Project London
Project London is an experimental implementation of etcd api on top of Azure Storage Table. The implementation is scoped
to supporting kubernetes clusters. A full implementation of etcd api is not on the scope of this project. A full implementation
of etcd api on top azure storage is also not possible due to way azure table perform transactions.
While the functional correctness has been validated, the project is still in alpha status and we are tracking a set of known issues.
How To Use
# clone the repo
git clone
cd london
# build. drop will be ./_output
make binary-build
# run
./_output/london run \
--use-tls \
--cert-file=<path> \
--key-file=<path> \
--trusted-ca-file=<path> \
--account-name=<storage account name> \
--table-name=<storage table name> \
--primary-account-key=<storage account key>
## kubernetes api-server can now connect to https://localhost:2379 or alternatively use --listen-address argument to change listening address
Testing and Validation
the repo contains a set of tests as the following
- Unit tests
make unit-tests
validates functionality of data access layer.
- Integration tests
make integration-tests
validates the functionality using etcd client apis.
- E2E tests
make e2e-test
validates the functionality using an in-proc kubernets api-server backed by London.