
v0.0.0-...-c15b487 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 28, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 41 Imported by: 0




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const (
	DefaultTaskMaxRetries = 3

	QCritical = "critical"
	QDefault  = "default"
	QLow      = "low"
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const (
	Project           = "ThreatMapper"
	ErrorUserNotFound = "user not found"
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const (
	AuditLogs                 = "audit-logs"
	VulnerabilityScan         = "vulnerability-scan"
	VulnerabilityScanStatus   = "vulnerability-scan-status"
	SecretScan                = "secret-scan"
	SecretScanStatus          = "secret-scan-status"
	MalwareScan               = "malware-scan"
	MalwareScanStatus         = "malware-scan-status"
	SbomArtifacts             = "sbom-artifact"
	SbomCVEScan               = "sbom-cve-scan"
	CloudComplianceScan       = "cloud-compliance-scan"
	CloudComplianceScanStatus = "cloud-compliance-scan-status"
	ComplianceScan            = "compliance-scan"
	ComplianceScanStatus      = "compliance-scan-status"
	CloudTrailAlerts          = "cloudtrail-alert"
	CloudResource             = "cloud-resource"

kafka topics

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const (
	CleanUpGraphDBTask                = "clean_up_graph_db"
	CleanUpPostgresqlTask             = "clean_up_postgresql"
	CleanupDiagnosisLogs              = "clean_up_diagnosis_logs"
	RetryFailedScansTask              = "retry_failed_scans"
	RetryFailedUpgradesTask           = "retry_failed_upgrades"
	ScanSBOMTask                      = "tasks_scan_sbom"
	GenerateSBOMTask                  = "tasks_generate_sbom"
	CheckAgentUpgradeTask             = "tasks_check_agent_upgrade"
	SyncRegistryTask                  = "task_sync_registry"
	SyncRegistryPostgresNeo4jTask     = "task_sync_registry_postgres_neo4j"
	TriggerConsoleActionsTask         = "trigger_console_actions"
	ScheduledTasks                    = "scheduled_tasks"
	SecretScanTask                    = "task_secret_scan"
	MalwareScanTask                   = "task_malware_scan"
	ReportGeneratorTask               = "tasks_generate_report"
	ComputeThreatTask                 = "compute_threat"
	SendNotificationTask              = "tasks_send_notification"
	CloudComplianceControlsTask       = "cloud_compliance_controls"
	CachePostureProviders             = "cache_posture_providers"
	ReportCleanUpTask                 = "tasks_cleanup_reports"
	LinkCloudResourceTask             = "link_cloud_resource"
	LinkNodesTask                     = "link_nodes"
	StopSecretScanTask                = "task_stop_secret_scan"
	StopMalwareScanTask               = "task_stop_malware_scan"
	StopVulnerabilityScanTask         = "task_stop_vulnerability_scan"
	UpdateCloudResourceScanStatusTask = "update_cloud_resource_scan_status"
	UpdatePodScanStatusTask           = "update_pod_scan_status"
	BulkDeleteScans                   = "bulk_delete_scans"
	AutoFetchGenerativeAIIntegrations = "auto_fetch_generative_ai_integrations"
	AsynqDeleteAllArchivedTasks       = "asynq_delete_all_archived_tasks"
	RedisRewriteAOF                   = "redis_rewrite_aof"
	DeleteCloudAccounts               = "delete_cloud_accounts"

	UpdateLicenseTask      = "update_license"
	ReportLicenseUsageTask = "report_license_usage"

	ThreatIntelUpdateTask = "threat_intel_update"

task names

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const (
	ScanStatusSuccess       = "COMPLETE"
	ScanStatusStarting      = "STARTING"
	ScanStatusInProgress    = "IN_PROGRESS"
	ScanStatusFailed        = "ERROR"
	ScanStatusCancelPending = "CANCEL_PENDING"
	ScanStatusCancelling    = "CANCELLING"
	ScanStatusCancelled     = "CANCELLED"
	ScanStatusDeletePending = "DELETE_PENDING"
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const (
	NodeTypeCloudProvider     = "CloudProvider"
	NodeTypeCloudRegion       = "CloudRegion"
	NodeTypeKubernetesCluster = "KubernetesCluster"
	NodeTypeContainerImage    = "ContainerImage"
	NodeTypeHost              = "Node"
	NodeTypeContainer         = "Container"
	NodeTypePod               = "Pod"
	NodeTypeProcess           = "Process"
	NodeTypeCloudNode         = "CloudNode"
	NodeTypeCloudResource     = "CloudResource"
	NodeTypeRegistryAccount   = "RegistryAccount"

Neo4j Node Labels

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const (
	MaskGlobal      = "mask_global"
	MaskAllImageTag = "mask_all_image_tag"
	MaskEntity      = "mask_entity"
	MaskImageTag    = "mask_image_tag"

mask_global : This is to mask gobally. (same as previous mask_across_hosts_and_images flag) mask_all_image_tag: This is to mask for all tags of an image. mask_entity: This is to mask for an entity other than container/container image. E.g. Host. mask_image_tag: This is to apply mask for an image and tag.

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const (
	FileServerURLSettingLabel       = "Console File Server URL"
	FileServerURLSettingDescription = "Serve threat intel feeds to agents. If agents are connected using a different URL than Console URL, please change this"
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const (
	FileServerPathAgentBinary = "agent-binary"
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const (
	ReportRetentionTime = 24 * time.Hour
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const (
	ScanRetryFailedStatusMessage = "scan failed to complete, please check agent logs"


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var (
	ScanTypeDetectedNode = map[Neo4jScanType]string{
		NEO4JVulnerabilityScan:   "Vulnerability",
		NEO4JSecretScan:          "Secret",
		NEO4JMalwareScan:         "Malware",
		NEO4JComplianceScan:      "Compliance",
		NEO4JCloudComplianceScan: "CloudCompliance",
	DetectedNodeScanType = map[string]Neo4jScanType{
		"Vulnerability":   NEO4JVulnerabilityScan,
		"Secret":          NEO4JSecretScan,
		"Malware":         NEO4JMalwareScan,
		"Compliance":      NEO4JComplianceScan,
		"CloudCompliance": NEO4JCloudComplianceScan,
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var (
	ScanIDReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("/", "_", ":", "_", ".", "_")

	SBOMFormatReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("@", "_", ".", "_")
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var (
	AsynqQueues = []string{QCritical, QDefault, QLow}

kafka client logger

Tasks is a list of task names to create topics


func Base64RawDecode

func Base64RawDecode(s string) (string, error)

func Base64RawEncode

func Base64RawEncode(s string) string

func BoolArrayToInterfaceArray

func BoolArrayToInterfaceArray(a []bool) []interface{}

func CheckKafkaConn

func CheckKafkaConn(kafkaBrokers []string) error

func CreateMissingTopics

func CreateMissingTopics(
	kafkaBrokers []string,
	topics []string,
	partitions int32,
	replicas int16,
	retentionMS string,
) error

func CritialTaskOpts

func CritialTaskOpts(opts ...asynq.Option) []asynq.Option

func DefaultTaskOpts

func DefaultTaskOpts(opts ...asynq.Option) []asynq.Option

func EscapeSpecialCharToUnderscore

func EscapeSpecialCharToUnderscore(s string) string

func ExecuteCommand

func ExecuteCommand(commandStr string, envVars map[string]string) (string, error)

func ExtractTarGz

func ExtractTarGz(gzipStream io.Reader, targetPath string) error

func FileExists

func FileExists(name string) bool

func FromMap

func FromMap(bb map[string]interface{}, c interface{})

FromMap Convert map[string]interface{} into structs e.g:

type Titi struct {
	Tata string `json:"tata"`

type Toto struct {
	Foo  string   `json:"foo"`
	Bar  int      `json:"bar"`
	Ta   Titi     `json:"ta"`
	Tas  []Titi   `json:"tas"`
	Tass []string `json:"tass"`

m := map[string]interface{}{
	"foo": "toto",
	"bar": 42,
	"ta": map[string]interface{}{"tata": "ok"},
	"tas": []map[string]interface{}{{"tata": "ok2"}, {"tata": "ok1"}},
	"tass": []string{"a"},

var t Toto FromMap(m, &t)

func GenerateHashFromString

func GenerateHashFromString(s string) string

func GenerateRandomNumber

func GenerateRandomNumber(numberOfDigits int) (int64, error)

func GetBoolValueFromInterfaceMap

func GetBoolValueFromInterfaceMap(claims map[string]interface{}, key string) (bool, error)

func GetCurrentDatetime

func GetCurrentDatetime() time.Time

func GetCustomerNamespace

func GetCustomerNamespace(s string) (string, error)

func GetDatetimeNow

func GetDatetimeNow() string

func GetEmailDomain

func GetEmailDomain(email string) (string, error)

func GetEnvOrDefault

func GetEnvOrDefault(envVar string, defaultValue string) string

func GetEnvOrDefaultInt

func GetEnvOrDefaultInt(envVar string, defaultValue int) int

func GetErrorRedirectURL

func GetErrorRedirectURL(consoleURL, errorMessage string) string

func GetHTTPClient

func GetHTTPClient() *http.Client

func GetInfoRedirectURL

func GetInfoRedirectURL(urlPath, message string) string

func GetInsecureHTTPClient

func GetInsecureHTTPClient() *http.Client

func GetInt64ValueFromInterfaceMap

func GetInt64ValueFromInterfaceMap(claims map[string]interface{}, key string) (int64, error)

func GetRegistryID

func GetRegistryID(registryType, ns string, pgID int32) string

func GetScheduledJobHash

func GetScheduledJobHash(schedule postgresqlDb.Scheduler) string

func GetStringValueFromInterfaceMap

func GetStringValueFromInterfaceMap(claims map[string]interface{}, key string) (string, error)

func GetTimestamp

func GetTimestamp() int64

func InSlice

func InSlice[T comparable](e T, s []T) bool

func InterfaceToInt

func InterfaceToInt(a interface{}) (int64, error)

func IsJWTExpired

func IsJWTExpired(token string) bool

func IsUUIDValid

func IsUUIDValid(uuidStr string) bool

func LowTaskOpts

func LowTaskOpts(opts ...asynq.Option) []asynq.Option

func MapKeys

func MapKeys(input map[string]string) []int32

func NewHTTPClient

func NewHTTPClient() (*http.Client, error)

func NewUUID

func NewUUID() uuid.UUID

func NewUUIDString

func NewUUIDString() string

func PrintableTimeStamp

func PrintableTimeStamp(timestamp interface{}) string

UNIX timestamp to common readable format

func RandomString

func RandomString(nByte int) (string, error)

func RecursiveZip

func RecursiveZip(pathsToZip []string, excludePathPrefixes []string, destinationPath string) error

func RemoveURLPath

func RemoveURLPath(inURL string) (string, error)

func ResourceTypeToNeo4jLabel

func ResourceTypeToNeo4jLabel(t CloudProvider) string

func SHA256sum

func SHA256sum(data []byte) string

func SetCookie

func SetCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, name, value, path string)

func SplitFullName

func SplitFullName(name string) (string, string)

func StartKafkaProducer

func StartKafkaProducer(
	ctx context.Context,
	brokers []string,
	ingestChan chan *kgo.Record,

func StringArrayToInterfaceArray

func StringArrayToInterfaceArray(a []string) []interface{}

func StripAnsi

func StripAnsi(str []byte) []byte

StripAnsi remove ansi color from log lines

func StripAnsiStr

func StripAnsiStr(str string) string

StripAnsiStr remove ansi color from log lines

func StructToMap

func StructToMap[T any](c T) map[string]interface{}

func TaskOptions

func TaskOptions(queue string, opts ...asynq.Option) []asynq.Option

func TasksMaxRetries

func TasksMaxRetries() asynq.Option

func ToMap

func ToMap[T any](c T) map[string]interface{}

TODO: check if StructToMap can replace ToMap

func ToSnakeCase

func ToSnakeCase(str string) string

func TopicWithNamespace

func TopicWithNamespace(topic, ns string) string

func TopicsWithNamespace

func TopicsWithNamespace(ns string) []string

func URLDecode

func URLDecode(s string) (string, error)

func URLEncode

func URLEncode(s string) string

func UUIDFromString

func UUIDFromString(uuidStr string) (uuid.UUID, error)

func UploadFile

func UploadFile(url string, fileName string) ([]byte, int, error)

func ValidateEmail

func ValidateEmail(email string) bool

func WaitServiceTCPConn

func WaitServiceTCPConn(host string, port string, timeout time.Duration) error


type AdvancedReportFilters

type AdvancedReportFilters struct {
	Masked                []bool   `json:"masked,omitempty"`
	ScanStatus            []string `json:"scan_status,omitempty"`
	PodName               []string `json:"pod_name,omitempty"`
	ContainerName         []string `json:"container_name,omitempty"`
	ImageName             []string `json:"image_name,omitempty"`
	HostName              []string `json:"host_name,omitempty"`
	AccountID             []string `json:"node_id,omitempty"`
	KubernetesClusterName []string `json:"kubernetes_cluster_name,omitempty"`

type AgentID

type AgentID struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Type string `json:"type"`

type AutoFetchGenerativeAIIntegrationsParameters

type AutoFetchGenerativeAIIntegrationsParameters struct {
	CloudProvider string `json:"cloud_provider"`
	UserID        int64  `json:"user_id"`

type CloudProvider

type CloudProvider int
const (
	AWS CloudProvider = iota

func StringToCloudProvider

func StringToCloudProvider(s string) CloudProvider

type MalwareScanParameters

type MalwareScanParameters struct {
	ImageName             string `json:"image_name"`
	ImageID               string `json:"image_id"`
	ScanID                string `json:"scan_id" required:"true"`
	KubernetesClusterName string `json:"kubernetes_cluster_name"`
	HostName              string `json:"host_name"`
	NodeID                string `json:"node_id"`
	NodeType              string `json:"node_type"`
	ScanType              string `json:"scan_type"`
	ContainerName         string `json:"container_name"`
	Mode                  string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	RegistryID            string `json:"registry_id,omitempty"`

type MinioError

type MinioError struct {
	XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"Error"`
	Text       string   `xml:",chardata"`
	Code       string   `xml:"Code"`
	Message    string   `xml:"Message"`
	Key        string   `xml:"Key"`
	BucketName string   `xml:"BucketName"`
	Resource   string   `xml:"Resource"`
	RequestID  string   `xml:"RequestID"`
	HostID     string   `xml:"HostID"`

type Neo4jScanType

type Neo4jScanType string
const (
	NEO4JSecretScan          Neo4jScanType = "SecretScan"
	NEO4JVulnerabilityScan   Neo4jScanType = "VulnerabilityScan"
	NEO4JMalwareScan         Neo4jScanType = "MalwareScan"
	NEO4JComplianceScan      Neo4jScanType = "ComplianceScan"
	NEO4JCloudComplianceScan Neo4jScanType = "CloudComplianceScan"

func StringToNeo4jScanType

func StringToNeo4jScanType(s string) Neo4jScanType

type RegistrySyncParams

type RegistrySyncParams struct {
	PgID int32 `json:"pg_id"`

type ReportFilters

type ReportFilters struct {
	ScanID                string                `json:"scan_id"`
	ScanType              string                `json:"scan_type" validate:"required" required:"true" enum:"vulnerability,secret,malware,compliance,cloud_compliance"`
	NodeType              string                `json:"node_type" validate:"required" required:"true" enum:"host,container,container_image,linux,cluster,aws,gcp,azure"`
	SeverityOrCheckType   []string              `json:"severity_or_check_type" enum:"critical,high,medium,low,cis,gdpr,nist,hipaa,pci,soc_2"`
	IncludeDeadNode       bool                  `json:"include_dead_nodes"`
	MostExploitableReport bool                  `json:"most_exploitable_report"`
	AdvancedReportFilters AdvancedReportFilters `json:"advanced_report_filters,omitempty"`

func (ReportFilters) String

func (r ReportFilters) String() string

type ReportOptions

type ReportOptions struct {
	// SBOMFormat Applicable if ReportType is sbom
	SBOMFormat string `` /* 180-byte string literal not displayed */

type ReportParams

type ReportParams struct {
	ReportID      string        `json:"report_id"`
	ReportType    string        `json:"report_type"`
	FromTimestamp time.Time     `json:"from_timestamp"`
	ToTimestamp   time.Time     `json:"to_timestamp"`
	Filters       ReportFilters `json:"filters"`
	Options       ReportOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`

type ReportType

type ReportType string
const (
	ReportXLSX ReportType = "xlsx"
	ReportPDF  ReportType = "pdf"
	ReportSBOM ReportType = "sbom"

type SbomBody

type SbomBody struct {
	SBOM string `json:"sbom" required:"true"`

type SbomParameters

type SbomParameters struct {
	ImageName             string `json:"image_name"`
	ImageID               string `json:"image_id"`
	ScanID                string `json:"scan_id" required:"true"`
	KubernetesClusterName string `json:"kubernetes_cluster_name"`
	HostName              string `json:"host_name"`
	NodeID                string `json:"node_id"`
	NodeType              string `json:"node_type"`
	ScanType              string `json:"scan_type"`
	ContainerName         string `json:"container_name"`
	SBOMFilePath          string `json:"sbom_file_path"`
	Mode                  string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	RegistryID            string `json:"registry_id,omitempty"`
	SkipScan              bool   `json:"skip_scan,omitempty"`

type ScanSbomRequest

type ScanSbomRequest struct {

type SecretScanParameters

type SecretScanParameters struct {
	ImageName             string `json:"image_name"`
	ImageID               string `json:"image_id"`
	ScanID                string `json:"scan_id" required:"true"`
	KubernetesClusterName string `json:"kubernetes_cluster_name"`
	HostName              string `json:"host_name"`
	NodeID                string `json:"node_id"`
	NodeType              string `json:"node_type"`
	ScanType              string `json:"scan_type"`
	ContainerName         string `json:"container_name"`
	Mode                  string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	RegistryID            string `json:"registry_id,omitempty"`


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL