct { Target Target PeerTarget *Target RawQueryTime int64 `json:"queryTime"` QueryTime time.Time `json:"-"` RawInterval string `json:"interval"` Interval string `json:"-"` Direction string // outbound | inbound Avg bool Quantiles []string }
func (*MetricsStatsQuery) GenKey ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (q *MetricsStatsQuery) GenKey() string
GenKey !! HAS to mirror frontend's genStatsKey in SpanTable.tsx
func (*MetricsStatsQuery) Validate ¶ added in v1.27.0
func (q *MetricsStatsQuery) Validate() *util.Errors
type MetricsStatsResult ¶ added in v1.27.0
type MetricsStatsResult struct { Stats map[string]MetricsStats `json:"stats"` // Key is built from query params, see "GenKey" above. The same key needs to be generated client-side for matching. Warnings []string `json:"warnings"` }
MetricsStatsResult holds the MetricsStats per target, plus errors
type MonitoringDashboard ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MonitoringDashboard struct { Name string `json:"name"` Title string `json:"title"` Charts []Chart `json:"charts"` Aggregations []Aggregation `json:"aggregations"` ExternalLinks []ExternalLink `json:"externalLinks"` Rows int `json:"rows"` }
MonitoringDashboard is the model representing custom monitoring dashboard, transformed from MonitoringDashboard config resource
func PrepareIstioDashboard ¶ added in v0.12.0
func PrepareIstioDashboard(direction string) MonitoringDashboard
PrepareIstioDashboard prepares the Istio dashboard title and aggregations dynamically for input values
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { // The id of the namespace. // // example: istio-system // required: true Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the cluster // // example: east // required: true Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // If has the Ambient annotations // // required: true IsAmbient bool `json:"isAmbient"` // Creation date of the namespace. // There is no need to export this through the API. So, this is // set to be ignored by JSON package. // // required: true CreationTimestamp time.Time `json:"-"` // Labels for Namespace Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` // Specific annotations used in Kiali Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` }
A Namespace provide a scope for names This type is used to describe a set of objects.
swagger:model namespace
func CastNamespaceCollection ¶
func CastProject ¶
func CastProject(p osproject_v1.Project, cluster string) Namespace
func CastProjectCollection ¶
func CastProjectCollection(ps []osproject_v1.Project, cluster string) []Namespace
type NamespaceAppHealth ¶
NamespaceAppsHealth is a list of app name x health for a given namespace
type NamespaceNames ¶ added in v1.14.0
type NamespaceNames []string
func (NamespaceNames) Includes ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (nsn NamespaceNames) Includes(namespace string) bool
func (NamespaceNames) IsSubsetOf ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a NamespaceNames) IsSubsetOf(b NamespaceNames) bool
type NamespaceServiceHealth ¶
type NamespaceServiceHealth map[string]*ServiceHealth
NamespaceServicesHealth is a list of service name x health for a given namespace
type NamespaceValidations ¶
type NamespaceValidations map[string]IstioValidations
NamespaceValidations represents a set of IstioValidations grouped by namespace
type NamespaceWorkloadHealth ¶
type NamespaceWorkloadHealth map[string]*WorkloadHealth
NamespaceWorkloadsHealth is a list of workload name x health for a given namespace
type Namespaces ¶ added in v1.12.0
type Namespaces []Namespace
func (Namespaces) GetNames ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (nss Namespaces) GetNames() []string
func (Namespaces) Includes ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (nss Namespaces) Includes(namespace string) bool
func (Namespaces) IsNamespaceAmbient ¶ added in v1.80.0
func (nss Namespaces) IsNamespaceAmbient(namespace, cluster string) bool
type OutboundPolicy ¶ added in v1.57.0
type OutboundPolicy struct {
Mode string `json:"mode"`
OutboundPolicy contains information egress traffic permissions
type Pod ¶
type Pod struct { Name string `json:"name"` Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` CreatedBy []Reference `json:"createdBy"` Containers []*ContainerInfo `json:"containers"` IstioContainers []*ContainerInfo `json:"istioContainers"` IstioInitContainers []*ContainerInfo `json:"istioInitContainers"` Status string `json:"status"` StatusMessage string `json:"statusMessage"` StatusReason string `json:"statusReason"` AppLabel bool `json:"appLabel"` VersionLabel bool `json:"versionLabel"` Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` ProxyStatus *ProxyStatus `json:"proxyStatus"` ServiceAccountName string `json:"serviceAccountName"` }
Pod holds a subset of v1.Pod data that is meaningful in Kiali
func (*Pod) AmbientEnabled ¶ added in v1.67.0
AmbientEnabled returns true if the pod is labeled as ambient-type
func (Pod) HasIstioSidecar ¶ added in v0.20.0
HasIstioSidecar returns true if the pod has an Istio proxy sidecar in containers or in init containers
func (*Pod) HasNativeSidecar ¶ added in v1.75.0
HasNativeSidecar returns true if the pod has istio-proxy init containers
func (*Pod) IsWaypoint ¶ added in v1.67.0
IsWaypoint returns true if the pod is a waypoint proxy
type Pods ¶
type Pods []*Pod
Pods alias for list of Pod structs
func (Pods) HasAnyAmbient ¶ added in v1.67.0
HasAnyAmbient check each pod individually and returns true if any of them is labeled with the Ambient annotation
func (Pods) HasAnyIstioSidecar ¶ added in v1.36.0
HasAnyIstioSidecar returns true if there are pods and any of pods have a sidecar
func (Pods) HasIstioSidecar ¶ added in v0.20.0
HasIstioSidecar returns true if there are no pods or all pods have a sidecar
func (Pods) ServiceAccounts ¶ added in v1.43.0
ServiceAccounts returns the names of each service account of the pod list
func (Pods) SyncedPodProxiesCount ¶ added in v1.25.0
SyncedPodsCount returns the number of Pods with its proxy synced If none of the pods have Istio Sidecar, then return -1
type Port ¶
type Port struct { Name string `json:"name"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` AppProtocol *string `json:"appProtocol,omitempty"` Port int32 `json:"port"` }
func (*Port) Parse ¶
func (port *Port) Parse(p core_v1.ServicePort)
func (*Port) ParseEndpointPort ¶
func (port *Port) ParseEndpointPort(p core_v1.EndpointPort)
type Ports ¶
type Ports []Port
func (*Ports) Parse ¶
func (ports *Ports) Parse(ps []core_v1.ServicePort)
func (*Ports) ParseEndpointPorts ¶
func (ports *Ports) ParseEndpointPorts(ps []core_v1.EndpointPort)
func (*Ports) ParseServiceRegistryPorts ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (ports *Ports) ParseServiceRegistryPorts(rs *kubernetes.RegistryService)
type ProxyStatus ¶ added in v1.25.0
type ProxyStatus struct { CDS string `json:"CDS"` EDS string `json:"EDS"` LDS string `json:"LDS"` RDS string `json:"RDS"` }
ProxyStatus gives the sync status of the sidecar proxy. In healthy scenarios all variables should be true. If at least one variable is false, then the proxy isn't fully sync'ed with pilot.
func (ProxyStatus) IsSynced ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (ps ProxyStatus) IsSynced() bool
IsSynced returns true when all the components are with SYNCED status
type RequestHealth ¶
type RequestHealth struct { Inbound map[string]map[string]float64 `json:"inbound"` Outbound map[string]map[string]float64 `json:"outbound"` HealthAnnotations map[string]string `json:"healthAnnotations"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RequestHealth holds several stats about recent request errors - Inbound//Outbound are the rates of requests by protocol and status_code. Example: Inbound: { "http": {"200": 1.5, "400": 2.3}, "grpc": {"1": 1.2} }
func NewEmptyRequestHealth ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewEmptyRequestHealth() RequestHealth
func (*RequestHealth) AggregateInbound ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (in *RequestHealth) AggregateInbound(sample *model.Sample)
AggregateInbound adds the provided metric sample to internal inbound counters and updates error ratios
func (*RequestHealth) AggregateOutbound ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (in *RequestHealth) AggregateOutbound(sample *model.Sample)
AggregateOutbound adds the provided metric sample to internal outbound counters and updates error ratios
func (*RequestHealth) CombineReporters ¶ added in v1.29.1
func (in *RequestHealth) CombineReporters()
RequestHealth internally stores Inbound rate separated by reporter There were duplicated values that should exist in both reports but there may exist values that only are present in one or another reporter, those should be consolidated into a single result
type ResourcePermissions ¶ added in v0.9.1
type ResourcePermissions struct { Create bool `json:"create"` Update bool `json:"update"` Delete bool `json:"delete"` }
ResourcePermissions holds permission flags for an object type True means allowed.
type ResourcesPermissions ¶ added in v1.13.0
type ResourcesPermissions map[string]*ResourcePermissions
ResourcesPermissions holds a map of permission flags per resource
type Route ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Route struct { Name string `json:"name"` Domains kubernetes.Host `json:"domains"` Match string `json:"match"` VirtualService string `json:"virtual_service"` }
type Routes ¶ added in v1.28.0
type Routes []*Route
func (*Routes) Parse ¶ added in v1.28.0
func (rs *Routes) Parse(dump *kubernetes.ConfigDump, namespaces []string) error
type Runtime ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Runtime struct { Name string `json:"name"` DashboardRefs []DashboardRef `json:"dashboardRefs"` }
Runtime holds the runtime title and associated dashboard template(s)
type Service ¶
type Service struct { Name string `json:"name"` CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` ResourceVersion string `json:"resourceVersion"` Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` Selectors map[string]string `json:"selectors"` Type string `json:"type"` Ip string `json:"ip"` Ports Ports `json:"ports"` ExternalName string `json:"externalName"` Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` HealthAnnotations map[string]string `json:"healthAnnotations"` AdditionalDetails []AdditionalItem `json:"additionalDetails"` }
func (*Service) ParseRegistryService ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *Service) ParseRegistryService(service *kubernetes.RegistryService)
type ServiceDefinitionList ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ServiceDefinitionList struct { Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` ServiceDefinitions []ServiceDetails `json:"serviceDefinitions"` }
type ServiceDetails ¶
type ServiceDetails struct { Cluster string `json:"cluster"` DestinationRules []*networking_v1beta1.DestinationRule `json:"destinationRules"` Endpoints Endpoints `json:"endpoints"` IstioPermissions ResourcePermissions `json:"istioPermissions"` IstioSidecar bool `json:"istioSidecar"` K8sHTTPRoutes []*k8s_networking_v1.HTTPRoute `json:"k8sHTTPRoutes"` K8sReferenceGrants []*k8s_networking_v1beta1.ReferenceGrant `json:"k8sReferenceGrants"` Service Service `json:"service"` ServiceEntries []*networking_v1beta1.ServiceEntry `json:"serviceEntries"` VirtualServices []*networking_v1beta1.VirtualService `json:"virtualServices"` Workloads WorkloadOverviews `json:"workloads"` // Services with same app labels (different versions or a single version) Health ServiceHealth `json:"health"` NamespaceMTLS MTLSStatus `json:"namespaceMTLS"` SubServices []*ServiceOverview `json:"subServices"` Validations IstioValidations `json:"validations"` }
func (*ServiceDetails) SetEndpoints ¶
func (s *ServiceDetails) SetEndpoints(eps *core_v1.Endpoints)
func (*ServiceDetails) SetIstioSidecar ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *ServiceDetails) SetIstioSidecar(workloads WorkloadOverviews)
func (*ServiceDetails) SetPods ¶
func (s *ServiceDetails) SetPods(pods []core_v1.Pod)
func (*ServiceDetails) SetService ¶
func (s *ServiceDetails) SetService(svc *core_v1.Service)
type ServiceHealth ¶
type ServiceHealth struct {
Requests RequestHealth `json:"requests"`
ServiceHealth contains aggregated health from various sources, for a given service
func EmptyServiceHealth ¶ added in v0.11.0
func EmptyServiceHealth() ServiceHealth
EmptyServiceHealth create an empty ServiceHealth
type ServiceList ¶
type ServiceList struct { Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` Services []ServiceOverview `json:"services"` Validations IstioValidations `json:"validations"` }
func (*ServiceList) FilterServicesForSelector ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *ServiceList) FilterServicesForSelector(selector labels.Selector) []ServiceOverview
func (*ServiceList) GetServiceNames ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *ServiceList) GetServiceNames() []string
func (*ServiceList) HasMatchingServices ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *ServiceList) HasMatchingServices(service string) bool
type ServiceOverview ¶
type ServiceOverview struct { // Name of the Service // required: true // example: reviews-v1 Name string `json:"name"` // Namespace of the Service Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // Define if Pods related to this Service has an IstioSidecar deployed // required: true // example: true IstioSidecar bool `json:"istioSidecar"` // The kube cluster where this service is located. Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Check if it has Ambient enabled // required: true // example: true IstioAmbient bool `json:"istioAmbient"` // Has label app // required: true // example: true AppLabel bool `json:"appLabel"` // Additional detail sample, such as type of api being served (graphql, grpc, rest) // example: rest // required: false AdditionalDetailSample *AdditionalItem `json:"additionalDetailSample"` // Annotations of Deployment // required: false Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` // Annotations of the service HealthAnnotations map[string]string `json:"healthAnnotations"` // Names and Ports of Service Ports map[string]int `json:"ports"` // Labels for Service Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` // Selector for Service Selector map[string]string `json:"selector"` // Istio References IstioReferences []*IstioValidationKey `json:"istioReferences"` // Kiali Wizard scenario, if any KialiWizard string `json:"kialiWizard"` // ServiceRegistry values: // Kubernetes: is a service registry backed by k8s API server // External: is a service registry for externally provided ServiceEntries // Federation: special case when registry is provided from a federated environment ServiceRegistry string `json:"serviceRegistry"` // Health Health ServiceHealth `json:"health,omitempty"` }
func (*ServiceOverview) ParseToService ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (so *ServiceOverview) ParseToService() *Service
type ServiceReference ¶ added in v1.47.0
ServiceReference is the key value composed of a Name and Namespace.
type SeverityLevel ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SeverityLevel string
const ( ErrorSeverity SeverityLevel = "error" WarningSeverity SeverityLevel = "warning" Unknown SeverityLevel = "unknown" )
type Target ¶ added in v1.27.0
type TracingInfo ¶ added in v1.75.0
type TracingQuery ¶ added in v1.19.0
type ValidationSummaries ¶ added in v1.53.0
type ValidationSummaries map[string]map[string]*IstioValidationSummary
ValidationSummaries holds a map of IstioValidationSummary per cluster and namespace
type Workload ¶
type Workload struct { WorkloadListItem // Number of desired replicas defined by the user in the controller Spec // required: true // example: 2 DesiredReplicas int32 `json:"desiredReplicas"` // Number of current replicas pods that matches controller selector labels // required: true // example: 2 CurrentReplicas int32 `json:"currentReplicas"` // Number of available replicas // required: true // example: 1 AvailableReplicas int32 `json:"availableReplicas"` // Pods bound to the workload Pods Pods `json:"pods"` // Services that match workload selector Services []ServiceOverview `json:"services"` // Runtimes and associated dashboards Runtimes []Runtime `json:"runtimes"` // Additional details to display, such as configured annotations AdditionalDetails []AdditionalItem `json:"additionalDetails"` Validations IstioValidations `json:"validations"` // Ambient waypoint workloads WaypointWorkloads []Workload `json:"waypointWorkloads"` // Health Health WorkloadHealth `json:"health"` }
Workload has the details of a workload
func (Workload) CastWorkloadStatus ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (w Workload) CastWorkloadStatus() *WorkloadStatus
CastWorkloadStatus returns a WorkloadStatus out of a given Workload
func (*Workload) HasIstioAmbient ¶ added in v1.67.0
HasIstioAmbient returns true if the workload has any pod with Ambient mesh annotations
func (*Workload) HasIstioSidecar ¶ added in v0.20.0
HasIstioSidecar return true if there is at least one pod and all pods have sidecars
func (*Workload) IsGateway ¶ added in v1.72.0
IsGateway return true if the workload is Ingress or Egress Gateway
func (*Workload) ParseCronJob ¶
func (*Workload) ParseDaemonSet ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (*Workload) ParseDeployment ¶
func (workload *Workload) ParseDeployment(d *apps_v1.Deployment)
func (*Workload) ParseDeploymentConfig ¶
func (workload *Workload) ParseDeploymentConfig(dc *osapps_v1.DeploymentConfig)
func (*Workload) ParseReplicaSet ¶
func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicaSet(r *apps_v1.ReplicaSet)
func (*Workload) ParseReplicaSetParent ¶ added in v1.29.0
func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicaSetParent(r *apps_v1.ReplicaSet, workloadName string, workloadType string)
func (*Workload) ParseReplicationController ¶
func (workload *Workload) ParseReplicationController(r *core_v1.ReplicationController)
func (*Workload) ParseStatefulSet ¶
func (workload *Workload) ParseStatefulSet(s *apps_v1.StatefulSet)
func (*Workload) SetServices ¶
func (workload *Workload) SetServices(svcs *ServiceList)
type WorkloadHealth ¶
type WorkloadHealth struct { WorkloadStatus *WorkloadStatus `json:"workloadStatus"` Requests RequestHealth `json:"requests"` }
WorkloadHealth contains aggregated health from various sources, for a given workload
func EmptyWorkloadHealth ¶ added in v1.24.0
func EmptyWorkloadHealth() *WorkloadHealth
EmptyWorkloadHealth create an empty WorkloadHealth
type WorkloadItem ¶
type WorkloadItem struct { // Name of a workload member of an application // required: true // example: reviews-v1 WorkloadName string `json:"workloadName"` // Define if all Pods related to the Workload has an IstioSidecar deployed // required: true // example: true IstioSidecar bool `json:"istioSidecar"` // Define if belongs to a namespace labeled as ambient // required: true // example: true IstioAmbient bool `json:"istioAmbient"` // Labels for Workload Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` // List of service accounts involved in this application // required: true ServiceAccountNames []string `json:"serviceAccountNames"` }
type WorkloadList ¶
type WorkloadList struct { // Namespace where the workloads live in // required: true // example: bookinfo Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"` // Workloads for a given namespace // required: true Workloads []WorkloadListItem `json:"workloads"` Validations IstioValidations `json:"validations"` }
func (WorkloadList) GetLabels ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (wl WorkloadList) GetLabels() []labels.Set
type WorkloadListItem ¶
type WorkloadListItem struct { // Name of the workload // required: true // example: reviews-v1 Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster name where the workload is located // required: true // example: west-cluster-01 Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Type of the workload // required: true // example: deployment Type string `json:"type"` // Creation timestamp (in RFC3339 format) // required: true // example: 2018-07-31T12:24:17Z CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` // Kubernetes ResourceVersion // required: true // example: 192892127 ResourceVersion string `json:"resourceVersion"` // Define if Workload has an explicit Istio policy annotation // Istio supports this as a label as well - this will be defined if the label is set, too. // If both annotation and label are set, if any is false, injection is disabled. // It's mapped as a pointer to show three values nil, true, false IstioInjectionAnnotation *bool `json:"istioInjectionAnnotation,omitempty"` // Define if Pods related to this Workload has an IstioSidecar deployed // required: true // example: true IstioSidecar bool `json:"istioSidecar"` // Define if Pods related to this Workload has an IstioAmbient deployed // required: true // example: true IstioAmbient bool `json:"istioAmbient"` // Additional item sample, such as type of api being served (graphql, grpc, rest) // example: rest // required: false AdditionalDetailSample *AdditionalItem `json:"additionalDetailSample"` // Workload labels Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` // Define if Pods related to this Workload has the label App // required: true // example: true AppLabel bool `json:"appLabel"` // Define if Pods related to this Workload has the label Version // required: true // example: true VersionLabel bool `json:"versionLabel"` // Number of current workload pods // required: true // example: 1 PodCount int `json:"podCount"` // Annotations of Deployment // required: false Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` // HealthAnnotations // required: false HealthAnnotations map[string]string `json:"healthAnnotations"` // Istio References IstioReferences []*IstioValidationKey `json:"istioReferences"` // Dashboard annotations // required: false DashboardAnnotations map[string]string `json:"dashboardAnnotations"` // Names of the workload service accounts ServiceAccountNames []string `json:"serviceAccountNames"` // Health Health WorkloadHealth `json:"health,omitempty"` }
WorkloadListItem has the necessary information to display the console workload list
func (*WorkloadListItem) ParseWorkload ¶
func (workload *WorkloadListItem) ParseWorkload(w *Workload)
type WorkloadOverviews ¶
type WorkloadOverviews []*WorkloadListItem
func (WorkloadOverviews) HasIstioSidecar ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (workloads WorkloadOverviews) HasIstioSidecar() bool
HasIstioSidecar returns true if there is at least one workload which has a sidecar
type WorkloadReference ¶ added in v1.47.0
WorkloadReference is the key value composed of a Name and Namespace.
type WorkloadStatus ¶
type WorkloadStatus struct { Name string `json:"name"` DesiredReplicas int32 `json:"desiredReplicas"` CurrentReplicas int32 `json:"currentReplicas"` AvailableReplicas int32 `json:"availableReplicas"` SyncedProxies int32 `json:"syncedProxies"` }
WorkloadStatus gives - number of desired replicas defined in the Spec of a controller - number of current replicas that matches selector of a controller - number of available replicas for a given workload In healthy scenarios all variables should point same value. When something wrong happens the different values can indicate an unhealthy situation. i.e. - desired = 1, current = 10, available = 0 would means that a user scaled down a workload from 10 to 1 - but in the operaton 10 pods showed problems, so no pod is available/ready but user will see 10 pods under a workload
type Workloads ¶
type Workloads []*Workload
func (Workloads) CastWorkloadStatuses ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (ws Workloads) CastWorkloadStatuses() []*WorkloadStatus
CastWorkloadStatuses returns a WorkloadStatus array out of a given set of Workloads
Source Files
- additional_item.go
- address.go
- app.go
- cert_info.go
- config_dump.go
- dashboards.go
- destination_rule.go
- endpoint.go
- grafana_info.go
- health.go
- health_config.go
- istio_canaries.go
- istio_config.go
- istio_reference.go
- istio_validation.go
- istiod_thresholds.go
- metrics.go
- mtls_status.go
- namespace.go
- outbound_policy.go
- pod.go
- port.go
- service.go
- tracing.go
- util.go
- virtual_service.go
- workload.go